Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Texas AG sues cities for continuing mask mandate despite governor’s order

March 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The government mask mandate is no more in Texas, and state Attorney General Ken Paxton is taking steps to make sure that localities don’t forget it.

Earlier this month, Gov. Greg Abbott officially rescinded most of his previous emergency orders related to COVID-19, including the statewide mask mandate, and allowed businesses to reopen at 100 percent capacity. His order also forbade judges from imposing penalties for wearing a face mask and limited the new restrictions that can be imposed at a local level.

The Epoch Times reports that the City of Austin and Travis County have announced they intend to continue with their mask mandates anyway, leading Paxton to write a letter warning that “the decision to require masks or otherwise impose COVID-19-related operating limits is expressly reserved to private businesses on their own premises. It does not rest with jurisdictions like the City of Austin or Travis County or their local health authorities. Nor do they have the authority to threaten fines for non-compliance.”

Paxton gave them until 6PM on March 10 to “rescind any local mask mandates or business-operating restrictions, retract any related public statements, and come into full compliance with GA-34” or face a lawsuit. They did not, so Paxton announced he will be suing both jurisdictions:

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Revealed: COVID bill gives $3.5 billion to AIDS fund tied to leftist Bill Gates

The fund has already received $2.49 billion from the Gates Foundation plus an additional $760 million is on the way in fiscal years 2020 to 2022.

March 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 “relief” plan that Congress approved this month contains massive giveaways to various left-wing agenda items, including $3.5 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which is associated with the left-wing Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

As LifeSiteNews has previously covered, the bill sends $1,400 “stimulus” checks to most Americans while spending $14 billion on distributing experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, more than $500 million on foreign assistance for humanitarian emergencies, $204 million on State Department operations, and $41 million on USAID operating expenses, much of which falls outside of existing limits on money going to abortions. It also makes abortion groups eligibile to receive some of the $8.6 billion meant to assist global pandemic response.

The Western Journal noted that the AIDS fund lists the Gates Foundation as a “key partner” – so much so that it “has already received a staggering $2.49 billion from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to date and will receive an additional $760 million for the fiscal years 2020 to 2022,” raising questions as to why it needs government money when it already has such a wealthy benefactor.
The Global Fund’s association with Bill Gates raises further concerns about how the money will be spent in light of the Microsoft co-founder’s left-wing politics and spending priorities. Over the years, the Gates Foundation has spent heavily on climate alarmism, contraception, population control, education “reform,” and favorable press coverage. During the COVID-19 crisis, Gates has also emerged as a self-appointed public health authority, despite his lack of medical expertise.

Last June, he blasted the Trump administration for withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) over its initial response to the coronavirus outbreak, despite the WHO legitimizing early misinformation from the Chinese government and opposing measures that could have better contained the coronavirus at the outset, such as banning travel from China. Last December, Gates not only defended government-imposed economic lockdowns but said Americans should not expect to return to normal life “even through early 2022.”

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Dave Cullen ponders the cabals possible future plans.
The Impending Financial Collapse, Crypto and Anti-Lockdown Protests

Screenshot_2021-03-17 The Impending Financial Collapse, Crypto and Anti-Lockdown Protests.png
Mar 30, 2017
I saw that someone called it Ontario's Science fiction Table. That about sums up that crappy Table with their horrible models and forecasting. Well, David Fisman is Bill Gates' voice here in Ontario. Not to mention that many are speculating the "third wave" might be because of Cruevilla's husband having financial ties to AstraZeneca. Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Thought I'd also share this as Roman Barber is doing what he can to reopen Ontario #Hungry2open. I honestly don't know what David Kelly from @CFIB is doing. He seems to be as effective as

EDIT: Oops! I forgot to add this story-

Pastor James Coates to be released from jail as Crown withdraws charges
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Lil axe

May 11, 2020
I saw that someone called it Ontario's Science fiction Table. That about sums up that crappy Table with their horrible models and forecasting. Well, David Fisman is Bill Gates' voice here in Ontario. Not to mention that many are speculating the "third wave" might be because of Cruevilla's husband having financial ties to AstraZeneca. Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Thought I'd also share this as Roman Barber is doing what he can to reopen Ontario #Hungry2open. I honestly don't know what David Kelly from @CFIB is doing. He seems to be as effective as

EDIT: Oops! I forgot to add this story-

Pastor James Coates to be released from jail as Crown withdraws charges
awesome, glad he was released, i've been folowing the story on rebel news, sheila gunn reporting

quote from a previous report on the story that i thought was interesting, government was trying to make him choose between obeying god or government

part from the article i liked - to compel the government to produce scientific evidence that might support these violations of Charter freedoms

part from the article i didn't like - but, sadly, a congregant was lost to the Alberta Government lockdown in the first week of February when he died prematurely because he couldn’t get the cancer treatment he needed due to government lockdown restrictions.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
I saw that someone called it Ontario's Science fiction Table. That about sums up that crappy Table with their horrible models and forecasting. Well, David Fisman is Bill Gates' voice here in Ontario. Not to mention that many are speculating the "third wave" might be because of Cruevilla's husband having financial ties to AstraZeneca. Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Thought I'd also share this as Roman Barber is doing what he can to reopen Ontario #Hungry2open. I honestly don't know what David Kelly from @CFIB is doing. He seems to be as effective as

EDIT: Oops! I forgot to add this story-

Pastor James Coates to be released from jail as Crown withdraws charges
This is all so political. Roman Baber making things happen. Right on! I hope Ontarians wake up and soon.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Human Rights Complaint
Have you been denied service for not wearing a mask? Have you been kicked out of a store, or humiliated by the “mask police”? We want to help you take a stand — and fight back!

Every mask law in Canada has a list of exemptions. These exemptions are not technicalities or loopholes — they’re an essential part of the law and any store that refuses to comply with them is breaking the law.

Kicking you out of a store for not wearing a mask is legally the same as kicking you out of a store for being in a wheelchair — it is discrimination and it’s illegal. And in Canada, there are 14 different “human rights commissions” where you can sue stores for violating your rights — and all of them are free. You don’t need a lawyer, and you don’t have to pay to file a complaint. In fact, some human rights commissions even have staff lawyers to help you file a complaint.

We want to help you take a stand to protect your rights. Below are the links to every human rights commission in Canada, with instructions on how to file a mask exemption complaint. We’ve also filled out a sample complaint for each jurisdiction, showing you how to do it.

So fight for your rights!

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
The places that were doing massive jab trials in April just happen to be the same places where the variants come from. Just a coincidence right?

Screenshot_2021-03-17 Phase 3 Clinical Testing in the US of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Candi...png
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche

His Open Letter, Video Interview and High-Profile Supporters
by Rosemary Frei, MSc – Truth Comes To Light March 16, 2021

On March 6, an open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, and a video interview of him by Phillip McMillan, MD, from a company called Vejon Health, were posted online.

On the surface, Vanden Bossche appears to perhaps be addressing credible concerns about Covid.

He’s saying that the current crop of Covid vaccines will cause the novel coronavirus to mutate into a “super-infectious virus.” And therefore he’s calling for an immediate halt of the use of the current vaccines.

If humans are “committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants” via “large vaccination campaigns,” Vanden Bossche claims at the conclusion of his open letter. But in contrast to the currently used Covid vaccines, these new vaccines must focus on stimulation of mass production of the component of the immune system known as natural killer cells, he asserts.

However, Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses. This is similar to, and builds on, high-profile modeling-paper authors who use theoretical frameworks to inflame fears about the supposed dangerousness of the new variants.

Despite this, Vanden Bossche’s views were very quickly and positively received by high-profile vaccine sceptics such as Dell Bigtree in his March 11 episode (starting at 57:25) and Vernon Coleman in his March 13 video and article.

Bigtree and Coleman virtually unquestioningly accept and amplify Vanden Bossche’s views. They strongly insinuate to their overwhelmingly credulous subscribers that there’s virtually no fact-checking or pause for sober second thought required.

But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) — particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant FleishmanHillard in 1994 (yes, I’ve worked for the dark side) — this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign. It’s another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.

-------please visit the link above for the rest of the article-------