Nickelodeon And Dan Schneider And General Kids Channel Creepiness


Mar 13, 2017
I was taking a morning drive this morning and I listen to talk radio, they were interviewing Brian Scolaro. I have no idea who he is but he's an actor and comedian. Immediately the conversation starts of just... I don't even have words. Apparently he was on some Nickelodeon show and he starts saying how hot the girls are. He was on a Halloween episode where the girls were dressed as super women and they wanted him to be an octopus. He's like "I'm gonna get a boner these girls are like 16." The host chimes in with "yea I know their hot, I would watch these shows with my son and think Ariana Grande is hot even though she looks like shes 12 even though shes not. Just because their 12 doesn't mean they're not hot." Then it goes even further the host asks him "if you could go back in time would you have sex with your younger self or is it gay if you have sex with your younger self? and another question if you had a clone would you have sex with your clone?"

I've never heard anything so vile on this radio station and they talk about some pretty controversial stuff and this is local radio. I had to look this dude up because apparently he's been on kids shows and is an active actor. The rest of the conversation was just about being a fat comic in Hollywood.
That's super disturbing. The FCC or whoever controls the radio airwaves now allows this on morning talk now? That guy's name sounds familiar. I'll try to look him up and see what show he was on. It'd be super creepy if I can recall seeing the episode he was in and didn't even realize...


Mar 13, 2017
Due to the onslaught of all sorts of sexual harassment scandals breaking into the mainstream news, and the Corey Feldman thing, Dan Schneider is trending*. The following article and twitter account has similar statements to what I was saying and researched in my posts here. Also that podcast is very informative as well. With so many Hollyweird creeps, it's hard to believe these are just all false accusations on a harmless producer with a foot fetish.

*P.S. Not entirely mainstream though. People magazine refuses to report on this, most likely due to Nick's parent company, Viacom...


Oct 5, 2017
Scanning briefly through screenshots of his various programming is enough for finding some pretty sexual (often soft-core pornographic) situations involving children. I can only imagine what kind of folks watch these shows for the sake of fetishization...




Mar 26, 2022
Jenette McCurdy published her memoir called "I'm Glad My Mom Died". She revealed:
- The Creator had a split personality
- He forced her to drink alcohol when she was underage and how he constantly compared the iCarly cast to the Victorious (They were wild).
- How the male crew made rude comments to her body.
-When a young child messed up his or her line, he would yell and fire them.
- He promised young actresses their own TV shows and manipulated them
- She felt like an object especially when he forced her photograph in bikinis
- She dated one of the writers of iCarly when she was seventeen
- After Sam & Cat got canceled (because a producer was sued for sexual harassment), the executives tried to silence her for money; she rejected it.

Read the entire memoir. It's very heartbreaking and has subtle humor. McCurdy is a fantastic writer.


Mar 26, 2022
One of the actresses from Victorious married one of the writers. Liz Gillies was around sixteen or seventeen when the show greenlit.