High watch times (discerning the season vs date setting)

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
From T.W. Tramm’s Facebook page:

THE God of the Bible is a God of numbers:

He counts (Matt. 10:30).

He weighs (Lev. 19:35, 36).

He measures (Isa. 40:12).

The resultant connections and patterns reveal the design of the Creator, and each has a particular symbolism attached to it.

With this in mind, it is interesting to “measure” the paths of the 2024 and 2017 American eclipses:

The 2024 eclipse-path is 120 miles wide. This is significant because in Scripture, the number 120 denotes a limit, or endpoint, pertaining to mortal man: the maximum human lifespan is 120 years, and there are 120 jubilees in God’s 6,000-year plan of redemption (Gen. 6:3).

The 2017 eclipse-path is 70 miles wide. The number 70 likewise denotes an endpoint and redemption:

• A typical human lifespan is 70 years (Ps. 90:10).

• After being redeemed from Egypt, the Israelites camped at an oasis of 70 palm trees (Ex. 15:27).

• The Jews were redeemed from Babylon after 70 years (Jer. 29:10).

• God’s plan of redemption encompasses 70 weeks (Dan. 9:24–27).

Seeing how the number 70 denotes redemption, particularly for Jews, it is significant that it has now been 10 Sabbatical weeks—equivalent to 70 years—since Israel became a nation again:

1948 + 10 weeks (70 years) = 2024

Additionally, there have been exactly 70 Jubilee periods since the Israelites first entered the Promised Land and began counting the 49-year cycle:

1407 BC + 70 Jubilees (3,430 years) = 2024

That 2024 is a Jubilee year is corroborated by the 70 Weeks Prophecy:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be seven sevens” [one Jubilee period] (Dan. 9:25).

According to the prophecy, a Jubilee period begins after the Jews return to Jerusalem. Since the Jews returned to Jerusalem in June 1967, the count of “seven sevens,” or one Jubilee period, begins at the first Sabbatical week after that:

1974 + 49 = 2023 + 1 (Jubilee) = 2024

Our Jubilee calculation dovetails with another remarkable feature of the eclipse-paths: when we subtract the 70-mile-wide path from the 120-mile-wide path, we get 50, the number of Jubilee. Thus, all three numbers associated with the eclipse-paths—50, 70, and 120—speak of redemption:

• The number 50 denotes the Jubilee, or “year of redemption.”

• The number 70 denotes the redemptions from Egypt and Babylon.

• The number 120 denotes the redemption of fallen man after 120 Jubilees.

But there is more. Adding to the redemption theme, the shadows of the 2024 and 2017 eclipses intersect at an area of Southern Illinois called “Little Egypt,” which happens to lie just south of the major highways I-70 and US 50. “Egypt,” “70,” and “50” are, again, synonymous with redemption.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/2vztfyfu

Finally, if the redemption theme was not far-reaching enough, the 2024 eclipse occurs in the constellation Pisces—the sign that depicts God’s people in bondage—precisely on the Band that binds the fish, thus signifying a severing of the Band, or a release from bondage.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/bdzfnw3e

To appreciate the unlikelihood of a solar eclipse occurring on the Band of Pisces, consider that the Sun is found at this location for only about a day each year. In 2024, this day happens to coincide with the new moon that marks the beginning of Nisan, also known as the “month of redemption.”


God speaks through numbers.

The numbers associated with the 2024 and 2017 eclipse-paths—120, 70, and 50—signify redemption in the ultimate sense.

Other elements of the 2024 eclipse add to the redemption theme:

• It occurs on the Band that binds the fish.

• Its path intersects the 2017 eclipse-path at Little Egypt.

• It occurs in a calculated “year of redemption,” at the beginning of the “month of redemption.”

If we are hearing the Lord correctly, it is time to stand up and lift up our heads, because our redemption is near (Luke 21:28).

. . .


1. More on the meanings of numbers in Scripture:

2. Seeing how the number 120 points to the redemption of fallen man, it is noteworthy that Strong’s #120 is the name “Adam.”

3. The width of an eclipse path will vary by a handful of miles, depending on geography. However, at the location where the 2024 shadow first enters the US, and which sees the longest duration of darkness (Texas), the path of totality is calculated to be exactly 120 miles wide:

4. The 2017 eclipse path was 70 miles wide:

5. Sabbatical years (see “WH” for Wacholder): https://www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-table.htm

6. The Jubilee is the “year of redemption,” during which bondservants are set free (Lev. 25).

7. There are 70 primary Interstate Highways in the US. I-70 is considered the dividing line between Central and Southern Illinois, a.k.a. “Little Egypt.”

8. The 2017 eclipse occurred in the constellation Leo, the final sign of the Mazzaroth that pictures Jesus, the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah,” coming to judge (Rev. 5:5).

9. More on the 2024 eclipse:

. . .

*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:13). Do it today. Time is running out.


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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
From T.W. Tramm’s Facebook page:

“REPENT, or in 40 days your city will be overthrown!” Jonah warned the wicked inhabitants of Ninevah.

Then it happened: “The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth” (Jon. 3:5).

Even the King covered himself with sackcloth and commanded that “everyone call urgently on God, and give up their evil and violent ways” (vv. 8, 9).

Why was the whole city so quick to repent?

Besides Jonah’s warning, some Bible scholars believe the Ninevites were unsettled by a solar eclipse that occurred around that time. NASA data confirms that a famous eclipse mentioned in ancient cuneiform tablets, the Bur-Sagle Eclipse, occurred above the Assyrian city on June 15, 763 BC, about the time Jonah would have arrived and started preaching.

With the Ninevah eclipse in view, it is interesting to consider six coincidences around an eclipse that will darken the US on April 8, 2024:


The 2024 eclipse occurs just above the constellation Cetus, the sign that depicts the huge fish that swallowed Jonah as he was fleeing God’s command to go to Ninevah (Jon. 1).

Image: https://tinyurl.com/bde73x9e


The 2024 eclipse occurs exactly 398 Sabbatical weeks after the Ninevah eclipse of 763 BC:

763 BC + 398 weeks (2,786 years) = 2024

What’s more, both eclipses (Ninevah and US) occur in the pivotal first year of a Sabbatical week.


The 2024 eclipse occurs in a calculated Jubilee year. The Jubilee is declared on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 25), which is the day Jews traditionally read the Book of Jonah.


The path of the 2024 eclipse is 120 miles wide, recalling the 120,000 inhabitants of Ninevah (Jon. 4:11).


The 2024 eclipse path intersects the path of the 2017 American eclipse to complete a giant “X,” or Hebrew letter “Tav,” across the US.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/3s67ry8b

That the two eclipses are viewed as a collective sign is significant because the inaugural eclipse occurred on Elu1, the date that, according to tradition, Jonah began warning the Ninevites.


Understanding that there are no coincidences with God, it is significant that there is only one city named “Jonah” in the US—Jonah, Texas—and it is located in the path of totality of the 2024 eclipse.

Additionally, there are seven places named “Ninevah” in the US, and all of them are clustered around the eclipse’s path of totality. Two of the seven Ninevahs—Ninevah, Indiana, and Ninevah, Ohio—are located within the path of totality.

A third striking “coincidence” is that in close proximity to the two Ninevahs is a place called “Rapture,” Indiana, which is the only location named Rapture in the US.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/2s3k72es

To appreciate the unlikelihood of “Jonah,” “Rapture” and two “Ninevahs” being in the eclipse’s path of totality, consider that if the angle of the path was different by even a few degrees, this would not be the case.


An eclipse in Jonah’s day may have helped spur the Ninevites to repentance. With this in mind, it is interesting to consider the following about the impending American eclipse:

• It occurs above the constellation Cetus, the sign that depicts Jonah’s fish.

• It occurs in the first year of a Sabbatical cycle, exactly 398 “weeks” after the Ninevah eclipse.

• It occurs during a Jubilee, which is declared on the same day Jews read the Book of Jonah.

• Its path is 120 miles wide, recalling the 120,000 Ninevites.

• It completes the 2017 eclipse sign, which occurred on the date Jonah began warning the Ninevites.

• Its path crosses over locations named Jonah, Ninevah, and Rapture, as no other path could or has.

When the doubters of Jesus’ day asked Him for a sign, He replied:

“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah” (Matt. 12:39).

Jesus was referring to the fact that He would be in the tomb for three days, just like Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days. But the lesson pertained to unbelief. Even though He had already performed numerous signs and miracles, it was not enough for the skeptics.

The same is true today. Despite the many signs God has been issuing, most people remain unconvinced of the nearness of His coming.

Could the American eclipse be a final sign for a wicked and adulterous generation?

And assuming it is, will it be heeded?

When the Ninevites believed and repented, their city was spared (Jon. 4:11). In the case of America—where even many Christians mock the notion that an eclipse could be a Divine warning—national repentance seems unlikely.

. . .


1. Jonah was a minor prophet who God commanded to preach to the people of Nineveh, but instead fled by boat. A storm arose, and Jonah instructed the sailors to throw him overboard. He was then swallowed by a large fish and spent three days in its belly, before being spit out onto dry land. Jonah subsequently went to Ninevah and warned the people, as directed by God. The Ninevites repented, thus avoiding judgment.

2. The Hebrew word translated “repent,” teshuva, means simply to “return” to God.

3. Of all the signs of Judgment Day, the most frequently mentioned in Scripture is a darkened sun, or
total solar eclipse (Rev. 6:12; Joel 2:31; 3:14, 15; Isa. 13:9-10; Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25-27;
Acts 2:20, 21; Ezek. 32:8).

4. 765–64 BC was a Sabbatical year, making the year of Ninevah’s eclipse, 764–63 BC, the first year of a new cycle.

5. Sabbatical-year chronology (see “WH” for Wacholder): https://www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-table.htm?fbclid=IwAR0hlhsCq2JcbIxK7laALSJtB2K-zCfAbsFimZCxaeQxauscX7AlNHAwVjI

6. 2024 Jubilee calculation:

There have been exactly 70 Jubilee periods since the Israelites first entered the Promised Land and began counting the 49-year cycle:

1407 BC + 70 Jubilees (3,430 years) = 2024

That 2024 is a Jubilee is corroborated by the 70 Weeks Prophecy:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be seven sevens” [one Jubilee period] (Dan. 9:25).

According to the above prophecy, a Jubilee period begins after the Jews return to Jerusalem. Since the Jews returned to Jerusalem in June 1967, the count of “seven sevens,” or one Jubilee period, begins at the first Sabbatical week after that:

1974 + 49 = 2023 + 1 (Jubilee) = 2024

A third indication that 2024 is a Jubilee is the fact that the Sabbatical year 2022–23 (Hebrew 5782) is divisible by 49, a characteristic unique to Sabbatical years preceding Jubilees.

7. The number 120 also denotes judgment in the Flood account (Gen. 6:3).

8. The width of an eclipse may vary by a handful of miles, depending on topography. However, at the location where the 2024 shadow first enters the US, and which sees the longest duration of darkness, Texas, the path of totality is calculated to be exactly 120 miles wide:

9. The second (2024) eclipse occurs on the Gentile calendar date 4/8. Coincidentally, in Exodus 4:8, as God is giving Moses signs to convince the Egyptians to release the Hebrew slaves, He says, “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second.”

10. More on the 2017 and 2024 eclipses:

2024 and 2017 Eclipse Paths: God Is in the Numbers:

Solar Eclipse 2024: God's Final Warning for America?

11. In Judaism, the first day of Elul marks the beginning of a 40-day period of repentance leading up to the Day of Atonement. According to tradition, this is when Jonah began preaching.

12. The Rapture is the ultimate escape from judgment (1 Thess 5:9; Luke 21:36).

13. Jonah, Texas:
Note: there is a small community named “Jonah” in Garfield, Oklahoma, but it is not an official city or town, and does not lie in the eclipse’s path of totality:

14. Rapture, Indiana:

15. The seven Ninevhas are located in Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York.

16. Per our Jubilee calculation, 2024 marks America’s fifth Jubilee. (The nation’s first Jubilee was 1778, the year following Sabbatical year 1777). This is significant because the number five denotes a period of grace or Divine favor. While God has certainly “shed His grace” on the US, the impending eclipse may be a sign that the grace period is over.

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*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:13). Do it today. Time is running out.


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

ON APRIL 8, the moon will pass in front of the sun, turning daylight into darkness across a large swath of the US.

With around 180 million people living in or near the path of totality, it will be the most watched eclipse in the nation’s history—and likely all of history.

But the “Great North American Eclipse” of 2024 is more than just an historic astronomical event. For a variety of reasons, it is considered a prophetic event:

• It occurs on the eve of the biblical New Year, Nisan 1.

• Its path runs diagonally opposite of an eclipse seven years ago, to form a giant ‘X’ across the continental US.

• Its path crosses over a large number of cities with biblical names.

• Its path crosses through an area that will see a plague-like explosion of insects that has not occurred in two centuries.

• Visible next to the eclipse will be an unusually bright comet that last appeared 70 years ago.

And more.

To appreciate the prophetic significance of the eclipse, a review of America’s history and role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel is in order.

Let’s start at the beginning.


According to the history books, Columbus discovered the Americas by accident, while seeking a new sea route to Asia. But facts not typically found in the books suggest that it was Providence:

• Columbus, a devout follower of Jesus Christ, believed that his voyage was ordained by God to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth before the Lord’s return. The explorer was so convinced of his role in end-times prophecy that he wrote a work entitled “Book of Prophecies” in which he cited Scripture to show how God had planned his expedition to the new world, and would be doing great things for the Church through his discovery.

• Scholars believe that the Spanish explorer was actually of Jewish descent, and that his voyage was in part a quest to find a new ‘promised land’ at a time when his people were being expelled from Spain. Supporting this view, Columbus’s journey was largely financed and supported by Jews. Some also cite the date that Columbus set sail as evidence of his Jewish background: it was Av 10, the day after Jews traditionally mourn both exiles from the Land, that he departed Spain.

• The duration of Columbus’s expedition to parts unknown, which no man could have orchestrated, has a profound typological significance. After a series of mishaps at sea—including a broken rudder, a faulty compass, and a near mutiny of the crew who feared they would never make it back to Spain—Columbus sighted land and went ashore at the Americas on the 70th day of the voyage, which happened to mark the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Thus, the journey to the new promised land began on the day associated with Jewish exile, Av 10; it lasted for exactly 70 days, denoting a period of exile (Jer. 29:10), and ended at the festival associated with God’s provision and a temporary dwelling place (Lev. 23:42, 43).

America would indeed turn out to be a new promised land, a nation rooted in and accommodative of Hebrew values and aspirations:

• The Puritans living in America saw themselves as a new ‘chosen people’ dwelling in a ‘new Israel.’ Their fast and feast days, including Thanksgiving, were based on Jewish observances such as Yom Kippur and Tabernacles.

• One of the original designs for the US Seal depicted the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, with Pharaoh in pursuit.

• The Hebrew language was a prerequisite for early American scholars. Many universities even required it in their curriculum.

• From the late 1800s to early 1900s, millions of Jews fleeing antisemitism in Europe immigrated to the US, making America home of the largest Jewish diaspora population. Around the same time, Zionism, the movement to create a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, gained momentum in the US.

Later, the US would become a vital ally to the Jews in Europe and Israel:

• America’s defeat of Nazi Germany in World War Two thwarted Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews.

• After the Holocaust, the US played a key role in securing support for the UN resolution to create the modern State of Israel.

• When Israel declared itself a nation on May 14, 1948, the US was the first country to grant recognition.

• From 1948 to the present, the US has provided more financial, political, and military support to Israel than to any other nation.

With our summary in view, two things are clear: the US has been uniquely supportive of the Jews, and was instrumental in the prophetic replanting of the “fig tree” in the Land of Israel (Isa. 11:11, 12; Matt. 24:32–34). One could even argue that without the US, there would be no modern State of Israel.


Another clue as to America’s prophetic destiny is the fact that she was founded on the Jubilee principle of “liberty” (Lev. 25:10). From the original ideologies and charters, to the nation’s iconic symbols and currency, the theme of liberty, or Jubilee, is ever-present:

• Patrick Henry’s battle-cry in the run-up to the Revolutionary War was, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

• The US Declaration of Independence cites “liberty” as the first God-given right, next to the fundamental right to life.

• The US Constitution states that no person shall be deprived of “liberty” without due process of law.

• The US Pledge of Allegiance concludes with the words, “with liberty and justice for all.”

• The Statue of “Liberty” greets immigrants arriving in New York Harbor.

• The iconic symbol of American independence is the “Liberty” Bell, which is engraved with the Jubilee pronouncement, “Proclaim Liberty Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof” (Lev. 25:10).

• The one-word motto stamped on US coins is “Liberty.”

Seeing how the US is the nation founded on the biblical principle of Liberty, or Jubilee, it is striking that it is also the nation comprised of 50 states, the number of Jubilee.

But America’s Jubilee connection goes deeper still. According to the Sabbatical chronology favored by scholars, the US’s first full year as a nation, 1777, was a Sabbatical year. The next year, 1778, was a Jubilee. (See notes for calculation).

Significantly, during America’s first Jubilee, on June 24, 1778, the first total solar eclipse recorded in the US darkened a path from the lower Carolinas to New England, the area of the original colonies. Thus, America’s first total solar eclipse was a Jubilee eclipse.

It gets more interesting. Counting forward Jubilee periods from 1778, we find that 2024, the year of the current American eclipse, marks the nation’s fifth Jubilee. This is significant because the number five signifies God’s favor and grace toward man.

While God has certainly “shed his grace” on the US during its five Jubilees, the symbolism around the 2024 eclipse suggests that the grace period is ending.


As noted earlier, the 2024 eclipse completes a giant ‘X’ across America on the eve of Nisan. Besides marking the turn of the biblical year, Nisan is called the “month of redemption,” as it is when the Hebrews’ departure from Egypt, or Exodus, occurred.

What is interesting is that there are 17 locations in the US named “Egypt,” and all are found in or near the ‘X’ formed by the eclipse paths. What’s more, at the center of the ‘X’ is the lower part of Southern Illinois, an area just south of I-70 called “Little Egypt.”


Thus, the ‘X’ formed by the eclipse paths literally has “Egypt” written all over it.

That there are 17 US locations named Egypt is significant because in Scripture the number 17 denotes a period of dwelling in Egypt:

• The first Hebrew to reside in Egypt, Joseph, was age 17 when he was sold into slavery there (Gen. 37:2).

• Nisan 17 is when the Hebrews departed Egypt, by crossing the Red Sea (Ex. 3:18; 5:3).

• Nisan 17 is when the Hebrews (freed from Egypt) first ate the fruits of the Promised Land (Josh. 5:10–12).

With the Exodus, or ‘X’-odus, theme in view, it is interesting to note that the eclipse ‘X’ also marks ground zero of what is predicted to be a plague-like explosion of cicada insects across 17 states this April, a rare double brood that has not occurred in 221 years.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/2t5vb3jz

It is a remarkable coincidence that a once-in-two-century irruption of cicadas—which has been compared to the insect plagues in the Book of Exodus—occurs across 17 states, and in the same month and year as our Exodus-themed eclipse.

But there is more.

Another feature of the ‘X’ drawn by the eclipse paths is that it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Tav, which is a picture of two crossed sticks. This is significant because, speaking of Israel’s redemption in the last days, God says He will join the “stick” of Ephraim, representing the scattered tribes of Israel, with the “stick” of Judah, the tribes who dwell in the Land of Israel, where they will be cleansed of all their idolatry and worship Him as one:

“I am going to take the stick of Joseph—which is in Ephraim’s hand—and of the Israelite tribes associated with him, and join it to Judah’s stick. I will make them into a single stick of wood, and they will become one in my hand …. I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel” …. [There] I will cleanse them. They will be my people, and I will be their God” (Ezek. 37:19, 21–23).

How does the prophecy about the return of scattered Ephraimites relate to America as a type of Egypt?

For starters, in contrast to the other heads of Israel’s tribes who were born in Canaan, Ephraim was born in Egypt. Furthermore, Ephraim was born during the seven years of forewarning that preceded the seven years of famine in Egypt (Gen. 41:50). The seven years of forewarning parallel the seven years between the eclipses that form the ‘X.’

In addition to the Egypt connection, there is a presumed genealogical link between Ephraim and the US. A popular view is that the US, home to nearly half the world’s Jews, is where many descendants of Ephraim today reside. This view is based on the fact that when the Assyrians conquered and deported the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom, including Ephraim, in 722BC, many never returned but were assimilated into other groups. These “lost” tribe members migrated to Europe; and when antisemitism flared up there, they fled to America.

Seeing America as home to the scattered Ephraimites, it is fascinating to consider another feature of the eclipse paths. When we combine the ‘X,’ or Tav, paths with a third (annular) eclipse path in 2023, they form the Hebrew letter Aleph, which is a picture of a bull.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/47eevfpx

This is striking because the bull is the animal associated with the tribe of Ephraim (Deut. 33:17).

Another uncanny bull correlation relates to the comet that will be visible during the 2024 eclipse: Comet 12P/Pons–Brooks, which passes by Earth every 70 years, is known for its distinctive bull-like “horns.” Furthermore, the horned comet reaches perihelion, or maximum brightness, as it enters the constellation Taurus—the bull. Thus, we have a bull comet, appearing above the bull nation, which is marked with the Hebrew letter that depicts a bull!

Finally, if the Exodus theme of the 2024 eclipse is not comprehensive enough, the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon in the constellation Pisces, the sign that depicts God’s people in bondage. More precisely, the eclipse occurs on the Band that binds the fish, thus signifying a severing of the Band, or a release from bondage.

Image: https://tinyurl.com/bdzfnw3e

To appreciate the unlikelihood of a solar eclipse occurring on the Band of Pisces, consider that the Sun is found at this location only one day each year. In 2024, this day happens to coincide with the new moon that marks the beginning of Nisan, the month of the Exodus.

With the above correlations in view, the question is begged: could the impending solar eclipse be a sign pointing to the ultimate exodus and homecoming of scattered Jews, as foretold in Ezekiel?


From Columbus’s discovery in 1492, to the prophetic eclipse of 2024, God’s fingerprints are all over the US:

• The voyage to America lasted 70 days, and ended at the biblical festival associated with a temporary dwelling place.

• The US, the nation comprised of 50 states, was founded on the biblical principle of Liberty, or Jubilee.

• The US’s first full year as a nation, 1777, was a Sabbatical year preceding a Jubilee.

• America’s first Jubilee, 1778, saw a total solar eclipse darken the area of the original colonies.

• As of 2024, the US has existed for five Jubilees, denoting a period of God’s favor or grace.

• America’s 17 Egypts are clustered around the ‘X’ formed by the eclipses. The number 17 denotes a period of dwelling in Egypt.

• The plague-like explosion of cicadas across 17 states occurs in the same ‘X’ location as America’s 17 Egypts.

• The US is home to nearly half the world’s Jews, and presumably many descendants of Ephraim.

• The seven years of forewarning in Egypt, during which Ephraim was born, parallel the seven years between the American eclipses.

• The 2024 eclipse occurs on the Band that binds the fish of Pisces, denoting a release from bondage.

Understanding that history repeats (Ecc. 1:9), it is fascinating to consider how America, like ancient Egypt, began as a safe haven for God’s people, a place of flourishing. Over time, however, the US has, like ancient Egypt, devolved into a place of mounting oppression. The growing disregard for God and His word, as evidenced by waning US support for Israel, does not bode well for the nation previously blessed:

“[God said to Abraham] … I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who treats you with contempt” (Gen. 12:3).

If we are reading the signs correctly, America’s prophetic destiny is nearly fulfilled. She has been a place of refuge for Jews. She has facilitated the replanting of the “fig tree” as a prerequisite for Jesus’ return. And now, five Jubilees after her founding, an ‘X’ drawn across the US on the eve of Nisan suggests that God is about to call His people out of spiritual Egypt, presumably by some calamitous event, and bring them home.

Could the calamitous event be the collapse of the US, triggered by the sudden ‘exodus’ of Christians at the Rapture?

It is an awesome possibility to consider.

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1. About the 2024 solar eclipse:

2. Of all the signs of Judgment Day in Scripture, the most frequently mentioned is a darkened sun, or total solar eclipse (Rev. 6:12; Joel 2:31; 3:14, 15; Isa. 13:9-10; Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25-27;
Acts 2:20, 21; Ezek. 32:8).

3. In addition to its ‘X’ connection to the 2024 eclipse, the solar eclipse of 2017 was considered a biblical sign because:

• It occurred on Elul 1, a date that in Judaism marks the start of a period of warning and repentance.

• It traced a path exclusively across the US, which had not occurred since before the nation’s founding in 1776.

• Its 70-mile-wide path crossed over seven US cities named Salem, an alternate name for Jerusalem.

• Its path crossed through the center of three of America’s most notorious seismic hotspots: The Cascadia Subduction Zone on the West Coast, the Yellowstone Caldera in Wyoming, and the heart of the New Madrid Seismic Zone centered around Southern Illinois’ Little Egypt.

• It occurred on the same day that President Trump’s peace team flew to the Middle East to begin work on a plan that divides Jerusalem.

• It occurred 33 days before the Revelation 12 alignment of September 23, 2017.

4. Columbus’s Christian–Jewish background:

5. 2024 marks, simultaneously:

• 76 Sabbatical weeks since Columbus discovered America in 1492.

• 76 years since Israel became a nation in 1948.

Coincidentally, Strong’s #76 (Hebrew) is the word ababuah, referring to the plague of “blisters or boils” in Exodus chapter 9: https://biblehub.com/hebrew/76.htm.

6. The number 70 denotes a period of bondage or a release from bondage:

• There were 70 Hebrews who initially migrated to Egypt (Deut. 10:22).

• After being redeemed from Egypt, the Israelites camped at an oasis of 70 palm trees (Ex. 15:27).

• The Jews were redeemed from Babylon after 70 years (Jer. 29:10).

• God’s plan of redemption encompasses 70 weeks (Dan. 9:24–27).

7. Sabbatical-year chronology (see “WH” for Wacholder): https://www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-table.htm?fbclid=IwAR3w8wt5aLHv60nhTQFRn4Mv5mqYMtrl0laYbgIT7WvVt8kgoIrTRRpSX9Y

8. 2024 Jubilee calculation:

There have been exactly 70 Jubilee periods since the Israelites first entered the Promised Land, and began counting the 49-year cycle:

1407 BC + 70 Jubilees (3,430 years) = 2024

The 2024 Jubilee calculation is corroborated by the 70 Weeks Prophecy:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be
seven sevens” [one Jubilee period] (Dan. 9:25).

According to the prophecy, a Jubilee period begins after the Jews return to Jerusalem. Since the Jews returned to Jerusalem in June 1967, the count of “seven sevens,” or one Jubilee period, begins at the first Sabbatical week after 1967:

1974 + 49 = 2023 + 1 (Jubilee) = 2024

9. Another indication that 1778 and 2024 are Jubilees is the fact that the preceding Sabbatical years (Hebrew 5537 and 5782) are divisible by 49, a characteristic unique to Sabbatical years preceding Jubilees.

10. America’s first Jubilee eclipse in 1778 occurred in the Constellation Gemini, the sign that depicts the wedding union between God and man.

11. Seeing how the second (2024) eclipse occurs on the Gentile date 4/8, it is interesting that in Exodus 4:8, where God is imparting to Moses the signs to convince pharaoh to release the Hebrews, He says: “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second.”

12. There are 17 US locations named Egypt:

13. Cicada emergence 2024:

14. Joseph’s two sons born in Egypt were Manasseh and Ephraim.

15. A fascinating connection between Ephraim (America) and the Hebrew letter Tav, or ‘X’ is as follows: Because Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh were born in Egypt, their grandfather Jacob said a special blessing over them to make clear that they were not Egyptians, but were of the family and inheritance of Abraham (Gen. 48). Significantly, when Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh, he crossed his hands (forming the Hebrew letter Tav, or ‘X’), placing his right hand on the head of the younger boy, Ephraim, and his left hand on the head of the older boy, Manasseh, thus bestowing the greater blessing on the younger son, Ephraim, and reserving a lesser blessing for Manasseh, the firstborn. Jacob’s blessing is believed to be prophetic of two major world powers, the British Empire (Manasseh) and the US (Ephraim).

16. More on the 2024 eclipse by T.W. Tramm:

Comet Pons–Brooks: Why the Devil Is Not in the Details

2024 Eclipse and the Sign of Jonah

2024 and 2017 Eclipse Paths: God Is in the Numbers

Solar Eclipse 2024: God’s Final Warning for America?

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*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:13). Do it today. Time is running out.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
ll the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, the predicted events are happening more frequently and more intensely. Never, in the history throughout the world have so many forces, including economic, scientific, techno-logic, ecologic, cultural, geopolitical, moral, spiritual and religion, converged together to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return. Jesus said when you see all these signs happening, know that I am near, even at the door.


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
From T.W. Tramm’s Facebook page:

Seeing how the number 70 denotes redemption, particularly for Jews, it is significant that it has now been 10 Sabbatical weeks—equivalent to 70 years—since Israel became a nation again:

1948 + 10 weeks (70 years) = 2024
Fact: 1948 + 76 years = 2024

Fact: 70 is NOT equal to 76

Fact: Only 12,000 will be redeemed from the tribe of Judah, and only 12,000 will be redeemed from the tribe of Benjamin (Rev. 7:4-9).

Fact: The "fig-tree" prophecy (representing the Jews - see: Jer. 24) tells us that Christ would return "when his (the fig-tree/Jews') branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves" (Matt. 24:32-34). That occurred on April 22, 1948, when the first announcement went out to the world that the Jewish-state of Israel would be set up in the Middle East 22 days later on May 14, 1948.

Fact: No one, except Father (God) knows the Day and the Hour of our Judgement (Matt. 24:36), aka Judgement Day, when all of us are due to be judged according to our WORKS (Matt. 16:27).

Fact: While both "Jews" and "Christians" (and "Muslims") are busy playing games with numbers to try to determine when the end of the world will be, they have all missed the fulfilment of the "fig-tree" prophecy, Christ's return "as a thief in the night" (1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10) to gather the "Elect" (Gen. 49:10), and the very obvious meaning of the giant "X" formed across the United States by eclipses (darkness, caused by a deprivation of the sun/Sun), which signifies the end of the United States as it along with the United Kingdom and the rest of the Israelite nations WILL BE DEFEATED IN WW3 BY RUSSIA AND CHINA (Deut. 28; Rev. 11:3-7).

For those who grow weary of the numbers game and the false prophets/christs/teachers/mediators that continually promote that nonsense, please read "the little book" (Rev. 10:6-10) entitled:

The Way home or face The Fire by JAH (Mal. 4).

The title is self-explanatory.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
When I started this thread a while ago I was convinced the Feast of Trumpets related most closely to the Rapture. I’m starting to think that the convergence of the 9th Av and the Feast of New Wine has actually more compelling reasons for “great expectations” - who knows??!


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

THE 9th of Av is a date of tragedy and misfortune in Judaism.

The negative association began when, on this date, the spies who were sent to survey the Promised Land returned with a bad report, causing the Israelites to be reluctant to enter the Land (Num. 13:31–33; 14:1–4). Due to their reluctance, God banned them from entering the Land for another 40 years.

Since then, the 9th of Av has been a date of banishment, or exile, for the Jews.

Av 9 is when:

• King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First Temple, and exiled the Jews to Babylon.

• The Romans destroyed the Second Temple, dispersing the Jews worldwide.

• The Jews were expelled from England (1290).

• The Jews were expelled from France (1306).

• The Jews were expelled from Spain (1492).

• Germany entered World War One, which led to a massive upheaval in European Jewry, and set the stage for World War Two and the Holocaust.

• Heinrich Himmler received formal approval from the Nazi Party to implement “The Final Solution”—Satan’s attempt to permanently “banish” the Jews, via extermination. Though six million perished, the satanic effort to permanently banish the Jews from the Land backfired, as the horror of the Holocaust spurred the passage of the UN resolution that facilitated the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

• Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, leaving the Jewish territory to be ruled under Hamas. Since then, Gaza has been a launching pad for attacks against Israel, including the October 7 assault—the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.


Since numbers have meaning in Scripture, it is fascinating to consider a connection between the two major Jewish exiles and the number 70:

The first (Babylonian) exile was a Divine punishment for failing to observe a total of 70 Sabbatical years. Because the Jews ignored 70 Sabbaticals, they were banished to Babylon for 70 years (Lev. 26:33–35; Jer. 25:8–11). At the end of the 70 years, a Jewish captive named Daniel received the 70 Weeks Prophecy, God’s plan to redeem Israel and restore them to their Land after 70 Sabbatical weeks (Dan. 9:24–27).

The second (Roman) exile was a Divine punishment for failing to discern the time of Messiah’s coming as revealed in Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy (Dan. 9:25; Matt. 23:37–39; Luke 19:44). Because the Jews failed to recognize the time of their visitation, they were expelled from the Land in 70 AD.

Fast-forward to the present. Here is why the connection between Av 9 and the number 70 is significant in 2024:

• 2024 is a calculated Jubilee, the “year of redemption” for Jews and their land (Lev. 25:8–54). What’s more, it is the 70th Jubilee, numerically signifying redemption (Jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:27).

• As in the days of Babylon and Rome, Israel is under siege by an enemy intent on crushing the Jewish state. This time, the aggressor is Iran and its proxies.

The convergence of themes—redemption and judgment—evokes past events on Av 9, and how the destructions on this date were sown with the seeds of the future redemption: just as the Holocaust led to the partial redemption of the Land in 1948, the time of Jacob’s Trouble will lead to its ultimate redemption.

This year, as none before, one has the sense that the time of Trouble is at hand.

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1. Av 9 events:

2. The Jews entered the Promised Land and began counting the Jubilee cycle in 1407 BC (1407 BC + 70 Jubilees (3,430 years) = 2023–24).

3. The ancient destructions of Jerusalem (Babylonian and Roman) were preceded by a breach of Israel’s wall. Modern Israel’s protective “iron wall” began to be breached on October 7, 2023: https://www.timesofisrael.com/years-of-subterfuge-high-tech-barrier-paralyzed-how-hamas-busted-israels-defenses/

4. Jerusalem Post: ‘Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av, the Jewish day of disaster – report’

5. The nine days from Av 1 to Av 9 are traditionally a time of intensive mourning, during which Jews refrain from eating meat, drinking wine, and even wearing freshly laundered clothing. This year, Av 1 saw the largest one-day stock market drop in two years:

6. A time-honored tradition on the afternoon of Av 9 is to clean up one’s home in anticipation of the arrival of Messiah, who will usher in the end of the long exile that began on this date two millennia ago.

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*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Less than 24 hours to the beginning of Tisha B’Av, the day on the Hebrew calendar that marks the destruction of both first and second Temples, and it’s clear to the Israeli security establishment that a strike from Lebanon and Iran is a matter of 24-48 hours.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

TU B’AV is considered one of the happiest days of the year on the Jewish calendar. Though it is not a prophetic “festival of the Lord” (Lev. 23), it is a holiday brimming with eschatological themes:


Since Tu B’Av occurs in the middle of the biblical month, on Av 15, it always lands on a full moon. The full moon is symbolic of the Bride, or Church, in a state of fullness, or completion. It is also when the “goodman,” a picture of Jesus, returns: “The goodman is … gone on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; He will come home at the full moon” (Prov. 7:19, 20; Rev. 22:12).


Similar to our Valentine’s Day, Tu B’Av is a day of courtship and marriage in Israel. In biblical times, on the full moon of Av, virgins would dress in white and dance in the vineyards to attract husbands. Another connection to weddings is that Tu B’Av is when two historical bans on intertribal marriage were lifted, allowing the Israelites to intermarry with other tribes. One ban pertained to the tribe of Benjamin, who was excommunicated for its behavior in the incident of the concubine at Givah (Judges 19–21). The other ban, which had to do with land inheritance (see Daughters of Zelophehad), was lifted after the conquest and division of the Promised Land.


After 40 years of wandering the wilderness, Tu B’Av is when the Israelites realized that they were about to enter the Promised Land. They were previously banned from the Land on the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av), when they believed the spies’ bad report, and God decreed that the entire generation would die wandering the wilderness (Num. 13:31–33; 14:1–4). When the 40 years had passed, Tu B’Av is the date on which the Children of Israel realized that the last of the banned generation had died off, and that a new generation stood ready to enter the Holy Land.


Tu B’Av in July–August coincides with the grape harvest in Israel. In Song of Songs, tender grapes are the last agricultural sign mentioned before the Shepherd comes to gather and spirit away his beloved Gentile maid:

“The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; the fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away” (Song 2:11–13).


The grape harvest around Tu B’Av is when new wine is made. At Jesus’ final Passover, He told the disciples that He would not drink wine again until He drinks it “new” at His return: “I tell you—I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom” (Matt. 26:29).

Besides the above eschatological themes, Tu B’Av this year marks a number of significant anniversaries:


Tu B’Av this year corresponds to August 19, the date on which a 1970 press report announced the approval of a “master plan” to rebuild the Old City of Jerusalem. That the rebuilding of Jerusalem was formally announced on August 19, 1970, is significant because in Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy, the rebuilding of Jerusalem initiates a count of “seven weeks,” or one Jubilee period, to Messiah the Prince (Dan. 9:25).

Another coincidence is that the Av 1970 plan to rebuild Jerusalem was announced 1,900 years, nearly to the day, after the destruction of Jerusalem in Av 70 AD. It is fitting that Jerusalem was both destroyed and rebuilt in a year “70” as the number 70 denotes exile and redemption in Scripture (Jer. 25:11; 29:10; Dan. 9:24).


Tu B’ Av this year occurs just shy of the seventh anniversary of the Great American Eclipse. The eclipse on August 21, 2017, was considered a biblical sign because:

• It occurred on the eve of Elul 1, the date that begins a 40-day period of repentance and trumpet warning blasts ahead of the Day of Atonement.

• Its 70-mile-wide shadow path crossed over seven US cities named Salem, an alternate name for Jerusalem.

• Its shadow path cut a dividing line across the US, on the same day that Jared Kushner arrived in the Middle East to begin work on a peace plan that divides Jerusalem.

The most portentous thing about the 2017 eclipse, however, is that its path marked the first half of a giant ‘X’ across the US, which was completed by the 2024 solar eclipse:

A giant ‘X’ across the US—Israel’s main protector and ally, and home to roughly half the world’s Jews—is an ominous sign indeed. The impending Tu B’Av will mark seven years since the sign began to manifest.


Finally, though I don’t usually write about personal signs or coincidences, the following one is too relevant to ignore. Tu B’Av this year marks exactly nine years since a friend and I saw a cloud take on the unmistakable and strikingly detailed shape of an angel sounding a shofar. For those who have not already read about this, for me, life-changing experience, here is what I wrote about it in my 2021 book, Summer Is Near: https://tinyurl.com/nhh5zmr3

While the August 19 date of the trumpeting angel had no special meaning to me when it occurred in 2015, I later learned that it was the anniversary of the 1970 master plan to rebuild Jerusalem. I found this incredible because the rebuilding of Jerusalem as it pertains to the “seven weeks,” or Jubilee period, of Daniel 9 has been a main theme of this ministry since its beginning in June 2015.

Another coincidence, which I just recently became aware of, is that Tu B’Av lands on August 19 only twice during the 50-year span between 2000 and 2050: on the first and ninth anniversaries of this watchman ministry.

A fluke? Perhaps. Another possibility, though, if the trumpeting cloud angel was indeed a sign, is that the first anniversary was meant to establish a link between the sign and Tu B’Av, and the ninth anniversary is meant as a reminder. Why would God issue a reminder of the trumpeting angel in the ninth year? I can only guess. But the first thing that occurs to me is that the number nine, the last of the single-digit numbers, denotes divine completeness, and conveys the meaning of finality. When Jesus died in the ninth hour, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

Could the ninth year of this watchman ministry be the year “it is finished”? I believe that it could, not just because of the angel-cloud anniversary, but because it is a calculated Jubilee. Counting Daniel’s “seven weeks” from the Sabbatical week after the 1970 plan to rebuild Jerusalem, the 50th year, or Jubilee, ends this fall.


Tu B’Av is a holiday brimming with eschatological themes: the full moon, weddings, entering the Promised Land, the grape harvest, and new wine.

The Gregorian date of Tu B’Av this year, August 19, coincides with the anniversary of the 1970 plan to rebuild Jerusalem, the Great American Eclipse, the start of the Trump-led peace efforts, and my own trumpeting angel sign.

Only God knows the day of the Rapture—and He is not telling (Matt. 24:36). But the signs and timelines are lining up as never before. It is therefore time to “look up”—today, on Tu B’Av, and every day—because our redemption is near.

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1. Dancing in the vineyards on Tu B’Av: https://www.sefaria.org/Taanit.30b.10?lang=bi

2. According to tradition, each year on Av 9, Moses commanded the Children of Israel to dig graves and sleep in them as punishment for believing the spies’ bad report and rejecting the Land. Each year, they would awaken to find that a number had died during the night. When the final year of Israel’s sentence of wandering the wilderness had passed, however, the last of that generation did not die on Av 9. Assuming they had erred in calculation, they waited another day, then another, for death to come. When the full moon appeared on Av 15, they realized that the 40 years of wandering were over, and that they were about to enter the Promised Land.

3. The day after Tu B’ Av in 1970 (August 18), is when the Jerusalem District Town Planning Committee approved a master plan to rebuild the Old City of Jerusalem. The plan was made public the next day, August 19, via a press report in the Jerusalem Post:

4. While the planning and clearing of rubble in preparation for the rebuilding of Jerusalem began soon after the Israeli takeover in 1967, the plan to rebuild the Holy City, composed by a team of architects, engineers, and administrators, was not approved and publicly communicated until August 1970).

5. Trump’s peace team arrived in the Middle East to begin work on the “deal of the century” on August 21, 2017: https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/22/politics/jared-kushner-middle-east-trip/index.html

6. Coincidentally, the word “nine” appears 50 times in 49 King James Bible verses, evoking the “seven weeks,” or Jubilee period, in Daniel 9: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/search.php?q=nine

7. Since the master plan to rebuild Jerusalem was issued in the middle of the Sabbatical week beginning in 1967, the count of seven weeks begins at the start of the next full week, which is 1974:

1974 + 7 weeks = 2023–24

8. More on the 2024 Jubilee calculation: https://tinyurl.com/4r9fk7rb

9. There is more to the angel-cloud story. On August 20, 2022, exactly seven years after my experience, a similar, albeit more ambiguous, cloud angel was witnessed and photographed by a friend, Brian Christopher: https://tinyurl.com/3wxuxech

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*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com