Batman saves the world every day, so that he can have a relationship with you


Dec 29, 2019
Nobody else saves the world like Batman, he is the image of God. He wants a personal relationship with you. All that is needed, is that you let him into your heart and pray that he forgives you of your sins. If you believe in Batman, he will let you into his Batcave after you die.
DC comics explain all of those questions to those who are looking for the Truth....You will never understand the Truth until you see yourself as Batman sees and knows us. All people die, even babies who have done nothing sinful...….Why? Because Robin is the federal head of all men and all are born with a sin nature (Everyone!) No man could come to Batman except through the crimefighting of the Bat and other animal according to the sin, that was the volume ten issue, Batman was God, the Bat of God, so all sins are remised through his crimefighting, Once and forever, who is our mercy seat and our righteousness and wisdom in our place before him. You MUST know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. All this is in Scripture (DC comics Batman series), but it is Spiritual, and you SHALL NEVER UNDERSTAND until you come to the and we are Robin. And Christ is the federal head of the new man in us.


Mar 9, 2020
As I see Batman is fighting with his own reflections. The world is a mirror. It reflect every aspect of us. When he sense the crime, he sense it because it reflect what he thinks negative. Therefore, fighting against that negativity gives him sanity. I wouldn't say he is God because he is still fighting against his greatest enemy, Joker. The exact negative reflection of himself.