is CERN opening the portal to hell?


Sep 20, 2017
CERN have been known for tampering with electronic particles with their large hadron collider also known as a bottomless pitt

The term bottomless pitt can in fact be found in the bible

"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit . . . And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
Revelation 9:1-2, 11, KJV

Apollyon is the god of destruction, This is interesting because CERN Have a statue of Shiva of which they worship
Shiva Is the God of Destruction

Shiva is known as "The Destroyer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is one of the supreme beings who creates, protects and transforms the universe. ... Shiva is also known as Adiyogi Shiva, regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation and arts.

We know that their is some speculation that CERN Created the "theory" Mandella effect where thing's seem different or theirs subtle changes to movies etc.
For e.g In forest gump the Quote Life is like a box of chocolates has been changed to Life was like a box of chocolates

It should also be noted that Tom hanks Turned the large hadron collider on back in 2009 before this theory was in play.

Jim carrey has also been known to quote certain thing's in his movies that have been somewhat altered.

I found it interesting though in a recent article uploaded here by the WHO (World health organisation) That their was a image of them with The Shiva statue yet again.

Cern have admitted numerous times that they have tried to tamper with opening alternate dimensions and portals. They also have done strange rituals in the past.

My theory and wha i believe is that they will open the portal to hell that is mentioned in the bible.




Jan 22, 2018
Sigh :rolleyes:

If you want to learn something about what Lord Shiva is, try here:

Christians trying to vaguely interpret Hinduism from a reference to it in an alien context (it being science nonetheless), is cringey to see.

(here's something further )
All I can say is it's a bloody good job there are so many people about who can justify every single despotic, nefarious action of modern day psycopaths by relating it to a chapter in their bible.

I guess we should all look to the sky, mouth agape, and just wait for Gods next move.
May 15, 2017
Yeh CERN embrace Shiva. Shivas just another fallen counterfeit God. Anything but true christianity is accepted to the elite, they love abit of Shiva, remember when they lit up the tower. Not sure what the goal is with CERN but definitely messing with the fabric of things, not sure about the mandela affect there are parameters set up dont think we can change events past.
Mar 14, 2017
Sigh :rolleyes:

If you want to learn something about what Lord Shiva is, try here:

Christians trying to vaguely interpret Hinduism from a reference to it in an alien context (it being science nonetheless), is cringey to see.

(here's something further )
i do agree with you, but no matter what Shiva represents, people still follow 'it' wrong and so you have all types of weird shit in hinduism under the name of Shiva worship.
There's def a dodgy reason why CERN has Shiva's image on it. it is idolatory at the very least. I also believe CERN is about opening a portal to the other side.

i watched a youtube video once from pakistani tv, it was about a black magician from there, he would do vigil in an empty grave at night..and summon/communicate with various hindu entities eg Kali. Now to a hindu these entities are benevolent and holy, yet to the pakistan it represents something evil. He was talking about how when it comes, it comes with the worst smell.

truth is, these experiences are not real, i mean they're real in some sense, in a metaphysical sense, but they're also our own projection.
if he literally thought of a flying spaghetti monster and had some ready made mantra with some established thought form concept, it would manifest. Still ask yourself why CERN have an idol of shiva there?
keeping in mind here that in theosophy, shiva is likened to LUCIFER..and lucifer is ultimately linked to God as Wisdom but also linked to the rebellion of iblees eg they call it 'the dance of shiva'...
so again...look at the's the dancing Shiva, to CERN it's most def lucifer.


Aug 19, 2019
No because Hell doesn’t exist right now. Go back and read revelation. God hasn’t made “hell” what CERN is, is a money pit for people to justify the Big Bang theory.


Aug 19, 2019
Jul 20, 2019
The statue is Kali and yes, she is a dangerous character.
Incorrect, this is just another case of disinfo. Kali is a very complex symbol in Hinduism. She is also a very motherly figure.



Aug 19, 2019
Incorrect, this is just another case of disinfo. Kali is a very complex symbol in Hinduism. She is also a very motherly figure.

Yeahhhh holding a mans head a necklace of skulls and her imagery is not maternal. At least by western standards.
Jul 20, 2019
i do agree with you, but no matter what Shiva represents, people still follow 'it' wrong and so you have all types of weird shit in hinduism under the name of Shiva worship.
Well in most predominant forms of Shaivism, Shiva represents Brahman itself, Ultimate Reality, without distinction. "Om Namah Shivaya" as it goes.
Shiva as a depicted figure, represents the 'greatest sage', the one who mastered all the yogas.

keeping in mind here that in theosophy, shiva is likened to LUCIFER..and lucifer is ultimately linked to God as Wisdom but also linked to the rebellion of iblees eg they call it 'the dance of shiva'...
so again...look at the's the dancing Shiva, to CERN it's most def lucifer.


Aug 19, 2019
Well in most predominant forms of Shaivism, Shiva represents Brahman itself, Ultimate Reality, without distinction. "Om Namah Shivaya" as it goes.
Shiva as a depicted figure, represents the 'greatest sage', the one who mastered all the yogas.

Even in the article cited it does not deny the death cult that surrounds Kali or the art that depicts this goddess as vengeful, gruesome, and the embodiment of death. We have examples of cups made from human skulls, drums used in ceremonies from human skull caps and flutes made from the femurs of humans. I’m not denying that life is brutal but I won’t downplay the very real and very dark imagery of this goddess.
Jul 20, 2019
Yeahhhh holding a mans head a necklace of skulls and her imagery is not maternal. At least by western standards.
Interpreting the immensely symbolic traditions of Hinduism literally miss the point.

The concept of the "wrath of God", at that, is very invited in the Abrahamic religions, so you're doing yourself a disservice at the same time. Try to study the topic with sincerity from Hindu sources before you come to any conclusions on what these symbols actually mean. Kali is literally a 'demon-slayer' :rolleyes:

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Mar 14, 2017
Yeah Shiva =\= Kali who they are confusing the two. The statue is Kali and yes, she is a dangerous character.
the statue is shiva.

@Infinityloop i understand your point, but it's about how these figures are interpreted by other people, esp in western occultism eg theosophy, but not only that, what it potentially opens/leads to.
For example, luciferians are open to the idea of lucifer 'the fallen angel' as an aspect of Shiva. Yet it means they literally channel demonic spirits and follow their orders. That's the bottom line. It doesn't matter what Shiva represents. The pagan arabs used to worship Allah, but they did it through mediums, the jinns, who they thought were just representations of Allah's attributes.
Jul 20, 2019
@Infinityloop i understand your point, but it's about how these figures are interpreted by other people, esp in western occultism eg theosophy, but not only that, what it potentially opens/leads to.
For example, luciferians are open to the idea of lucifer 'the fallen angel' as an aspect of Shiva.
And Hindus think these people are idiots who are trying to appropriate their traditions out of context. Hindus have every right to be pissed off when their traditions are so xenophobically depicted in the west.
Mar 14, 2017
Well in most predominant forms of Shaivism, Shiva represents Brahman itself, Ultimate Reality, without distinction. "Om Namah Shivaya" as it goes.
Shiva as a depicted figure, represents the 'greatest sage', the one who mastered all the yogas.

What lucifer is, vs what they say and what they practice. That's kind of my point though. Something/one like Kali or Shiva, is going to be interpreted and applied to people according to their own personal understanding.
Mar 14, 2017
And Hindus think these people are idiots who are trying to appropriate their traditions out of context. Hindus have every right to be pissed off when their traditions are so xenophobically depicted in the west.
look, regardless of how they're perceived by intelligent hindus, they've been BIG in western occultist circles..they've been channelling, holding seances and doing it with elite people for a while. What they communicate with/channel, is very real.

i know muslims who are of a similar type of bent...who are involved in the dark guy i went to uni age..he's already in Imran Khan's private circle. How did he get there? he possessed occult knowledge and used it.

Anyway back on topic...
Apollyon/Abadon in Revelation 9, is a positive figure. 'He' brings about suffering/torment on those who don't have the mark of God on their forehead.
The xtian here is interpreting apollyon in a negative way, as if it is the devil.


Aug 19, 2019
Interpreting the immensely symbolic traditions of Hinduism literally miss the point.

The concept of the "wrath of God", at that, is very invited in the Abrahamic religions, so you're doing yourself a disservice at the same time. Try to study the topic with sincerity from Hindu sources before you come to any conclusions on what these symbols actually mean. Kali is literally a 'demon-slayer' :rolleyes:

I literally read this from the links you shared. Also from the art in major museums at Birmingham UK, the British Museum, and the Louvre which have collections curated from India and is sensitive to the audiences that see them. Sooo why are you backpedaling on this now? People wanna throw dirt on Yahweh but then get defensive about the death goddess? Also cultural appropriation is what put her image at CERN sooo getting butt hurt is a bit hypocritical imo.


Oct 15, 2020
It disturbs me that we haven't heard much out of CERN lately. Anybody hear anything about it lately?


Dec 27, 2017
CERN have been known for tampering with electronic particles with their large hadron collider also known as a bottomless pitt

The term bottomless pitt can in fact be found in the bible

"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit . . . And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
Revelation 9:1-2, 11, KJV

Apollyon is the god of destruction, This is interesting because CERN Have a statue of Shiva of which they worship
Shiva Is the God of Destruction

Shiva is known as "The Destroyer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is one of the supreme beings who creates, protects and transforms the universe. ... Shiva is also known as Adiyogi Shiva, regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation and arts.

We know that their is some speculation that CERN Created the "theory" Mandella effect where thing's seem different or theirs subtle changes to movies etc.
For e.g In forest gump the Quote Life is like a box of chocolates has been changed to Life was like a box of chocolates

It should also be noted that Tom hanks Turned the large hadron collider on back in 2009 before this theory was in play.

Jim carrey has also been known to quote certain thing's in his movies that have been somewhat altered.

I found it interesting though in a recent article uploaded here by the WHO (World health organisation) That their was a image of them with The Shiva statue yet again.

Cern have admitted numerous times that they have tried to tamper with opening alternate dimensions and portals. They also have done strange rituals in the past.

My theory and wha i believe is that they will open the portal to hell that is mentioned in the bible.

View attachment 35832
According to the Bible, hell does not exist yet. It will only exist after the white throne judgement in Revelation 21.

The term "bottomless pit" in the Bible doesn't mean hell. The word comes from the Greek word “abbusos,” where we get our word “abyss,” and it means a desolate empty place; similar to the word “void” in Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23, 25, 28. So it means the earth in complete disarray, torn up, in total darkness, void, disorganised (Revelation 20:1-3) and it also means grave or place of death as in Satan's power comes or emerges from the abyss. In Revelation powers inspired by Satan are represented as coming from beneath, from the earth, from the abyss (Revelation 9:1-2, 11:7, 17:8).


Oct 15, 2020
According to the Bible, hell does not exist yet. It will only exist after the white throne judgement in Revelation 21.

The term "bottomless pit" in the Bible doesn't mean hell. The word comes from the Greek word “abbusos,” where we get our word “abyss,” and it means a desolate empty place; similar to the word “void” in Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23, 25, 28. So it means the earth in complete disarray, torn up, in total darkness, void, disorganised (Revelation 20:1-3) and it also means grave or place of death as in Satan's power comes or emerges from the abyss. In Revelation powers inspired by Satan are represented as coming from beneath, from the earth, from the abyss (Revelation 9:1-2, 11:7, 17:8).
Yes, I've been teaching the same thing for years. I actually have a discussion on this in another thread.

With the exception of it "not existing yet". Another discussion for another thread.