I didn't even Know this was a thing
I don't Believe this is by chance considering the bug agenda
what are the chances that farm/ranches where Your animals
would graze/eat in roughly the same areas are suddenly going
to have an "outbreak"of cases like this,of course they cover
that by saying it can survive years in the ground
it's highly suspicious they just started with the having to xav
Your animals and this is happening amongst all the other "infections"
that are affecting all sorts of animals that We would consider
as a food source be it farm or wild it's all getting affected and
We Know it's all by design
it's also very convenient that this can't really affect Us unless of
course it's weaponized but no worries biohsolutshones(spelt wrong
on purpose)has a eniccav for that
North Dakota’s Department of Agriculture has confirmed 25 cases of cattle anthrax this year, making it the most cases the state has seen since 2005.