I have deleted my posts because for one, the level of theft, people stealing content for which I spend time gathering together, without crediting, got to a point where it simply became a daily activity, people checking up my work and then posting it, or using it in other forums without crediting. Also me not getting any benefit from it.
You all used the information one way or the other, but some people literally took everything out and put it in other forums.
The other reason was because after two years, experiencing the same level of discussion in which people simply don’t want to deal with facts and truth, but instead attack me, became unattractive and with no benefits for me.
It took me a few days to delete my posts. I couldn't do it all at once. It takes ages. This is why I stopped in-between. When I had about 115 posts left, the system wouldn't show it, so I thought it is an error and hasn't updated correctly.
I did not had the time anymore to do the work I did here, especially under the circumstances.
It was a pain in the ass to manually delete all my posts, any coincidence such as that I might be a bighit staffer or other stuff is logical to conclude and it look very strongly as if this would be the case, but it is not the first time where I don't see the point explaining the same issue to the same people which is why I did not visit the forum until I started deleting my posts.
The deleted part had to do with the stealing of my content and the the way things are being handled on this forum in general.
I have tried to explain some things, for what they are, but whenever I dealt with some out of control or uninformed people, no one stepped in to my defence, though you have no problem otherwise attacking or defending others.
You seem to have a weird relation with me. Interesting at least.
Either you don't understand anything from what I have posted, or you accept people fake victimising themselves and calling everything racist.
Another problem that I see is that, no matter how you shape it, you are still attached to BTS in a way in which, even if you don't react like the rest of the people, you still can't handle reality. You take every fact about the quality of their actions, handling, promoting, etc, personal in such ways, that you say that I have something against BTS (yes, I do have indirectly, in general against an industry based on nothing professional, which I have made it clear by given the example of others like BTS), or that I am "hating" on them.
Again this hypersensitive society created by the left.
Stating a fact is not hating. Even if I were, personally, “hating” on anything I have talked about in this thread, my comments were factual.
Calling members lazy, or that they got fatter, or that they can't sing, etc is in your vision "hateful". But saying for years that they are killing people and engaging in blood rituals, that's loving and caring.
It is not the first time I am pointing out to this hypocrisy.
I am near 30, a bit too old to get into childish virtual crushes, which is why my posts where mostly about the industry or politics, facts and analysis based on facts, musical, political or psychological, when it came to the members.
By the way - their “schedule” of being so full and them not getting a break. As someone in this profession, it makes me laugh reading those things. You clearly don’t know how it is to practice - either dancing, or playing, or studying, 20 hours a day. For years. There are many people I respect, admire and adore in the music industry. That’s what I learnt from them.
Take under consideration that even if I lied about my background, which obviously could be the case for anyone, you don’t need to be in this profession to not have a look at BTS and others like them (Beyonce for ex), who haven’t hit a note and danced one real dance in their life, doing the same playback over and over again, over the same songs, to notice that they are all using the same victimising propaganda : “work so hard”.
Where is the result? What is their schedule. Do they perform each evening like a classical musician, different program? By heart? Do they bleed their feet out every night like a ballet dancer? Do they practice 10 hours a day no matter if they had a performance?
I do not believe you are doing it intentionally, I don’t think you have any mean motives, but in the end, because you are still attached, you view every single critique and fact I am writing about, as “hating”. This is a BTS and politics thread. That’s the subject.
Little side note - over and over again you come with the same attacks and accusations, when it comes to me writing about certain members which may be your favourite, but you have no problem bashing and writing offending stuff about the rest of them without realising probably.
@cadiz - I did not disagree with people for not "liking" Trump. I asked- please come with facts if you want to say Trump is bad. There is plenty material out-there, but quoting lines from the leftist lunatic media, is not a fact, which is what the two or three people you are referring to, did.
For example a few weeks ago he showed his real face with some comments he made according to the cabalistic agenda.
@taepeach if you did not understand some of the things I write about, please ask.
Rather than ignoring but then suddenly noticing that people think I am writing "offensive" things, aka you believing so, especially since you never acted this way towards me in our interaction.
Imagine the situation from this point of view - I make a factual statement. Someone who has no information on the matter, or was fuelled the wrong information which can be proven, comes in and attacks me. I try once, I try twice, peacefully to point out to the data. Then I stop being nice and things get heated because I obviously deal with either a younger person, or an adult who's just throwing misinformation at me while offending.
It is a long stretch from me stating factual things to accusing me (directly or indirectly) of writing offensive ones.
As to you “testing” me to see if I would say something good about him - what’s that of a human interaction. What would this prove to you? I explained the positive things about him, I have mentioned that the main evil and guilty people are his parents who sold him, and many other things.
Oh - by the way - when you TEST something, you must ensure that data isn’t flawed and results not manipulated.
Ignoring the fact that I have spoken from all angles regarding Taehyung, makes your “testing” project nothing but a proof your character and not nice towards me. You might think you have tested me, but I don't see how. By you making jokes? Some of them were good. I appreciated that. What I get in return is you writing untrue things about me behind my back and bragging about how you tested me.
At least I know now who I am dealing with. Thank you for showing your face.
@Berrywon88 you said you joined when I left, but yet you “blocked me” ? So someone gives you information for free and you block that person.
“Wasn't she the one that made anti-semitic remarks? So why should anyone care? “
That’s your quote.
Why should anyone care?
Because making anti-semitic remarks is ok. I have the right to make comments, to critique, to expose facts, truth, about whatever I want. About jews, about chinese people, about russians, muslims, germans, french, etc. It is not a crime. It’s ok.
What is not ok, is to accuse me of having done something which I haven't. The only jewish people I have spoken about are the Rothschild or Rockefeller. Which are jewish zionist. Do you even know what that means? Or do you believe that all jewish people are criminals? Because I don’t.
You thinking I was never a BTS fan? Since when do I have to be a BTS fan? This is not BTS fan thread, nor was the other one.
@GmAry you wrote me one message containing one question you could have easily asked on the thread. I didn't meant to ignore, I simply forgot to ask you to post the question on the thread.
@eaisa I won’t take any legal steps for now, I believe you are one of the three other similar unfortunate events which I have experienced, but the comments you made might end up with the fed visiting your home.
I tried peacefully to correct your mistake, You didn’t stopped attacking me.
What you wrote is no longer something which should lead to you being banned, I already noticed that the wrong kind of people are being banned in here. It is more of a crime.
Point that I have always made was that someone's lack of knowledge is not only harming for the others, but for one's self. Quoting leftist lies and screaming racism or victimhood, doesn't change the reality or the facts.
As for the rest of the members:
Writing bad things about me in the other thread behind my back is not right. The talking behind my back is fine, I appreciate it, better than writing them privately, but writing false things about me, that’s not right. And please write the bad things about me in this thread, I wouldn't have discovered them if it wouldn't have been for members tagging me. Just say it here, but also make sure that you are not making up lies about me.
You are obsessed with Taehyung, defending and worshiping every little thing he is doing, not giving a break to someone who said that from a professional point a view he can’t sing and can’t dance. Anymore. He wasn't always like that. Even Jungkook destroyed himself by doing nothing in the past two years - voice gone, muscles gone, tattoos and piercings uglier. He had a good voice. It's gone. Jungkook was the next one on my list but since I do not plan to be active anymore, I assume if I would have started to show how from a person with a perfect pitch, Jungkook couldn't hit the notes in their past performances, you would have called me again a hater?
Jungkook is also an unfortunate case - worse if not equally bad as Taehyung when it comes to family - they sold him out when he was younger, didn't cared about school and his own brother and family are milking him for his millions.
On the other hand he hits on and DM's a 18 year old on instagram.
The biggest problem that people on this forum had with me was pointing out to …THIS ? You repeating over and over and over again how I hate BTS. That’s juvenile and childish. The bigger monster behind them is BigHit. After two years, the only thing you can come up with is me calling Taehyung lazy and hating on BTS. That’s no different than twitter army.
In general I got mad at people making false statements and attacking me, when on most of the things discussed (political), you can check the data.
I got mad because you never intervened in my case, but you jump defending others in the other forum. That’s not right, especially since I have always, from the beginning, defended those incorrectly attacked, no matter what the status of my “relationship” with that member was.
I have seen those “hearts” and “likes” every time someone would come with some lies while attacking me.
So you enjoy people attacking me for telling the truth? Wow. That was my reaction every time.
I never said I was a fan of BTS, I do not have to be one. This thread has never been about fan-ing over BTS, but to point out as to why they aren't a "musical" group. Or whatever they pretend they are. Critique on their singing, their lack of dancing is not "hating". Anyone who believes this is "hating", can give a thanks to leftist propaganda of not being able to deal with facts.
We don't know each other, but I would have said a thing if I simply can't keep up with stuff.
It's a bit weird to disappear as long as I am healthy from a thread I started and kept in touch with people for two years.
Some old members who attacked me, got a new account only to go back at attacking me. And...why making false statements about me with things I have never said? If one wants to attack me - you have enough as it is, don't have to make up stuff I never said.
Rather than attacking me or staying quiet when others do, maybe you should double check the information posted by me and see that it's a fact. You jumped in defending others being attacked, correctly? But not when it comes to me.
I tried to explain to some of you who clearly have been influenced by leftist media, that this victimising, fake racism, sick “woke-ism” is destroying us all, young people, your children, your parents, the society.
What you do ? You come with quotes from leftist media based on false information, attacking me, again.
Long before it started with those “vaccines” I have posted factual information and links explaining from a medical point, why they will kill you on the long term for a flu which has not killed more people than in the past years.
For the past months I wrote for a newspaper and gathered information about this subject at least earning some money from it. I would have stayed here, but I don’t make money out of it.
I won't be posting things, unless is something reaaaaally big, if you have questions, post it, I will try answering them.
It is interesting though that nobody noticed, or you didn't wanted to acknowledge the fact that no matter how outrageously wrong the postings of some members were, I have always tried in a peaceful way to show them why the information is wrong and why they were fooled into thinking in a certain way. That was always my first reaction.
Most of you on the other hand spent 5% of the other thread plus 5% in here to talk bad untrue things about me, not understanding a thing about what I am posting, though most of the real information you dealt with regarding the industry and BTS was posted by me.
ONE person ever thanked me. The rest of you - can’t wait for someone to attack me.
The level of jealousy towards me rather than appreciation for my work and entrapment in this BTS obsession caused you not even being able to handle a normal reaction from member
@Luisy who simply pointed out to the weirdness of this situation of me disappearing.
You called it “derailing the thread”.
A member posting for two years raw facts and analysis about BigHit’s shady business, exposing some of the tricks and lies in the business, posting links with videos and material difficult to find otherwise, suddenly disappears, her messages being deleted, and you think that that’s DERAILING the BTS voodoo thread because one member found it to be suspicious?
Well, it is how it is now. Probably for the best.
I should have said something when leaving, we are still people even though we are hiding behind a screen.I wish you a bit o love, a bit of ////HATE and stop quoting leftist media
Before I go, I am going to leave some links for you to check every now and then:
https://www.projectveritas.com/ - they often uncover things
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ - belongs to Robert F. Kennedy who teamed up with Dr. Fuellmich and exposing fraud related to corona
https://cezaraluciavladescu.com/ - that’s where I got most of the updates and information, though some things aren’t public anymore
https://banned.video/channel/the-alex-jones-show alex jones