King Christ has summonsed Charles The Pretender

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Something that is often forgotten, even by most "Christians" is that 2000 years ago, when Christ came in the body of Jesus, there were only 12 men in the entire world that truly recognized The Messiah/Christ INSIDE of Jesus, and were willing to drop everything they were doing to follow Him. And out of those 12, one betrayed Him.

Aside from the very few women who likewise believed, the rest of the world looked on in scorn and disbelief. In fact the hatred for Christ (the Truth) steadily grew until it culminated with the sham trial demanded by the religious and political leaders, with the rest of the onlookers crying out to have Jesus crucified, even though He had done no wrong.

What was Jesus' crime? Exposing the truth about the satanic worldly institutions, like church and state, and their criminal leaders. Physically healing the sick whose bodies had been sickened and/or crippled by their sins/crimes, as an outward expression of the spiritual healing that we all desperately need. And of course teaching and providing us with the ONLY Solution to ALL of our problems:

A return to The Law that our Creator gave us for our benefit, to protect us from all of this evil and to set and keep us free from the oppression, injustice, death and destruction that sin/crime brings.

Sadly, the overwhelming majority today are either incapable or unwilling to recognize or embrace the Truth or the personal responsibility that the Truth brings. They have no idea what the Truth even is, because they have grown so accustomed to the lies that they actually prefer those lies to the Truth.

And what is it that blinds so many to the Truth? Satanically derived arrogance and ignorance, which guarantee death and destruction. Need further proof of how deadly arrogance and ignorance can be?

Charles, who has lived in the lap of luxury off of the backs of others his entire life, is one of the most outspoken eugenicists on the planet, who has openly threatened the use of military force against the civilian population to enforce man-made health and environmental policies. Is Charles a paedophile and a murderer already? Diana's murder and his close association with the late, notorious paedophile Jimmy Saville are indicting. But unlike God's Law, under man-made rules, etc., the rich and powerful can get a free pass to do whatever they wish to others.

This is the man you choose instead of Christ, in much the same way the crowd called out to release the murderer and to crucify Jesus.

2000 years and this world is more evil than it ever was. No wonder it is likened to the times of Noah and to Sodom and Gomorrah, when people had no common-sense, nor any idea of what was right and wrong, and yet the unenlightened raged on right up until the time the rain started began to fall or, in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, God rained down fire from heaven and destroyed them all.

When common-sense is lacking, the ignorant and unenlightened never stop attacking.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
And if this man's impact on humanity is writing letters and serving writs to our fake royalty (for I am from the UK too), asking him to stand down and acknowledge him as the head hombre, el numero uno, but they just completely disregard him; to create what is apparently a definitive Bible (so when you quote your scripture is it from his version, I take it?); but the thing that I really want to know is.... why is it so important to keep telling us he is the second coming? How does everything he does benefit us? As in, all of humanity? Why is it so important to cheerlead him? What do you think the real impact of his existence will be on this Earth? Why does he maintain a website telling us he is the second coming? Why would he do that? What would he serve to gain by doing that? Why do you post what you do? How do you think it will benefit humanity? You get the gist.
Why wouldn't someone post the Truth, to benefit and warn others of what is coming AND what they personally NEED to do to survive? Are you really so sound asleep spiritually that you cannot see that over two-thirds of the world has now been intentionally poisoned and that we are about to be plunged into the third world war to try to wipe out everyone else (Matt. 24:21-22)?

Who else on this forum is actually presenting THE SOLUTION to all of this madness? It's great and helpful that others have been helping to expose the crimes currently being committed by the corporate fictional governments, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and the military industrial complex, etc.

If the message within this thread doesn't resonate with you, then either post some actual evidence you feel refutes something that's been shared or go elsewhere to peddle your personal opinions. Your constant need to launch a personal attack (which is an ad homonem logical fallscy whether you realize it or not) only exposes your own ignorance, including your ignorance of your own arrogance.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
None of us chose Charles, you pillock. I notice all the real questions still unanswered...
Why the need to tell more lies? Of course you have chosen Charles. If the entire British empire hadn't been metaphorically neutered, you wouldn't accept a known criminal to be your "king", while attacking Christ.

And what "real" question has been left unanswered? You very obviously haven't read much less studied the factual information that's already been posted and linked for everyone's benefit (including yours) and you don't seem to be able to break free from your satanic religious and political programming, which has conned you into mistakenly believing that there will never be a penalty to be paid for being unrepentant habitual criminals (or "sinners" if you prefer that word).

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
This fraud is not a solution, and I'll post where I want, thanks. Oh, and I did give the solution, nobody was interested so I'm just cracking on with it on my own.
Again, you offer no evidence of fraud, and use your personal opinion as a strawman argument (so that you can beat it down), while pretending that obedience to God in a Godless world that is hell-bent on destroying itself isn't the ONLY viable Solution to ALL of our problems.

If you're not advocating returning to our Creator's Perfect Law of Liberty, then YOU are the fraud.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
My satanic programming?
It is satanic programming that keeps one from being able to differentiate between the Truth and the lies.

John 3:19-21
3:19 And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil.
3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be revealed.
3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

You love your assumptions.
More hypocrisy?

Skirt the real issues, and claim everything is an ad hominem attack.
What "real" issues have been skirted? You have yet to list any, instead preferring to advance your baseless claims and false accusations.

If the fraud you cheerlead for offers practical solutions and advice then tell me what it is.
If you wish to pretend that Christ is a fraud, and pretend that what is personally posted here for everyone's benefit is "cheerleading" and pretend The ONLY real and practical Solution hasn't already been shared and discussed in detail, then that's your prerogative, at least for a little while longer (free-will).

We were given The Law (found in the first five books of the Bible) to protect us from evil and to set and keep us free. The Law contains the perfect system of governance (Theocracy), a perfect system of justice (based upon our Creator's Commandments, Statutes and Judgments, all of which are perfect and thus are always just and fair for all), the perfect agricultural policy (with no chemicals, GMOs, topsoil destruction, etc.), the perfect economic system (with no usury and built-in debt relief to eliminate poverty), and the perfect healthy diet.

Keeping The Law PREVENTS us from committing crimes against one another. If anyone is delusional enough to believe that we can love our neighbour as much as or more than ourselves whilst committing crimes against them, then they are very obviously suffering from, and still under the satanic programming endemic in this world today. No assumptions are required to make this simple and irrefutable observation.

Our failure to keep The Law has resulted in ALL of the ills of this world. Oppression, injustice, poverty, inequity/iniquity, disease, suffering and death are all the direct result of not keeping The Law, hence the reference in The Law to them as "the curses" that come upon anyone who doesn't keep The Law.

Not keeping God's Law is satanic. It is very obviously disobedience to God. Such disobedience prevents us from being able to do God's Will. And what is God's Will? For all of us to learn to get along like truly free and civilized people, who have learned to stop stealing from and murdering one another. Unfortunately very, very few are willing to strive to do that. And yes, exposing and fighting against the evil (beast) system and its tyranny -- which we have all had a hand in creating and feeding -- is obedience to God (perhaps a variation of a Thomas' Jefferson quote).

There will be a Judgment Day, on which Christ will judge everyone based upon their behaviour in this lifetime and all of the previous ones (John 5:22). Those few (144,000) who are actually teachable, will be allowed to live, and undergo another 1000 years of deprogramming our selfish, satanic tendencies, so that we can rejoin our true (spiritual) family and friends. All others will go into The Fire.

There is no dependency on anyone believing this, just as there is no dependency on anyone believing that JAH is Christ, or that Christ will judge us all on Judgment Day. Anyone who doesn't remember and return to keeping and enforcing The Law before Judgment Day is going to burn (Mal. 4). These things are true, and will happen, exactly as God has promised/prophesied and, unlike men, God always says what He means and means what He says.

No copy and paste.
That's not for you to dictate. Father (God) will govern what is personally posted.

In your own words, what do we have to do? What is the solution as you see it?
The ONLY Solution is to remember and return to The Law, exactly as we've been COMMANDED to do for the past 6000 years. Absolutely nothing else will work, which should be self-evident after 6000 years of death and decay ("Winter") under the satanic rule of men.

This is why, according to Scripture, the REAL Christ is prophesied to be here NOW, magnifying The Law and making it honourable (Isa. 42:21), after 6000 years of Satan conning us into believing that nobody can keep The Law, that we can make up our own rules and do whatever we want regardless of the harm it causes others, and that everything will somehow be okay.

Those that are meant to take notice of these facts -- that Light has come into this very dark world -- will do so and learn to improve themselves through discipline and daily self-sacrifice and LIVE. Those who aren't, won't (free-will).
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I don't even know where to begin with all this. Some truths, some lies... we're never gonna see eye to eye so you do you and we'll see how things pan out within our lifetimes. Whereabouts in the UK do you live? And do you mind me asking how old you are?
Again, nothing more than your personal opinion, with no evidence that anything that's been personally shared isn't true.

Which agency do you work for please?

A false one yes.
It's an interesting study into the psychosis that envelopes all organized religion.

In the organized religion that calls itself "Christianity", virtually every one of the thousands of protestant denominations has adopted the Roman Catholic doctrine of the "trinity", which finds no support in Scripture, as even the Roman Catholics themselves admit...

“Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture ... But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, AS THE TRINITY, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels,” — (Assumption of Mary, Life magazine, Oct 30, 1950, p. 51)

It is the satanic "trinitarian" doctrine that forwards the notion that God is somehow 3 different individuals; while at the same time not being 3 different individuals but one God, who really isn't one, but three, although not really three or one, but 3 in one.

Once this confusion is sold to the unwitting(?) adherents/cult-members, who are all too happy to shill for the pope all over the world to promote this pagan Babylonian doctrine (handed down to the Romans, who are the direct descendants of the Babylonians), it becomes possible to accept the obvious LIES that a Father is really His own Son, and that the Son can be His own Father, so that they really don't have a Father-Son relationship anymore, even though that's what they tell everyone (and thus are allegedly lying). And then there's the third wheel on the "trinity" tricycle, where God's Holy Spirit is transformed into yet a third separate but equal individual who isn't the Father or the Son, but is part of this one big happy family of actors, which isn't really a family but instead is supposedly God.

How is it even possible for Satan to peddle this completely delusional concept, instead of everyone believing the simple truth that God really is ONE? And similarly, that Father really IS God (as every Prophet and Christ Himself have told us), Christ really IS God's actual Son (whom God created first) and the Holy Spirit really IS God's Spirit working IN and THROUGH those who are striving to do God's Will.

It's really that simple, exactly as the Scriptures have told us over and over, and yet amazingly, knowing how hard-headed, stubborn and ignorant we really are, we are told in Revelation 10 that only at the end of time will we have the "mystery of God" correctly explained to us by Christ Himself.

So, if we can break free of the satanic programming that falsely claims that Christ is God, when Christ NEVER made that claim, then it can be correctly understood that JAH (Christ) is NOT claiming to be God now, nor has JAH/Christ EVER claimed to be God.

God is a SPIRITUAL-BEING (John 4:24), as are ALL of His Spiritual Children, beginning with His Firstborn (First-Created) Son, known here on Earth as Christ: The One Whom God (Father) Anointed to be King. They (the Angels, Father's Spiritual Children) are NOT human, and that includes Christ, WHO IS NOT OF THIS WORLD (and thus NOT human).

It was Jesus (who likewise is NOT God), who was the HUMAN son of the virgin body of Mary, whom Christ INCARNATED, that people saw 2000 years ago. And to humans Jesus was nothing more than a man, because humans lack the facilities to see anything spiritual, and thus could not see The Messiah/Christ INSIDE Jesus (John 1:10).

So when someone comes along and pretends that JAH is claiming to be God, when He has NEVER made that claim, just as Jesus NEVER made that claim, they are introducing a strawman based upon their own errant beliefs and misconceptions, whether they realize it or not.

And worse yet, they (i.e. YOU @Maldarker) liken someone who has done you no wrong to a drug dealer, as if providing all of this invaluable spiritual insight and wisdom for free to everyone is somehow evil, or that there must be a catch.

There is no catch. There is no religion to join, no church to go to, no collection plate to pass around, no fancy clothes, cars, houses or jets or anything else to pay for with donations, etc. This is all about helping people break free of organized religions and the upside down and backwards human perspective (believing good is evil and evil is somehow good), and learning to overcome the physical, to embrace our own divinity, i.e. that we are all spiritual-Beings that are only temporarily incarnated inside these human animal bodies.

There is no other way to worship God other than to come to this realization (John 4:23-24). And that worship begins with learning obedience and self-sacrifice, just as Christ learned obedience and self-sacrifice while here in the body of Jesus, and again while here in the body of JAH. Everything that JAH/Christ is doing is to return true believers back to spiritual converse with Father via His Holy Spirit (our connection with Father).

Seeing the small miracles that Father performs on a daily basis if anyone is actually paying attention, perhaps can seem like a drug, and is addicting, in that it brings a joy and peace that no man (human) can ever take away. But, unlike using drugs, there are no ill effects.

This is the world to come, where Christ WILL rule. Until then, Satan will continue to rule this world through his corporate fictional governments, organized religions, courts, etc. and the egos of every human on Earth who is not been brought under subjection to its host spirit-Being/Soul (1 Cor. 9:27).


Mar 23, 2021
Again, nothing more than your personal opinion, with no evidence that anything that's been personally shared isn't true.

Which agency do you work for please?

It's an interesting study into the psychosis that envelopes all organized religion.

In the organized religion that calls itself "Christianity", virtually every one of the thousands of protestant denominations has adopted the Roman Catholic doctrine of the "trinity", which finds no support in Scripture, as even the Roman Catholics themselves admit...

“Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture ... But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, AS THE TRINITY, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels,” — (Assumption of Mary, Life magazine, Oct 30, 1950, p. 51)

It is the satanic "trinitarian" doctrine that forwards the notion that God is somehow 3 different individuals; while at the same time not being 3 different individuals but one God, who really isn't one, but three, although not really three or one, but 3 in one.

Once this confusion is sold to the unwitting(?) adherents/cult-members, who are all too happy to shill for the pope all over the world to promote this pagan Babylonian doctrine (handed down to the Romans, who are the direct descendants of the Babylonians), it becomes possible to accept the obvious LIES that a Father is really His own Son, and that the Son can be His own Father, so that they really don't have a Father-Son relationship anymore, even though that's what they tell everyone (and thus are allegedly lying). And then there's the third wheel on the "trinity" tricycle, where God's Holy Spirit is transformed into yet a third separate but equal individual who isn't the Father or the Son, but is part of this one big happy family of actors, which isn't really a family but instead is supposedly God.

How is it even possible for Satan to peddle this completely delusional concept, instead of everyone believing the simple truth that God really is ONE? And similarly, that Father really IS God (as every Prophet and Christ Himself have told us), Christ really IS God's actual Son (whom God created first) and the Holy Spirit really IS God's Spirit working IN and THROUGH those who are striving to do God's Will.

It's really that simple, exactly as the Scriptures have told us over and over, and yet amazingly, knowing how hard-headed, stubborn and ignorant we really are, we are told in Revelation 10 that only at the end of time will we have the "mystery of God" correctly explained to us by Christ Himself.

So, if we can break free of the satanic programming that falsely claims that Christ is God, when Christ NEVER made that claim, then it can be correctly understood that JAH (Christ) is NOT claiming to be God now, nor has JAH/Christ EVER claimed to be God.

God is a SPIRITUAL-BEING (John 4:24), as are ALL of His Spiritual Children, beginning with His Firstborn (First-Created) Son, known here on Earth as Christ: The One Whom God (Father) Anointed to be King. They (the Angels, Father's Spiritual Children) are NOT human, and that includes Christ, WHO IS NOT OF THIS WORLD (and thus NOT human).

It was Jesus (who likewise is NOT God), who was the HUMAN son of the virgin body of Mary, whom Christ INCARNATED, that people saw 2000 years ago. And to humans Jesus was nothing more than a man, because humans lack the facilities to see anything spiritual, and thus could not see The Messiah/Christ INSIDE Jesus (John 1:10).

So when someone comes along and pretends that JAH is claiming to be God, when He has NEVER made that claim, just as Jesus NEVER made that claim, they are introducing a strawman based upon their own errant beliefs and misconceptions, whether they realize it or not.

And worse yet, they (i.e. YOU @Maldarker) liken someone who has done you no wrong to a drug dealer, as if providing all of this invaluable spiritual insight and wisdom for free to everyone is somehow evil, or that there must be a catch.

There is no catch. There is no religion to join, no church to go to, no collection plate to pass around, no fancy clothes, cars, houses or jets or anything else to pay for with donations, etc. This is all about helping people break free of organized religions and the upside down and backwards human perspective (believing good is evil and evil is somehow good), and learning to overcome the physical, to embrace our own divinity, i.e. that we are all spiritual-Beings that are only temporarily incarnated inside these human animal bodies.

There is no other way to worship God other than to come to this realization (John 4:23-24). And that worship begins with learning obedience and self-sacrifice, just as Christ learned obedience and self-sacrifice while here in the body of Jesus, and again while here in the body of JAH. Everything that JAH/Christ is doing is to return true believers back to spiritual converse with Father via His Holy Spirit (our connection with Father).

Seeing the small miracles that Father performs on a daily basis if anyone is actually paying attention, perhaps can seem like a drug, and is addicting, in that it brings a joy and peace that no man (human) can ever take away. But, unlike using drugs, there are no ill effects.

This is the world to come, where Christ WILL rule. Until then, Satan will continue to rule this world through his corporate fictional governments, organized religions, courts, etc. and the egos of every human on Earth who is not been brought under subjection to its host spirit-Being/Soul (1 Cor. 9:27).
You have really drank the kool aid haven't you? Not responding past that cuz do you really think that all that text your posting really gets my attention? Maybe a little of a discussion not a frickn novel every post its exhausting bro quite with the copy paste its old. And as for liken yup i stand by it i'm calling a false messiah a false messiah whos doing what drug dealers do give them what they want even though in the end its going to kill that person and with this guy its not just the physical that will die. Thats why it matters to me and your here spouting another cults propoganda BS no better then the cathos or heavens gate all the same in the end.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Not responding past that cuz do you really think that all that text your posting really gets my attention?
No. The posts personally made aren't intended for the spiritually blind (Matt. 15:13-14), who obviously have no love for the Truth; they are intended for those who have eyes to "see".

Not one single "Christian" has EVER been "saved" according to Christ (John 3:13), and yet Satan has duped over two-billion of them today into believing his organized religions and his priests, pastors, etc. instead of believing Christ. No wonder over 99.99% of the global population is headed for The Fire, so hopelessly inured by the system that they fight to defend it and its lies, instead of coming to The Light/Truth.


Mar 23, 2021
No. The posts personally made aren't intended for the spiritually blind (Matt. 15:13-14), who obviously have no love for the Truth; they are intended for those who have eyes to "see".

Not one single "Christian" has EVER been "saved" according to Christ (John 3:13), and yet Satan has duped over two-billion of them today into believing his organized religions and his priests, pastors, etc. instead of believing Christ. No wonder over 99.99% of the global population is headed for The Fire, so hopelessly inured by the system that they fight to defend it and its lies, instead of coming to The Light/Truth.
Then you haven't read or don't understand the gospel of CHRIST so idk you throw up (vomit) scripture like a beauty queen getting ready for a pageant but to no avail if you don't understand the gospel of CHRIST & what HE did on the cross so that we can pray worship the FATHER and be reconciled then geez idk maybe its time to go into a cave & reexamine some of your beliefs... ( and yes thats what i did not a cave but isolated from outside noise just commune with GOD you & HIM no jah truth just you & HIM work out your own salvation with fear & trembling )

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Then you haven't read or don't understand the gospel of CHRIST so idk you throw up (vomit) scripture like a beauty queen getting ready for a pageant but to no avail if you don't understand the gospel of CHRIST & what HE did on the cross so that we can pray worship the FATHER and be reconciled then geez idk maybe its time to go into a cave & reexamine some of your beliefs... ( and yes thats what i did not a cave but isolated from outside noise just commune with GOD you & HIM no jah truth just you & HIM work out your own salvation with fear & trembling )
Thank-you. It was Father Who revealed to me in the "cave" that JAH is Christ (Matt. 11:27), and Who has confirmed it countless times since then.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice, this time with some true humility.

Peace be upon you.


Mar 23, 2021
Thank-you. It was Father Who revealed to me in the "cave" that JAH is Christ (Matt. 11:27), and Who has confirmed it countless times since then.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice, this time with some true humility.

Peace be upon you.
I have and did & HE has comfirmed to me many times thus i know what your throwing down is complete Beep Sound. Again nice how you throw those digs out there speaking of humility lol.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I have and did & HE has comfirmed to me many times thus i know what your throwing down is complete Beep Sound. Again nice how you throw those digs out there speaking of humility lol.
People frequently confuse Father's Voice of reason with Satan's seductive and deceptive voice, which is why so many mistakenly (egotistically) believe they are right about things, when they are obviously wrong.

A very simple example of this is with The Law. Father has COMMANDED us to keep it for our own benefit; Satan cons people into believing the exact opposite, i.e. that supposedly nobody can keep it and that they don't have to, because they are allegedly "filled with the Holy Spirit" and "Jesus paid for all of my sins/crimes so that I can continue to sin with impunity, as long as I supposedly believe".

It couldn't be any more obvious that the theme throughout Scripture is obedience to God is Life and Good and disobedience to God is death and evil (Deut. 30:15-20; Matt. 16:27) But the spiritually blind will argue incessantly that we no longer have to keep The Law, which is the exact opposite of what Christ actually said and teaches.

Another example is that we are to judge others by their fruits (actions), whether they be good or evil (according to The Law, which is the SOLE/SOUL Criterion for differentiating good from evil). The spiritually blind come along and claim that people who do evil are somehow good, trustworthy teachers and leaders and that people who do good and avoid evil are supposedly evil and untrustworthy (Isa. 5:20-21). Again, exactly backwards, and a tactic routinely used by the spiritually blind, because their errant viewpoints cannot withstand even minimal scrutiny.


Mar 23, 2021
I've been on this antichrist's site and the ulterior motive is obvious. No asking for donations that I could find on the main page, but on his website he says that 99.9% will burn in the fires of hell, then at the end of his free "Way home or face the fire" PDF which I'm sure is as filled with as much scaremongering as it can stuff in, it says:

"The King of kings’ Bible is huge, but easy to read and navigate. It is available in E-Book format, that can be read at your leisure on your home computer, or on HTML compatible reading pads, exclusively from the website URL below. The E-Book is easy to navigate and comes as part of the Armageddon Survival-Kit, on a handy pocket-sized CD. This unique work of spiritual enlightenment and Revelation can be yours for the remarkably low price of $50 (U.S. Dollars - America) or €50 (Euros – rest of the world). You can not afford to miss this invaluable source of Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding. "

So somebody does stand to benefit, financially. So he gives people a free book that tells them unless they change their ways they will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity,scares them silly and then sells the solution, and you shill for the cunt and that's all there is to it.

Shame on you both, if you aren't one and the same.
And there you go....

BTW @ A Freeman didn't you say that only 12 knew that CHRIST was the messiah if i remember reading that...hard to keep track of a novel of drivel text post that doesn't seem to ever really get to the point....but anyway um sorry there are many examples of those others in the multitudes that came and saw believed so nope try again for one example is the centurion and many more in the gospels. So wrong on that point what else then.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I've been on this antichrist's site and the ulterior motive is obvious. No asking for donations that I could find on the main page, but on his website he says that 99.9% will burn in the fires of hell, then at the end of his free "Way home or face the fire" PDF which I'm sure is as filled with as much scaremongering as it can stuff in, it says:

"The King of kings’ Bible is huge, but easy to read and navigate. It is available in E-Book format, that can be read at your leisure on your home computer, or on HTML compatible reading pads, exclusively from the website URL below. The E-Book is easy to navigate and comes as part of the Armageddon Survival-Kit, on a handy pocket-sized CD. This unique work of spiritual enlightenment and Revelation can be yours for the remarkably low price of $50 (U.S. Dollars - America) or €50 (Euros – rest of the world). You can not afford to miss this invaluable source of Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding. "

So somebody does stand to benefit, financially. So he gives people a free book that tells them unless they change their ways they will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity,scares them silly and then sells the solution, and you shill for the cunt and that's all there is to it.

Shame on you both, if you aren't one and the same.
The King of kings' Bible is available FOR FREE ONLINE to anyone who wishes to use it.

For those who do not have an internet connection, or want their own copy of that resource for their own computer or mobile device, they are asked to pay for it, to cover the expenses of making it, packaging it and sending it out all over the world.

Shame on YOU for allowing Satan to so easily use you to call good (what JAH/Christ is doing evil) and to call evil (what YOU are doing) good.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
And there you go....

BTW @ A Freeman didn't you say that only 12 knew that CHRIST was the messiah if i remember reading that...hard to keep track of a novel of drivel text post that doesn't seem to ever really get to the point....but anyway um sorry there are many examples of those others in the multitudes that came and saw believed so nope try again for one example is the centurion and many more in the gospels. So wrong on that point what else then.
You've misquoted what was said yet again, so you can attack what wasn't said, which is not only a strawman argument (logical fallacy), but also bearing false witness against another. And you do so without hesitation, as if it isn't patently evil to do such things.


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
It's not even worth engaging, this is a shameless, brazen hustler, corrupted by greed, preying on the week. As I said before, how many times has he been called out, and just keeps going? I definitely take umbrage with anybody calling themselves the second coming, and this prat was proven to be another antichrist
Childishly calling someone names is not calling someone out; it's simply being childish. You have never provided a single shred of evidence that ANYTHING that has been personally shared here is inaccurate or misleading.

Learn the difference between your meaningless, baseless personal opinions (conjecture) and evidence (actual proof).

God Bless.


Jan 22, 2018
Due to having to avoid the "Mark of the Beast" we now
only accept cash
That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long long time. I was chuckling like a good un leading up to it but that bit made me roar.


Hey, I hear Amazon are doing a nice line in asbestos lined high fashion hell wear. You can get fully kitted up for about $49 head to toe.

I'm plumping for that option.