70s/80s New Wave music symbolism


Mar 22, 2023
Hello, I am EatZeBug, welcome to my thread!
This thread is for investigating symbolism and connections in 70s and 80s music, especially the late 70s/early 80s New Wave genre.
However I am mainly investigating the band which most interests me- Talking Heads because I found a few interesting things about them that made me scratch my head, especially about their lead singer.
Feel free to muse about other groups though.

Quick back story:
Suddenly I've become addicted to and obsessed with this weird 80s New Wave band from the New York CBGBs called 'Talking Heads' and their music.
You may recognise their song Psycho Killer or Burning Down the House or Once in a Lifetime.
It all started last year when I found a song called Once In A Lifetime from a meme... I could not stop listening to it for ages. It was like some sort of hypnosis ritual
Then I started going down a rabbit hole ever since, listening to their music on repeat, watching their concert and interview videos and I have found the lead singer of that group seems very suspicious, not your wholesome family guy... so I'd like to know if anyone knows any information about him and the lyrics he wrote.
No it's not just because he's autistic (Or he says so anyway in an interview) because I'm autistic too and that was part of what got me interested in this band. I could relate to his awkwardness, and it was kind of endearing.
It's not only his uncanny demeanour or weird esoteric lyrics and 'paradoxical style' of writing that leaves me with questions but mostly his affiliations which seem tied to the globalist agenda. Is this a case of autism + drugs + MK Ultra?


So anyway, here goes:
Weird things I found about Talking Heads, especially their lead singer David Byrne:

I'm new to this sort of thing by the way so I'll need your help to connect the dots, but here's what I do know:

About Talking Heads:
  • On Talking Heads probably most famous album with the album cover designed by Tibor Kalman, there are upside down letter 'A' which apparently means 'The logical symbol ∀ - "for all". According to Wikipedia "According to the principle of acrophony, the letter A originated from the Proto-Sinatic alphabet as a symbol representing the head of an ox or cow (aleph), its orientation and original meaning having been lost over time. The turned A symbol restores the letter to a more easily recognizable logographic representation of an ox's head.[5] Sounds like a baphomet
  • 1687095974295.png
  • In Talking Heads music video, their lead singer is shown with a prism that resembles a Saturn Cube levitating around his head.
  • In the same music video you see eyes on his shirt with one eye covered, cresent moon and lots of other symbolism which I'm unsure of with the Earth behind him. I'd say there's a lot to unpack here and I'm curious about the symbolism of the eaten apple... Is it some kind of weird Gnostic inversion of eating the forbidden fruit and becoming like the 'angel' figure on the right? Who knows!

Now for some tidbits about the lead singer himself, David Byrne...

  • He gave an eery prediction of the future back in 1979
He also did a song in 1985 called 'In The Future' . I suppose it could just be a silly song about paradoxes and confirmation bias but it's still very strange

  • He still performs today as a solo singer and I think just finished a musical called 'American Utopia' which I haven't watched it but it sounds really ‘woke corporate’ based on comments and reviews I have found
  • He is originally from Scotland and I know that the highest Freemason system is 'Scottish Rite' but that could be a coincidence because lots of people come from Scotland and are not Freemason. I read that his dad was Catholic and his that his mother was a protestant and I read also that she was a Quaker or something. This lead to arguments and I’m guessing that put him off Christianity and he was more tempted to sell his soul to the devil etc. etc.
  • He started this magazine called 'Reasons to be Cheerful' which is anything but because it pushes some fluffy nice sounding stuff like 'Classes teaching happiness now' in with nefarious SDG/ESG stuff and follows the UN, WEF and WHO... The unholy trinity of neofeudalism on a global scale!

  • UN is also listed but doesn't appear in the photo, you can search for it for yourself though
  • He and a bunch of other artists including Devo contributed to an abortion fundraiser album compilation last year after Roe V Wade was overturned. I have heard rumours that people in Hollywood gain energy or youthfulness from sacrifice of the unborn (Adrenochrome?). Either way, it's demonic.1687095167622.png
  • He and Talking Heads' most well-known producer Brian Eno did an album together and sampled a real-life exorcism in a song titled ‘The Jezebel Spirit’… Very strange! :/ His obsession with spiritual things and occult would continue throughout his career.
  • He recently posted this sickening photo of Jesus in a dress. Galatians 6:7 clearly states that God will not be mocked, so he is operating in an antichrist spirit. (UPDATE: He clarified in an interview with singer Lorde that he does not use social media himself but someone in a small office handles his social media so I’m not sure how much influence he has but this is still unsettling to say the least)
  • He was one of the first people to get his music on the PC. His song was titled "Like Humans Do." You would recognize it if you had a computer running XP because it was one of the 3 sample songs preloaded on there. Ironically, in the album cover, he looks like a cyborg. Does he have close ties to Bill Gates?
Unfortunately, I've reached my limit on photos I can post here, but once the thread gets posted, I will be able to post more :)
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Mar 22, 2023
Talking Heads produced music for David's feature film 1986 'True Stories' which was set in a fictional town in Texas called 'Virgil'. In that movie, there was included a scene with a song called ‘Puzzlin’ Evidence’ in which a 'preacher' of a 'church' was doing a presentation that seemed to include an awful lot of Predictive Programming symbolism. Someobody on reddit called 'Dives2Deep picked up on it and picked out all the things they could find. Here is a link to the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0ceGdwUqOw


Mar 22, 2023
Some more disturbing info :D
Have you ever heard of a movie called 'Silence of the Lambs'?
I haven't seen it but it's about cannibalistic serial killer.
Aside from being all round disturbing, it contains predictive programming of 9/11
This movie was directed by Jonathan Demme who also directed Talking Heads critically acclaimed concert film 'Stop Making Sense'. Curiously, Q Lazzarus made this eerie song for that movie
and she performed the Talking Heads song 'Heaven' which I will bring up in another post.
Jonathan Demme is also in a really bizaare pseudo-cult with (Surprise Surprise!) David Byrne, Mark Mothersbrough from Devo and Frank Zappa and several others.
This pseudo-cult is called 'The Church of the Subgenius' and is supposed to be a joke religion involving aliens, deities from various religions and an r/antiwork ethic called 'Slack'. This so called 'Church' has deep connections to Robert Anton Wilson, who wrote the Illuminatus trilogy which those Illuminati card game cards (Which are another infamous example of predictive programming) are based off of. There is even a special edition Illuminati card game deticated to this 'Church'
“The Illuminati: New World Order game had a stand-alone expansion devoted to the Church of the SubGenius. It was a relatively late addition to the game, well after the core game had "peaked", and it's been out of print for quite a while now, which is why it's somewhat harder to find references to.Its "significance" is more-or-less laid out on the card -- It greatly beefs up the power of a SubGenius Group card that it's linked to.” From Reddit
Here is what I really want to mention though, there is a tenet of this cult that the members are 'Descended from yetis' and they need to 'cull' the rest of the population through 'abortion' and 'drug abuse'... Sounds awfully Georgia Guidestone depopulation agenda...

Well... I am heading off to bed because I have an appointment in the morning, but will be back with more soon...


Mar 7, 2023
Hello, I am EatZeBug, welcome to my thread!
This thread is for investigating symbolism and connections in the late 70s/early 80s New Wave genre.
However I am mainly investigating the band which most interests me- Talking Heads because I found a few interesting things about them that made me scratch my head, especially about their lead singer.
Feel free to muse about other groups though.

Quick back story:
Suddenly I've become addicted to and obsessed with this weird 80s New Wave band from the New York CBGBs called 'Talking Heads' and their music.
You may recognise their song Psycho Killer or Burning Down the House or Once in a Lifetime.
It all started last year when I found a song called Once In A Lifetime from a meme... I could not stop listening to it for ages. It was like some sort of hypnosis ritual
Then I started going down a rabbit hole ever since, listening to their music on repeat, watching their concert and interview videos and I have found the lead singer of that group seems very suspicious, not your wholesome family guy... so I'd like to know if anyone knows any information about him and the lyrics he wrote.
No it's not just because he's autistic (Or he says so anyway in an interview) because I'm autistic too and that was part of what got me interested in this band. I could relate to his awkwardness, and it was kind of endearing.
It's not only his uncanny demeanour or weird esoteric lyrics and 'paradoxical style' of writing that leaves me with questions but mostly his affiliations which seem tied to the globalist agenda. Is this a case of autism + drugs + MK Ultra?


So anyway, here goes:
Weird things I found about Talking Heads, especially their lead singer David Byrne:

I'm new to this sort of thing by the way so I'll need your help to connect the dots, but here's what I do know:

About Talking Heads:
  • On Talking Heads probably most famous album with the album cover designed by Tibor Kalman, there are upside down letter 'A' which apparently means 'The logical symbol ∀ - "for all". According to Wikipedia "According to the principle of acrophony, the letter A originated from the Proto-Sinatic alphabet as a symbol representing the head of an ox or cow (aleph), its orientation and original meaning having been lost over time. The turned A symbol restores the letter to a more easily recognizable logographic representation of an ox's head.[5] Sounds like a baphomet
  • View attachment 88357
  • In Talking Heads music video, their lead singer is shown with a prism that resembles a Saturn Cube levitating around his head.
View attachment 88361
  • In the same music video you see eyes on his shirt with one eye covered, cresent moon and lots of other symbolism which I'm unsure of with the Earth behind him. I'd say there's a lot to unpack here and I'm curious about the symbolism of the eaten apple... Is it some kind of weird Gnostic inversion of eating the forbidden fruit and becoming like the 'angel' figure on the right? Who knows!
View attachment 88360

Now for some tidbits about the lead singer himself, David Byrne...

View attachment 88362
  • He gave an eery prediction of the future back in 1979
View attachment 88351
He also did a song in 1985 called 'In The Future' . I suppose it could just be a silly song about paradoxes and confirmation bias but it's still very strange
View attachment 88356

  • He still performs today as a solo singer and I think just finished a musical called 'American Utopia' which I haven't watched it but it sounds really ‘woke corporate’ based on comments and reviews I have found
  • He is originally from Scotland and I know that the highest Freemason system is 'Scottish Rite' but that could be a coincidence because lots of people come from Scotland and are not Freemason. I read that his dad was Catholic and his that his mother was a protestant and I read also that she was a Quaker or something. This lead to arguments and I’m guessing that put him off Christianity and he was more tempted to sell his soul to the devil etc. etc.
  • He started this magazine called 'Reasons to be Cheerful' which is anything but because it pushes some fluffy nice sounding stuff like 'Classes teaching happiness now' in with nefarious SDG/ESG stuff and follows the UN, WEF and WHO... The unholy trinity of neofeudalism on a global scale!
View attachment 88352

  • UN is also listed but doesn't appear in the photo, you can search for it for yourself though
  • He and a bunch of other artists including Devo contributed to an abortion fundraiser album compilation last year after Roe V Wade was overturned. I have heard rumours that people in Hollywood gain energy or youthfulness from sacrifice of the unborn (Adrenochrome?). Either way, it's demonic.View attachment 88353
  • He and Talking Heads' most well-known producer Brian Eno did an album together and sampled a real-life exorcism in a song titled ‘The Jezebel Spirit’… Very strange! :/ His obsession with spiritual things and occult would continue throughout his career.
View attachment 88354
  • He recently posted this sickening photo of Jesus in a dress. Galatians 6:7 clearly states that God will not be mocked, so he is operating in an antichrist spirit. (UPDATE: He clarified in an interview with singer Lorde that he does not use social media himself but someone in a small office handles his social media so I’m not sure how much influence he has but this is still unsettling to say the least)
View attachment 88355
  • He was one of the first people to get his music on the PC. His song was titled "Like Humans Do." You would recognize it if you had a computer running XP because it was one of the 3 sample songs preloaded on there. Ironically, in the album cover, he looks like a cyborg. Does he have close ties to Bill Gates?
Unfortunately, I've reached my limit on photos I can post here, but once the thread gets posted, I will be able to post more :)
Thank you so much for making this thread! About the eaten apple to the right, I believe it does symbolize eating of the forbidden fruit in the Old Testament. I'm impressed with how much you researched, in order to make this post on the Talking Heads and David Byrne.


Mar 22, 2023
Thank you so much for making this thread! About the eaten apple to the right, I believe it does symbolize eating of the forbidden fruit in the Old Testament. I'm impressed with how much you researched, in order to make this post on the Talking Heads and David Byrne.
No worries. Yes I think the forbidden fruit and juxtaposition of that in front of what looks like a charicature of a pure angel and inversion makes sense given his ties to the Discordian 'Church of Subgenius' cult (I know it's a joke cult, but I suspect it could be a front like the lower rungs of freemasonry are idk) I feel like I could have gone a lot more in depth but I lack the expertise and got a little too excited to post this or something haha.
Well like I said, I'm on the spectrum like Mr. Byrne himself so I tend to get hyperfixated on things and find him in particular a fascinating character study as I think I can kind of understand his psyche. Hopefully I can use that understanding paired with a rather dilettante understanding of symbolism to decode some things such as perplexing lyrics which seem to have hidden meanings but I might need some help because I'm sadly not very clever unlike many people who post here. I used to be hyperfixated on K-pop and did some posts on the BTS Discussion Forum in the past with my old account . I was especially hyperfixated on RM from BTS who curiously shares some similarities with Mr. Byrne such as being the leader of the group, being heralded as a genius, promoting the use of bicycle riding and a preoccupation with libraries and art museums. Sometimes it really seems like there are particular archetypes which are constructed in the entertainment industry (Especially in K-pop) to appeal to different target markets and I guess I just tend to gravitate towards that particular 'artsy-fartsy, quirky, hipster intellectual' archetype to hyperfixate on. V kind of fit that category as well in a way. Well enough talk about me, there is a Talking Heads song in particular which I wanted to discuss because I am almost certain that it is about blood sacrifice and spoiler alert: it's not Psycho Killer.
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Mar 7, 2023
No worries. Yes I think the forbidden fruit and juxtaposition of that in front of what looks like a charicature of a pure angel and inversion makes sense given his ties to the Discordian 'Church of Subgenius' cult (I know it's a joke cult, but I suspect it could be a front like the lower rungs of freemasonry are idk) I feel like I could have gone a lot more in depth but I lack the expertise and got a little too excited to post this or something haha.
Well like I said, I'm on the spectrum like Mr. Byrne himself so I tend to get hyperfixated on things and find him in particular a fascinating character study as I think I can kind of understand his psyche. Hopefully I can use that understanding paired with a rather dilettante understanding of symbolism to decode some things such as perplexing lyrics which seem to have hidden meanings but I might need some help because I'm sadly not very clever unlike many people who post here. I used to be hyperfixated on K-pop and did some posts on the BTS Discussion Forum in the past with my old account, @JINtercession . I was especially hyperfixated on RM from BTS who curiously shares some similarities with Mr. Byrne such as being the leader of the group, being heralded as a genius, promoting the use of bicycle riding and a preoccupation with libraries and art museums. Sometimes it really seems like there are particular archetypes which are constructed in the entertainment industry (Especially in K-pop) to appeal to different target markets and I guess I just tend to gravitate towards that particular 'artsy-fartsy, quirky, hipster intellectual' archetype to hyperfixate on. V kind of fit that category as well in a way. Well enough talk about me, there is a Talking Heads song in particular which I wanted to discuss because I am almost certain that it is about blood sacrifice and spoiler alert: it's not Psycho Killer.
Well I’m not sure what you could’ve done better in regards to the deep dive post you made on them; I think it’s awesome. As for the Talking Heads song that’s about blood sacrifice, can you give me a hint, by telling me which album it’s on?


Mar 22, 2023
Well I’m not sure what you could’ve done better in regards to the deep dive post you made on them; I think it’s awesome. As for the Talking Heads song that’s about blood sacrifice, can you give me a hint, by telling me which album it’s on?
Sure, it's from Speaking in Tongues
Oct 20, 2021
Say Say Say

c. 1983.

anyone see the 'conspiracy' with this song?

''say say say'' spoken in spanish would be ''seis seis seis''... 666
Lol I find it a little hard to believe Paul is proclaiming worship of Satan. Kind of like I find it hard to believe he ever died. It's a pretty crappy song of which he has made plenty but on the other hand he has made a lot of good songs to make up for it. And yes I have seen him posed with the one eyed picture but I am not losing sleep because of it.


Jun 17, 2017
Lol I find it a little hard to believe Paul is proclaiming worship of Satan. Kind of like I find it hard to believe he ever died. It's a pretty crappy song of which he has made plenty but on the other hand he has made a lot of good songs to make up for it. And yes I have seen him posed with the one eyed picture but I am not losing sleep because of it.
i have no proof that the 666 was his intention, but who knows. anything from the music industry, is not by accident. id be interested to hear that song played backward for any messages.

btw, if you look into the paul is dead conspiracy, its very clear he was replaced. theres no specific thread on it (there should be), but i did mention it here: https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/is-eminem-a-clone.6276/#post-232842


Mar 27, 2017
Kind of like I find it hard to believe he ever died.
I've looked over the evidence to see if it's a thing. It's definitely a thing. Pretty overwhelming when all the evidence is laid out and presented. It's why Lennon had to go. He was finally gonna tell it. So they (intelligence) did what they said they would do if any of them ever told. He knew the consequences. Wasn't the patsy what done him in, it was the doorman who had a history as a trained killer. Look into that.
Oct 20, 2021
I've looked over the evidence to see if it's a thing. It's definitely a thing. Pretty overwhelming when all the evidence is laid out and presented. It's why Lennon had to go. He was finally gonna tell it. So they (intelligence) did what they said they would do if any of them ever told. He knew the consequences. Wasn't the patsy what done him in, it was the doorman who had a history as a trained killer. Look into that.
I read a book once called Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler. I came to the conclusion that the CIA was involved. There is another book I read called Let Me Take You Down about Chapman. He had taken a lot of LSD for years and was on a permanent bad trip. He also felt Lennon had betrayed him with the Jesus comment and also the lyrics of Imagine. He worked with some organization that resettled Vietnamese refugees and that is where he probably became vulnerable to the CIA.
Oct 20, 2021
i have no proof that the 666 was his intention, but who knows. anything from the music industry, is not by accident. id be interested to hear that song played backward for any messages.

btw, if you look into the paul is dead conspiracy, its very clear he was replaced. theres no specific thread on it (there should be), but i did mention it here: https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/is-eminem-a-clone.6276/#post-232842
I have investigated the Paul is dead thing fairly extensively and while some of it is somewhat convincing I just don't believe it is true. Aunt Mimi would have said something LOL.
Oct 20, 2021
Also there are people who claim some guy actually wrote all the Beatles songs. And then there is the Tavistock theories not to mention the Laural Canyon book with Jim Morrison. Disinformation is so abundant these days. I think the music speaks for itself. I just think people would be better off listening to the music instead of a lot of people who are trying to make a buck off people's doubts and fears. The music makes you feel good. All the other stuff just makes you feel weird and that is what they want because some people get their kicks mindfucking people. Music is your only friend until The End.


Jun 26, 2022
I read a book once called Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler. I came to the conclusion that the CIA was involved. There is another book I read called Let Me Take You Down about Chapman. He had taken a lot of LSD for years and was on a permanent bad trip. He also felt Lennon had betrayed him with the Jesus comment and also the lyrics of Imagine. He worked with some organization that resettled Vietnamese refugees and that is where he probably became vulnerable to the CIA.
Chapman was like programmed to kill


Jun 26, 2022
i have no proof that the 666 was his intention, but who knows. anything from the music industry, is not by accident. id be interested to hear that song played backward for any messages.

btw, if you look into the paul is dead conspiracy, its very clear he was replaced. theres no specific thread on it (there should be), but i did mention it here: https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/is-eminem-a-clone.6276/#post-232842
Never believed he was dead, also because I read that the story of Mccartney death was a marketing strategy
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