Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49


Dec 13, 2017
Could you explain?

i know he has a dry style (he used to be a lawyer) but what deception do you believe Andy Woods promotes (and why do you disagree with them?)
Remember when the church at Thessalonica thought that the rapture had already happened ?

And Paul said and i am paraphrasing...

No let no one deceive you... the rapture will not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin is revealed.

So anybody teaching that the rapture comes before the man of sin is revealed... is according to Paul trying to deceive you.

This man Andy Woods is teaching that.

And that's why i call him a deceiver.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Remember when the church at Thessalonica thought that the rapture had already happened ?

And Paul said and i am paraphrasing...

No let no one deceive you... the rapture will not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin is revealed.

So anybody teaching that the rapture comes before the man of sin is revealed... is according to Paul trying to deceive you.

This man Andy Woods is teaching that.

And that's why i call him a deceiver.
And “falling away” can be translated as departure or apostasy.

You never did explain where the “Restrainer” who is “taken out of the way” fits in to the passage. If the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit (who enables Christians to act as salt and light in the world) fell upon the believers at Pentecost, the departure of his in dwelling presence would mean that either we would have to face the Tribulation as Christians is the same spiritual state as the disciples who were waiting in the city for the dunamis to come, or we would depart along with the Restrainer of evil that indwells us.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russian ambassador to Syria: Israel is provoking us to react

ISRAEL HAS to examine carefully how much the US wants to sell the F35 to the UAE.  (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)

ISRAEL HAS to examine carefully how much the US wants to sell the F35 to the UAE.
(photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)

The Russian ambassador complained that Israeli strikes aim to "escalate tensions and allow the West to carry out military activities in Syria."

Russian Ambassador to Syria Alexander Efimov warned Thursday that Israeli strikes in Syria are “provoking” Russia to react, in one of the strongest Russian condemnations of Israeli operations in Syria.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
APRIL 17, 2022
Russia summons Israeli ambassador after slamming Lapid condemnation

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the construction site of the Amur launch complex for Angara rockets at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Region, Russia April 12, 2022. (photo: Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik/Kremlin via Reuters)

Russia’s Foreign Ministry summoned Israel’s Ambassador in Moscow Alexander Ben Zvi on Sunday over Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s condemnations of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
The summons, to a meeting to take place on Monday, came days after Moscow criticized Jerusalem for its vote to support removing Russia from the UN Human Rights Council and for Lapid’s comments.

“We noted another anti-Russian attack made on April 7 by Foreign Minister Yair Lapid in the context of his country’s support for the UN General Assembly resolution to suspend the Russian Federation’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council. ... We have already given our assessments of this unlawful and politically motivated resolution," the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday, not citing a specific official as the source of the remarks.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russian military releases alleged details on Israeli strike in Syria

The U.N. General Assembly adopts a resolution on suspension of the rights of the membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council during the 10th plenary meeting of the General Assembly Eleventh Emergency Special Session on Ukraine. The resolution was adopted with 93 votes in favor, 24 against and 58 abstentions. Credit: U.N. Photo/Manuel Elías.

(April 17, 2022 / JNS) The Russian military has released what it claims are details of a recent Israeli air strike on targets in the Damascus region, Ynet reported on Sunday. The report attributed the release to a desire in Moscow to retaliate for condemnations of Russia’s actions in Ukraine by Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.

Citing Russian media reports, Ynet said senior Russian military officer Oleg Zhuravlev, the deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, had revealed that two Israeli F-16 fighter jets fired two guided missiles from the Golan Heights at targets in the Damascus area on Thursday night.

According to the Russian claims, one of the missiles was destroyed by a Russian-made Buk M2E air defense system in the possession of Assad regime forces, while the other caused material damage.

Earlier, Russia condemned Israel over what it described as “anti-Russian” rhetoric from Lapid.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russian envoy: We’ll ‘respond accordingly’ if Israel gives Ukraine defensive gear

Ambassador Anatoly Viktorov issues vague warning after Gantz announces shipment of helmets and flak jackets to Ukrainian emergency services


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russia demands Israel hand over East Jerusalem church
April 19, 2022 at 3:53 pm

A view of Church of All Nations from At-Tur (Mount of Olives) in Jerusalem on 12 October 2021 [Mustafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency]

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett requesting that he authorise the transfer of control of the Church of Saint Alexander Nevsky in the Christian Quarter of occupied East Jerusalem to Moscow.

Israeli sources said yesterday that Israel was handling the matter, without elaborating, Haaretz reported.

Sergei Stepashin, a former Russian prime minister, announced last Friday that Putin would be sending the letter, adding: "Moscow has been working for the past five years to have the compound transferred to its control."

Stepashin is chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, which is responsible for Russian holy sites in Israel, according to Haaretz.

"We are fighting for the return of St. Alexander Nevsky, and it's a really tough one," Russia's Interfax news agency quoted him as saying.

"A situation arose with Ukraine, and Israel has acted as expected: Trying to please everyone both here and there," he added.

One Russian analyst believes Israel is wary of handing over the property at a time when Russia is being sanctioned by the West as a result of its invasion of Ukraine.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved giving Alexander's Courtyard to Russia in 2020. The move was seen as a goodwill gesture following Russia's release of Naama Issachar, an Israeli citizen arrested in 2019 after police found nine grammes of cannabis in her bags during a stopover at a Moscow airport.

The courtyard, which includes the Church of St Alexander Nevsky, is located near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.


Dec 13, 2017
And “falling away” can be translated as departure or apostasy.
Apostasy means departure from doctrine.

You never did explain where the “Restrainer” who is “taken out of the way” fits in to the passage.
Yes i did.

UFOs aliens and technology have since WW2 no longer been restricted.

God's restrictive hand has been lifted to give fallen angels and their tech free reign on earth.


Jul 29, 2019
Have you guys seen the meeting between Putin and the UN secretary general Guterres, how Guterres mentioned in the meeting that he was persuaded by Erdogan (Turkey) to meet with Putin? So Turkey has now more influence than the US and the rest of EU?

Too bad, when Ezekiel 38/39 is fulfilled, the Globalist (UN/US/EU) will then take over and fulfill their new world order, thus the beast system.
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May 17, 2020
Where do these guys come from? Seriously, roughly 6 mins in and they say 'Who cares' in regards to WW3 then at just before18 mins they say, in regards to alleged Iranian 'ICBM space missile technology' that it's a 'recipe for disaster' and i'm assuming it's a 'recipe for disaster' because allegedly these missiles can reach Europe and North America. But that's not cool only WW3 is cool.

To be quite frank, i find that vile.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Where do these guys come from? Seriously, roughly 6 mins in and they say 'Who cares' in regards to WW3 then at just before18 mins they say, in regards to alleged Iranian 'ICBM space missile technology' that it's a 'recipe for disaster' and i'm assuming it's a 'recipe for disaster' because allegedly these missiles can reach Europe and North America. But that's not cool only WW3 is cool.

To be quite frank, i find that vile.
I don’t think there is anything “cool” about Jews who don’t recognise Jesus as their Messiah wanting to build a third temple, re-institute animal sacrifices or get duped by the seductions of the Antichrist.

John 5
43I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

I get no feeling that Jesus believed that this future turn of events will be a good thing at all!

Neither do I think it cool that hostile nations are forming alliances that may choose to try to annihilate Israel. I don’t even think that their destruction on the mountains of Israel will be cool. God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked.

What this realisation should do is to make those who know their Bibles realise the lateness of the hour, live in such a way as those in our lives both hear and see the Gospel lived out, and for those who don’t yet put their faith in Jesus, to reconsider the claim so many people in the Church of England read off their order of service every week “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again”


May 17, 2020
God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked.
Exactly. But my point remains. Why should I or anyone listen to those two guys who say 'who cares' regarding WW3 because apparently in their eyes that IS NOT a recipe for disaster but Iran's alleged 'space ICBM missiles' ARE a recipe for disaster? In their eyes, and i'm going by their own words, if only Europeans and Americans are dying that is a disaster but if EVERYONE the whole world over is dying, including Israel, who cares? Why should i listen to these lunatics and take anything they have to say seriously?

Please, explain that to me?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Exactly. But my point remains. Why should I or anyone listen to those two guys who say 'who cares' regarding WW3 because apparently in their eyes that IS NOT a recipe for disaster but Iran's alleged 'space ICBM missiles' ARE a recipe for disaster? In their eyes, and i'm going by their own words, if only Europeans and Americans are dying that is a disaster but if EVERYONE the whole world over is dying, including Israel, who cares? Why should i listen to these lunatics and take anything they have to say seriously?

Please, explain that to me?
They reported that a rabbi had a devil may care attitude to dividing the Temple Mount. They didn’t endorse that view. Both the surrounding nations and Israel itself will be on the “wrong side of history” going into the tribulation period. Observing those facts is different from endorsing them.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russia accuses Israel of supporting ‘neo-Nazi regime’ in Ukraine

Following sharp criticism over its foreign minister’s comments regarding Hitler’s Jewish roots, Moscow accuses Israel’s foreign minister of “anti-historical” views.

(May 3, 2022 / JNS) Russia’s foreign minister on Tuesday accused Israel of supporting “the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv,” deepening a controversy he sparked two days earlier by claiming Hitler had “Jewish blood.”

Asked by Italian media on Sunday how a Nazi regime such as Russia claims exists in Ukraine could be headed by a Jewish president such as Volodymyr Zelensky, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responded, “So what if Zelensky is Jewish? Hitler had Jewish blood.” Lavrov went on to state that “the greatest anti-Semites were Jews.”

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

Nerdeen Qiswani: "Palestine will be free."

Crowd: "Palestine will be free."

Qiswani: "By any means necessary."

Crowd: "By any means necessary."

Lamis Deek: "We declare unequivocally that all Palestinians are freedom fighters. That those who fight for justice and the other like Hamas, like Jabhat, like Islamic Jihad, like Iranian Al-Quds Forces, like the PFLP, are all freedom fighters who fight not just for the defense and liberation of Palestine, they fight for the safety and the protection of all people to whom Israel, is apartheid is a global threat.

"To whom Israel as the mobilizer of the world global machine, from Sudan to Guatemala, where they have killed tens of thousands of people, is a global threat. That our resistance serves not just themselves and Palestinians but serves the world.


"But the war has escalated. The war of liberation is coming. Palestinians inside Palestine, Palestinians you see here, are facing a new and renewed threat to our daily lives and this requires that our allies on the streets of New York stop, confront, expose and demand the dismantlement of Zionist settler groups that are mobilizing war crimes in Palestine.

"That we escalate our direct action against this corridor of war crimes. That we escalate our direct action at our campuses and against war corporations. That we expose and leave no enclave safe for the oppressors who seek to expand and revive apartheid.

"Free free Palestine"

Crowd: "Free free Palestine"

Deek: "No justice."

Crowd: "Free."

Deek: "No justice."

Crowd: "Free."

Deek: "No justice."

Crowd: "Free."

Deek: "Israel out of the Middle East."

Crowd: "Israel out of the Middle East."