BTS discussion thread


Feb 14, 2018
Jin. What I know is he was almost cast by SM due to his visuals. Why he decided to become an idol when his passion lies in acting - I don't think anyone knows. But then again, he does have a main role in almost all of BTS videos.
It was recently discovered that Jin comes from a wealthy family and that his father is a CEO of a huge company. It wouldn't be unheard of if his father has ties to the elite in Korea whether in relation or through acquaintances. If their children are given to the industry as a debt repayment/sacrifice of sorts, it makes sense why Jin wouldn't have had a choice on becoming an idol instead of an actor who are much more respected depending on the motive. This isn't fact of course but this is often the speculation on wealthy influential families ties within the industry.

Yeah especially that later experience i saw that was posted saying how he asked a random stranger if he could go home with them..

Yeah I honestly think he didn't wanna be there. But now he acts like he does which might mean hes either gotten use to it or hes been brainwashed that much..
He might also be too attached to the members to leave now though

I just couldn't imagine him as a singer before debut.. it just doesn't seem like it'd suit his personality
I'd really like to find the source of his apparent asking for someone to take him home. I tried searching the net for it but came up with nothing. That's really troubling and heartbreaking if it's true. I won't believe it unless I see a receipt although I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.

I think he's used to it and clearly brainwashed. He grew up in the industry so it's nothing new to him anymore and he knows how to behave and what's expected of him now since he's considered seasoned.


Dec 22, 2017
I have a feeling the maknae line or at least jungkook was sold.. keep in mind his parents let him go to america with a bunch of strangers just so that he would make the entertainment industry..

Doesn't that sound a little off?
It's been stated several times that JK cried alot in the beginning because he wanted to go home as well as crying when he had to sing in front of people and he never wanted to practice either. That doesn't sound like behavior of someone who wants to be an idol or even a singer in general. It sounds like someone who was forced into the industry. Any parent concerned for their childs well-being would've let them go home if he was that traumatized by the experience imo.
yeah Jungkook parents letting him go to America with some random man when he was only a teenager is very creepy

I remember one time jungkook was found walking alone on the streets of Seoul and the fans who saw him said he looked very sad and kind of lost
He did the same thing a few months ago but this time he didnt take pictures with the fans because he said the company got mad with him when he did it the previous time. I think he is very controlled by them


Feb 14, 2018
yeah Jungkook parents letting him go to America with some random man when he was only a teenager is very creepy

I remember one time jungkook was found walking alone on the streets of Seoul and the fans who saw him said he looked very sad and kind of lost
He did the same thing a few months ago but this time he didnt take pictures with the fans because he said the company got mad with him when he did it the previous time. I think he is very controlled by them
Yeah that was before he joined BigHit I believe so he was even younger when he went to the US with his teacher. The whole situation is weird. Why did him and his teacher go alone? Didn't he have other students aside from JK? Whatever it is, his parents sure placed a lot of trust in a stranger to be responsible for their young son especially overseas. It seems like he wanted to be a dancer more than a singer from what's been revealed about his pre-debut days. I'd like to know who his teacher was to see if there's any connections to something deeper.

Do you know where the rumour about him asking a stranger for help came from? I'm starting to think it's not true since it seems difficult to find compared to everything else that's quite easy to pull up.


Dec 22, 2017
Yeah that was before he joined BigHit I believe so he was even younger when he went to the US with his teacher. The whole situation is weird. Why did him and his teacher go alone? Didn't he have other students aside from JK? Whatever it is, his parents sure placed a lot of trust in a stranger to be responsible for their young son especially overseas. It seems like he wanted to be a dancer more than a singer from what's been revealed about his pre-debut days. I'd like to know who his teacher was to see if there's any connections to something deeper.

Do you know where the rumour about him asking a stranger for help came from? I'm starting to think it's not true since it seems difficult to find compared to everything else that's quite easy to pull up.
Its even more strange when you think how introverted he is, if he was a social boy like Tae I could undertand his parents giving him so much freedom but it's clear that was not the case because BTS members said he didn't even speak to them when he joined the group
I can only imagine how difficult must be for him to live with a stranger in the US when he didn't even speak english :confused:

and i never heard that rumor about him asking a stranger to take him home. I heard he said to the fans to not smoke or some random thing like that


Apr 1, 2018
Its even more strange when you think how introverted he is, if he was a social boy like Tae I could undertand his parents giving him so much freedom but it's clear that was not the case because BTS members said he didn't even speak to them when he joined the group
I can only imagine how difficult must be for him to live with a stranger in the US when he didn't even speak english :confused:

and i never heard that rumor about him asking a stranger to take him home. I heard he said to the fans to not smoke or some random thing like that
The rumor sounds like something he would do honestly


Dec 23, 2017
Its not harmful if you practice a lot before doing it.. your grandfather probably forced it which can have negative effects if you never dealt with it before

I've been told from someone who currently has their third-eye open to ground chakras and expand awareness.. i've also heard becoming a vegan helps with this process as well but i have low resources of plant-based food.. so it might be a while before it actually opens on its own
Is it true that at times, if done the right way, meditation can be used to conjure spirits...I remember beyonce used to say “she meditates a lot to relieve stress” idk if you know this but beyonce has a persona called “Sasha fierce” which takes over her literally and not just figuratively when she performs.

In a 2008 interview with Marie Claire, she even straight-up revealed that when she's performing as Sasha Fierce, she's not herself. "I have out-of-body experiences [on stage]. If I cut my leg, if I fall, I don’t even feel it. I’m so fearless, I’m not aware of my face or my body." Clearly, when she takes on her Sasha Fierce persona, she is being possessed by something evil.

I remember during BTS ahl, when the members were assigned different teachers to teach them a few things or so, jhope and Jin’s teacher told them that “they should always meditate before a performance, in this case they were preparing to beatbox” I know meditation can be used as a stressed reliever but I just found it weird

At 0 : 22
Unfortunately this clip is low quality and it’s not the full clip

Later that day they followed their mentors advice, but they couldn’t take it srsly lol


Apr 25, 2018
I agree, JHope is kinda a mystery and he always give contradictory feelings.
For me, he always gave me the impression of someone that tries hard to please others, because he wants to be liked, i've never heard him talking about something he actually likes(a part dance).
He said it clearly that for his mixtape he chose a kind of music that "was popular" with the intent of being liked, not of express himself.
His BTS21 plushie has constantly a mask on his face.
Personally i think that for him BTS is only a job and he keep his real self very distant from it all(and at the beginning he had lots of problems in the initial group of trainees), i've heard that his "real" self is actually very strict and very serius, very different from the happy&silly image he tries to give to the fans (but then he's also "friend" with people like supreme boi- but i don't know if they are actually friends or just a collaboration kind of friendship).
Yes, the name 'J-Hope' is like a persona to him; I also remember him saying his goal is to be a 'professional artist'. He does keep his real self very hidden - maybe that's one of the reasons why he created Mang with a horse mask. I'm not sure if he really chose only popular music but I do hear him saying he always wanted to explore different types of genres.

I don't think he would give that happy. loud and silly image to fans personally, unless he's instructed by BH. After all, the name 'J-Hope' was created by BH. Plus he has mentioned quite a number of times that he gets stressed and worried like anyone else, despite his so-called cheerful outlook. Same goes for Jin.

Before debuting, Hoseok was known to be depressed (a lot of his friends had already debuted then) - Suga had mentioned this during their 3rd Festa/Birthday in 2016

Well, I think RM and Yoongi are closer to Supreme Boi than Hoseok, since they were the original line-up for Bangtan. I feel that Hoseok is closer to Zelo, Hyungwon (Monsta X), Sunghak (Big Star) and Hyelin (EXID). They all came from the same dancing school in Gwangju and have always hang out together during their free time for the longest time.


Dec 27, 2017
While we're talking about J-Hope, I enjoyed this interview he did with Time. For me it was the first time seeing him truly express himself.

About Tae and his possible role as a lurer, I've heard of handlers, but what is a lurer's responsibility? That term is new to me.
Lurer is the brainwashed person who is responsible to attract more people into the brainwashed agenda


Dec 22, 2017
Fake agenda? Then why are you here? You do know this is a conspiracy website not Soompi forum?
I don't want to be rude but everytime you post in this thread is to make fun of the users or ask them "Why are you here?"

I said this before to you but I will make it clear again: WE ALL RESPECT EACTHOTHER HERE
We talk about the group but not only about their agenda, also about the fandom and the members because it's all related and that doesnt mean we are on a Soompi forum

I made this thread so BTS could be discussed in peace because everyone was very hostile with the fans in the other one so I will not tolerate anyone coming here and making the users feel bad again


Apr 25, 2018
I don't want to be rude but everytime you post in this thread is to make fun of the users or ask them "Why are you here?"

I said this before to you but I will make it clear again: WE ALL RESPECT EACTHOTHER HERE
We talk about the group but not only about their agenda, also about the fandom and the members because it's all related and that doesnt mean we are on a Soompi forum

I made this thread so BTS could be discussed in peace because everyone was very hostile with the fans in the other one so I will not tolerate anyone coming here and making the users feel bad again
I concur. Let us all discuss about BTS peacefully, whether we are fans or not :) Their comeback is especially near now !
They even just put out their concept pics :)


Feb 14, 2018
Lol Album is not out yet and they are already doing strategies to inflate BTS.
It's sad because no matter how Army try hard, if the song is not a hit(=is liked by a large ammount of different people, not only hardcore Army) it won't be remembered and it will rely only on the crazy fans that buy 50 album each(and probably not even liked by those insane fans).
And if the new songs follow the Euphoria&Singularity trend i have my doubt they will have a hit ( and since RM has the last word on every song it's his fault)
They most definitely have a better chance at having a hit if their album sounds like those 2 songs rather than let's say, DNA. While DNA was a bop, it's not their best work. They know that and ARMYs know that.

Euphoria is a BOP and Singularity has an R&B tone that are both extremely popular in the west. But Euphoria sounds heaps better than DNA imo and it comes down to the production. Don't forget their album has also been produced by DJ Swivel who has worked with everyone who's anyone in that industry so he knows what the general public wants to hear.
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the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
I concur. Let us all discuss about BTS peacefully, whether we are fans or not :) Their comeback is especially near now !
They even just put out their concept pics :)
I have noticed that only the maknae line, JK, Tae and Jimin, were photographed with an animal print blanket or jacket. Could it be that they represent the beta-kitten?


Beta is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming as some female celebrities, models, actresses and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denote Kitten programming.

Beta – This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. These sexual slaves will develop sexual abilities that are far beyond what the public is aware is even possible. They also receive the worst kind of abuse far beyond what most people’s imagination can picture. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats.

SEXUAL ALTERS (“Sex Kitten” Programming)
… The torture and sexual abuse eventually becomes gratifying to the mind. The mind does a reversal, pain becomes pleasure. At any rate, the programmers are trying to get a type of nymphomaniac. They accomplish this on one level. The sexual alters have no feelings attached to what they do, and their masters never allow them to enjoy sex. They are not to have climaxes, although they may be coached how to fake it. […] The Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, “Don’t be a hustler and don’t pick up strays.” The programmers must now ‘‘groom’’ these alters. […] Females (and some males) need to learn how to appear and act seductive. The programmers understand human nature. They understand that there is a spectrum of female sexuality, where on one end of the spectrum females guard their bodies with their minds, and on the other end they guard their emotions with their bodies. When a woman guards her emotions with her body–she is the type who craves sex for the physical pleasure of sex. There are an entire cluster of behavior traits that go with this type of personality, such as the way they walk, use their eyes, stare at men, the way they dress etc. The sexual groomers and programmers will teach the sexual alters these clusters of behavior. The sexual alters will also pick up lots of expertise naturally during the years of having to sexually service hundreds of abusers in every fashion imaginable. When Roseanne Barr, a Monarch slave, in a T.V. interview with Barbara Walters said, “I’m been screwed every possible way,” she was not exaggerating. The Gumby Programming (undoubtedly utilized in the porn industry) is to make the slave think their body is like Gumby and is flexible to move into any position. The slave is repeatedly threatened with their life, if they do not perform perfectly.

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Dec 22, 2017


Dec 22, 2017
I have noticed that only the maknae line, JK, Tae and Jimin, were photographed with a leopard pattern blanket or jacket. Could it be that they represent the beta-kitten?
I thought the same. Only maknae line wearing the animal print
There is one jimin pic that is more provocative, he is not wearing a shirt and you can see his underwear too


Feb 14, 2018
I have noticed that only the maknae line, JK, Tae and Jimin, were photographed with a leopard pattern blanket or jacket. Could it be that they represent the beta-kitten?

View attachment 7148View attachment 7149View attachment 7150

Beta is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming as some female celebrities, models, actresses and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denote Kitten programming.

Beta – This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. These sexual slaves will develop sexual abilities that are far beyond what the public is aware is even possible. They also receive the worst kind of abuse far beyond what most people’s imagination can picture. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats.

SEXUAL ALTERS (“Sex Kitten” Programming)
… The torture and sexual abuse eventually becomes gratifying to the mind. The mind does a reversal, pain becomes pleasure. At any rate, the programmers are trying to get a type of nymphomaniac. They accomplish this on one level. The sexual alters have no feelings attached to what they do, and their masters never allow them to enjoy sex. They are not to have climaxes, although they may be coached how to fake it. […] The Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, “Don’t be a hustler and don’t pick up strays.” The programmers must now ‘‘groom’’ these alters. […] Females (and some males) need to learn how to appear and act seductive. The programmers understand human nature. They understand that there is a spectrum of female sexuality, where on one end of the spectrum females guard their bodies with their minds, and on the other end they guard their emotions with their bodies. When a woman guards her emotions with her body–she is the type who craves sex for the physical pleasure of sex. There are an entire cluster of behavior traits that go with this type of personality, such as the way they walk, use their eyes, stare at men, the way they dress etc. The sexual groomers and programmers will teach the sexual alters these clusters of behavior. The sexual alters will also pick up lots of expertise naturally during the years of having to sexually service hundreds of abusers in every fashion imaginable. When Roseanne Barr, a Monarch slave, in a T.V. interview with Barbara Walters said, “I’m been screwed every possible way,” she was not exaggerating. The Gumby Programming (undoubtedly utilized in the porn industry) is to make the slave think their body is like Gumby and is flexible to move into any position. The slave is repeatedly threatened with their life, if they do not perform perfectly.

View attachment 7151
I was just about to post this lol it's interesting too that the maknae line aren't wearing the kitten fur in the group shot but are wearing them specifically in their solo shots. Advertising possibly??


Dec 23, 2017
Am I the only one who finds it a bit weird that in some scenes they’re not wearing shoes?


Going barefoot in the Bible

Although shoes were worn in ancient Samaria and Egypt, historians believe most people went barefoot. Shoes were worn only by the rich and influential and when they went barefoot this was taken as significant. According to the Holy Scriptures barefoot walking intimated one of three states: the lack of social status, humility, or reference to the Divine.

A common punishment or judgement was being forced to go without shoes it can be concluded wearing shoes was a privilege extended only to the few. Prisoners and slaves were made to go barefoot to prevent escape.

Look at it this way, a person wearing shoes walks with his feet safely protected and can tread wherever he wants. He does not need to think about where he is going or what he is stepping on. But when a person walks barefoot, not every surface is available to him. He has to think before he takes the next step. He has to anticipate the terrain and navigate accordingly. He cannot walk freely and must instead look in front of him and choose carefully before he puts his foot down.

Personally I think them being barefoot hints at them being mind controlled/slaves, they’re not free to “move” at their own will, they have to be cautious of every little thing they do just in case they end up saying the wrong things