Creepy-Sleepy-Sniffy Uncle Joe Biden Thread


Mar 4, 2020
I'll never in a million years understand why half of the great American people went nuts and voted Biden into the White House .How about it Norm?


The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
And we have our new enemy, ahem ... ISIS-K per Joe Biden, I guess we have COVID variants so now we apply that to ISIS as well, LOL. I mean, why did we not hear bout ISIS=K before today... that dastardly mutation. Ole Joe showed the press how quickly he can evacuate and avoid questions while the Dems in a world/country divided keep pushing anything but togetherness throwing monopoly money around while acting like his mishandling of Afghanistan is no big deal. I don't have any side which I believe (all corrupt) and certainly not any MSM info on this. The US is a hot mess right now, add COVID crap, censorship, and oligarchy technocratic fucktards and it is embarrassing to those who have to watch this insane show play out. What the hell is wrong with these people? Somebody pull my plug from this bizarre Matrix... I will say this some of them rock their roles and make people hate.
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Mar 4, 2020
Yes I think as far fetched as it sounds obama is possibly the antichrist and will use sharia law and his Islamic ties to implement his beast like system.

Yes the Democrats and their lackey supporters are a godless atheistic bunch riddled with more demons than fleas on a hound dawgs back, and let's not forget that the Antichrist might not be just one man or woman, but many antichrists.

"..this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour" (1 John 2:18 )

"Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist" (2 John 1:7)

"Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist, he denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22/3)

"..every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus..this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world" (1 John 4:3)

Perhaps Biden is the head honcho Antichrist and his "dear sweet little harmless sleepy Joe" image is just a front-

"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Cor 11:13/14)

Food for thought-

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Dec 11, 2017
U.S. Supreme Court requires Biden to revive Trump-era 'remain in Mexico' immigration policy
August 24, 20216:33 PM MDTLast Updated 3 minutes ago

WASHINGTON, Aug 24 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday denied President Joe Biden's bid to rescind an immigration policy implemented by his predecessor, Donald Trump, that forced thousands of asylum seekers to stay in Mexico awaiting U.S. hearings.

The court, with three liberal justices dissenting, rejected the Biden administration's effort to block a Texas-based judge's ruling requiring the government to revive Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy, formally known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program.
read more


Dec 11, 2017
....whoever would plan a 'Summer Trip Abroad for Students' to Afghanistan ought to not be in charge of such things....:oops: stop?.... North Korea for 'Cultural Exchange'...????.....:rolleyes:

Dozens of California students, parents stranded in Afghanistan after summer trip abroad

Dozens of California students and parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip to the country.

More than 20 students and 16 parents from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, Calif., visited Afghanistan on summer vacation. Now they are among thousands of people who are waiting to leave the country amid the chaotic U.S. withdrawal that has caused political unrest across the nation, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Cajon Valley Superintendent David Miyashiro alerted school board members on Tuesday that he would be meeting with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to discuss the situation, the Times noted.

Miyashiro told the news outlet that the families traveled to Afghanistan on special visas for U.S. military service and that the school district was able to provide government officials with information on the families as they work to locate them.


Mar 19, 2018

"At least 13 killed, including children, in two explosions at Kabul airport; US troops among casualties; UK confirms no British among dead or injured; social media footage shows "piles of bodies"."

"At least 13 people including children have been killed in two separate explosions near Kabul airport, while three US soldiers have been wounded, just hours after warnings of an 'imminent' and 'lethal' ISIS terror attack.

The first blast was caused by a suicide bomber outside the Barons Hotel where British troops and journalists have been staying, which was followed by gunfire and mass panic before a second explosion from a car bomb ripped through a crowd of Afghans gathered at the Abbey gate of the Hamid Karzai airport."

Update ----------------------------

"Four US marines among 40 dead in 'ISIS suicide bomb' attack at Kabul airport: Gates to airfield are 'sealed off' as NATO countries start to pull the plug on evacuations - but PM insists UK flights WILL continue"

Update ----------------------------

"Thirteen US servicemen among 90 dead in 'ISIS suicide bomb' attack at Kabul airport as THIRD blast is heard."

Words fail.
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Mar 19, 2018

"Of note, after reading his speech on the teleprompter, Biden said out loud "The first person I was instructed to call upon..." before taking questions."

He said the quiet part out loud again. For anyone still wondering if Biden is actually in charge of anything, this is pretty strong proof he's an empty suit.


Dec 11, 2017
...after this debacle.... what nation would ever risk becoming an ally of the USA...?....
Baffled reporters torch Biden for sharing list of US citizens and allies with Taliban: 'This is insanity'
'It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean'


Critics were left dumbfounded, taking to social media to express their utter astonishment at the U.S. strategy to rescue American citizens and allies stuck in the region.

"What?" CNN contributor Mary Katherine Ham wrote in response to Seligman's tweet.

"This is…wow," Free Beacon writer Adam Kredo said.

"The Pentagon just said they expect ISIS attacks to continue and are relying on the Taliban to help protect us. The Taliban are supposed to protect us?!"'s Clay Travis said. "This is insanity."

Eli Lake, a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion wrote alongside the Politico story, "I never again want to hear about Biden’s competence, empathy or experience. This debacle is worse than 1000 Helsinkis. And I say that as someone who wrote that Helsinki was a humiliating disgrace."

"These are the smartest people in America, the expert class, mostly Ivy League educated people with very important titles And they're f--ing morons," Chronicles Magazine associate editor Pedro Gonzalez emphasized.

"Looking forward to the "withholding the names would have been racist/xenophobic" defense," The Blaze CEO Tyler Cardon wrote. "The world’s greatest military is being led by morons."


Nov 30, 2017
...after this debacle.... what nation would ever risk becoming an ally of the USA...?....
Baffled reporters torch Biden for sharing list of US citizens and allies with Taliban: 'This is insanity'
'It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean'


Critics were left dumbfounded, taking to social media to express their utter astonishment at the U.S. strategy to rescue American citizens and allies stuck in the region.

"What?" CNN contributor Mary Katherine Ham wrote in response to Seligman's tweet.

"This is…wow," Free Beacon writer Adam Kredo said.

"The Pentagon just said they expect ISIS attacks to continue and are relying on the Taliban to help protect us. The Taliban are supposed to protect us?!"'s Clay Travis said. "This is insanity."

Eli Lake, a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion wrote alongside the Politico story, "I never again want to hear about Biden’s competence, empathy or experience. This debacle is worse than 1000 Helsinkis. And I say that as someone who wrote that Helsinki was a humiliating disgrace."

"These are the smartest people in America, the expert class, mostly Ivy League educated people with very important titles And they're f--ing morons," Chronicles Magazine associate editor Pedro Gonzalez emphasized.

"Looking forward to the "withholding the names would have been racist/xenophobic" defense," The Blaze CEO Tyler Cardon wrote. "The world’s greatest military is being led by morons."
Good, people shouldn't ally with the US on our warmongering escapades. I hope they think twice next time. And it's smart to work with the Taliban and share information regarding the withdrawal. Don't fall for media propaganda, they're reasonable and want us out cleanly and swiftly.