

May 15, 2017
What is he talking about ??!! Eclipse comes from the greek word έκλειψη, which means (kind of) reduction or disappearance or vanishing. What does he say,E for Energy and then something about ... clips ?! For God's sake,these videos are pure disinformation, Iol ! I'm Greek, I know exactly what eclipse means ! (how all these weirdos YouTubers know about what's coming is beyond my comprehension. I suspect they're all shills)
I don't Believe anyone a 100% some of the stuff spoken of
I take with a grain of salt
there maybe something within what I've posted that resonates
as Truth or I find interesting enough to warrant looking into

I don't ask or expect anyone to Believe a 100% what is posted
everyone specially today needs to use discernment
all I'm doing is the above sharing so others may See from a
different perspective


May 15, 2017
i don't remember places doing this for any other
it must've been the same thing going on though
millions turning out to watch right so why is this one
getting like special precautions etc...



Nov 7, 2023
>>>>how all these weirdos YouTubers know about what's coming is beyond my comprehension.
>>>>I suspect they're all shills

I'm not sure that "shills" is exactly the right [English] word ... there's another that's better, but I can't quite get it off the tip of my tongue at the moment. I think "gaslighters" might have been better some years ago, but that one's been polluted lately. Flim-flammers is a good one that comes to mind, but still misses the mark.

You-Tubers are the modern day equivalent of the old Carnival Barkers. It is rather amusing how so many of them jump on whatever bandwagon wanders by or glam onto any tragedy to make an internet dollar. Witness, for example, the tragedy of Hobo Shoestring, and how many crawl out of their holes to scrape a view or two from that. Several "Go grift me's" popped up almost immediately. Sickening.

I hope it rains.


Feb 8, 2021
When it enters the United States, the eclipse passes through the city of Jonah, and then passes over all seven towns called Nineveh in the United States, and the only city called Nineveh in Canada.
— Monday, April 8, the day of the eclipse, is the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord.
— Jonah said that 40 days more and Nineveh would be destroyed.
— Forty days from April 8 is Saturday, May 18, the Vigil of Pentecost, when fire from Heaven descended upon man.
— When Jonah preached in 700 BC and when he came out of the whale, there was a total eclipse over the city of Nineveh.


Feb 8, 2021
The San Gabriel River runs through Jonah, Texas.
— The eclipse passes through Temple, Texas.
— The eclipse of 8-21-2017 went from east to west, and the eclipse of 4-8-2024 goes from south to north. It creates a great cross over the United States. In the center of that cross is a town called Palestine.
— Also in that center area is the largest cross in North America at 198 feet tall, along with a large station of the 10 Commandments:


Aug 22, 2021
>>>>how all these weirdos YouTubers know about what's coming is beyond my comprehension.
>>>>I suspect they're all shills

I'm not sure that "shills" is exactly the right [English] word ... there's another that's better, but I can't quite get it off the tip of my tongue at the moment. I think "gaslighters" might have been better some years ago, but that one's been polluted lately. Flim-flammers is a good one that comes to mind, but still misses the mark.

You-Tubers are the modern day equivalent of the old Carnival Barkers. It is rather amusing how so many of them jump on whatever bandwagon wanders by or glam onto any tragedy to make an internet dollar. Witness, for example, the tragedy of Hobo Shoestring, and how many crawl out of their holes to scrape a view or two from that. Several "Go grift me's" popped up almost immediately. Sickening.

I hope it rains.
girl what is this hot mess are u from california or England or something? do u realize this can even upset most people in this thread are not going to agree with you … but i admit there are some accurate points i agreed with almost all of it lmao also I do not follow uncensored youtube /tiktok prophets because they mostly do go jumping from one current it event to the next without ever exposing any real valuable inside data, instead they’re using reposted stuff or decade old reshares to make a whole clip adding w.e they find around & stitch it together like glue on a wall to see what doesn’t fall


Nov 7, 2023
reposted stuff
Butters the Bean was a cat (now deceased) who had a large following. We enjoyed Butter's antics. She was a sickly thing, but we enjoyed her antics.

Her owners (or perhaps mimickers) now repost those old videos months after Butter's passing. They're sick.

I still hope it rains.
Oct 20, 2021
And, if I'm not mistaken, there was a prediction by some Austrian prophet about an eclipse during the "third world war".

Or maybe it wasn't exactly an eclipse, but another big event "that will stop the war."

To I add some oil to the fire. :D

*And to remind you that at the moment there is no war (there are military actions between a useless eaters in order to achieve many useful goals, not for us)
Let's not forget that the Austrian Prophet was also a street artist who survived by selling his hand drawn postcards and paintings to passerbys. Perhaps if the Synagogue of Satan hadn't conspired to keep him out of graduating from Art University we would all be better off?
Oct 20, 2021
I am going to save the world on April 8 2024 by getting out my watermelon THC vape and taking 13 puffs 3 times. This will alter the magnetic vibration emanating from the tip of the California State Capitol and send signals to NASA encouraging all their scientists to get honest jobs and stop leaching off of hapless American taxpayers. Meanwhile another million invaders just crossed the southern border.


May 15, 2017
I'm posting this here cause it just feels like it goes
together for some reason with the weirdness around
the 8th

I don't remember this ever happening before either
any of Y'all remember that many palindromes for
2 months in a row before?

again We do Know a 100% that tptb will wait decades
even generations to have this kinda event where everything
aligns just right and I do Believe thats what We're witnessing
happen right now

does that mean We will actually See results from w/e their
doing not necessarily because not everything is meant to
be Seen with Our eyes specially not right away not with tptb

they like taking their time and the further away and hidden the
efforts for results seems to suit them just fine,it only gives
more time for bigger numbers in deaths,poisoning etc..and of
course once again accountable deniability

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May 15, 2017
Thank Ya KJ for Sharing

as KJ says have Ya ever Heard of this being done before even though
every other eclipse would've had the same thing happening of excess of
Peoples piling in to watch the eclipse,I have never not once in my life

will all those extra Peoples be gone enough so there isnt the traffic congestion
that will be on monday?this just seems weird to me
I mean after having all the extra Peoples they must be getting down on
certain supplies in some places right

least Ya would think specially with tptb telling Peoples to prepare like it was
actually a hurricane or some type of "disaster"coming
what if something does happen that day that prevents the vehicles from being
able to come in the next day or days/longer

asking again since i didn't See a answer and I was really Hoping someone
would offer their opinion/theory
if there is a lighted side and darkened side of the earth all the time because tptb
say the sun/moon are w/e miles out in space from Us
why is there a small track instead of just plunging both sides into darkness for the
time of the eclipse

seems like nrec spent the last 2 yrs preparing for this event too
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