Something i forgot to add, in their pandemic onmine performance, Park had a thing writing on both his palms "illecebra arcanus" , illecebra arcanus’ illecebra means alluring attractive in latin. same for arcanus which means male, secret. + illecebra is the female form of the adjective vise versa. he has both male and female adjective on his hands. Thats connected to the duality.
Some people say "once you jimin u cant jimout" (dunno why tf they think that) and it's also connected to the illecebra arcanus thing, something else, in one of their clips, a staff was asked who is the most picky regarding makeup and she said "park" when asked which part of his face she said the"eyes" and we all know that the eyes have a big role in hypnotizing, with the perfect words... i dunno if the whole park thing is just another staged game same as jn so called handsome face, or he did some deal shit to gqin such spot... wut do u guys think?!?