BTS discussion thread


Apr 24, 2018
You kinda just fuels the suspicious feeling that I have . I have an

I repeated this Bible verse in my head and I can feel it taper off. There are other things I feel in my senses. As I feel the pulsing from the headache, it’s like it travels along my veins. When I focus on the verse below it’s like I can feel the movement pull back. I also have anxiety so my mind is generally over active but the anxiety makes me very aware of whats Going on in my body

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the Pulling down of [Satan] strongholds. Casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the Obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthian 10:4-5

I know every one here is not Christian but I grew up in church, not Catholic, but church where the power of God have been exemplified. Meditating on scriptures work for spiritual warfare.
im a muslim but reading this is very interesting to see it from your religious perspective, thanks for the insight!


May 13, 2018
"Non, Je ne regrette rien" means "No, I regret nothing"
This quote was also heavily featured in the Japanese version of Run MV, it was actually all over the place (especially when V and RM appeared on screen). Don't know what kind of meaning could this phrase have, though.

Now, regarding Airplane pt. 2... I speak Spanish, it is my first language, and I agree that it almost sounds like 'uno, dos, tres' at the beginning of the song, but the voice or wtv does seem to be very distorted on purpose plus I think the person speaking has an accent, probably Cuban or from another Caribbean/South American country idk. That would match the beat, too. Obviously, this is just an innocent thought, there's most likely a darker hidden meaning behind it.
May 24, 2018
Was a lurker in the forum but recently watched Eyes Wide Shut and watched F@k3 LoV3 and the resemblance is there. The gold masks, the dark robes. How they like to cover their face. Once heard someone talk to me about how they know someone in the illumin@t1 that's why they're rich and they use bl00d sacrifices. And that person said they can sacrifice own family or something. Also heard 1lluminati only accept men. Ofc, at start I just didn't believe and was skeptical but I was intrigued so I just searched some of their hand signs etc. Wouldn't be surprised if it was true because if there's good, there must be evil right? Just that, the evil is hidden and cannot be seen so easily... And most of the time if evil people are in power, then it is harder to catch them and some are even able to evade justice. Also watched the documentary Open Secret about H0llywood which was very good documentary. Not saying B*t*$ is evil or anything, but just maybe someone maybe controlling them and use their appeal to control the masses. Or I could be wrong and this is just a emo/goth concept or something. Never 100% sure but the similarity is there. Need more evidence to confirm.

eyes-wide-shut-mask_grande.pngScreen Shot 2018-05-24 at 6.26.47 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2018-05-24 at 6.26.41 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2018-05-24 at 6.26.56 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2018-05-24 at 6.31.03 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2018-05-24 at 6.26.35 PM.jpgstill-of-tom-cruise-in-eyes-wide-shut.jpg



Apr 24, 2018
guys watch this video and tell me Suga is not completely done

He loooks not interested and in a different world. The group is doing so good seeling million albums and this should be a happy time for them but Suga looks very sad. He can't even pretend for the cameras anymore
i look at this and i feel so sorry for him. he looks tired, not bothered and pretty much questioning whether he made the right life choices!


Apr 24, 2018
Did u guys realize how the audience became a bit quieter after they saw the boys wearing the capes and masks? This is really too much. Oh my goodness, I wonder what kind of concert will they be having if they already showed such obvious symbolism... Is this why $$ug@ looked so down recently?
its honestly feel creepy, i feel sorry for suga...


Apr 24, 2018
Its almost like they tried to distract the viewers with cute/silly concepts with airplane pt2 and anpanman and ended the show with something so dark so nobody would bat an eye to it
wow, mind control can really make people see through the pretty obvious signs's honestly very scary and shows just how messed up our world is


Apr 24, 2018
This is why Suga is my favorite. I feel like you see what you get with him compared to some of the others.

Jhope is my second favorite. I was watching I believe it was episode 6 or 7 and RM called Jhope a closed book. Even his members can't figure him out lol.
if suga just decided that he was done with all of this fame and live a normal life I would be so happy for him oh my god, i've always felt like it would happen one day, like he's secretly planning it or something, that's why he looks so quiet...


Apr 24, 2018
Has anyone watched their Airplane pt.2 performance??

JK reminded me of the 'masonic chairdance' initiation that you usually see performers do when they move up in the rankings. Look at his clothes, the background and his hand. Even the floor looked like an eye when it was zoomed out.

View attachment 7714

RM's in front of this horned 'baphomet' skull again like he was in BS&T.
View attachment 7715

Above them looked like a cross when I first seen it from my peripheral. Weird how they're surrounding JK while he's back in the chair.
View attachment 7716

There's a lot more symbolism too.
people like you make my life easier since I have poor eyesight and really appreciate the screenshots lol

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
if suga just decided that he was done with all of this fame and live a normal life I would be so happy for him oh my god, i've always felt like it would happen one day, like he's secretly planning it or something, that's why he looks so quiet...
I don't think they would let him go easily...He knows too much and has seen too much...He knows what's going on.


May 20, 2018
I understand arabic and yeah it really sounds like "habib Allah Mohammed" reversed ( we all know that satanists read everything backward or in reversed speech specially The Quran and The Bible ) and it doesn't sounds like "uno dos tres" like they say bc you can hear someone yelling in the beginning.. cl did it before so this kind of stuff doesn’t even surprise me anymore.
I don't know what to say.. If all of this is confirmed.. I am very much disappointed.. Disappointed to tha point that I wouldn't like to hear their name again .. Why go to such low levels for fame.. You already got enough fame from last year.. Why play with religion related words this year then? I guess they don't know Greed is curse... They are still Puppets for their handlers. .