Contacts with CERN and Japan are continuing, because they simply cannot turn on and operate installations that are fundamentally important to them without our specialists, so our guys continue to go there on business trips for one or two months and continue to work there," he said.
Logachev also noted that the INP is developing cooperation with China and the countries of Southeast Asia.
As for the participation of foreign specialists in the work of the SKIF synchrotron under construction near Novosibirsk, this is the "cherry on the cake". "SKIF is 99% national history, we are making it for Russia," he added.
In June, the CERN Council announced that it intends to terminate the organization's international cooperation agreements with Russia and Belarus upon their expiration in 2024.
In March 2022, the CERN Council suspended Russia's participation in the organization's work in observer status due to the events in Ukraine.
CERN was founded in 1954 and is the world's largest center for elementary particle physics. CERN's most famous facility is the Large Hadron Collider, which is being modernized by INP specialists.
In Japan, with the participation of INP scientists, the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider was built in the city of Tsukuba, where the international Belle II experiment on the search for "new physics" is taking place. INP produced and supplied vacuum chambers with a total length of about 1900 m, 220 correction magnets, new electronics of the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter detector for SuperKEKB 702, created the necessary software package, installed and configured new electronics."