Just Because Anti-Semites Talk About ‘Cultural Marxism’ Doesn’t Mean it Isn’t Real

Sep 5, 2018
L. Ron Paul let it slip over the summer what the 'cultural marxist' crowd is all about.





You are judged by the company you keep and the theory itself comes from the original Nazi's, is perpetuated by Neo-Nazi's, AND IS NOT REAL.

You can fool some people here with your "centrist" views but you sure do perpetuate a lot of right wing propaganda.
Sep 5, 2018
Although I wish there was such a thing as cultural Marxism, as it surely would be an improvement on soulless empty satanic cultural capitalism.


Mar 27, 2017
You can fool some people here with your "centrist" views but you sure do perpetuate a lot of right wing propaganda.
So I guess you're talking to me again? Really? Seriously? Enough of that sh*t. Listen up you wanna be contrarian "anarchist" poser and f*cking HEAR me this time. The article was presented WITHOUT COMMENT. IT"S NOT AN ENDORSEMENT EITHER WAY. I just thought it was an interesting read. It's the Jewish Tablet magazine doing a series on the left allowing a conservative to comment in their 'State of the Left' series for chrissakes. Context. But of course it's pretty obvious that you never even read the article and just jumped into the thread.. I go out on the net and find DIFFERENT views from DIFFERENT sources and and bring them here for people to think about and discuss. Not just whats in your bubble. All you want is an echo chamber. Your real limitation is that you will only ever have one way of seeing things. One viewpoint. That just makes you rigid and boring. BTW, I saw you edging up on me from a mile away. I knew sooner than later you were gonna start trouble with me. Don't think I wasn't counting on it. So put me on ignore cause you're already there (my first ignore-congratulations!) Now you have a nice day Che (wannabe)...
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Sep 5, 2018
Yeah lie to someone else that you just post things without endorsement for the sake of discussion. All you do is put out right wing paranoia and I ain’t buying it. It’s a common tactic of “red pilling” people and you are just acting as a gateway to full on fascism.

That said I harbor no anger or ill will towards you UAC and while you are wrong and deceptive I wish nothing but peace for you.

I have turned a corner in my life and I hope one day you will see the error of your ways. You correctly identify the problem of (Corporate) Globalism ( Global Capitalism) but Nationalism is not the answer.

I probably came at this post in righteous anger and I could have stated my views in a more constructive manner so I will apologize for that.

Edit: I live in no bubble. I went from High School Neo-Con to Ron Paul Libertarian in my early 20s up until about 2016. So I know all the viewpoints and that is why I am where I am now politically.
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Mar 27, 2017
Ok but the phrase "Cultural Marxism" is literally derived from Nazi propaganda. Hitler used a term called "Cultural Bolshevism" (Kulturbolschewismus) to mean the same thing. It's fascist fear mongering. It never had any factual basis.
TBH, I really didn't get clued into that angle until I read the article. But the point of the article is to let them attempt to explain why they think it is not. In a Jewish magazine. Surely if they can give him a chance to explain his point then so could we. Like I said, given the context of where it was published and the subject, I thought it was interesting. Don't you think they knew he was fighting an uphill battle, but they let him go ahead and posit his point of view anyway? With all the rampant censorship I think that's admirable. The reality is that it is published, it exists, and it is in the real world.

As for the Nazi Propaganda, I think I found how that started:
Derogatory usage of "Bolshevik"
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and other Nazi leaders used it in reference to the worldwide political movement coordinated by the Comintern.

COMINTERN: The Communist International (Comintern), known also as the Third International (1919–1943), was an international organization that advocated world communism. The Comintern resolved at its Second Congress to "struggle by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the state".[1] The Comintern had been preceded by the 1916 dissolution of the Second International.

I don't think I would term either of them very civic-minded groups, would you? Same for their allies Japan and Italy. All went facist.
And then the German facist Nazis finally had the big war with the Russian communist Bolsheviks, both committers of great atrocities.. And when it was all over, a whole lot more people were dead and a whole lot more people had to live with facism under the Soviets including 1/2 of Germany. Just traded one system for the other. That's why people like Patton and McArthur wanted to just go ahead and fight the Soviets next. Because they saw the same thing. Don't worry about the propaganda though. The Russians payed them back. When Germany was smashed and they had no communications left, the Russians started talking smack about them worldwide because they knew the Germans had no way to answer back. Payback. It's not like Europe didn't have a history of this stuff. It pretty much is their history. Sad but true.

BTW, you can watch this play reenacted every time there's a rumble with the 'White Nationalists' playing the role of the "Nazis" and 'Antifa' playing the part of "The Bolsheviks." And what a sad little play it is. If you look really closely you can sometimes see the puppet strings. I don't wish to even whiff any of those ideologies in this country after what happened in WW2, but they have the right to stage it and that's part of this country too. You gotta take the good with the bad, I suppose. But if you look really really closely you can see that it's most likely the 1% who had the bad PR problem awhile back using money, media, and the funding of naturally devisive movements and stoking every devisive issue as the strings used to set the 99% against each other. You might see (look closely) that they solved their bad PR problem while creating conditions to take even more money out of the pot. Cui bono? Nobody's protesting them now are they? And Wall St. and the Military Industrial Complex roll on...

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Sep 5, 2018

“The alleged “Frankfurt School” origin of the cultural Marxism plot has even been featured on the site, through an image of the Frankfurt School leadership that was originally featured on the American neo-Nazi Stormfront website.

This evidence suggests that the William S. Lind / Paul Weyrich promoted “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory is anything but incidental to the worldview of NMR leadership but, rather, has become deeply woven into their outlook.

In January 2017, three former NMR members were arrested as suspects in a terrorist bombing attack, on an immigrant refugee center in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, that seriously wounded one person.”


“Donald Trump ; the July 22, 2016 murder of nine people at a McDonalds fast food restaurant in Munich, Germany, by a teenage admirer of Hitler ; the June 2016 assassination of a British member of parliament ; June 2016 neo-Nazi violence in Sacramento, CA ; a Summer 2015 white supremacist mass-execution of nine at a Charleston, SC church ; the July 22, 2011 Norway terrorist attack that killed and wounded almost 400 ; the 2001 al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on America.

What do these share in common ?

In Spring 2016, Donald Trump met William S. Lind and gave Trump the 2009 William Lind / Paul Weyrich co-authored book The Next Conservatism, which includes discussion of “cultural Marxism” and Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW).

All of the instances of terrorism and violence covered in the case studies below (click on numbers 1-6 for subsections in story) have links, either directly or indirectly, to varying degrees, to the ideas of William S. Lind — either by a conspiracy theory promoted by Lind referred to as “cultural Marxism”, by Lind’s theory of “Fourth Generation Warfare” (4GW), or both.”

If you believe in “Cultural Marxism” theory you believe in murder and terrorism.
Jul 29, 2018
the July 22, 2016 murder of nine people at a McDonalds fast food restaurant in Munich, Germany, by a teenage admirer of Hitler ; the June 2016 assassination of a British member of parliament ; June 2016 neo-Nazi violence in Sacramento, CA ; a Summer 2015 white supremacist mass-execution of nine at a Charleston, SC church ; the July 22, 2011 Norway terrorist attack that killed and wounded almost 400 ; the 2001 al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on America.

What do these share in common ?
That they were false flag attacks orchestrated by members of the synagogue of Satan?
May 14, 2017
Cultural Marxism "exists", but it's nothing more than a boogeyman of the right. In it's most benign form, it's conservatives thinking gay people and the like are icky. In most cases, it's just old white men with money afraid that the elevation of other groups will cause them to lose the power they've held for generations.

The worst part is it's a deliberately manipulative word, stirring up decades-old fear (and misunderstanding) of "the Red Menace" since even if cultural Marxism wasn't more than just a scare tactic... It isn't Marxist. At all. Marxism is a political and economic opposed to capitalism and the so-called cultural Marxists are avowed capitalists.

You can make the argument that some people on the American left (which is center, at best, on a global scale) use certain elements of Marxist revolutionary tactics (i.e.: using the anger marginalized groups) but their end game isn't all that different from the conservatives; they just think that women, minorities, and LGBT people can openly act in the capitalist society. And if you're going to call that "culturally Marxist", the "left" can call this new shape of modern conservativism "fascist".

But at the end of the day it's all a smoke screen. It's two opposing factions of capitalism fighting for dominance and no matter what side ends up having dominance nothing will change; human beings will still be oppressed by a social and economic elite. the planet will continue getting exploited until it's a withered husk, and nothing will change.
May 14, 2017
Do you really still believe that it was "Al-Qaeda terrorists" that attacked America in 2001?
The best way to pull off a false flag in the modern era is not actually pull off a false flag, but to make sure that a terrorist attack happens and it does as much damage as it possibly can do. You can control the aftermath and have deniability. It's a win/win.


Dec 21, 2018
@Corvus Metus

Sorry, but I have to disagree on you that communism is just an economic model. To Karl Marx, communism would only be installed after a cultural reform, wherein concepts like family and religion would be obsolete because to him marriage and this kind of stuff where only ways of the burguoise to keep the resourses amongst themselves.

Cultural Marxism is the gradual transformation of the current society in this kind of communist society. I invite you to see other posts I wrote about our current situation here in brazil, that's the situation and phenomenon I call social marxism