How do you handle "conspiracy loneliness" ?


May 20, 2017
Warning our fellow humans regarding the many conspiracies of the elite and their new world odor is to be humane.
The satanic elite are the egocentric ones with zero empathy for humanity.
“And grieve not over them, and be not distressed because of what they plot.”
[surah An-Nahl – Ayah127].
Rik Mayall's final film Drama or public warning film
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

You can talk to ´Father´! (He´s been on to this conspiracy for a very long time!)

You can also chat with people in a group like this: - just keep in mind Facebook logs all your data...
Agreed. Father has been warning us about Satan's "new world order" for at least 2600 years (Jer. 11:9, Ezek. 22:23-30).

@Dodo: Take solace in the eternal truth being shown to you by Father, knowing that it is more precious than any fleeting human relationship or experience you could ever have. Thank-Him every opportunity you have.

Those who share your love and never-ending search for the truth are your spiritual family.


Jul 10, 2023
Unfortunately, this is a thing when it comes to knowing of the world.
So many are still sleeping.
What's worse, are the ones we have known throughout our whole lives being this way.
We wake up, and still see they aren't ready to open their eyes.
This is why it's so important if we find our own kind.
I believe God will prevail, we will get justice because He will allow us to,
and we will find the ones we are meant to have our real family with.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Unfortunately, this is a thing when it comes to knowing of the world.
So many are still sleeping.
What's worse, are the ones we have known throughout our whole lives being this way.
We wake up, and still see they aren't ready to open their eyes.
This is why it's so important if we find our own kind.
I believe God will prevail, we will get justice because He will allow us to,
and we will find the ones we are meant to have our real family with.
Agreed. There is no doubt that God will prevail, and that His Law will finally be established here on Earth, providing true liberty and justice for all of His Adopted Children.


May 14, 2022
I just stay with like-minded people and don't discuss this things with the sheeps anymore, so I don't feel lonely with that. Also stay as much outside of the system as I can. Well, I still use money and travel and I'm still sensitive and empathetic to what's happening around and that's hard to cope with when i am alone. Luckily most of the time, i am not. And my income depends on the big cities that i really cannot find myself in anymore. So that's the last part i have to solve to stay really free.


Jun 17, 2023
I keep it mostly to myself anymore. I just had this epiphany, some years ago : I am not smarter than the others. It's just that I try and keep being sceptical. This opens many doors which lead to the truth. I firmly believe that all people,of a right mind, can open their eyes too. If I try to do it for them, maybe I'll lead them to the wrong conclusions. Each to their own, I guess.
Jun 26, 2022
Regarding loneliness, im lucky to be an introvert so i don't crave much human interaction. My husband is aware enough, and that's good enough for me...

When i first woke up over a decade ago i had the personal motive of wanting to help my parents, but by now my dad's been dead for years and mom has heart failure. Wasn't able to stop any of my adult blood relatives from taking the v@x...

But for interacting with others, i've found using money as the motive is a good way to slowly start to wake people up.

For example, mentioning that food is full of toxic chemicals and they ask why. Blame money/profit.

Or the v@x being dangerous. Blame money/profit.

People being encouraged to kill themselves or their unborn. Blame money/profit.


You get the idea.

Since most people are not wealthy, they are pretty open to hear things like this as long as the motive is money. I guess because they could see themselves doing something awful to their fellow man in order to be rich, so it's relatable to many? It's an easier conversation that mentioning demonic forces and blood drinking elites and human sacrifice and mass depopulation and all that. That comes later, once they are aware there's something going on.

As for me, a big reason why i kept digging is because the motive of money alone was not good enough, it just didn't make sense. Not that i'm wealthy or anything, I've just never been much of a materialistic person who enjoys the so called "finer things".


Jan 20, 2021
I feel this hard because there is literally no one other than my mom who is open to hearing any truths. You really cant talk to anyone about these things. I don't have any friends either because my beliefs are too wild. Its hard to get close to most people because of this. It also doesn't help that I am high-functioning autistic, so I face issues with going beyond the surface.

Like someone else mentioned above, if I suspect that someone has an interest or is aware of these things, then I try to talk to them and see if they are open to it. Otherwise, I dont bring it up because many dont want to hear this.

I try to pray against loneliness, but I know I'm only human and still desire to have human contact. Its not easy, but I do enjoy coming on here to talk with like-minded people.


Jan 20, 2021
I’ve been very lucky in the people I talk to and associate with. My mom is quite a free thinker and willing to listen to my theories and thoughts. I find that it isn’t too difficult to find people willing to accept that there is a power system running the world that we cannot control or truly understand... it’s about knowing which subjects to broach with which people and when. If you wanna talk theories with people, make sure you have it all clear in your head. Getting befuddled when they hit you with genuinely good questions that you cannot answer due to a lack of knowledge or confidence, it can be hard.
Which is why I took so long making sure I understood my arguments and beliefs fully before testing the social waters with them. But years later, I can confidently debate with just about anyone on the crazy stuff in the world.
I have now had so many meaningful encounters with random people (cabbies, colleagues, friends, family, dates, etc) and they are all in agreement that something bigger is going on.
This is a good post. This is also why I didnt want to share because you have to be able to answer all the questions to prove it to them otherwise they dismiss you quick. They think you are crazy. I already have issues with communicating my thoughts so its really cool when someone has good communication skills and the info to speak on.