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  1. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    No offense, lad, but this makes no bloody sense, lol. Was Adolf Hitler evil or did he make a mistake?
  2. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    Then what do we need, bro? Common sense? Not everyone has the ability to have common sense, especially these days. You go tell a murderer, a rapist or a messed-up kid who kills animals for fun as a 13-year-old if he has common sense and morals. And not everyone has empathy or morals. We're all...
  3. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    Why not, brother? This world would become a huge mess if it wasn't for laws. No one can do whatever he pleases. There's a limit to things and how far you can go. It's that simple. Laws must exist and laws exist for thousand and thousand of years. If you kill an innocent person, you will face...
  4. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    How's that even possible knowing that every Sahih Bukhari hadith is authentic? I accepted the fact that she got married at the age of 6 and the marriage was consummated when she was 9 years old. As it was stated in Sahih Bukhari. I cannot cherry-pick a hadith or verse and neglect the others or...
  5. AdjeYen

    Symbolic pics sharing thread (allseeingeye...)

    Every single one of them is in the club. Yes, he's most certainly aware of his surroundings and what he has got himself into and all, he sure knows a lot of stuff, but as much as I like him, he's STILL in the club.
  6. AdjeYen

    My Eyes Are Open: Iran Was Right About That “Great Satan” Thing

    That is true, and honestly, I have a very hard time giving up listening to music, but thank God I have stopped listening to hip-hop, rock 'n' roll, heavy metal and other "suspicious music genres," especially mainstream music for that matter. So all that is left are the soundtracks from movies I...
  7. AdjeYen

    My Eyes Are Open: Iran Was Right About That “Great Satan” Thing

    I agree with you, but what is your take on musical instruments in general? Do you think they're "somewhat evil?" Do you believe they contain some kind of, you know, let's just say hypnosis or distract you from worshipping God, or remove you from the right path etc?
  8. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    Nah, bro, look. Don't even bother with these people, just don't. I had to put him on ignore, and I wanted to put him on ignore way earlier because he has been rude to others here as well. You cannot win against these people. They need to spread negativity, they need to insult and be rude to...
  9. AdjeYen


    There are plenty of gypsies here in the Balkans. Just people walking down the streets and asking others to give them money because they have nothing to eat, but they all work for someone else and give "our money" to someone else.
  10. AdjeYen

    Megan Fox: 'You f***ed with the wrong witch'

    What a great saying. As great as it sounds, it's also sad because that's reality. :/
  11. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    That's correct. I mean, if they're holding hands in a way that seems or looks intimate and expresses affection and sexual intimacy, then it is not permissible. Sorry, should've expressed myself better. That's okay, but you make it sound as if the West has no problems. Lots of filth and other...
  12. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    Yes, they do, just like Christian extremists, Buddhists and so on, but we mustn't hate them. You can always pray for them or try and have a civilized conversation with them, everyone needs help, hating someone, sharing negativity and being hateful is the easiest thing to do, but people who have...
  13. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    You must be trolling, my friend because it's quite obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about right now. No offence, I'm not trying to ridicule you here or anything, no worries. But this happens when you speak of something you have no knowledge of. You cannot speak on what you don't...
  14. AdjeYen

    “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists

    Do you know how creepy this actually sounds? Like, it kind of reminded me of this one video, I can't recall the location, but I think it was filmed somewhere in the Middle East and this one taxi driver told his fare how there's a new drug around that the youth enjoy using. He has no idea how it...
  15. AdjeYen

    Megan Fox: 'You f***ed with the wrong witch'

    Have you guys read the comments on her post? Everyone's supporting Megan and cheering for her. That's kind of disturbing.
  16. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    That's nice, I respect that, but what is natural law according to you? Is it something we select and see what's the best or what's available or being offered that suits our needs and we refuse to accept other things that seem to make "somewhat sense," and we end up throwing away those things we...
  17. AdjeYen

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    Honestly, I have no idea what religion you belong to. I mean, if you're a monotheist, believing in one and only Creator (which would make sense from the read of your message) then that was a hell of a good message coming from you. The last part was like icing on the cake.
  18. AdjeYen

    Symbolic Album Covers

    Self-explanatory. See the all-seeing eye on the wall? The rest is obvious.
  19. AdjeYen

    Symbolic Album Covers

    It does, 100%. As Minnie said, it's pretty much obvious. Hell, even the word "Hypnosis" their heads above makes it obvious with the picture art.
  20. AdjeYen

    Symbolic Album Covers

    Awlent Ama from Hypnosis - Something like.