Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 22, 2017
I see that some users are quite fascinated by our thread and the amount of posts we have written. Think of us whatever you want but if you have nothing to add on any of topics we discuss here, just leave and don't spam it.
You're free to lurk here all you want and take your "daily dose of laugh" as much as you want.
It's really strange to me how some of you waste your time here when you have hardly any interest in it.


Dec 24, 2017
Someone had to say it. I'm really baffled what is going on in here.

Seriously, no offense (!), where do you guys all come from? All from Asia? Korea? Japan?

Forgive me for not reading the whole thread :eek::oops::rolleyes::D:p, just joking.
Regarding all the posts you guys made in the last days (I've never seen something like this on the internet, ever!) I come up with my 3 theories:

1. you're all aged between 11-15 and just writing down whatever comes into your mind without checking if this could be interesting or not
2. where you come from, there is no place like this in the internet discussing stuff like this
3. where you come from it could be dangerous discussing stuff like this

It seems like a lot of people have a big need to discuss some things. Which is good to me, keep going.
But please guys, use the edit-button!
Thank you.
Everything you say is true, except we're much much younger than 11.


Dec 22, 2017
That doesn't concern me at all. Go on "Random thoughts" and you can freely ridicule us as much as you want. But don't it here!


Dec 30, 2017
New observation. Not completely sure if it's suspicious or not, but while I was watching this video again, this stood out to me (see attached pic; if viewing the video it's between 2:57-3:05) . If it wasn't flashing the same thing over and over I probably would not have noticed it. I thought the placement and shape was strange - it had to be intentional because those are clearly horns. As a graphic designer I would only create something like that with purpose. Things don't magically appear on my screen as I work. ... Thoughts?
Oh honey this is surely place here on purpose like and its like above their head it cant be a coincidence they said it all of this is not a coincidence


Mar 26, 2017
The Illuminati influence in K-pop I think illustrates South Korea´s need for Juche.


Dec 27, 2017
The Illuminati influence in K-pop I think illustrates South Korea´s need for Juche.
What you guys dont understand is that not only you guys think we are your source of laughter. You trolls are also are source of laughter. But plz dont spam. Like we dont spam any kpop forums, you guys shudnt too. Give and take, you know?
Btw south korea does need Juche(ik its self-reliance) XD


Mar 26, 2017
I was just asking some serious questions, of course you don't have to answer it.
I won't disturb in here anymore, I just wanted to share my thoughts.

Thank you for your response.

One last thought: it just feels a little strange to me that a bunch of people joins a forum, which is like a little community, posting massively in only one thread and not even introduce themselves.
It's like 20 people coming into a bar of a small town, just being in their own group, drinking all the beer and then they're gone.
Not that accurate comparison but I think you know what I mean.

Again, these are just my thoughts. And again, I don't wanna offend no one. I think the thread is very interesting and want you all to contribute furthermore. But it would be also polite to introduce at least. @Lolperson Exactly, give and take.


Jan 1, 2018
Add Zico, Dean and Crush too
Serious, crush too? :( im fans of him, if zico and dean i believe they will be show symbol more, bcause when i see they two i feel like something dark from they but crush i think his mv and lyric feel theres nothing wrong...

Anyone know heartfelt from amoeba culture? She is singer from same agency with crush,hangzoo show me the money,dynamic duo, she is ex wonder girl from jyp, her cover album is a little girl with red wig and cover one of her eye with her hand.


Dec 22, 2017
Опять тут дичь какая-то с левыми чуваками. Будьте бдительны, когда тралируетес.


Mar 26, 2017

Ik it means self reliance but i just wanted to troll the troll
"south Korea has been turned to U.S. imperialism's colony" according to Kim Il-sung.

If this is true and if South Korea has become a colony.... and if Juche means independence and self-reliance, why not Juche?

I mean... the Illuminati has not infiltrated the NK to my knowledge. It has infiltrated South Korea. Because the Illuminati controls the US.


Dec 24, 2017
I was just asking some serious questions, of course you don't have to answer it.
I won't disturb in here anymore, I just wanted to share my thoughts.

Thank you for your response.

One last thought: it just feels a little strange to me that a bunch of people joins a forum, which is like a little community, posting massively in only one thread and not even introduce themselves.
It's like 20 people coming into a bar of a small town, just being in their own group, drinking all the beer and then they're gone.
Not that accurate comparison but I think you know what I mean.

Again, these are just my thoughts. And again, I don't wanna offend no one. I think the thread is very interesting and want you all to contribute furthermore. But it would be also polite to introduce at least. @Lolperson Exactly, give and take.
If that was the case, you could have said so, therefore none of us would get offended. That, if you really want to offend no one. As you can see, almost everyone in this thread is a new member, we came here because of this particular topic. We would appreciate a kind gesture from a senior who has been here for months to guide us on how-to-VC Forum.


Mar 26, 2017
That would come off as offensive in South Korea but since this is the internet and we are all keyboard warriors I'll just let it slide.
What if South Korea applied self-reliance and independence without calling it Juche? Would that be considered offensive?

Or is the premise that South Korea has been made a colony false and South Korea already has self-reliance and independence just not under the name of Juche? I am not really an expert... but, because this Illuminati stuff is popping up in South Korea just as in the US.... it does make me think Kim Il-sung had a point.


Mar 26, 2017
If that was the case, you could have said so, therefore none of us would get offended. That, if you really want to offend no one. As you can see, almost everyone in this thread is a new member, we came here because of this particular topic. We would appreciate a kind gesture from a senior who has been here for months to guide us on how-to-VC Forum.
I am not meaning anything as a troll. I am happy that new and interesting people have showed up. I am simply expressing my thoughts as far as Kpop and not meaning any sort of offense.

I think the people here are making the forum more interesting.