BTS discussion thread

Mar 1, 2021
They used to look more natural back then to be programmed. To be frank, I don't think it exists in celeb world.
Their owner and JYP know how to create natural looking idols. Nothing they do is natural or real. It's all lies and done to get the response they want. I despise them because they're manipulative and fake.
Mar 1, 2021
Yes, I also think that they know exactly who they are serving and which agenda they are driving forward. I saw today's Bangtan bomb out of curiosity for any symbolism and I noticed that Namjoon kept talking about "the new normal" about covid in this Bangtan bomb and I remembered that he talked frequently in other interviews about it. If I hear that I might throw up, he knows exactly what's going on and who they are supporting. And I saw a chain that jhope was wearing... I mean I don't know if I'm interpreting something wrong but ... View attachment 58073

(and sorry for my English)
Jh look like a Real Housewife.
Mar 1, 2021
oh my god yes! For me it was the same. Taehyung was also my favorite. I've never really looked or paid attention to other band members because I found them boring but was always fixated on taehyung. I think because he was so funny in interviews and variety shows. I don't know somehow he had an attraction he was somehow unusual and weird. There's propaply a psychological interpretation about that?!?
But then I noticed how obnoxious he is. He always wanted Army's recognition kinda egocentric if you know what I mean.
Like for example the convo he had with jk in in the soop about him missing to be loved and needing what not by army. And the way he always wants to show his arms like he's so muscular. Sorry but I think I have more muscle and I'm a girl .. please but your chicken arms away.
They always talk about how much they miss and love Armys ... that's all just a 'business move'? They don't even know you! You are just dollar signs in their eyes.
I even think that many kpop idols hate their fans. Understandable because they can't publicly date or whatever because the crazy fans would then go... well crazy. And they keep talking about concerts and how much they want to see army again. Sorry but they really want to do concerts again because of $$. I think if they would say stuff like "the vaccine is great, go get vaccinated so we can see each other again" so many fans would blindly go and do so. Or if they would to concerts again and only vaccinated fans could attend. They would run and get this experimental vac that just got an emergency approval like there would be no tomorrow.
He's so freaking arrogant, yet people call him humble and the idol of idols. Yes, please put those chicken arms away. He's getting fat and worn out looking. His attitude is not good. He expects love for existing. They don't give a f about fans. It's all dollar signs. They probably can't stand the fans and despise the restrictions they go through because of how crazy fans are around idols. It has to be jarring seeing how free American or European artists live. They have a squad of men trying to prevent them from having sex, keep them from losing money by scandals (having sex or drugs) and keep the crazies away from them.
You mean created by programming or any mind control?
I think it's abuse. They learn to conform, earn respect and love by doing what they're told. I'm not sure it's mind control or programming. They teach trainees to dance, look, sing, act and respond to interview questions. It's like the military. An enlisted person is broken down and rebuilt as a soldier. The same thing happens to kids who train in kpop.


Sep 9, 2020
I think that's above what some of their antis said. Who would joke about someone's dead grandmother or wish r*pe and death on someone. That's above anything I've seen here. You would think btees did something personal to them.

Maybe that's what he said. They're supposed to be disbanding this year, according to a rumor on cdan.

What will they do after btees disbands?

He was my bias and I've come to loathe him. He's the gateway drug to being an Army. People come for him, but change bias when they notice his personality. Did he do that when they reacted to a dancing video?
maybe you're right, that's why they were crying in the picture, i remember that prank where they tell to a girl group that they were about to disband, they were really desperate .
Mar 1, 2021
How do you clarify they were abused?

I also don't believe or even consider mind control exists, I mean if you look into it with open eyes its just rubbish and fanatic. Who would be gullible enough to believe pushing programming on some entertainers? It really needs a reality check.
Sometimes JK had bruises. A staff member tried to hit JK and Far. Jimin has an eating disorder, JK self harms, Suga has a mental condition and there's probably more. That's not a healthy work environment. I don't think any of the agencies are healthy and treat their idols well. On a show, Tae said that they only had chicken breasts to eat. That's something Jn has said as well. The other members tried to make him be quiet. What's the point of chicken breasts? Some agencies only give female members what they can fit in a cup. That's the whole meal. Physical, sexual and mental abuse is so common in kpop. The group East Light was beaten by their company, and it's not talked about, but a few of them got raped so hard they were hospitalized. Even though btees is now a part of the horrors, that's abuse. It's on their families that no one stopped it. Now they're adults. If they don't speak up, or leave, it's not our jobs to save grown men. The performer Kim Jungkook was abused so bad, it's too much to detail here. He's a miracle to still be walking around.
Mar 1, 2021
maybe you're right, that's why they were crying in the picture, i remember that prank where they tell to a girl group that they were about to disband, they were really desperate .
What happened with the girl group? They are trying so hard to stay on top. There's a lot of rumors that txt is going to disband. I dismissed it but have seen different sources talking about it. I don't want to say why, but they are supposed to have a dark past. Also rumors of illegal behavior.
Mar 1, 2021
Out of curiosity I looked at the acceptance speech again and you're right, others also smiled in between.
Maybe they just laughed to keep themselves from crying?! I don't know. But yes, it can be planned in advance, I mean why do they have to make such a big deal out of it when it was 1 year ago. Could it just have been a really good theater game so that the fans pity them and support them even more? I mean even in the comments fans wrote that they couldn't stop crying when they saw it and so on.
I was surprised when I found out that when Nj or other members talk during concerts, there's a text prompter. The speech is planned ahead of time. It's nothing to put something in their eyes to make tears. Once Nj teased JK for crying. He said that he would be crying in a few hours. He said he wouldn't but was crying on cue later in the concert.


Mar 11, 2021
What happened with the girl group? They are trying so hard to stay on top. There's a lot of rumors that txt is going to disband. I dismissed it but have seen different sources talking about it. I don't want to say why, but they are supposed to have a dark past. Also rumors of illegal behavior.
wasnt it that a member went clubbing and slept with a lot adults while udnerage? or what was it?


Jan 19, 2021
What happened with the girl group? They are trying so hard to stay on top. There's a lot of rumors that txt is going to disband. I dismissed it but have seen different sources talking about it. I don't want to say why, but they are supposed to have a dark past. Also rumors of illegal behavior.
wasnt it that a member went clubbing and slept with a lot adults while udnerage? or what was it?
what really!? txt? what happened...


Jun 6, 2021
wtff when??


true, however i never said i hated them, just tried to call out/expose their disgusting and evil behavior. That's why awhile back i disagreed with some saying that praying wont help them and they deserved to go hell. Only God can judge that part.
Mar 1, 2021
wasnt it that a member went clubbing and slept with a lot adults while udnerage? or what was it?
I heard about legal issues, and red room types of things.
They are just so pathetic. Also sad how they sell all that rubbish to their fans.
For example McDonald's .. I don't think they even eat that garbage themselves.
It's sad that they know how bad it is and still sell that bullshit to their fans. They literally promote an unhealthy diet to their fans and support one of the worst company's. Well maybe they have no choice. BitShit needs that $$
One of them eats mcdonald's. There's a video of Tae eating and calling a child baby when they asked him for the monopoly coupons on the boxes.
I'm curious about what you guys think about the enlistment of the members? I mean Jin should have been in the military by now I think?
Do you think they pull it out until they don't have to go for some reason? I'm pretty sure if that would be the case, a lot of other Korean men and male idols would feel ripped off. And I think if I would be jin I would feel kinda ashamed not to go.
Everyone would think they are avoiding this on purpose.
They have to petition the government if they want more time. That's the new deal they have.


Sep 9, 2020
What happened with the girl group? They are trying so hard to stay on top. There's a lot of rumors that txt is going to disband. I dismissed it but have seen different sources talking about it. I don't want to say why, but they are supposed to have a dark past. Also rumors of illegal behavior.
they did to them a prank where they said to them they were about to disband , that prank was really cruel , the girl group name is Neon Punch:



Sep 9, 2020
His bruises were around joints everytime
View attachment 58112
and appeared because of dance, this can explain

Around the joints, such as elbows or knees, there is less fat and protection for the blood vessels, so it's easier to bruisethere. If someone is a skinnier person, involved in an athletic sport such asdance, they may get more than their fair share of bruises compared to a more muscular individual.

Dancers often have strict dieting regimes, to keep to their ideal weight, which may cause nutritional deficencies with Vitamins which are needed for clotting such as C and K. If these are limited in diet they can cause an increase in clotting time and hencebruising.

AFAIK, that was an old manager who hit jk and afterwards was fired cause army protested way too much.
These are not any form of abuse.

Jimin never said he has eating disorder, he only said he followed OMAD for wings era and some fans spread rumor misterpreting and looking at some of his photos. His disorder news isn't true.

Suga wanted to commit suicide before getting into bts and sometime ago he shared he had depression. But watching their 2020 unicef speech, their depressin story looks just marketing plan.

East light and kim jungkook abuse is a different story. Bts were overworked no doubt, but I could see spirit in it they were dedicated to do hardwork and "more". Why do you think bts is abused other way?
the third picture looks a cistus to me ..


Aug 4, 2019
hey guy I'm seeing a lot of new people here so you guys probably won't recognize me. I just wanted to let you guys know that God has called ALL believers of Christ to spread the gospel to non believers and lukewarm christians. I know some of you must be doing that already but for the others it is good for you to start. if you already know about the truth about the world, what is the point of continuously posting here? For some of you this is your way of getting a grip onto kpop and distracting yourself. I was like that too, but I am now trying to change. If you are well versed in this subject of demonic/satanic symbolisms, stop posting on here about it and use that knowledge to save someone from an eternity in hellfire. Posting and reading posts about bts eating disorders and love/s*x life will not improve your relationship with God. Try and spend less time on here, read the Bible more often, pray, and fast for God. Of course pray and for not just bts but all people who are in this sick industry, but dont let this get in the way of God. It is a distraction for lots of you. There are spies and people working for the devil trying to delay your relationship with God by using this fourm. May all of you have a blessed day and may God preserve our souls and use us a s vesselsPlease take this message as a reminder from God. Don't let this fourm be the reason you don't make it to heaven.
Mar 1, 2021
His bruises were around joints everytime
View attachment 58112
and appeared because of dance, this can explain

Around the joints, such as elbows or knees, there is less fat and protection for the blood vessels, so it's easier to bruisethere. If someone is a skinnier person, involved in an athletic sport such asdance, they may get more than their fair share of bruises compared to a more muscular individual.

Dancers often have strict dieting regimes, to keep to their ideal weight, which may cause nutritional deficencies with Vitamins which are needed for clotting such as C and K. If these are limited in diet they can cause an increase in clotting time and hencebruising.

AFAIK, that was an old manager who hit jk and afterwards was fired cause army protested way too much.
These are not any form of abuse.

Jimin never said he has eating disorder, he only said he followed OMAD for wings era and some fans spread rumor misterpreting and looking at some of his photos. His disorder news isn't true.

Suga wanted to commit suicide before getting into bts and sometime ago he shared he had depression. But watching their 2020 unicef speech, their depressin story looks just marketing plan.

East light and kim jungkook abuse is a different story. Bts were overworked no doubt, but I could see spirit in it they were dedicated to do hardwork and "more". Why do you think bts is abused other way?
We just have to agree to disagree.

they did to them a prank where they said to them they were about to disband , that prank was really cruel , the girl group name is Neon Punch:

That's not funny and is very mean what he did. Bang did a prank on Rm that was similar.
the third picture looks a cistus to me ..
What's a cistus?
Ive read through East Lights allegations. Pretty disturbing how they were beaten.
I suspect if they were sexually abused too. All of them were under 18, 2 of them were just 15 years old when they were abused.
I found some weird highlighting in their mv.
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We all know what "banana" means sexually. You can look up for pineapple too similarly, that has a disturbing meaning. It reminds me of t ex t where they believe in "pineapple pizza",
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bh used pizzas on them on the same table like they are pizza, it all make sense now. Seeing these connections, I don't think the agency of East light highlighted those symbols for no reason.
Two of them were supposed to be hospitalized for r*pe, but it's not talked about. I don't blame them for keeping it under wraps. It's common for girl groups to be sexually exploited, but it's coming to the light about boy groups being exploited too. Did you hear about the boy group that was touched by the CEOs wife in front of her own kid? I also found this interesting information on Tae, and his activities. It might confirm some of the stuff we discuss here.

Mar 1, 2021
What are your points of them being abused other way? I'll be glad to know

No. What group?

Pretty interesting.
The group was called Ateen. I think their careers are over after coming out about the abuse, but they probably are happy it's done.

What do you think about Jimin starving for 10 days? He's talked about it before. There's also rumors about JK self harming and trying to slice his wrists. It's said by sasaengs that he's tried to commit suicide before.
Mar 1, 2021
That one meal a day diet is common in kpop stars. Its OMAD he followed for 10 days, not starving 10 days.
I don't believe sasaeng infos. Most of them are misinfo and to get popular.
Ive seen some wrist cut on jk I remember, long time ago.

Im talking about how agency abused them "illuminati" or any other destructive way according to you, how that happened?
That's an insane diet. I don't know about illuminati abusing them. I was talking about their agency. I go back and forth on whether or not there's a world conspiracy or an illuminati. It doesn't really matter, because we're screwed either way.


Mar 5, 2021
It's been a while since I got here, so I just read some old posts. Well, I want to make something very clear here so that some of you don't get the wrong idea in your mind.

It is a free translation, English is not my first language: "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it; I will give you the key to heaven, whatever is connected in the earth will be connected in heaven and whatever is disconnected on earth, you will be disconnected in heaven.” (Mt 16,18) - St. Peter was our first pope and every pope after his death is a descendant of him. Catholic Church was created by Jesus. I was upset when I saw someone here saying that the Catholic Church is not of God, like, are you in your perfect mind? Also, at Mt 28:18 Jesus says: "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I've commanded you. " Thats what st. Peter started and we've been doing for 2000 years. And then: "Behold, I am with you alway, until the end of time."

Has Jesus abandoned us? Did he lie to us?

Either you, who said that Catholics do not belong to God, have rethought what you said, or I think you are saying that Jesus deceived us.

Also, "why are they (BfS) always entering Catholic buildings?" Like, cause it's beautiful? Many people who are not Catholics will visit us, because everything is beautiful there. When you're so used to gray buildings everywhere (and even some temples these days are just shameful white walls) to walk into a Cathedral where even the floor is designed to reflect the Beauty of God, it's a relief. And, of course, we have some very bad people in the church, it's been like this since Judas. Sat@nists use all kinds of Catholic objects like crosses and the Bible. Does this mean that crosses and bibles are not from God? Therefore, if a s#tanic person enters the church, it will not change anything about it's holiness.

Hope some respect next time.
And before anyone comes along talking nonsense about idols, we don't adore saints or angels, and if you don't know basic things like the difference between Dulia, Hiper Dulia and Latria, please keep your ig#or@nce to yourself.
Hello, I was the person who said those things about Catholicism. Let's make a few things clear. I will not go in full depth about the Catholic Church on this forum because it's main focus is kpop but I will say this, many people believe that Christianity and Catholicism are the same and they are not, hence why many love to bring up the simple fact that "Christianity" has pagan roots when that is indeed the Catholic Church. God doesn't contridict Himself, if He says to not build/worship graven images, flee idolatry, etc he means just that. Exodus 20:4-5 for example. Calling priest "Father" goes against Matthew 23:9, using rosary beads aren't even biblical and are pagan in origin, the Vatican holding some of the world's most cursed books (for what), calling people of all religions to pray for the pandemic to end (in their own gods name), Catechism 82 page 31 stating that their truths aren't from the Bible alone, and that only touches the surface. Pay attention to what you said about b+s visiting Catherdals, they shouldn't be visiting them only because they are beautiful to begin with. Again, listen to what you said "Satanists use all kinds of Catholic objects like crosses and the Bible. Does this mean that crosses and bibles are not from God? First, Satanists do not use the Bible, they have their own book/books that consist of twisting scripture along with many other false deceptions. What do you mean Satanists use all kinds of Catholic objects because whether you realize it or not you're proving my point that Catholicism is not of God, the Bible isn't even "Catholic". Satanist hate God with a passion, so why would they want to "use Catholic objects" if Catholicism is of God? I never said that Jesus decieved us or lied to us once what are talking about? Those are the characteristics of satan himself.Dulia, Hiper Dulia and Latria, what is that? That's not even mentioned in the Bible! You can think I'm being disrespectful all you want to but the truth is the truth and someday you'll see. This post is getting long enough so I'll leave it at this, please do proper research and ask God to confirm these things to you.

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Sep 9, 2020
We just have to agree to disagree.

That's not funny and is very mean what he did. Bang did a prank on Rm that was similar.

What's a cistus?

Two of them were supposed to be hospitalized for r*pe, but it's not talked about. I don't blame them for keeping it under wraps. It's common for girl groups to be sexually exploited, but it's coming to the light about boy groups being exploited too. Did you hear about the boy group that was touched by the CEOs wife in front of her own kid? I also found this interesting information on Tae, and his activities. It might confirm some of the stuff we discuss here.

View attachment 58120
a cistus is a bag, usually have a shape of a little ball, it contained liquid or gas, it can form anywhere in the body, but if you want more specific and medical informations search on internet ..