Lil axe

May 11, 2020
bull spit


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Worldwide Rally For Freedom March 20/21

On March 20, 2021, we will stand side by side with people from all over the world for our freedom! ✨ One day - all together! ✨ Fundamental rights aren't privileges, I am exempt from wearing a mask because I say so, I don't need anyone's permission to breath freely period!

Information here

Mar 30, 2017
Given all the lawsuits filed against them, exactly who would trust Johnson & Johnson, especially with the making of a "vaccine"?!!!? I remember hearing about their court cases years ago. Sadly, I think this might be a more recent one, as I think there might've lawsuits settled earlier than '18 regarding the same issue:

Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay nearly $4.7B in ovarian cancer case

As an FYI, here's an update with what's Roman has done:



Jan 22, 2018

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Given all the lawsuits filed against them, exactly who would trust Johnson & Johnson, especially with the making of a "vaccine"?!!!? I remember hearing about their court cases years ago. Sadly, I think this might be a more recent one, as I think there might've lawsuits settled earlier than '18 regarding the same issue:

Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay nearly $4.7B in ovarian cancer case

As an FYI, here's an update with what's Roman has done:

Yeah exactly!! Same could be said for Pfizer and the rest of the medical cartels.

Today controlled corporate media just gives these scum a pass every time.
It seems the articles are written by Big Pharma themselves, straight from their press releases.

Roman Baber a rarity in today's world. Bravo!!

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

The fact that all these politicians have quite strong financial ties with companies that just happen to have struck gold with the onset of this nasty new virus is purely coincidental.

And if you will believe that shite, you will pretty much believe anything.
It's sickening. Evil bastards.


Jan 14, 2021
Honestly being an ex Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is very suspicious. Geert narrative has went viral way too much that you feel like its too good to be true. Telegram visitors always sharing it that it felt like it is being constantly shared by bots. It is also introducing more division between vaccinated vs unvaccinated with lots of germ theory nonsense. It has some red flags of being a controlled opposition. Very good analysis here:


Jan 22, 2018
It's sickening. Evil bastards.
Couldn't agree more. I was made aware of this scam many years ago after watching a documentary about Asthma. This Russian doctor found the cure for asthma. He discovered that the condition was totally curable by introducing something called Buteyko breathing. He had a clinic in Russia that he introduced 4 British asthma patients to who had varying degrees of severity of the condition The first patient had mild asthma but the fourth was that disabled by it they had their own emergency oxygen cylinder.

Within two weeks of learning this breathing method all four patients walked out of his clinic being able to control their asthma attacks as they arose

He was asked why he was not given any government backing to open more clinics and help more people and he stated that the companies that manufacturer Ventolin, the inhalers, that 1 in 8 of the population needed was heavily invested in by high ranking politicians so they didn't want to find a cure.

I knew from that point on that politics was all about getting their noses in the trough. As you said....sickening.
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Mar 30, 2017
Honestly being an ex Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is very suspicious. Geert narrative has went viral way too much that you feel like its too good to be true. Telegram visitors always sharing it that it felt like it is being constantly shared by bots. It is also introducing more division between vaccinated vs unvaccinated with lots of germ theory nonsense. It has some red flags of being a controlled opposition. Very good analysis here:
This is an interesting video, thanks for posting! The commentator raises some very good points regarding Geert Vanden Bossche, as something with off with the information he was disclosing. The idea of "super viruses" was odd, as it seemed strange to me that we would all become killing machines with or without a "vaccine" injection if we started associating with one another. From what I understand, I and could be wrong, is viruses actually become weaker the longer they're around, hence, herd immunity...? Not to mention, he still advocates for people to get the "vaccine", which is probably why his information didn't sit well with me.

As well, I'm glad that the commentator brought into focus some of Bill Gates' ideas about his fake meat and processing, as I didn't know Bossche is another individual advocating the "jump" of viruses from animals to humans. In the long run, this notion would obviously favour Bill's frankenstein farming he plans on developing.

It appears that Bossche is controlled opposition in its weakest form.
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Jan 27, 2018
Couldn't agree more. I was made aware of this scam many years ago after watching a documentary about Asthma. This Russian doctor found the cure for asthma. He discovered that the condition was totally curable by introducing something called Buteko breathing. He had a clinic in Russia that he introduced 4 British asthma patients to who had varying degrees of severity of the condition The first patient had mild asthma but the fourth was that disabled by it they had their own emergency oxygen cylinder.

Within two weeks of learning this breathing method all four patients walked out of his clinic being able to control their asthma attacks as they arose

He was asked why he was not given any government backing to open more clinics and help more people and he stated that the companies that manufacturer Ventolin, the inhalers, that 1 in 8 of the population needed was heavily invested in by high ranking politicians so they didn't want to find a cure.

I knew from that point on that politics was all about getting their noses in the trough. As you said....sickening.
Well look at Linus Pauling too. Two time Nobel Prize winner in science but as soon as he starts espousing the value of Vitamin C he’s labeled a “quack.” And when I learned of the complete control Big Agra had over what people consumed and what they pushed and promoted as “healthy” I was disgusted. These are the same people who said glyphosate was fine, GMOs are no different from what’s grown naturally, Aspartame is wonderful, and MSG has no effect on neurons...I could go on and on...


Jan 22, 2018
Couldn't agree more. I was made aware of this scam many years ago after watching a documentary about Asthma. This Russian doctor found the cure for asthma. He discovered that the condition was totally curable by introducing something called Buteyko breathing. He had a clinic in Russia that he introduced 4 British asthma patients to who had varying degrees of severity of the condition The first patient had mild asthma but the fourth was that disabled by it they had their own emergency oxygen cylinder.

Within two weeks of learning this breathing method all four patients walked out of his clinic being able to control their asthma attacks as they arose

He was asked why he was not given any government backing to open more clinics and help more people and he stated that the companies that manufacturer Ventolin, the inhalers, that 1 in 8 of the population needed was heavily invested in by high ranking politicians so they didn't want to find a cure.

I knew from that point on that politics was all about getting their noses in the trough. As you said....sickening.
This is the guy mentioned above.
