Its sad that the actual numbers of deaths and debilitations will never reach the public. Think about it. All the big mass media outlets encouraged people to get vaccinated. Governments have encouraged people to get vaccinated. CDC and FDA all gave the green light. That means that if word got out these vaccines are deadly after 60 percent of Americans have already got them then all these major entitites would be responsible and their asses would be on the line . Thats why its incredibly naive for people to believe if the vaccines were unsafe they would ever hear about it, because by the time all of it got out like its now getting out the damage, debilitating injuries, and deaths would already be done. There is no way the public will ever hear the actual numbers from the people they are trusting especially the media, because prison, murder, and lawsuits would put an end to their lives as they know it. They would have to live with the reality that their vaccine promotions led to many lives being destroyed. They are too far in so they will ride any cover up to the very end...