Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

Feb 12, 2022
So in BTS thread, a Israeli comes out of a woodwork blaming the government and deflecting any responsibility what these Israeli settlers hold. Mind you , they have dual citizenship, can move to their own birthplace any time they want, most carry arms and are violent and they celebrate bombing on Palestinians and openly chant their nefarious intentions. They represent Israel.



Jan 10, 2019
RNN posted other details about Jordan and their government's suppression of public action for Israel. Frustrating information:

Today, the Jordanian regime arrested protesters, including students and journalists, for organizing a protest and chanting in support of #Gaza and its resistance.

Since October 7th, the Jordanian regime has arrested 1,000 people under the pretext of participating in protests near the American and zionist embassies, according to the Committee for the Defense of Freedoms. Some detainees are held for a few hours, others are held for days, and some remain detained. These include minors, students, journalists, and women.

The detainees are beaten, dragged, and stripped, presented to the courts with fabricated charges. The average cost of bail is an exorbitant $70,000 per protestor, a testament to the Jordanian regime's goals of silencing the Jordanian masses rising up in support of Gaza.

It should be noted that the normalizing Jordanian government maintains ties with the zionist entity despite the expulsion of the zionist ambassador and sending just two boxes of aid. Jordan routinely shoots down drones from the regional resistance headed towards the zionist entity and its American bases have been used to deliver supplies to the zionist entity in the last month.


May 20, 2017
Cornel West calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Deceptions of War and the Motives of Psychopaths. Dr. Dave Janda & Cmdr. Scott Snow 11-9-2023
Same video on Youtube:
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Jan 10, 2019
After 5 weeks there are many millions witnessing the assault on Gaza and the West Bank, absolutely horrified at the viscous cruelty of the Jewish Israeli government. Some mornings you wake up thinking the events are just a nightmare only to quickly remember this is real life. All norms of law and international morality are now shredded; the former world my grandparents (believed they) fought for is mocked by the current Western establishment of the US, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, etc... from their war offices down to the media pundits and online influencers, it is disgusting.

Every few hours we search for updates dreaming that some coalition of China, Russia, India, Iran with other Islamic based countries and the entire Global South are standing up for the unique Palestinian people- not so much to strike Israel but to land in Palestine as a collective peace force to defend and raise attention. Every day passes and it's just nothing, in fact sad how quiet China and Russia have become in the public sphere the last weeks. For decades Palestine has been alone to fight for their survival and not much has changed. The wonderful people supporting Palestinian independence know this feeling well.

At the same time I think it's too easy to blame the governments of China, Lebanon, Syria, Russia, Iran, Indonesia, etc. for not getting involved militarily. I would ask: are their people ready to die in a nuclear attack, to have their cities and monuments eradicated like the holy land, in defense of Palestine? Maybe- maybe not but that is for their majority to decide. Russia is already on the defense against NATO. I saw a poll from RT (whatever it's worth) showing only 30% of their people sympathize with Palestine. Iran also have their own concerns, especially along their northern borders. Are their people willing to be goaded into an all-out-war with a desperate, declining US/Israeli empire? As unfortunate as it is I can understand why they have their reservations.

Still as the Palestinian Resistance said it's pathetic that the collection of Islamic based countries can't come up with something more than "statements" against the current Israeli war-crimes. It's strange they fail to realize how much power we have together, especially with a right cause.


May 20, 2017
As unfortunate as it is I can understand why they have their reservations.

Still as the Palestinian Resistance said it's pathetic that the collection of Islamic based countries can't come up with something more than "statements" against the current Israeli war-crimes. It's strange they fail to realize how much power we have together, especially with a right cause
Agreed. Sami Hamdi in these videos discusses why Muslim countries have a leadership that is not ready to help their brethren even through stronger diplomatic or economic leverage much less militarily. BTW with time, the will of the people will break this stance, God willing.

Israel Supporters Asked, He Answered! “Is Israel Defending or Terr*rising?"

Gaza: The Betrayal of the Muslim Rulers with Sami Hamdi

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