God already planned our lives, and we are merely just going along with the script. What say you?

Oct 20, 2021
The Roman empire had expanded from Britain through France to Judea in the first century. There were white people in the near east, there still are today. Many people as far as Iran look like Europeans
I did not know that. Thanks for the enlightenment. Another thing I was wondering about is are Jews an actual race or just another religion? And since most of Israel type people appear to be white why do they call other white people goyim and seem to always be using usery against all races which is forbidden in the Bible. Even I know that the Federal Reserve is not a real government entity yet it controls all our lives more than the actual government. And from reading on this forum about the Rothschild family and the banking industry they seem to be controlling the vaccine scam and pretty much everything that is evil. I personally don't think any of them are actually white in the sense of white Anglo Saxon Protestant people and that they are intentionally trying to get all other races together to destroy the few truly white people that are left. Also I think they are the ones behind slavery since they seem to be lurking around whenever evil is happening.
May 18, 2018
I did not know that. Thanks for the enlightenment. Another thing I was wondering about is are Jews an actual race or just another religion? And since most of Israel type people appear to be white why do they call other white people goyim and seem to always be using usery against all races which is forbidden in the Bible. Even I know that the Federal Reserve is not a real government entity yet it controls all our lives more than the actual government. And from reading on this forum about the Rothschild family and the banking industry they seem to be controlling the vaccine scam and pretty much everything that is evil. I personally don't think any of them are actually white in the sense of white Anglo Saxon Protestant people and that they are intentionally trying to get all other races together to destroy the few truly white people that are left. Also I think they are the ones behind slavery since they seem to be lurking around whenever evil is happening.
Jews are a race when it is beneficial to them and a religion when it's beneficial to them, and a nepotistic international criminal mafia when it suits them

Ashkenazi jews, the ones that look white, descend from 350 people.

Certain fanatical elements within Judaism have plans for world domination as laid out in the protocols of the elders of zion, which have all been fulfilled to the letter in the last 100 years, except the last one about their antichrist king ruling from Jerusalem. Henry Ford wrote some good pieces on it in his book "the international jew" if you're curious. And yeah they controlled the trans Atlantic slave trade in both North and South america to the extent that the slave markets were closed on Jewish holidays because there was no one to buy or sell. 78% of Jewish family's in the American South owned slaves in comparison to less than 1% of whites


Mar 23, 2021
Ashkenazi jews, the ones that look white, descend from 350 people.

These are my relatives from the Rhine/Danube river region of Germany.


Dec 13, 2017
I did not know that. Thanks for the enlightenment. Another thing I was wondering about is are Jews an actual race or just another religion?
John 4 22You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. - Jesus Christ

Jews brought forth God's Saviour who saves lives and souls.

Surely you must appreciate that fact.

Not saying all jews are good people but some are for sure... and as a collective they've been on the bad end of God's justice for 2000 years.

Everything comes to an end... God's righteous anger with the jews as well.