“Is it cuz I is black?” Will “Transracial” become the new Transgender?


Jun 17, 2017
But what if, instead of the woke agenda backing the gender studies mantra of becoming the sex you believe yourself to be, another agenda had emerged?
back to the main point here: the main objective is to destroy the nuclear family so that the individual believes the state itself is his family.

all of the following contribute to this goal:
- destroying culture and traditions
- promoting interracial marriages in media (this occurs naturally, but at a FAR LOWER rate)
- promoting transgenderism
- pushing gay/lesbianism onto impressionable youth to confuse them sexually (girls naturally grow out of being tomboys)
- socially encouraging the "kids are out of the house at 18" concept where family members should stay together
- shredding religion as "hateful", "racist", or "hurtful" (religion encourages close knit families and family get-togethers)
- false role models on TV and media
- normalizing dysfunctional families as OK on TV (''married with children''-- classic example, family guy, simpsons... )
- having the public school system decide what is best for your child
- anti- homeschooling legislation
- blurring of the lines of "mother" and "father" until those words are meaningless

when the nuclear family has dissolved, the NWO has an individuals sole loyalty. they have their obedient worker slaves theyve always wanted. no drugs or microchips necessary.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
back to the main point here: the main objective is to destroy the nuclear family so that the individual believes the state itself is his family.

all of the following contribute to this goal:
- destroying culture and traditions
- promoting interracial marriages in media (this occurs naturally, but at a FAR LOWER rate)
- promoting transgenderism
- pushing gay/lesbianism onto impressionable youth to confuse them sexually (girls naturally grow out of being tomboys)
- socially encouraging the "kids are out of the house at 18" concept where family members should stay together
- shredding religion as "hateful", "racist", or "hurtful" (religion encourages close knit families and family get-togethers)
- false role models on TV and media
- normalizing dysfunctional families as OK on TV (''married with children''-- classic example, family guy, simpsons... )
- having the public school system decide what is best for your child
- anti- homeschooling legislation
- blurring of the lines of "mother" and "father" until those words are meaningless

when the nuclear family has dissolved, the NWO has an individuals sole loyalty. they have their obedient worker slaves theyve always wanted. no drugs or microchips necessary.
You see things very clearly @polymoog

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I thought this misunderstanding was fascinating!

Cultural appropriation = bad
Gender appropriation = good


Aug 11, 2021
I thought this misunderstanding was fascinating!

Cultural appropriation = bad
Gender appropriation = good
...... In a Facebook post last week, he apologized to 'dude' for the mistake, only to then double-down and suggest that Hunter was wearing makeup to make himself look darker. 'Let me be clear, a Black man, apparently in Black face is an entirely different discussion than a White person. However I did not state that the person was White. 'It was assumed that was my intent, and perhaps it was, but nonetheless, looking on his FB page (photos below), it seems at the very least he is in darker make-up if not "Black face" or I am completely mistaken and it's the lighting of the patio,' Rhoden said. 'So here's what I want to say. I apologize to dude for the implication, but the sentiment still stands, Black face by anyone, in this day and age is problematic. I also apologize to folks who reposted and made other statements based on my assumption.'.....​

Mar 17, 2017
I have come to believe that “race” is the least defining and important part about me @KoncreteMind
Sure but I was essentially pointing out that this:

What if kids were told there were a number of races out there and some kids just don’t feel comfortable with the race “assigned to them at birth?”. When filling an a government form on ethnic background, why can’t I tick the box of the race I identify with??
Already happened. Or it doesn’t count for them but it counts when others do it?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Sure but I was essentially pointing out that this:
Already happened. Or it doesn’t count for them but it counts when others do it?
In these days of “my truth” and “your truth”, THE truth seems to be getting cancelled everywhere. Even so, I still remember the words from a song I used to sing in primary school…

God Bless the Grass

words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1964 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1992. People often think of this as an ecology song, but Malvina wrote it after reading Mark Lane’s comments about the John F. Kennedy assassination.

God bless the grass that grows thru the crack.
They roll the concrete over it to try and keep it back.
The concrete gets tired of what it has to do,
It breaks and it buckles and the grass grows thru,
And God bless the grass.

God bless the truth that fights toward the sun,
They roll the lies over it and think that it is done.
It moves through the ground and reaches for the air,
And after a while it is growing everywhere,
And God bless the grass.

God bless the grass that grows through cement.
It's green and it's tender and it's easily bent.
But after a while it lifts up its head,
For the grass is living and the stone is dead,
And God bless the grass.

God bless the grass that's gentle and low,
Its roots they are deep and its will is to grow.
And God bless the truth, the friend of the poor,
And the wild grass growing at the poor man's door,
And God bless the grass.
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Mar 17, 2017
In these days of “my truth” and “your truth”, THE truth seems to be getting cancelled everywhere.
Never in your life has the truth been readily available. Been canceled from even before you were born but now that the lies are affecting you more and more you take notice.

When people back in the day were being “transracialists” when they arrived in America and took someone else’s title for themselves you say nothing. When it happens today it’s “now the truth is being cancelled.” It has been canceled, you’re just starting to notice

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Never in your life has the truth been readily available. Been canceled from even before you were born but now that the lies are affecting you more and more you take notice.

When people back in the day were being “transracialists” when they arrived in America and took someone else’s title for themselves you say nothing. When it happens today it’s “now the truth is being cancelled.” It has been canceled, you’re just starting to notice
I’m not entirely clear what you mean… are you of the view that the predominantly white colonists of the USA were trying to pass themselves off as native Americans / First Nation people?
Mar 17, 2017
I’m not entirely clear what you mean… are you of the view that the predominantly white colonists of the USA were trying to pass themselves off as native Americans / First Nation people?
Here’s the 1828 Webster’s dictionary definition of “American”:

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Here’s the 1828 Webster’s dictionary definition of “American”:

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
Now this is getting interesting…

I am “English” but England is a melting pot of cultures that have perhaps arrived initially to find the place empty, been colonised by others then colonised again. Celts, Vikings, Normans, Saxons etc etc.

Who are the real English - the Celts (I guess by the above definition). The only thing is, I’m not pretending to be a Celt.
Mar 17, 2017
Now this is getting interesting…

I am “English”
Isnt this thread about transracialists? Because it seems to be pretty hard for you to address these “transracials”:

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

This is transracialism right?

I am “English” but England is a melting pot of cultures that have perhaps arrived initially to find the place empty, been colonised by others then colonised again. Celts, Vikings, Normans, Saxons etc etc.

Who are the real English - the Celts (I guess by the above definition). The only thing is, I’m not pretending to be a Celt.
Well you originally said you are Anglo Saxon, and the Saxons are said to be a Germanic tribe. Germanic AND English? I think Ben Franklin said something about that.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

See how he said that the Saxons make up the white people of the earth? See how before that he said the “Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians, Swedes and Germans” are swarthy?

Swarthy definition: of a dark color, complexion, or cast

Swedish person today:

Somethings not adding up lol. For “some reason” nobody had to pull your teeth to make a “transracial” thread with a title in stereotyped Ebonics. Yet when the topic goes in your direction, now you can’t address transracialism. Now you can’t address people coming and saying they’re another group of people and not whoever they actually are. But to be honest, I didn’t think you’d address “transracialists” across the board. Was just laying it out there for people who have the eyes to see...
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Isnt this thread about transracialists? Because it seems to be pretty hard for you to address these “transracials”:

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

This is transracialism right?

Well you originally said you are Anglo Saxon, and the Saxons are said to be a Germanic tribe. Germanic AND English? I think Ben Franklin said something about that.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

See how he said that the Saxons make up the white people of the earth? See how before that he said the “Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians, Swedes and Germans” are swarthy?

Swarthy definition: of a dark color, complexion, or cast

Swedish person today:

Somethings not adding up lol. For “some reason” nobody had to pull your teeth to make a “transracial” thread with a title in stereotyped Ebonics. Yet when the topic goes in your direction, now you can’t address transracialism. Now you can’t address people coming and saying they’re another group of people and not whoever they actually are. But to be honest, I didn’t think you’d address “transracialists” across the board. Was just laying it out there for people who have the eyes to see...
Let me explain my point…

Firstly, the adult version of me doesn’t care about “race” in the slightest as we are all simply descendants of various branches of Noah’s family.

When I was younger I did briefly want to be something other than a blonde haired, blue eyed Northern European. I felt “misrepresented” by the ethnicity I was born into.

Of course, reality and acceptance gradually faded out this odd emotion that had came over me. My only reasons for mentioning this at all was to say that I do appreciate that some people feel uncomfortable in their own skin.

I watched this a while back, and I think the point still stands…

Mar 17, 2017
My only reasons for mentioning this at all was to say that I do appreciate that some people feel uncomfortable in their own skin.
Ok got it. So for the (4th?) time, isn’t this transracialism?

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

These people aren’t “comfortable in their own skin” since they came over took a title meant for someone else, for themselves?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Ok got it. So for the (4th?) time, isn’t this transracialism?

A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

These people aren’t “comfortable in their own skin” since they came over took a title meant for someone else, for themselves?
I think you are mixing up “American” with “First Nation” identity. America (like Britain) is a melting pot of ethnicities, therefore the designation “American” applies simply to the location of a persons national identity, passport etc.

Modern American identity is not racial, therefore a European bloodline of immigrants might reasonably be described so, without any suggestion of cultural appropriation.

As a related issue, y-chromosomal analysis shows major shifting of populations in a far more recent timeframe than evolutionists propound. These shifts also relate to the “Native Americans”

Mar 17, 2017
I think you are mixing up “American” with “First Nation” identity. America (like Britain) is a melting pot of ethnicities, therefore the designation “American” applies simply to the location of a persons national identity, passport etc.
No I didn’t write that definition so I can’t be mixing up anything. The definition says “American”once referred to someone else but NOW refers to the European. It’s the same transracialism you complained about in the thread but since the people who are doing it look like you, you’ll ignore it. Then pretend as if you you’re actually seeing “truth get cancelled” for the first time when it’s been canceled since before you even existed.

Modern American identity is not racial, therefore a European bloodline of immigrants might reasonably be described so, without any suggestion of cultural appropriation.
What the definition clearly shows is one group taking the title of another group(s) for themselves.Ben Franklin saying at his time, that only the English Anglo Saxons made up white people while groups like the Germans and Swedes, were “swarthy”shows the same thing. But when you close your eyes when you see something you don’t like, or cover your ears, or turn away, you deserve whatever comes with that. If you don’t fix your self perception, you’ll never make it.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
No I didn’t write that definition so I can’t be mixing up anything. The definition says “American”once referred to someone else but NOW refers to the European. It’s the same transracialism you complained about in the thread but since the people who are doing it look like you, you’ll ignore it. Then pretend as if you you’re actually seeing “truth get cancelled” for the first time when it’s been canceled since before you even existed.

What the definition clearly shows is one group taking the title of another group(s) for themselves.Ben Franklin saying at his time, that only the English Anglo Saxons made up white people while groups like the Germans and Swedes, were “swarthy”shows the same thing. But when you close your eyes when you see something you don’t like, or cover your ears, or turn away, you deserve whatever comes with that. If you don’t fix your self perception, you’ll never make it.
OK - looking at it the other way, who are the “true Americans” and the “true English”?


Sep 8, 2018
Long before the trans agenda was a twinkle in Lady Ga-Ga’s lightning bolt decorated eye, Ali G satirically asked the question….

View attachment 73127

Showing my age a bit, I watched Enter the Dragon as a kid and thought Mr Williams was cool. I loved the whole black culture thing and resented being born a blonde haired English kid. I think I must have sulked about it for a time, but I eventually made peace with my Anglo-Saxon genetics.

But what if, instead of the woke agenda backing the gender studies mantra of becoming the sex you believe yourself to be, another agenda had emerged?

What if kids were told there were a number of races out there and some kids just don’t feel comfortable with the race “assigned to them at birth?”. When filling an a government form on ethnic background, why can’t I tick the box of the race I identify with??

In asking this question I anticipate opposition. I’m not just doing it to inflame argument, but to ask the question:

If it is foolish for me to expect others to refer to me (or Ali G) as black, despite my (temporary) rejection of my own ethnicity, why is the new cultural orthodoxy to modify the English language and pronouns to accommodate those who believe they were born in the wrong sex considered sensible?
The transhumanism agenda is as old as the garden of Eden. It is a product of Satan and rejection of the Most High.
It's actually in the scriptures when you go back to the Greek-- at the very least.


As far as the "transracial agenda", it's just more confusion from the same authors of confusion, children of chaos.

The real immediate danger is the "transage" people who think they should be able to "frolic" with minors.
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Mar 17, 2017
OK - looking at it the other way, who are the “true Americans”
Nope that’s not the point either. You were quick to point out “transracialism” happening today, yet when people that look like you took the title of “American” that once referenced “copper color people” for themselves all you have are excuses.

A person that was really against “truth getting canceled” would have just said “yea they (not necessarily you) did that and that’s the same as a white person like Racheal Dozeal claiming to be black”. But when you’re not about truth then you’ll make excuses when it comes to people who look like you while calling others out

And let’s not pretend that “American” isn’t a race either because “American” actually represents a land and languages(s). While on the other hand, there is no “black” land or language. So if black can be a race then so can American.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Nope that’s not the point either. You were quick to point out “transracialism” happening today, yet when people that look like you took the title of “American” that once referenced “copper color people” for themselves all you have are excuses.

A person that was really against “truth getting canceled” would have just said “yea they (not necessarily you) did that and that’s the same as a white person like Racheal Dozeal claiming to be black”. But when you’re not about truth then you’ll make excuses when it comes to people who look like you while calling others out

And let’s not pretend that “American” isn’t a race either because “American” actually represents a land and languages(s). While on the other hand, there is no “black” land or language. So if black can be a race then so can American.
I think you are mixing up two different issues. Still not clear who you judge to be the true English though?