Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
There really should be a Congo thread to highlight the atrocities happening there (I don’t have the time to start and maintain one at the moment)…but I thought I’d post this here to show how wherever there is corruption, there’s a Zionist right there throwing money at the issue and profiting from the death and destitution of others.



May 17, 2020
After observing the msn's coverage of this atrocity over the last few weeks I've come to the realisation that their objective is to desensitise us all to the death and suffering that this population is being subjected to. They are just trying to normalise this barbarism.

Have you noticed @Stucky how on the news every time they mention the name Hamas they immediately follow with the phrase "who the British government have labelled a terrorist organisation"?
It's like they've got an IDF gunman aiming at their head. It sickens me how this narrative is being presented with the media now gas lighting the world with impunity.

The Caitlin Johnstone piece was heart rending but the incremental trauma I receive viewing these images/footage isn't beneficial for me. I have to do damage limitation on this, but I do understand the sentiment

@Orwell's mentor I've not been able to view any of the images, I can't stomach it. It's too much for me. Here in the UK we've had a constant bombardment of images of Palestinians crawling over the rubble of their homes looking for family members and lot's of maimed children lying in makeshift's repulsive.

I'm not joking when I tell you on last night's news they were broadcasting the bodycam of the IDF murderers like they are on some type of crusade. Unbelievable!

....not sure about sporting the scarf, may rise a few eyebrows at work.
Aye "proscribed" is their favourite word when it comes to hamas. Hopefully the coverage will change in light of the three murdered hostages. Three unarmed men, stripped to the waist, waving a white flag shot in a "tragic accident". I think that's gonna be a game changer and we're already seeing it in Israel.

On damage limitation, if that's what you have to do it's what you have to do. I also know how that feels. Around 6 weeks ago i was heading for a meltdown and i had to take a couple of days away. After the couple of days i found some courage and that courage hasn't left me. I also look at some of those zionist threads and that gives me the strength to carry on when i see them posting 'songs of praise' and rejoicing in "prophecy being fulfilled"...No way am i going to sit back and watch them flood the boards with their backward zionist propaganda. They rejoice we mourn and i think that sums that up.

On the people crawling over the rubble on msm. We have witnessed a massive amount of dead and mutilated children on this thread and what i would like to see is some of these more horrific scenes being beamed into every western household when they're all sitting down to eat their dinner. Maybe then public opinion among the 'i don't cares' would change enough to put pressure on our politicians to get off their arse and do something.

@Orwell's mentor Every little helps. Whether it's your Keffiyeh, a badge, sticker, flag or whatever. Wear it proudly!
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Mar 15, 2017

Some noteworthy updates from the live feed:

1. The UK, France and Germany have called for a ceasefire.
2. Israeli opposition leader and former prime minister, Yair Lapid, has called for Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to step down.

“We have a prime minister who lost the trust of the people, lost the trust of the world and lost the trust of the security establishment,” he wrote in a post on X.

3. The Israeli army has said it has uncovered the biggest Hamas tunnel in the Gaza Strip so far, AFP reported. The underground passage formed part of a wider network that stretched for over 2.5 miles and came within 400 metres of the Erez border crossing, the army said.

4. Al Jazeera is going to process legal proceedings in the assassination of Samer Abu Daqqa, was killed by a drone strike on Friday while reporting on the earlier bombing of a school used as a shelter for displaced people in the southern Gaza Strip.


May 17, 2020
A 2 state solution is looking more and more unlikely.

The two state solution has been dead for many years. The zionists have continually built up their illegal settler occupation since 1967 in order to make sure there would never be a Palestinian state. The attempted relocation of the settlers, which would be needed to give the Palestinians a contiguous state, would lead to a civil war in Israel and i doubt the Americans would support it.

For years various zionist leaders have talked about a two state solution but their actual solution was that all the Palestinians relocate to Jordan and the zionists have all of historic Palestine. Now it seems they prefer a three state solution with Gazans going into Sinai and the West Bank residents moving to Jordan.

All though the Palestinians to Jordan hit a snag when smotrich turned up in France with a map that had wiped Jordan out with a greater Israel in its place.

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Mar 15, 2017
The two state solution has been dead for many years. The zionists have continually built up their illegal settler occupation since 1967 in order to make sure there would never be a Palestinian state. The attempted relocation of the settlers, which would be needed to give the Palestinians a contiguous state, would lead to a civil war in Israel and i doubt the Americans would support it.

For years various zionist leaders have talked about a two state solution but there actual solution was that all the Palestinians relocate to Jordan and the zionists have all of historic Palestine. Now it seems they prefer a three state solution with Gazans going into Sinai and the West Bank residents moving to Jordan.

All though the Palestinians to Jordan hit a snag when smotich turned up in France with a map that had wiped Jordan out with a greater Israel in its place.

I totally agree, I was referring to the lies of the mainstream media peddling this idea of a ‘2 state solution’. It’s clear that won’t be happening, so I wonder what their next step is. Are they genuinely brave enough to perform a mass exodus of Palestinians? They’ve made a good start by pushing them and decimating their land and infrastructure, but will they brazenly just relocate 2 million odd people??

The probable conclusion is they’ll pressure Jordan and Egypt to take in ‘displaced’ Palestinians, lie about the figures, then kill off the rest and claim Hamas are over.


May 17, 2020
I was referring to the lies of the mainstream media peddling this idea of a ‘2 state solution’.
The msm and politicians have been spouting this vile lie since 1967. It is all just a big charade.

"The mantra of the “two-state solution” has become an open joke in the corridors of the UN, both for its utter impossibility in fact, and for its total failure to account for the inalienable human rights of the Palestinian people.”

Craig Mokhiber.

Al Jazeera interview (25 mins)

If someone brave enough came along and legislates that the settlers be removed you will see what these crazies are truly like. They'll make nazis and ISIS look like a boy scout troupe


May 17, 2020
On where do we go. There's only two options i can see. The ethnic cleansing of a vast majority of the Palestinians or a one state solution with both Arab and Jew. That is one state. One people. One vote. Which is what i now support.