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  1. Valerian

    "Soy Boys", "Toxic Masculinity" - what does it even mean to be a "Real Man"?

    Allow me to simply end this entire thread. I make extremely rare appearances on this forum, but I'm starting to notice that so many of you are so blinded by your faith that you can't think at a deeper level of intelligence. Question: Why is homosexuality being pushed out? Answer: The elite...
  2. Valerian

    Does anyone else find the sexual assault sweep to be suspicious?

    Most of you know by now that I only show up and comment when it's needed. This is a planned set up. The media is giving it a ton of attention - who controls the media? There you go.
  3. Valerian

    New X Factor Contestant (gregor Coleman) Symbolism

    I was kicked out at 13, sexually abused for years, and was homeless and young. This guy comes from a wealthy middle class white family.
  4. Valerian

    New X Factor Contestant (gregor Coleman) Symbolism

    When you have no talent so you try to make it up by being so desperate that you sell yourself for a month of fame & an eternity of misery. What a deal.
  5. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    I stated before, I only say things on the forums that I feel need to be stated, I should not even be here. The rapture is a lie. among other things.
  6. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    P.S - The "rapture" is fake. It wasn't even in the original testament. It's never going to happen.
  7. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    So now you're saying Satan has the power to alter human dna and babies in the mothers womb? lmao this is why the elite control people so easily. People like you are so confused and clueless. I'm not trying to convince you on anything, im literally teaching you basic science and you're denying...
  8. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    Your statement proves how ignorant you actually are. You said " God would NEVER create something sick or flawed" But hermaphrodites have always existed. So yes, God does create them that way. Your statement is illogical. That's like stating that every single mutation or abnormality, whether...
  9. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    That entire essay you typed still did not change my statement on you. You're an idiot. Homosexuality has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, abortion has existed for thousands of years. Crime, drugs etc, has all been here since human history - It's not like people JUST doing these...
  10. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    Did you really just say homosexuality is the sign of the apocalypse? Gosh people are idiots
  11. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    Even I cant answer that one..
  12. Valerian

    So.... The Revelation 12 Sign!

    Can we stop with the crazy doomsday fanatics now? World isnt ending, leave Jesus out of it. Society is whats ending. As you knew it that is...
  13. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    There's a Simpsons episode where america gets emp'ed (by its own government) and an anarchy forms with supreme and total authority over the nation with martial law The episode number is 24, season is 9.
  14. Valerian

    Hurricane Jose

    Will hit New York City. September 22-23.
  15. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    The US doesnt have tensions with North Korea. It's a distraction. If the us really had an issue, they wouldve invaded them a long time ago.
  16. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    The hurricanes recently hitting america are man made, the elite are suddenly rushing all of a sudden, even in my industry people are acting weird. Something is going to happen large scale.
  17. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    Why cant you people stay on the god damn topic. Every damn thread is someone debating about a useless belief
  18. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    The elite are rushing. Plans that were meant to be set in motion within 10 years are now happening within 3-5.
  19. Valerian

    So.. September 23.

    I never stated it was the end of the world. I simply stated theres many connections leading to that date. I despise when I try to warn society about something anonymously and people scream "end of the world" fear mongering, when im actually referring to a large scale event.
  20. Valerian

    Hurricane Harvy I warned the people in texas, but no one listened. Now i'm being watched.