How do you handle "conspiracy loneliness" ?


Mar 1, 2021
With family / friends ? It is hard To convince people about all this no matter how much proof you have and it often ends up in you sounding crazy and losing "friends". I know some people ended up losing their relationship because of this and im curious to hear your stories on the topic. Im so glad i found this forum because i felt that loneliness, must have been harder before internet for the older complotists
Jan 27, 2018
I keep it to myself mostly too - I have like 3 family members who are awake so I’m fortunate to have that - but really one is awake and the other 2 are I’d say half-awake. I feel like they think I’m a little nuts but I don’t care. Everyone else - I pretty much don’t say anything unless someone is actively asking my’s a bit of a balancing act and you have to tread carefully. That being said, I think people can wake up - but it can take a long time and some nuts to crack are harder than others. Some are just so thick I can’t get through to them no matter what I’ve tried. Honestly I think SkepticCat gave the best answer. :)


Mar 13, 2017
Conspiracy loneliness isn't that bad if you are a Psychonaut.

Beyond that, I really don't know. All I know is loneliness isn't that bad when you can literally explore other people's minds. Speaking of which, damn, now I'm getting hungry. People hate that shit, though. People, especially Americans want to lie, it might be the only thing they know how to do.

So by going into the minds of others, you will be less lonely, but you will be more hated.


Nov 24, 2020
With family / friends ? It is hard To convince people about all this no matter how much proof you have and it often ends up in you sounding crazy and losing "friends". I know some people ended up losing their relationship because of this and im curious to hear your stories on the topic. Im so glad i found this forum because i felt that loneliness, must have been harder before internet for the older complotists

I feel the loneliness too. As others have said, choosing the times you voice these subjects carefully can help you to keep relationships going, even if it puts a little distance between you.
Jul 3, 2020

John K.

May 5, 2021
Well , it's hard to convince someone who has being hypnotized by media for years...

I think the job to open the eyes to other people about the establishment is like doing therapy with a patient. We can't expect a full recovery in one day, it's takes severals weeks or maybe months to convince someone that has being foolish by media.

I don't lose hope. Someday millions will be awake.


Mar 4, 2020
With family / friends ? It is hard To convince people about all this no matter how much proof you have and it often ends up in you sounding crazy and losing "friends"...

Some people can't handle the truth because it scares them, but we don't want friends who are scaredy-cats anyway..:)


Jun 17, 2017
i dont experience this, probably because im a loudmouth. i actually bring up conspiracies all the time to different people, especially now since theyre conspiracy fact. at least in my area, im quite shocked how many of us are out there!
ive convinced many people close to me. i take out my truth sledgehammer and bash them over the head over and over for months and years at a time until it sinks in. it eventually does.
in real life, i gladly debate any normie on these things. actually i did so last evening at work. i gave the guy a brain whooping on 9/11 and various topics for 2 hours or so until he nodded and said, "thats interesting..."


Mar 4, 2020
The first thing people want is some kind of evidence that a conspiracy theory might be true.
For example there's a CT that it wasn't the Titanic that was sunk, but her sister ship the Olympic in an insurance scam.
The Olympic had been damaged in two earlier collisions with other ships and probably wouldn't have been granted a renewal of her certificate of seaworthiness by the Board of Trade, so by deliberately hitting an iceberg a glancing blow they could sink her and rake in a big insurance payout.
The possible "evidence" of a scam lies on the seabed, because when modern deep-sea submersibles went down to look at the Titanic they saw that the nameplate on the bow had partially rusted away, revealing parts of another nameplate beneath, bearing the letters 'MP' as in 'Olympic' (below)-

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May 12, 2021
With family / friends ? It is hard To convince people about all this no matter how much proof you have and it often ends up in you sounding crazy and losing "friends". I know some people ended up losing their relationship because of this and im curious to hear your stories on the topic. Im so glad i found this forum because i felt that loneliness, must have been harder before internet for the older complotists
I’ve been very lucky in the people I talk to and associate with. My mom is quite a free thinker and willing to listen to my theories and thoughts. I find that it isn’t too difficult to find people willing to accept that there is a power system running the world that we cannot control or truly understand... it’s about knowing which subjects to broach with which people and when. If you wanna talk theories with people, make sure you have it all clear in your head. Getting befuddled when they hit you with genuinely good questions that you cannot answer due to a lack of knowledge or confidence, it can be hard.
Which is why I took so long making sure I understood my arguments and beliefs fully before testing the social waters with them. But years later, I can confidently debate with just about anyone on the crazy stuff in the world.
I have now had so many meaningful encounters with random people (cabbies, colleagues, friends, family, dates, etc) and they are all in agreement that something bigger is going on.

Nick Danger

Mar 14, 2017
I'm fortunate enough that my wife is on board. We say all the time: "Babe, you had me at New World Order". Besides that, my closest friends are awake, some of them only partially i.e.. Federal Reserve, Globalism. However, I'm not shy at all about it and I really don't care if people think I'm nuts for exposing them to 9/11 truth or Monarch symbolism. If they think I'm crazy then that's fine, because I'm out-going and charismatic with it. Either way I'm planting seeds while having fun. And I'm not afraid either. I can't wait to sit back and watch the Project Blue Beam hologram special on CNN and FOX while eating popcorn with my awake wife and friends. I joke about it but I'm persistent and have fun.

Most importantly, I have my lord and savior Jesus Christ! How can I go wrong???


Mar 4, 2020
We should never be afraid to air our own theories and stuff, for example my pet theory is that the 9 members of the Dyatlov group were murdered.
A guy at Serov railway station claimed they'd stolen his wallet so he called the police on them but no arrests were made.
So perhaps he and his pals tracked the Dyatlovs to get the wallet back and a helluva fight broke out on the mountainside.
