How And Why Does Israel Have So Much Power?


Mar 18, 2017
A lesson in unintended consequences. An app that was unleashed to drown people in a sea of irrelevance has become problematic as an information source but we also have to ask why they are pushing through with it if the damage is already done anyway. People cannot unsee Israel's brutality....unless they don't want us to see the next phase of the operation??

This pretty much sums it up.

"Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region."
What does that say about WW2, Hitler, the holocaust & 1948? And what is the scope of that it just oil & minerals or something else added to that?

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
What does that say about WW2, Hitler, the holocaust & 1948? And what is the scope of that it just oil & minerals or something else added to that?
Like the creation of the state of Israel as a homeland and the manufactured illusion of it’s ties to the biblical kingdom, used to gain political/religious support of the John Hagee crowd in the US. All this to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people, wars in the region, the greater Israel project, the new up and coming trade corridor and billions of dollars of US tax payer money going to fund it all.

Is that what you are referring to?


May 12, 2023
A lesson in unintended consequences. An app that was unleashed to drown people in a sea of irrelevance has become problematic as an information source but we also have to ask why they are pushing through with it if the damage is already done anyway. People cannot unsee Israel's brutality....unless they don't want us to see the next phase of the operation??
The hope is to force China to sell the American arm of TikTok to the US corporations, basically the US government. Then they get control of the narrative again. Distracting you back to MSNBC vs FOX. Democrat vs Republican. Black vs White. Daily Wire vs The Young Turks.


May 20, 2017
The hope is to force China to sell the American arm of TikTok to the US corporations, basically the US government. Then they get control of the narrative again. Distracting you back to MSNBC vs FOX. Democrat vs Republican. Black vs White. Daily Wire vs The Young Turks.
Good point, ReceivingA! I was thinking along those lines as well.
@Karlysymon , remember, our old comments about unintended consequences:)

Now peer upon this ADL 'snake' trying to equate Palestinian cultural attire to a swastika. The only thing akin to Swastika in our world is the Israeli flag.

We can surmise that they are feeling extremely paranoid and insecure since they are fixating on what college students wear in protests. This type of censorship would make any communist nation proud.
ADL Says Palestinian Scarf Equals SWASTIKA

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Mar 18, 2017
Like the creation of the state of Israel as a homeland and the manufactured illusion of it’s ties to the biblical kingdom, used to gain political/religious support of the John Hagee crowd in the US. All this to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people, wars in the region, the greater Israel project, the new up and coming trade corridor and billions of dollars of US tax payer money going to fund it all.

Is that what you are referring to?
Between the two world wars, a growing number of U.S. Zionists worked to further the project for the creation of Israel. In Germany, the Zionists supported the rise of the Nazis, as this would lead to German Jews wanting to emigrate to Palestine. In Iraq, where the Jewish leaders did not support Zionism, Iraqi Jews were attacked, even murdered, to force them to emigrate to Palestine. Without arousing the anxiety of Jews around the world that they were unsafe in their homelands, Zionist planners believed there would not be enough Jewish settlers to create a Zionist state and force the Palestinians out.

Opponents of Zionism in the U.S. diplomatic service were threatened with having their careers destroyed if they did not support the claims that Jews in foreign countries were suffering discrimination so should want to move to Palestine.
It is a very long game. Many people believe in the WW1 & 2 conspiracies, seeing them as "inorganic" wars but stop short in questioning some of the events that directly preceded and resulted from the wars. Many Christians (self-described conspiracy theorists), for example, will question the creation of the UN( a prototype for a future world government) but you won't see them question the creation of the state of WW2.

So yes, i found Biden's statement profound. Ofcourse, one could choose to see him speaking as an "insider" or just simply making an off-hand comment.


Nov 8, 2022
We have unravelled the whole, needle to thread, story surrounding the construction of the Jerusalem capital of the coming kingdom of the false messiah, but all which we have for the loudest event that has been going on for two years (and is a continuation of the previous two) is Zero Hedge, Ritter, MacGregor and some other *deeper sources of literary variations. It's reassuring somehow, to know it

The most talented holywood yid writers and producers may be living their peak days in writing and implementing the season of "Israeli genocide and its exposure and resistance" and preparing for next season's episodes.
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May 20, 2017
It makes sense to me because our belief system tells us about the unseen jinn which are made of smokeless fire. They lived on earth before us and they masquerade as extraterrestrials, angels, prophets, etc.
There are religious ones (all religions) among them but the good ones do not interfere in our realm.
The evil ones are the ones that mess with humans and promote immorality just like the human devils do.
From the source you posted: "Raëlians engage in daily meditation, hope for physical immortality through human cloning, and promote a liberal ethical system with a strong emphasis on sexual experimentation. "
The jinn devils and human devils aid each other to bring about corruption, immorality, war, and chaos. This is their M.O, their Modus operandi.
Interesting how the Quran explains that the impious Jews also wish for physical immortality.

"And you will surely find them the most greedy of people for life - [even] more than those who associate others with Allah. One of them wishes that he could be granted life a thousand years, but it would not remove him in the least from the [coming] punishment that he should be granted life. And Allah is Seeing of what they do." 2:69

"Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know." 24:19

I will re-post a video on the jinns. at islamic vids
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Mar 18, 2017
Many people believed and still believe that Trump was fighting the Deep State/NWO but if you view the NWO agenda through the Israel lens, Trump actually hastened along the grand plot.



Jun 28, 2020
This is the true problem. Not that they own most politicians or control holy-wood or even the curriculum in the schools where indoctrination begins.

It's that they literally control our money. They print it from thin air, then "loan" it to us.

1913, the establishment of the FED was the day America died.



This is why we will ALWAYS have money for Israel.

Mar 30, 2017
The 100 worst landlords in New York City nearly all happen to be Jewish – what are the odds?


May 17, 2020
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Mar 30, 2017
As is bolded in the article:

"Adelson, a resident of Herzliya and a megadonor for settlement development in the West Bank, did not wish to hear Trump yearning for peace. She didn't want to hear anything that could have been construed as criticism of Israel. According to the report, what she really wants from Trump's second term is an Israeli annexation of the West Bank and a U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in all the regions of the land."

Miriam Adelson 'Wants West Bank Annexation' in Return for $100M Donation to Trump
Oct 20, 2021
As is bolded in the article:

"Adelson, a resident of Herzliya and a megadonor for settlement development in the West Bank, did not wish to hear Trump yearning for peace. She didn't want to hear anything that could have been construed as criticism of Israel. According to the report, what she really wants from Trump's second term is an Israeli annexation of the West Bank and a U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in all the regions of the land."

Miriam Adelson 'Wants West Bank Annexation' in Return for $100M Donation to Trump
I think all the elections are just excuses for money laundering and grift. What difference does it make how much money is raised when election is controlled by Dominion. I will be suspicious if Orange Julius wins and more suspicious if he loses. Him and his rich donors could have built a wall with their own money if they really wanted one. Bidet just built a wall around the White House because of all the Palestinian protesters coming. Why isn't anyone protesting Ukraine war?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I think all the elections are just excuses for money laundering and grift.
And to give the public the illusion of choice.


What difference does it make how much money is raised when election is controlled by Dominion. I will be suspicious if Orange Julius wins and more suspicious if he loses.
Trump is/was a billionaire real estate mogul in NYC. His banksters, attorneys and his PR people have been counterfeit (Ashkenazi) Jews. Trump campaigned for Bibi back in 2013. Trump's daughter is married to a counterfeit Jew, who's likely his Mossad handler (Kushner, with his 666 building on 5th Ave.).

Then there's the moving of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, to ensure America is dragged into the Israeli war if anyone attacks Jerusalem (including any false flag attack by the counterfeit-Jews/Israelis themselves).

It really doesn't matter which puppet is installed in the White House, as they are all controlled by the synagogue of Satan.

Him and his rich donors could have built a wall with their own money if they really wanted one. Bidet just built a wall around the White House because of all the Palestinian protesters coming.
Yep. It's often forgotten that walls work both ways. Soon enough truly awakened souls will seek to leave America, either before or after it loses WW3.

Why isn't anyone protesting Ukraine war?
Most don't even know that both the war in Ukraine and the war against the Palestinians are about religious and ethnic "cleansing", with both the narratives and the policing of protestors heavily controlled.

(article released a few weeks prior to the October 7th Israeli false flag)
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