Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 20, 2021
Yeh I’ve heard that mirrors and reflective surfaces such as water can also be used to open portals. Also I’ve heard abt CERN and how they’re working on opening portals but I don’t know much abt it
Yes. I’ve also heard of certain areas in mountains and forests can be used as portals. Usually, if there are no animals around or if the place seems to be super quiet and still, it’s most likely a portal area. They are everywhere and can also be in closets like how they portray it in the movies.


Jun 2, 2021
The Shiny Foundation donated 12,000 coal briquettes to poor families. His family wished people a warm winter. The foundation is also launching a perfume. Proceeds will go towards future work.
I get the idea why they gave them coal briquettes but isn't it strange that they donated the same thing their own son used to commit suicide??
Mar 1, 2021
I get the idea why they gave them coal briquettes but isn't it strange that they donated the same thing their own son used to commit suicide??
I'm not being extra then? It freaked me out but I was trying to be open-minded. I wouldn't be able to look at them again. First Tae of btees names his dog briquette, then this. Why don't they donate space heaters, blankets, wood, or other things to be warm? It made me very uncomfortable.


Jul 10, 2021
i will let you guys know what the Lord has revealed to me about the itaewon demon buffet ritual.

  • decorating your house, garden, cafe, restaurant, bar, school etc for halloween is like going to satan and telling him “you are welcome here please enter whenever you desire and with as many demons as you want” IT OPENS THE DOOR TO EVIL WICKEDNESS IT PUTS YOU INSIDE OF THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY YOU ARE LITERALLY ENTERING INTO THE MOUTH OF THE LION
  • the Holy Spirit told me that if there were no intercessors praying the death count would have been way higher as in 1K and above that. that’s the impression i got
  • when i was watching the videos of people receiving cpr and just laying around motionless i could see demons either sitting on their chest or circling around them in the spirit
  • the age of grace has ended and now the sheep will get their reward and the goats their judgement. no more will the penalty for sin be held back now it will be performed almost immediately. that is why we should REPENT! this is the word of the Lord > ““The time is far spent for sitting on the fence. It is past the hour where people can go back and forth between a life of sin and a life of holiness. Holiness will no longer be mixed with sinfulness anymore, there is a coming a sharp separation, a SHARP separation where it will no longer be “the sheep” on one hand and “the goats” on the other hand and that be the end of it. No, now the sheep will get their reward and the goats will get their judgement. Now, the penalty for goats is eternal separation from the Lord. Death. Entering into the fiery judgement of the Lord and darkness. No longer shall the penalty for wickedness, error, unbelief and all manner of sin be held back. It will be performed quickly nowadays, sometimes almost instantly. There will be no more delays anymore.” the old testament is coming back history will repeat itself the plages from egypt will be seen and experienced in greater scale
  • Lord from the Lord continues: “Famous people are sacrificing people for their fame. Friends, family members and random people not connected to them, the hand over these people ‘on contract’ to be killed as “their sacrifice”. There is rampant sale of human bodies [and human sexuality] to ensure money, influence and power; much like the Aztecs sacrificed people every few steps on the way to the top of their temple so many celebrities around the world sacrifice people every few notches for their star to shine.”
  • the spirit of death has been unleashed God said that people will die in their sin and wont get the chance to repent
  • people who have nobody to pray about them and keep them with prayerful ropes from falling from the edge into the pit will be reaped by satan because they have no protection over them and satan comes to steal destroy and kill.
  • while i was reading about what has happened the Lord kept reminding me of this song rush hour which came out around september He even connected hour with horror and i still don’t understand how those two go together. the way crush is photographed on the album is like looking at hime from above just like most of the videos which were shown from itaewon and how it was filmed from above. now lets look at the lyrics of the song “Crowds of people, feels like traffic.” “Passed Itaewon over the hill” (they are also mentioning itaewon you out of all place…) after mentioning itaewon we have a few more lyrics and then “This is Crush hour, get out the way, ayy” (can it be more obvious?) “We gotta celebrate, leave it up to fate, ah” what were people doing during the ritual? they were celebrating halloween and many followed their fate which was not really their fate but being at the wrong place in the wrong time can cause you to die earlier than you should. do you think people celebrating halloween are humble with contrite spirit and repentant hearts? NO they are not which means that every single one of the victims became fresh meat to evil demonic entities as the Lord called it ‘buffet for demons’. “So let me hear y'all scream, hibihibi hop, just like that” hibihibi hop is altered version of Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo SPELL CASTING. this is used in cinderella and it’s connected to the magic breaking off when midnight hits so something must happen before midnight. what does cinderella do? she gets a makeover by the “good” witch or whatever that thing is called… what do people do for halloween? they get a complete makeover resembling fallen entities even when they are dressed up as pure white angels they resemble fallen angels appearing as angels of light in disguise is what the Lord has revealed to me and keeps telling me while i’m typing this. “Gather one and all like (Oh) traffic jam” “Y'all trippin'”people collapsing on the ground (i’m adding lyrics that have been highlighted in the spirit to me) “Watch out, watch out. This is Crush hour, Crush hour, Crush hour”
  • A SNAKE ATTACKS WHEN ITS PREY IS RELAXED that is why it’s so important to be in constant prayer so we can be alert by what’s surrounding us physically and spiritually and be plugged into the Holy Spirit at all times!
  • dressing up for halloween as whatever = playing games with the enemy you gambling with your soul you resembling the enemy you making the enemy happy you opening the door to the enemy for him to come & take your life or inhabit you destroy you and then kill you. IF THE HAND OF PROTECTION OF THE LORD IS NOT UPON YOU IF GOD DOESNT PROTECT U YOU SURELY WILL BECOME FRESH MEAT A BUFFET MEAL TO THE DEMONS. IF YOU OPEN THE DOOR TO DRESSED AS WHATEVER PEOPLE IF YOU PRACTICE IN TRICK OR TREAT YOU ARE OPENING YOUR DOOR TO DEMONIC ENTITIES REPENT.
  • jabs are related frequencies are related they open people up to the enemy even more and jabs the snake bite destroys the image of the Lord in us and makes people in the image of the enemy. the jabs are the precursor of the mark of the beast. they are the foundation of the mark of the beast but are not the mark of the beast
Someone pointed at the there was a grim reaper painted on the wall behind the alley pointing at the people in the crowd


Mar 8, 2022
The Shiny Foundation donated 12,000 coal briquettes to poor families. His family wished people a warm winter. The foundation is also launching a perfume. Proceeds will go towards future work.
Oh wow. I understand that briquettes are a common thing for Korean winters but this seems a bit distasteful.

Like you said, they can donate small space heaters. In 2022, that seems more modern and they even last longer. Much unsavory things is happening with essemm at the moment.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
Oh wow. I understand that briquettes are a common thing for Korean winters but this seems a bit distasteful.

Like you said, they can donate small space heaters. In 2022, that seems more modern and they even last longer. Much unsavory things is happening with essemm at the moment.
There's many things they could do to help with staying warm. I didn't know people burn these indoors. It's very dangerous. This seems very disturbing and makes me uncomfortable.