Countdown to September 11th


Jan 22, 2018
As in true Trump style, he had all bases covered. In this clip, just two days after the event, he didn't think mentioning the explosives was relevant.

Apr 4, 2024
Does anyone have a video of people gathered at Ground Zero walking in a big circle shaped like the Eye of Horus on the anneversary of 9/11? I remember that video but it seems like it got scrubbed.
Oct 20, 2021
I actually get nostalgic for the days of 911. I remember watching it live accidentally. It was like watching a movie and I knew they were going to collapse. It was like part of the TV show. Hard to believe that they sent the firemen up there because it was hopeless. But at least 911 was like one day and at least it was exciting. Now we live in like everyday is 911. 911 is like the good old days. Compared with the weird crap they throwing at us everyday it was like paradise. Now I have to worry about Venezuela taking over my apartment. Haitians trying to eat the dead cats in my freezer. There are crazy people yelling at each other outside my windows. Plus everyday is like the Cuban missile crisis and nuclear bombs casually being mentioned all the time. The next 911 will be nuclear weapons and they already have the same shows scheduled like America Is Under Attack or America At War. If nuclear weapons are dropped in Ukraine War we will be able to watch the results on TV. However if Russia decides to drop bomb on Washington District of Criminals and New York maybe Los Angeles this could seriously impact our ability to see it on television and most likely this would be like living in 1939 when WW2 began. We been in WW3 for some time although they never declared it. I wore my 911 T-shirt that I bought of Amazon that has picture of The Towers standing proudly . It says Never Forget. That is about as patriotic as I can get these days. People don't remember it hardly and it is barely mentioned on the news. I think 911 should be some kind of holiday like Easter or Christmas or veterans Day Independence Day. I mean they have weird holidays now and I think it is now time for a return to traditional holidays.


Jun 17, 2017
I wore my 911 T-shirt that I bought of Amazon that has picture of The Towers standing proudly . It says Never Forget.
why wear a normie 9/11 shirt when you could wear a 9/11 truth shirt that mentions thermite or "pulling it" or jet fuel not melting structural steel?
Oct 20, 2021
I'm not the kind of person who looks at a glass half empty or pessimistic. But as a realist. And the more I think about it the more I realize that it is inevitable that a catastrophic event will occur soon. All kinds of crazy people roaming around. This Election is like being on Death Row. I always kind of avoided elections and tried to pay little attention to them. Nowadays you can't even avoid it even if you try. This isn't an Election it is just another way to torture us like with Covid and everything else. There are so many bad things happening it is difficult to even remember them all. Some people say we should start praying. A lot of people were praying in Wars all over the world and unanswered prayers were common. People can pray if it makes them feel better. But either way I am not looking forward to not being able to go to the grocery store. People need to be thankful for what they have now while food is still around. Lot of crazy people around now but if food gets scarce who knows what nightmares will be unleashed on even the innocent bystanders. The innocent will be killed first. They will be the sacrificial lambs of the new Modern Biblical Days. Otherworldly miracles could appear and change everything that is. Sadistic Psychopaths are everywhere especially the MSM. They are doing this all on purpose and trying to steal our lives. They have stolen everything we have and now they want our lives. And now they have released the human locusts after us . Rule of Law no longer exists. Most people don't realize what the Constitution is the rest don't care. The authorities now are all crooked in all walks of life. Everything is a lie. About the only thing left is to wonder how much longer you can survive in whatever this is. Some say a Month of Sundays is a long time especially if all the churches have been shut down. We have the sun and the moon and earth wind and fire. The sun isn't going to stop shining and neither will the moon stop spinning. Life is a struggle and whatever free lunch there was it was already eaten. This is Hard Times. Can't even trust the weather anymore. What else needs to be said?


Sep 11, 2023
John Ritter died on Sept 11th. 2003. "aortic dissection can be caused from blunt trauma"ritter.jpg
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Jun 17, 2017
Ted Walter Dissects the 9/11 Phone Calls

49:39. corbett report interviews ted walter and the progress on 9/11 truth. if you are interested in the phone call anomalies which allegedly took place on the flights to loved ones, this is pretty good. walter goes into MUCH deeper detail in a 4 hour symposium; link included at the bottom of the video.