LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)

Jun 26, 2022
I think something that is important to note (and I've brought this up on the forums before) is that the alt-media and it's "conservative" narrative share some of the blame for this "transgender" phenomenon.

Today i came across this article, typical "conservative"/non-mainstream article about the idiocity that is changing the definition of the word "woman" in the dictionary.

And until October 2022, the word “woman” was still defined as “an adult female human being” in the Cambridge Dictionary. What transpired on the topic during the intervening 267 years? Not much. Science confirmed what men and women have known since Adam and Eve began talking past each other — not only do the sexes have immutable physiological differences, down to their genetic matter, but they observe, act and think differently as well.
As the article says, the sexes have immutable physiological differences, down to their genetic matter. True.

However, how a person "acts" or "thinks" does not determine if a person is male or female. No matter how much a woman behaves in a tomboyish way, relates better to males, prefers stereotypically male pastimes, etc, she does not become a man. No matter what she can never be a man. And vice versa for men thinking they can be women.

Conservatives need to realize that their rigidity of what makes someone male or female based on actions or thoughts, not biology, combined with the leftists' push of gender ideology you-can-choose-whatever-you-want-to-be, led to our current situation.

I hear it all the time among so called conservatives - "women don't ..." So what is the implication, that women who don't fit that mold are not women? This plays right into the leftist narrative.


Mar 15, 2017
Yes, and sadly even children with relatively conservative parents who don't keep up on the more hidden "conspiracy" aspects end up exposed to disney. I have seen disney books at two different church nurseries. It's not the newer stuff, but something about their animation style or the colors used is seemingly addictive to children. I had to grab those books and put them up on a shelf really fast.

As they say, get a customer addicted young and theyre a customer for life. :mad:

I agree.

The independent journalist Hansen who filmed many of the clips from this performance went on the tucker carlson show (video in the link) and apparently said there's no dad's present, only "obese single moms". While the fat-shaming may be unecessary, i think his point is that it's primarily women who want to see this, either using the children as an excuse or taking them along.

Also I've noticed there's men in drag and men not in drag but actual women seem nonexistent in these shows.

(Im also hoping any parents watching the tucker carlson interview at home didnt let their kids see it, it's really graphic at times)
I am sad to say I was not aware of the hidden messages in the older Disney's movies, games and shows for young children until the last 10 years. I let my sons watch all the kiddie films I thought were innocent but I disliked the sassiness and backtalking in older children's shows. Thankfully they didn't want to watch them, because they were "girls shows". My sons are in their 20s now, so they didn't see any LGBT variety propaganda as well as the standard rebellion against authority in modern stories and shows.

Cartoon shows and video games for boys seemed to glorify wizardry, violence and battle scenes a lot. My sons were way more into cartoon games which have a LOT of it. I used to watch them as they played. I was desensitised to it all as a result. The only good thing is I am very aware what kids are being encouraged to think as a result.

My younger son is doing video game designing degree in another city, I will try to get him to talk about ideology he has seen in game development over Christmas. At the very least I expect students being expected to insert "woke ideology" everywhere in storylines.


Mar 15, 2017


May 11, 2020
Assuming the entry is true, I half feel sorry for the girl!
Maybe parents should do this as their first response?

View attachment 83383
...sadly I don't think we are too far off from anyone with traditional values being termed a bigot. Imagine in twenty years from now your sixteen year old granddaughter comes home from her fourth abortion. She lights up a cigarette and takes a shot of whiskey right in front of you. Then you confront her for being irresponsible and she calls you a self righteous and judgmental bigot. It's all going to backfire on the woke crowd when their kids become teenagers.


Jul 24, 2022
I am Foghorn Leghorn.
Note well: I do not IDENTIFY as Foghorn Leghorn.
I say, I AM Foghorn Leghorn. Dang dog.
Oct 2, 2017
...sadly I don't think we are too far off from anyone with traditional values being termed a bigot. Imagine in twenty years from now your sixteen year old granddaughter comes home from her fourth abortion. She lights up a cigarette and takes a shot of whiskey right in front of you. Then you confront her for being irresponsible and she calls you a self righteous and judgmental bigot. It's all going to backfire on the woke crowd when their kids become teenagers.

We are already at that point. I've always been childfree and happy with that choice but I was an outlier. Who just got in with my life. I'm now seeing childlessness being pushed. Traditional families are seen as bigoted and evil. Teachers trying to brainwash kids into not trusting their parents, even to lie behind their backs.


Mar 15, 2017
Why Twitter became such a cesspool. Birds of a feather flock together?


Mar 15, 2017
We are already at that point. I've always been childfree and happy with that choice but I was an outlier. Who just got in with my life. I'm now seeing childlessness being pushed. Traditional families are seen as bigoted and evil. Teachers trying to brainwash kids into not trusting their parents, even to lie behind their backs.
I agree for some people childlessness is the best option. It is worrying how society has become so anti-family as an institution though.


Mar 15, 2017
Joe Rogan is a very brave man. If he receives a backlash, I hope he has the guts to refuse to apologise for telling the truth.

Oct 2, 2017
I agree for some people childlessness is the best option. It is worrying how society has become so anti-family as an institution though.
Even I find it troubling. some of us arent meant to have kids but we are the minority not the majority. but i really hate the pushing of anti family rhetoric. It makes us childfree people look bad and its sinister as heck