Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Nov 8, 2022
Because you are such a big fan, i'll try to muster a response to your posts a little later on :)
Of course - I'm your biggest fan.
...By the way, I forgot what I had for breakfast today, but you quoted this comment of mine from the beginning of last year. Where did you get it from, you kept it in a small locker for treasures in your heart, right? Karlysymon has a crush on me, it's already official. What, to have lunch? (I make great sauerkraut, with a little garlic it's mmm to lick your fingers.. ;)
I see that you have answered me, thank you. Actually, I saw it shortly after you did it (I follow the dialogues and news here, without logging in), but lately I've been losing all motivation to write anything, although I think I have something important to say (like everyone, I guess). So I just read your answer a few times, until in my head I formed a multitude of my answers, ordered and precise, each better than the last; but I didn't write anything. Even I - the archenemy of technological development - was a little sorry that I didn't have an AI-related mind-reading brain chip to represent me. It's so deceptive and enticing.

So now (and later) I'll be happy to answer you, question by question, (although not at all as good as if I had this nasty chip in my head..). I mean, I'll just be happy to take advantage of your answers to state some facts and my point of view on "Why Donnie is very important and central to the realization of the world transformation, which for convenience we call the NWO and is a crucial piece of this puzzle", "Why was the scene for Donnie's salvation of God" "What is Donald Trump" (unfortunately you can't expect anything about the Antichrist, except figuratively speaking), not that I want to "defeat you in some imaginary debate. I understood (more or less) how you think about things and it's clear that we won't get along (and we shouldn't), so there's no need to try. Professional Trumpist!! :D But we respect you and love, well, at least I.
Oct 20, 2021
I don't understand why Orange Man is cooperating with FBI and consented to an interview with them. It makes me suspicious. They invaded Mara Lago and even were going through Melanias underwear. They tried to set him up and imprison him so why talk to them?


Jan 22, 2018
Exactly - the theory this was fake just doesn't add up imho.
Hi, I'd be interested to know exactly what parts of this narrative we've been fed do you think are true?

As far as I can see there are just 3 possible explanations as to what we were all shown.

It happened just as reported. Lone gunman, huge breakdown of security services, genuine assassination attempt.

It happened as the alt media are reporting it. A foiled attempt by the deep state to take out Trump. Shooter was a patsy mk'd by FBI

It happened like one or two people on here are reporting. It was all staged as a massive psy-op to reinvigorate Trump's base and to re-establish Trump as a viable candidate for the top puppet job?

Personally I'm going with the latter option.

I just find it totally unbelievable that the shooter had no social media accounts (for people to investigate). It was the only Trump rally ever to be streamed live by CNN. There is absolutely NO footage of Trump on any mobile phones from the people to his left, despite there being hundreds of people there filming him, all the footage available is from the same sources which are all mysteriously edited.

The thing is with me I really don't believe anything I see on the news nowadays, unless it can be verified by other sources.

I'm genuinely interested in what you thinks happened here


Jun 28, 2020
Does anybody here know what this guy was shooting at as there was a tree between him and the perp?

Were there any reports of a fatally wounded tree?
Note the red bracelet on his arm.

I don't understand why Orange Man is cooperating with FBI and consented to an interview with them. It makes me suspicious. They invaded Mara Lago and even were going through Melanias underwear. They tried to set him up and imprison him so why talk to them?
It's theater, all of it.

Oct 20, 2021
What puzzles me is how quickly Orange Man's ear healed so quickly and no damage to his eardrum or hearing. People on Zero Hedge talking about Kay fabe which I actually had to look up. The whole thing does seem to be like some kind of fake wrestling event and the head of fake wrestling is one of Orange Man's best friends and spoke in Milwaukee at GOP convention. The whole thing is beginning to be like 911 and JFK. Whoever planned this out was extremely clever if not diabolical. Everyone knows everything yet everyone knows nothing. Perfect psyop. They no longer need mkultra because MSM is mkultra.


Nov 29, 2023
What puzzles me is how quickly Orange Man's ear healed so quickly and no damage to his eardrum or hearing. People on Zero Hedge talking about Kay fabe which I actually had to look up. The whole thing does seem to be like some kind of fake wrestling event and the head of fake wrestling is one of Orange Man's best friends and spoke in Milwaukee at GOP convention. The whole thing is beginning to be like 911 and JFK. Whoever planned this out was extremely clever if not diabolical. Everyone knows everything yet everyone knows nothing. Perfect psyop. They no longer need mkultra because MSM is mkultra.
It really, really wasn't convincing in the least. Most of us saw straight through it.


Nov 8, 2022
It's not that Trump can't be ignorant of some things, but not of this big important thing. There can be no mistakes there.
It's funny you think that just because the covid psyop was going to be rolled out, somehow all the global leaders were summoned (say, like at a G20 meeting) and briefed on what was going to happen circa December 2019 and into 2020. Sure, i believe that people like Mark Rutte(ex-dutch PM) or Jacinda Ardern (ex-kiwi PM) would have been informed prior to 2020 but i highly doubt that every G7/G20 leader was or else, according to the infamous professor (Ferguson), there was no need to use Italy as a test for the lockdowns in the West. Everybody had assumed western governments could not implement lockdowns until Italy did it. Trump, for his part, left it up to the governors to decide on whether to lockdown or not.
It's funny you think that just because the covid psyop was going to be rolled out, somehow all the global leaders were summoned (say, like at a G20 meeting) and briefed on what was going to happen circa December 2019 and into 2020.
"Just because the covid psyop was going to be rolled out"? Just because? Just because of something like the upcoming "spread" of "covid psyop", to notify everyone on whom it depends what will happen in their countries - of course it is funny to think that. Why should they notify them of something like this?

(*Here I thought: what is this "covid psyop" for Karly? Why was it, for what purposes? Is it over? etc. I'm interested to know.)

So it is not necessary to notify all the world "leaders" in advance about the upcoming implementation of one of the world's largest performances, based on a whole bunch of fabrications that must be presented to the public as truth and through which to proceed to the realization of the dystopian world desired by the Power, which most people would not accept under normal circumstances.

So, it is not necessary to summon the world's "leaders" (say, like at a G20 meeting) and briefed.

Do you mean at a meeting literally like the G20, or at a closed meeting? What do you think the G20 (and similar) is, a place where in reality, in front of the public, (part of) world affairs are discussed and decided, instead of a platform for communication to the general public of decisions that have already been discussed and adopted?

And who are these world "leaders"? Are they legitimate heads of state elected through a "democratic (or other, like China, for example) electoral process", or officials elected by the plebeians according to the requirements of the respective electoral system, who serve to express and legitimize the will of the associations of real power forces (who are not only the notorious Financial Powers, bankers, etc.; the possession of power has more dimensions)?

Without being completely sure, but from some of your comments I understand that for you they - both within the respective countries and territories of influence, and as "players on the world stage" - are legitimate representatives of really opposing power structures with a really different vision of the future of the world, which are not that they are "Good and Bad", but among them there is "lesser evil", which, if their policies are enforced, will be less bad for the people (who, for example, do not accept the "left agenda"). "There is a division", as you say (and what we will always find in the journals of the think tanks you follow). Division not only within the Trump team itself, but also in the government, but also at the global level. Good.

For such a clear and irreconcilable division, we observed an unusual unification around the covid mythology, following the same narrative and applying almost the same measures (different, according to the peculiarities of the local social order and traditions, and the characteristics of the population on which they made a mockery). So there were some differences, and let's emphasize why there were differences, why, if not, because there is a real separation of powers?

Some of them were not notified in advance, but very quickly they assimilated, agreed and applied the narratives and actions. And also - although there is a division and every power in each country/territory of influence looks after its own interests - the majority of them, in fact all the significant players on the world stage, although not all of them were informed in advance, independently decided that as large a part of their populations as possible, if possible, all of them, should be injected with this, which is in the injections. (What was in them? What was it for?)

And now: who shouldn't have summoned world leaders and let them know what would happen during covid psyop? So there is a separation of powers, but there is some kind of power/alliance of powers that have planned to organize the plandemic, and which power does think not everyone else needs to know? Who?

Sure, i believe that people like Mark Rutte(ex-dutch PM) or Jacinda Ardern (ex-kiwi PM) would have been informed prior to 2020 but i highly doubt that every G7/G20 leader was or else, according to the infamous professor (Ferguson), there was no need to use Italy as a test for the lockdowns in the West. Everybody had assumed western governments could not implement lockdowns until Italy did it.
So, the representative of the real powers, PM of Holland Rutte and PM-beaver of small New Zealand (Young global leaders!!) were informed and prepared, but the president (representing the real powers) of the USA was not?
Who else? Bojo? Putin?

And again: who were those who planned the plandemic and decided not to notify many of the heads of state representing the interests of the real power groups on the planet (those who decide what will happen)? So those who planned a plandemic did not notify the power groups themselves (through the channels through which they communicate - not the G20).
but i highly doubt that every G7/G20 leader was or else, according to the infamous professor (Ferguson), there was no need to use Italy as a test for the lockdowns in the West. Everybody had assumed western governments could not implement lockdowns until Italy did it.

That is, I to trust the words of the infamous professor (Ferguson)? I to accept them as he says them? If everyone knew, then they would not use Italy for a test, but would they start lockdowns at the same time? Who are these "Everybody" who "assumed western governments could not implement lockdowns until Italy did it"? All those who lied about everything about the plandemic?

So, for example, in football, first the tactics and the disposition of the players, the plan for the conduct of the match, is drawn on a board (now - on electronic screens), then it is trained on the training field (the players are divided into two teams and play the upcoming match), they get an idea of how things will happen, the coach makes adjustments, makes changes, etc., and then the team goes out on the field for the match itself. In theater and cinema it is the same (if done well, it captures the emotions of more people). In the army and in many other places, too/similar. And so on.

For the conduct of world psyop-theater number one (at least in recent times), which refers to the launch of a move towards a gigantic global social change, in which all significant countries have agreed to play, however, there is no need and it is not useful if they see live, "on the ground", how the lockdown is carried out.
(If Italy had been a live training session, would Ferguson have said it?)

Back to Donald..
So, according to you, as I think I understand, there is one force that can plan and start (and has done) a fake global pandemic and the corresponding narratives, measures and vaccines. And Trump (and others) is not part of this force.

Some time ago, in fact, recently, I read a story by a (quite intelligent and well-read) opponent of the left-wing agenda, but until then an unprofessed Trumper, about the fact that in fact the entire plandemic was organized to interrupt the "populist revolt" (the revolt of the masses) that the Trump presidency represents and which threatens the deep state. A very cheerful story (of course, devoid of all facts and mysteries that contradict the author's thesis).

Guess what he says in the last week? No mistake: articles, a collection of all the points of reference framing the legitimate attempt of the deep state to kill Donald (and "delegitimizing" all the many contradictions through the use of the half-smart, mysterious counter questions appropriate for fifth grade in school). And yesterday I read in his comments that some dude got angry and foaming about omitting and covering up promises that Donald did not fulfill and the things he did. A little bit (just for the plandemic) - to see what the fighter against the deep state did, given that he did not know the plan (according to you):
-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

Just a few of the things he wrote to get to:
Trump, for his part, left it up to the governors to decide on whether to lockdown or not.
-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as:

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners


Etc, etc...
As of March 8, 2024, things look like this (in the quotation marks in small letters is a quote from Sleepy Joe, to which Donnie responds in capital letters):
Donald J. Trump

“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!"


To beat cancer, of course.

And where did the cancer problem come from?

So, in the tweet above, Biden talks about defeating cancer with covid vaccines (which have caused a large, probably huge part of the cancer surge), and Donald Jab Trump says he has the credit for the covid vaccines with which we will defeat cancer, the large or huge part of which the same vaccines that he started production have caused.

This comes about 3 weeks after the Future Technologies Forum (Moscow), the other fighter against the Western elite, announced:

Vladimir Putin: Russia has come close to creating vaccines against cancer.
"...We need to establish ourselves as leaders in key areas of medical technology development and be prepared for any challenge, including threats of outbreak of new global epidemics"

* In fact, I have seen about the development of several such russian "anti-cancer vaccines", and all or part of them will be mRNA.
** YouTube has stopped my clip, but this news, of all the others, went around the information world - almost nothing of the rest, which is the main thing, only some funny reports, reduced and blurred. And what else they talked about (if anyone is interested, they can take a quick look at whole this page and on the next, the main thing is underlined) at this huge forum, which was attended by all important Russian people, I will mention in the next answer. (A very brief mention, I will not go to my favorite topic about Putin, who is an integral part of the right rescue leg, without which the wheel to the NWO will not move, the same applies to the left devil's leg.)

Now, just to conclude (to the delight of many):
if you are a leader in the eyes of some group of people who value their freedoms and like to question many of the things that the authorities are trying to impose on them, and you have to make sure that as many of those people who trust you as possible are injected with dubious vaccines against a dubious pandemic, And these people then continue to believe you (because the plandemic was just the beginning, an episode from the beginning of the film), what are you going to do? If you use any threats, or force, or mandates, will it work? I would bet that you will achieve a bad result. And I would bet that you can achieve a relatively good result, for example, like this way:

I believe 100% in your freedom... But take the vaccine! It is safe and effective and saves lives.
(For left-handers, there is another approach.)

So: Trump did not impose mandates. And he did not order lockdowns.

That's right, he's not like the Democrats. (Add the sea of whitewashing and motivating creativity on right-wing websites, platforms, social networks, add all the slop that MSM pours on Trump every day, add the actions of the Democrats, various agencies, the courts, add the ear.)

So, Carly, I agree with you that the right-wing vision of the future, of which Donald Jab Trump is a global symbol, is really different from the left-wing vision of the future. I just don't agree that the right plays separately from the left, and about the very image of the planned future.

Until the next answer.

(Scroll, dear fellow forum members.
Grand Moderator Polly, the topic is "the attempted assassination of Donald Trump" and I, answering specific questions to which you have not objected, try to note some things about the fact that there was no assassination attempt, no one wants to kill Donald - it's like the Elite bicycle rider shooting his right leg and the NWO wheel stopping turning. ;) )


Nov 8, 2022
It can literally be said that they started the plandemic during the time of Don and put into use the supposedly now produced vaccines shortly before his presidential term expires, so that as many right-wingers as possible could be pricked (after Donny stimulated them appropriately).

Because they wouldn't trust Biden (but Trump, just in case, continued to convince right-wingers many times after the end of his presidency that vaccines were great and saved millions). Then they changed with Sleepy Joe, and all the evil about the plandemic was attributed to him and the Democrats. This makes the image of Donald different and allows hope to continue to live.

I am not saying that depopulation is their meaning (you can say otherwise) - according to repeated continuous forecasts, many more should have died. Even cancer and other disabilities, although they are very fundamental and important because they imply many "innovative treatments", "health monitoring", etc., are not the most basic. Because I did a "live observation" to check with my hands and eyes whether some things that were once spread on the platforms are true (but later died, and few, and in many places are almost never mentioned on the sites and are actually excluded from the realities of the plandemic).

Oh, Lucy put a Like on me! Lucy, aren't you mad that I'm spamming your topic? And about the one in the topic of Russia-Ukraine? :D


Feb 8, 2021
It can literally be said that they started the plandemic during the time of Don and put into use the supposedly now produced vaccines shortly before his presidential term expires, so that as many right-wingers as possible could be pricked (after Donny stimulated them appropriately).

Because they wouldn't trust Biden (but Trump, just in case, continued to convince right-wingers many times after the end of his presidency that vaccines were great and saved millions). Then they changed with Sleepy Joe, and all the evil about the plandemic was attributed to him and the Democrats. This makes the image of Donald different and allows hope to continue to live.

I am not saying that depopulation is their meaning (you can say otherwise) - according to repeated continuous forecasts, many more should have died. Even cancer and other disabilities, although they are very fundamental and important because they imply many "innovative treatments", "health monitoring", etc., are not the most basic. Because I did a "live observation" to check with my hands and eyes whether some things that were once spread on the platforms are true (but later died, and few, and in many places are almost never mentioned on the sites and are actually excluded from the realities of the plandemic).

Oh, Lucy put a Like on me! Lucy, aren't you mad that I'm spamming your topic? And about the one in the topic of Russia-Ukraine? :D
Hi Lalas!
No I'm glad people are posting and getting info out.
I don't usually have much time to comment only post but I will say in reply to your thoughts on vaccines that on a personal level the amount of sudden deaths, aggressive cancers and injuries I have seen is terrifying. I could post daily on a personal level of so many injuries and deaths. And yes Trump is responsible for convincing his supporters that the COVID vaccines were safe and pushing the drug remdesiver that killed my cousin and her husband. Trump has blood on his hands.
Anyways back to the assassination so I don't derail my own thread. No matter if you believe Trump was in on the assassination attempt, or if the deep state really did try and assassinate him and failed something very sinister is brewing and we better all be vigilant because it really is a spiritual battle we are in.


Nov 8, 2022
Hi Lalas!
No I'm glad people are posting and getting info out.
I don't usually have much time to comment only post but I will say in reply to your thoughts on vaccines that on a personal level the amount of sudden deaths, aggressive cancers and injuries I have seen is terrifying. I could post daily on a personal level of so many injuries and deaths. And yes Trump is responsible for convincing his supporters that the COVID vaccines were safe and pushing the drug remdesiver that killed my cousin and her husband. Trump has blood on his hands.
Anyways back to the assassination so I don't derail my own thread. No matter if you believe Trump was in on the assassination attempt, or if the deep state really did try and assassinate him and failed something very sinister is brewing and we better all be vigilant because it really is a spiritual battle we are in.
Yes, and the "Orange Man Bad" of the MSM and the leftists was created to strengthen the "Trump Good" of the rightists.

In general, I try to speak very little and more moderately about my skepticism about the depopulation part. There are different people who see different things, some see more things than others, so... it is possible that I am more or less underestimating. And I communicate very little with people anymore, unlike only about two or three years ago, when I communicated with an awful lot of people.

And I communicated a lot, because in general communication (LIVE, which has almost nothing to do with communicating on the Internet) is my strong point, maybe I don't have other strengths, but I'm very good there. By inheritance from both the maternal and paternal lines, my grandfather and father were the center of the companies. However, they are from the old generation and center everything towards themselves, not so much interested in the convenience of the other participants in communication. They can be very funny, etc., but they do not aim to "open" the others, to predispose them to pleasant communication. This is exactly what I "specialized" in, so to speak, and I am very good, terribly good. There are all kinds of closed people, with problems, etc., who always remain closed, but my success rate when I am around such people (and not only such, in general, most people have some worries and bad inhibitions, you know) is very high.

So when the plandemic came, I was able to do a little over three hundred experiments with a magnet to check. I could have done a lot more. Well, a little over 200 times - yes, it sticks. So exactly the same thing that I watched in videos from the United States, Canada, China, the rest of Europe, Russia (from where several people also showed me personally)..

So, why the hell, after all the vaccination push, do the fucking magnets stick?

It should have been just some noise about fun and clickbait in the alt-media, or "an attempt to discredit legitimate doubts about vaccination", or whatever. But is not.

Not from watching videos and personal conclusions, not from microscopic photos, not from articles about nanotechnology - from experience.

This is (just briefly) my "skepticism" about the rest of the widely popular effects after vaccination. So when I express such "skepticism," I am actually saying that it is even more sinister.
And not only that, I also see that the Russians have some strategies that generally sound like "transhumanism instead of depopulation". They directly say "Instead of the inhumane ideas of the Club of Rome for population reduction.." the realization of the ideas of the UN and the WEF for a smart connected world, which, in their writings, never ends with just surveillance and wearable electronics. No - in the future, according to them, we will certainly see cyberpunk with brain-computer chips and biodigital convergence in general. But this is not bad, according to them, this is the anti-plan to reduce the population.

(Imo, this was an attempt to see how the connection works in a network of multiple people. It's not clear how long it lasts, however, and it may not be just an experiment, it's also most likely a combination of death, disability, and what caused the magnets to stick.)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
In a way, it doesn't matter which political candidate gets into office, as they are all controlled and will follow an agenda. Why? Because every single president since JFK is treated to view of the unaltered Zapruder film, so they can see what will happen to them and their family if they choose to step out of line. And every presidential candidate has a closet full of skeletons to be exploited, or they wouldn't be allowed to be candidates in the first place.

Trump was/is a billionaire real estate mogul from Jew York City. The banksters that bankrolled his projects were counterfeit-Jews. His attorneys were counterfeit-Jews. His PR guy was a counterfeit Jew. His daughter married a counterfeit-Jew who's probably Trump's Israeli handler.

If EVERYTHING that has happened over the past 8 years is looked at in this light, then it should become self-evident that the SuperTrump that stands before us today is the Hollywood image that his counterfeit-Jewish overlords want us to see through their government propaganda organs (the mainstream media). The same goes for the candidates on the other side of the aisle. They are the images that the counterfeit-Jews wish to project onto the public, so they can lead the public through their made-up drama, designed to distract everyone from their ultimate goal.

For anyone who doubts the counterfeit-Jewish plans to depopulate the world, they only need to turn to Bible, over two-thirds of which is prophecy, 99+% of which has already been fulfilled in exact and minute detail. And this is what it says about this exact period of time:

Matthew 24:21-22
24:21 For then shall be great oppression, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
24:22 And EXCEPT THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORTENED, THERE SHOULD NO FLESH BE SAVED: but for the Elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

In other words, if God Himself doesn't intervene, this stupid, suicidal plan to poison everything and everyone would result in the total annihilation of all animal life on planet Earth, including the humans.

This is exactly why ALL pHARMacy is strictly prohibited under pain of death in God's Law. And yes, the warp speed program was named because it is, by design, meant to speed up the poisoning/depopulation agenda, with its "95%" efficacy rate (95% effective at killing its recipient, most of which will die in a 3-8 year period of time from the first injection according to some experts).

Whoever assumes the presidency, regardless of whether they have an election in November or not, they will continue this plan. And the war that they've been planning for over 150 years should take care of those who haven't taken the jab or aren't dying fast enough.


Nov 8, 2022
Tell these things earlier, please. I broke my head to wonder why the left and their MSM (with their left agenda and their millions of left mobs in the background) are fully involved in the return to power of the Personification of the Promise of a non-leftist face of the future (for the millions in the West who are trembling with worry about their children's prospects in the left-wing version of the world to come; as well as billions of supporters globally). Also: why was the plandemic and what are the injections for, what role did he play and what role is ahead of Donny, and how does this continue.

Now everything became clear to me.

The important thing is that the associations of people are on the level, that supportive communities share common understandings are created (the irony is that it is really the most important thing, not for the communities themselves).


Nov 8, 2022
In a way, it doesn't matter which political candidate gets into office, as they are all controlled and will follow an agenda. Why? Because every single president since JFK is treated to view of the unaltered Zapruder film, so they can see what will happen to them and their family if they choose to step out of line. And every presidential candidate has a closet full of skeletons to be exploited, or they wouldn't be allowed to be candidates in the first place.

Trump was/is a billionaire real estate mogul from Jew York City. The banksters that bankrolled his projects were counterfeit-Jews. His attorneys were counterfeit-Jews. His PR guy was a counterfeit Jew. His daughter married a counterfeit-Jew who's probably Trump's Israeli handler.

If EVERYTHING that has happened over the past 8 years is looked at in this light, then it should become self-evident that the SuperTrump that stands before us today is the Hollywood image that his counterfeit-Jewish overlords want us to see through their government propaganda organs (the mainstream media). The same goes for the candidates on the other side of the aisle. They are the images that the counterfeit-Jews wish to project onto the public, so they can lead the public through their made-up drama, designed to distract everyone from their ultimate goal.

For anyone who doubts the counterfeit-Jewish plans to depopulate the world, they only need to turn to Bible, over two-thirds of which is prophecy, 99+% of which has already been fulfilled in exact and minute detail. And this is what it says about this exact period of time:

Matthew 24:21-22
24:21 For then shall be great oppression, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
24:22 And EXCEPT THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORTENED, THERE SHOULD NO FLESH BE SAVED: but for the Elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

In other words, if God Himself doesn't intervene, this stupid, suicidal plan to poison everything and everyone would result in the total annihilation of all animal life on planet Earth, including the humans.

This is exactly why ALL pHARMacy is strictly prohibited under pain of death in God's Law. And yes, the warp speed program was named because it is, by design, meant to speed up the poisoning/depopulation agenda, with its "95%" efficacy rate (95% effective at killing its recipient, most of which will die in a 3-8 year period of time from the first injection according to some experts).

Whoever assumes the presidency, regardless of whether they have an election in November or not, they will continue this plan. And the war that they've been planning for over 150 years should take care of those who haven't taken the jab or aren't dying fast enough.
Add only how God incarnate St. George in Putin to pierce the zio dragon with his spear, patronized by Jesus incarnate in a 67-year-old Englishman. And let's finish.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Add only how God incarnate St. George in Putin to pierce the zio dragon with his spear, patronized by Jesus incarnate in a 67-year-old Englishman. And let's finish.

God doesn't incarnate anyone.

Numbers 23:19 God [is] not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do [it]? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?

John 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship [Him] with their spirit (Being) and in Truth.

For thousands of years, God has warned us via His Prophets, and eventually through His First-created Son (Prince Michael/Christ) about ALL of the lawyers (scribes) and politicians (pharisees), and NOT to turn to the right hand/wing nor to the left hand/wing.

That includes every politician regardless of their political affiliation or party in every nation around the world. ALL of our leaders (political, religious, business) in every country are leading us astray, TO OUR DESTRUCTION (Isa. 3:12).

If you have a point or a question, perhaps you could rephrase it please?
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Jan 27, 2018
Hi, I'd be interested to know exactly what parts of this narrative we've been fed do you think are true?

As far as I can see there are just 3 possible explanations as to what we were all shown.

It happened just as reported. Lone gunman, huge breakdown of security services, genuine assassination attempt.

It happened as the alt media are reporting it. A foiled attempt by the deep state to take out Trump. Shooter was a patsy mk'd by FBI

It happened like one or two people on here are reporting. It was all staged as a massive psy-op to reinvigorate Trump's base and to re-establish Trump as a viable candidate for the top puppet job?

Personally I'm going with the latter option.

I just find it totally unbelievable that the shooter had no social media accounts (for people to investigate). It was the only Trump rally ever to be streamed live by CNN. There is absolutely NO footage of Trump on any mobile phones from the people to his left, despite there being hundreds of people there filming him, all the footage available is from the same sources which are all mysteriously edited.

The thing is with me I really don't believe anything I see on the news nowadays, unless it can be verified by other sources.

I'm genuinely interested in what you thinks happened here
I don't yet have a a theory entirely as more evidence keeps emerging. I think probably it's scenario 2. I will say there actually is a lot of cell phone footage coming out, and it's being analyzed by many independent people online. Also the police bodycam footage has been released for at least 1 SWAT member.

Regarding Trump's ear - I'm not 100% it was actually shot but may have been clipped by shrapnel - but we know the shooter got 3 steady shots out at Trump's head. Shots 4-8 came from the shooter too but were more rapid and not calmly taken. Shot 9 came from a cop, and then shot 10 was the counter sniper team.

There were 6 counter sniper teams so the one in your video with the tree in front of them - I don't believe that was the team that took him out.

Just a few good citizen investigation videos:

Apr 13, 2017
Good grief....whilst you're reeling off alt media talking points may I remind you that you forgot the water tower shooter theory?

Mr conspicuous assassin was a patsy, he couldn't have made himself more visible if he tried and if you have bought into the bollocks that he tried to kill Trump you sir are a 100% numpty.

The alleged water tower guy is your theory?

Lol. Come on, man. How do you even know that’s really a person?
Oct 20, 2021
They never really explained the Las Vegas shooting that made any sense and that was around eight years ago. One thing I remember is that all the victims were white country music fans. Another example of White Genocide? And then the three little girls stabbed at Taylor Swift party in England. The Black Lies Matters people burned down all the cities because Pink Floyd swallowed too much fentanyl which created the best photo op of all time until Orange Man pumped his first in the air. The Dallas Police Department have been summoned to create more questions than answers. Hollywood movie coming soon. Oprah negotiating with Dr Phil on how to split the profits and the ladies from the View programmed to make a guest appearance discussing the obesity problem in Bangladesh and Whoopi Goldberg's new Gorilla Fashion Clothing Line.
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