Dreams and their meaning


Aug 19, 2018
I'm the kind of person who thinks dreams are here to tell us something. I think it's facsnating to be able to travel in our subconscious and always make a lot of research to try to know what my dreams are telling me. Lately I keep making this dream where insects keep coming in my house then 3 rats.
Do yall think dreams have a meaning?


Mar 13, 2017

Dreams can give us so much insight into ourselves and the world around us.


Oct 23, 2018
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


This meme summarizes what I think of dreams. A supposed dream interpreter former friend of mine was wrong everytime.

Sometimes it is just pizza or something you ate.


Mar 11, 2019
Before I was born, my grandmother had a dream about a little girl with lunch box running out of a church, then my grandmother was like "little girl what are u doing outside, go back to the church!" and not long after that my mom gave birth to me. When I grew up, she said I look like the little girl in her dream. LOL!

I do believe dream can have meaning but if a dream really stuck in your mind, always take it to prayers, ask God and let Holy Spirit lead you. If it's from Him, you will sure know!


Mar 13, 2017
A supposed dream interpreter former friend of mine was wrong everytime.
How do you know that?

You are right in that some dreams are just like random noise. It all highly depends on the dreamer though. Take me for example, my dreams are usually some reflection of myself. In a typical nightmare, I will probably feel trapped by something. Trapped by things like geography, logistics or just be in a straight up maze.

These types of dreams aren't random, and they aren't noise. I do have issues related to power and boundaries. So much so that I don't even want friends. My friends growing up all lied to me. And I feel like everyone else will lie in some selfish fashion. Maybe they tell themselves they are lying to try to protect me. Either way, friends never made me a better person.

Anyway, I think the moral of the story is that friends can't be trusted. People may learn more from an enemy than a friend.


Oct 23, 2018
How do you know that?

You are right in that some dreams are just like random noise. It all highly depends on the dreamer though. Take me for example, my dreams are usually some reflection of myself. In a typical nightmare, I will probably feel trapped by something. Trapped by things like geography, logistics or just be in a straight up maze.

These types of dreams aren't random, and they aren't noise. I do have issues related to power and boundaries. So much so that I don't even want friends. My friends growing up all lied to me. And I feel like everyone else will lie in some selfish fashion. Maybe they tell themselves they are lying to try to protect me. Either way, friends never made me a better person.

Anyway, I think the moral of the story is that friends can't be trusted. People may learn more from an enemy than a friend.
I know that my dream interpreter friend was wrong because the real meaning of the dreams I shared with him (only 2) was not what he said they were. He took every dream as being solely about the self. I think usually the most logical meaning of the dream is usually the right one. He was complicated and convoluted in interpretation. It took me awhile to understand, but eventually the meaning of both dreams would be something simple and logical.


Mar 13, 2017
I know that my dream interpreter friend was wrong because the real meaning of the dreams I shared with him (only 2) was not what he said they were. He took every dream as being solely about the self. I think usually the most logical meaning of the dream is usually the right one. He was complicated and convoluted in interpretation. It took me awhile to understand, but eventually the meaning of both dreams would be something simple and logical.
That makes some sense. Yes, we should try to look for the logic in our dreams. And naturally adding more complexity to a theory equals a bigger chance that it's wrong.

I've found that symbols are experienced subjectively. So in that sense, a dream interpreter can only act as a guide. Like only the dreamer really knows how to make sense of a dream. Plus sometimes they mean nothing.


May 21, 2019
I think dreams have meaning. Sometimes that meaning is just your subconscious mind's way of working through issues while you sleep. For instance, I watched a video on this site of a dog being rescued from a python and then that night I had a nightmare about my dog being injured. It was just my mind's way of dealing with the fear that something bad would happen to my dog that was triggered by that video. I don't think it was prophetic -- just more like some kind of psychological clean up or something.

But other dreams I've had have been different. I'm still not sure of the purpose of some of them, but they seemed like genuine messages that I was supposed to pay attention to. Now, whether that message is just my subconscious trying to send me information or some outside force trying to pass on info to me, who knows? Logically, I assume it is the former, but some dreams definitely feel like the latter. For instance, I had a dream that I broke a particular glass that I owned while washing the dishes. At that moment, voices started telling me, "Pay attention. This is important. When you see this, it is about to begin." I couldn't see anyone and the voices appeared to be coming from above me. I kept saying, "What does this mean? What will begin?" But they just kept repeating the message while I was getting more frantic to find out what they meant. Then I woke up. I was totally shaken by it because it felt so real. In fact, it freaked me out so much that I threw away that glass. I was afraid I would break it while washing it and have a meltdown. So, if it was an actual message from angels or the universe or something, well, I pretty much refused to listen to it. But, no consequences from that refusal yet -- so that probably means it was nothing more than a weird dream that was very vivid.

My husband, though, sometimes has dreams about his late father. Those do seem to have relevance. In one, his father told him that our first child was going to be a girl. I was pregnant at the time and was certain we were having a boy. But, nope, we were having a girl. He said it seemed so real to him -- so I'm more open to thinking that those dreams are just a way for his father to communicate with him from time to time. Maybe that is just wishful thinking, though.


Dec 27, 2017
Most dreams don't mean anything. They are just gibberish that comes when your brain is defragmenting the things you’ve experienced through the day, kicking all sorts of bizarre things through your mind. Ecclesiastes 5:3 says, "For a dream comes through much activity..." Some people have weird dreams, so they visit a psychoanalyst who helps them try to understand if there is any hidden meaning in them. But sometimes it’s just too much pizza before bedtime. Don’t put a lot of emphasis on making a life decision based on your wacky dreams.

Can God guide us through a dream? He can, but we should be careful about allowing dreams and visions to be the primary criteria. If you’re going to base decisions on dreams and visions, make sure there is reinforcing evidence. A lot of these extraordinary methods that people use to determine God’s will are reserved for when He speaks to chosen prophets. If that’s not you just yet, take a moment now to discover some biblical and common-sense ways to discern the will of God.
Mar 30, 2017
I know that my dream interpreter friend was wrong because the real meaning of the dreams I shared with him (only 2) was not what he said they were. He took every dream as being solely about the self. I think usually the most logical meaning of the dream is usually the right one. He was complicated and convoluted in interpretation. It took me awhile to understand, but eventually the meaning of both dreams would be something simple and logical.
This somewhat goes in line with what Karen Horney’s interpretation of dreams. She being very wary of Freud’s analysis, for which I admired her for, Karen, was one for self-analysis. Her theory was that our dreams are about things in our lives manifested. As it was explained to us, if you dream about a horse, you need to find out what horses mean to you and your life, as there’s no absolute dream definition. If anyone is interested, here’s a snippet of her theory:

“Karen Horney and Self-Analysis”

Horney’s theory also seems to be similar with what Scully told Mulder, which is a dream is an answer to a question we haven’t learned to ask. :)