“Is it cuz I is black?” Will “Transracial” become the new Transgender?

Mar 17, 2017
I think you are mixing up two different issues. Still not clear who you judge to be the true English though?
If I can see thru you over a computer screen how much more can the Most High see thru you? I don’t need to say who is and isn’t English lol.

All I needed to do was point out that the modern European, according to their own 1828 Webster definition, took the title of “American” from someone else. If you had an alliance with the truth you’d admit that. Instead you have been giving the run around since I brought it up.
May 18, 2018
Here’s the 1828 Webster’s dictionary definition of “American”:

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
How is this confusing to you? Sort of like the invention of cars and churches I guess
Mar 17, 2017
How is this confusing to you? Sort of like the invention of cars and churches I guess
You need to worry about your limited time to be saved from the destruction coming your way instead of watching me...

If you’re here to converse and exchange differences in perception, cool, we can do that. If you just want attention, sorry but I don’t have that for ya buddy.
May 18, 2018
You need to worry about your limited time to be saved from the destruction coming your way instead of watching me...

If you’re here to converse and exchange differences in perception, cool, we can do that. If you just want attention, sorry but I don’t have that for ya buddy.
I just don’t understand what confuses you about the definition of american
Mar 17, 2017
I just don’t understand
And we could really leave it at this with a lot of things but here there’s nothing to be confused about. The definition said the title applied to one group of people till another group of people took the title onto themselves. Same thing as the “transracialism” this thread is supposedly based on yet because the people doing it now look like him, there’s only excuses and run arounds being given.
May 18, 2018
And we could really leave it at this with a lot of things but here there’s nothing to be confused about. The definition said the title applied to one group of people till another group of people took the title onto themselves. Same thing as the “transracialism” this thread is supposedly based on yet because the people doing it now look like him, there’s only excuses and run arounds being given.
No that’s not transracialism. Europeans living in America didn’t pretend they were ”copper coloured” Americans and say they had their history and they were their race. They founded a country called America, hence were Americans. “Copper coloured” peoples never called themselves Americans so it’s not stealing their title

Funny though, you always try to claim European history as your own, saying ancient blacks built all the churches in Europe and America and invented their cars, I guess that makes you an actual trans racialist doesn’t it
Mar 17, 2017
No that’s not transracialism. Europeans living in America didn’t pretend they were ”copper coloured” Americans and say they had their history and they were their race. They founded a country called America, hence were Americans. “Copper coloured” peoples never called themselves Americans so it’s not stealing their title.”
I don’t care about your convenient definition of transracialism. Once Rachel Dozeal said she was black, that was transracialism. She didn’t have to follow that up with “and oh my ancestors were slaves from Africa” to make it transracialism. Once she took the title of someone else, then that was that. And the term “America” existed before 1776 if you didn’t know so you can’t claim they took the term because they “found” America.

Funny though, you always try to claim European history as your own, saying ancient blacks built all the churches in Europe and America and invented their cars, I guess that makes you an actual trans racialist doesn’t it
I’ve never claimed to be a moor or European though. And I also never said anybody built the cathedrals. I said your people didn’t because now, when we are supposedly the MOST advanced the world has ever been, it’s not being done. AT ALL. But black Moors are totally different from “Negroes” which is why they had this law on the books:

The Moors Sundry Act of 1790 was a 1790 advisory resolution passed by South Carolina House of Representatives, clarifying the status of free subjects of the Sultan of Morocco, Mohammed ben Abdallah. The resolution offered the opinion that free citizens of Morocco were not subject to laws governing blacks and slaves.

Now why would they have to make a law about Moors not being under the same laws as blacks if they didn’t look similar? It was about race at that time right? This law not only pokes a hole in the “Moors were North African Arabs” (Arab means mixed/nomad btw) but it also pokes a hole in the “slavery was all about race” narrative. It clearly shows that Moors were a people of color that would today be referenced as black.

And bringing up all this out of context is disingenuous, but expected. When you actually had the opportunity to address how the world had no tech until people “found” the “new” world you didn’t take it. And you won’t now. You won’t explain how millions of years went by with no tech (or 6000 years or any number you believe it to be) but when your people touch down in America, all of a sudden there’s this boom. That “never” happened before. All that time they were in Europe and they couldn’t create cars and planes, helicopters, phones and TVs. Tough down in America and somehow with in a span of 100 years they randomly NOW have the intelligence to create these things?

Clearly they found something when they came here. And whatever they found is what led to the boom. And they’re about to have to give that back.
May 18, 2018
And they’re about to have to give that back.
Da black man who invented phones 1000 years ago is taking everyone's phones away for reparations? Aww sheeit
don’t care about your convenient definition of transracialism. Once Rachel Dozeal said she was black, that was transracialism. She didn’t have to follow that up with “and oh my ancestors were slaves from Africa” to make it transracialism. Once she took the title of someone else, then that was that. And the term “America” existed before 1776 if you didn’t know so you can’t claim they took the term because they “found” America
The first known use of the name "America" dates back to 1507, when it appeared on a world map produced by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller in the French city of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. On his map, the name is shown in large letters on what would now be considered South America, in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. The Italian explorer was the first to postulate that the West Indies did not represent Asia's eastern limit but were part of a previously unknown landmass.[26][27] In 1538, the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator used the name "America" on his own world map, applying it to the entire Western Hemisphere.[28]

The first documentary evidence of the phrase "United States of America" dates from a January 2, 1776 letter written by Stephen Moylan to Joseph Reed, George Washington's aide-de-camp. Moylan expressed his wish to go "with full and ample powers from the United States of America to Spain" to seek assistance in the revolutionary war effort.[29][30][31] The first known publication of the phrase "United States of America" was in an anonymous essay in The Virginia Gazette newspaper in Williamsburg, on April 6, 1776.[32]" Wikipedia America etymology

Well I guess everything you said was bullshit, funny that innit
Mar 17, 2017
Da black man who invented phones 1000 years ago is taking everyone's phones away for reparations? Aww sheeit
As I thought you just wanted my attention lol. You’re cursed already and talking with someone like me will only make it worse;)

The first known use of the name "America" dates back to 1507, when it appeared on a world map produced by the German
Stop it right here lol. Here’s what you said:
They founded a country called America, hence were Americans
This corporation(lol) was founded 200 years after 1500s yet you you think your point has somehow been made lol

Well I guess everything you said was bullshit, funny that innit
Nope you just want attention from another man. You come in and quote me to get in back and forths about nothing while I always bring information. It’s okay you’re an entitled orphan but your humbling is otw...
May 18, 2018
Stop it right here lol. Here’s what you said:
This corporation(lol) was founded 200 years after 1500s yet you you think your point has somehow been made lol
The first time the land mass was called America was 1500 in Germany, then the country was named that in the 1700s. Make sense?
It’s okay you’re an entitled orphan but your humbling is otw...
I have my family tree going back to the 1400s, how about you, do you even know who your dad is?:p
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Mar 17, 2017
The first time the land mass was called America was 1500 in Germany, then the country was named that in the 1700s. Make sense?
So other than looking for attention from another man what are you on again? It doesn’t matter when they created a corporation called the United States of America. The land was called America way before they set up shop. And there were people here being called Americans before they took that title upon themselves. That’s transracialism.

how about you, do you even know who your dad is?:p
Yea the Most High? That’s the One who cursed you.You have children you’re going to pass these curses onto?
May 18, 2018
So other than looking for attention from another man what are you on again? It doesn’t matter when they created a corporation called the United States of America. The land was called America way before they set up shop. And there were people here being called Americans before they took that title upon themselves. That’s transracialism
No it's not, they didn't take on the racial designation of another group, only a continuation of their own racial group in another land called America. Indians are another race. They didn't start saying they were that race. Not too hard to understand

Yea the Most High? That’s the One who cursed you.You have children you’re going to pass these curses onto?
Lol so you don't even know who your dad is, no wonder you consider orphan such a venomous insult, means nothing to me though
Mar 17, 2017
No it's not, they didn't take on the racial designation of another group, only a continuation of their own racial group in another land called America. Indians are another race. They didn't start saying they were that race. Not too hard to understand
American was a title another group once had that They took upon themselves. That’s the same as someone being called black and then someone who is white claiming to be black or vice versa. Doesnt matter the gymnastics you have to engage in to make your narrative, it’s the same as transracialism

Lol so you don't even know who your dad is, no wonder you consider orphan such a venomous insult, means nothing to me though
That would make you feel better I’m sure but I come from a two parent home whose parents have been together for 3+ decades. While you on the other hand are cursed with no way out lol. Oops

And If the truth insults you then that’s a you problem. You come from orphan barbarians and I still got love for those of you who are humble, loving, and respectful. That ain’t you though so you just get cursed along with anyone else around you
May 18, 2018
American was a title another group once had that They took upon themselves
No evidence that Indian Americans "took on themselves" the title of American and then whites came and stole it. It was a geographic designation not a racial one, that whites created in the first place
That would make you feel better I’m sure but I come from a two parent home whose parents have been together for 3+ decades. While you on the other hand are cursed with no way out lol. Oops

And If the truth insults you then that’s a you problem. You come from orphan barbarians and I still got love for those of you who are humble, loving, and respectful. That ain’t you though so you just get cursed along with anyone else around you
Nah mate you're an orphan you don't know where you come from;):p that's why you make up fairy tales to have something to believe in. About da evil white mayne who stole da black maynes phone and TV inventions. LMAO. Hope you get an ancient black man TV as reparashuns
Mar 17, 2017
No evidence that Indian Americans "took on themselves" the title of American and then whites came and stole it. It was a geographic designation not a racial one, that whites created in the first place
America the term existed in America the land before whites used it though lol

Nah mate you're an orphan you don't know where you come from;):p that's why you make up fairy tales to have something to believe in. About da evil white mayne who stole da black maynes phone and TV inventions. LMAO. Hope you get an ancient black man TV as reparashuns
Imma be honest, a cursed wildman orphan barbarian can’t tell me anything at all
May 18, 2018
America the term existed in America the land before whites used it though lol
No it's not. It was named after an Italian sailor
Your ability and surefootedness while making up random gibberish is quite impressive I'll give you that
Imma be honest, a cursed wildman orphan barbarian can’t tell me anything at all
And a guy who believes fairy tales that da black man invented Mormon churches and tvs 1000 years ago can't insult me with his games of make believe
Mar 17, 2017
No it's not. It was named after an Italian sailor
Your ability and surefootedness while making up random gibberish is quite impressive I'll give you that
I said America the term existed IN the land of America before whites used it. The word “America” existed before Vespucci. And it existed IN America...

And a guy
I like where I’m at because I’m not a cursed orphan barbarian who descends from wildmen lol
May 18, 2018
I said America the term existed IN the land of America before whites used it. The word “America” existed before Vespucci. And it existed IN America...
No it didn't lol. That's just complete bullshit that you made up
I like where I’m at because I’m not a cursed orphan barbarian who descends from wildmen lol
I don't really care where I fit into the make believe fantasies of a guy who think all Mormon churches were built by black people 1000 years ago.
When blacks in sub Sahara Africa that you descended from never even invented the wheel, the concept of numbers, or 2 story buildings lmao. I guess that was because day wuz oppreshuned.