Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Mar 14, 2017
64 pages of K-pop batsh1t insanity in just over a week; you guys have been busy.

See, there are two things I find utterly baffling:

1) People who still think it's all a coincidence. I mean, there are two kinds of mental debility when it comes to this:

-saying this is illuminati

- and saying this is not illuminati, when every contemporary pop star fool across the world whether East or West dances around on eyes, pyramids, checkerboards and whatnot and constantly poses for the ridiculous 666-sign over the one eye.

At the rate this is going, I think there may be some truth to the fluoride-in-water theory because there are evidently a lot of brain neurons no longer firing.

... but when they end up 'suiciding' it's still a great mystery to the fans.

2) Second cause for great bewilderment is the apparently endless tide of 'stars' willing to completely sell out so that they can rise to 'stardom' which seems to mostly consist of promoting agendas that go against their own best interests, destroys any and all originality and in many cases control over their own personal lives and - most importantly - constantly pose on pictures and videos covering one eye to once again promote something they most likely have no clue what even means.

Let me summarize 'K-pop' for you:


And there you have it! Not much more needing to be said, no need to drama about it.


Dec 22, 2017
So because I don't join you on this crusade against Kpop i'm some lost cause? That is what you mean to convey, yeah? Too bad I couldn't care less about what you think or that stupid gif.
why are you in this thread then??

No offense but you are completely ruining the mood

If you dont believe kpop music use satanic symbols then you should just ignore this thread and us. There is no point for you to be here if you think we speak nonsense


Jul 13, 2017
why are you in this thread then??

No offense but you are completely ruining the mood

If you dont believe kpop music use satanic symbols then you should just ignore this thread and us. There is no point for you to be here if you think we speak nonsense
Never did I say the topic was nonsense. My God, do you people jump to conclusions. Please find a post of mine where I said everything here was nonsense. Not to mention a lot of my posts were contributing to the topic.

What I said was the Kpop industry doesn't seem to be as entrenched in satanic symbolism as the American music industry. That's literally it. You guys need to read what I say better.


Jul 13, 2017
Hello Kpop fans! If you feel that soneone here is trolling you abd trying to bait you into defending yourself against rude personal attacks as I see hapoening to some of you here. Word of advice, report their posts and then put them on ignore and they will disappear and you don’t have to deal with agenda of causing trouble, trying to provoke a fight and trying to trash your thread. Click on X-Mavericks name and put him on ignore and ayone else who decides they can’t stand see people to have a lovely discussion without an antagonizer like XMaverick and Sana. Just click on their names and it will give you tge option to ignore then. You will no longer see their names or their posts. Its just like FB, they disappear like they’ve never existed. Just keep doing that and continue on with your thread. Just a HEADS UP, there are a few very DISTURBED people on this forum who love to make fake accounts to harass people cause they are so miserable. Ignore them and don’t let them get to you or bring you down. No one has any right to try snd silence you or bring you down period. Don’t let them chase you away. So many put up with these people and you don’t have to. The ignore button frees you from that. Don’t forget to report their posts first. And as Christians, never forget that our fight is never against flesh and blood, but against demonic forces. Just take a look at their fruit. If they don’t have the fruits of the holy spirit and are atttacking for no reason. Ignore them and keep on with your thread!

God bless you guys and Happy new year!
Love from Aiylishia xxx
Wow, so just giving my views and thoughts on what I think about Kpop is cause to consider me an antagonizer? Okay, whatever. I didn't antagonize anybody.


Dec 22, 2017
What I said was the Kpop industry doesn't seem to be as entrenched in satanic symbolism as the American music industry. That's literally it. You guys need to read what I say better.
you can literally find these symbols in every kpop video. its extremely blatant and I dont see how this is different than what we see in the US

Not to mention the training system and the slave contracts, alll these idols forced to do plastic surgery, the scripted personalities and actions, the fact they have no right to date and the fans believe they own them, etc
I actually believe in some ways kpop is even worse than the entertainment industry in america because these idols have no freedom and are the definition of products

But its OK lets just agree to disagree and move on


Dec 22, 2017
Put him on ignore, he seeks to try and cause and provoke a fight and drama. Do not feed the troll. Put him on ignore and anyone who comes in here to antagonize you or anyone else. If they insult you or keep harassing you, just report them. VC will not appreciate these trolls trying to drive away new members. They do this all the time. Once you put them on ignore, they go poof and disappear.
yeah I will do that
i respect different opinions but this person has been agressive to other users here, all his replies seem to be contradicting everyone and not in a nice way
Just acting all superior and treating others like they are dumb. Im done talking to them


Jul 13, 2017
you can literally find these symbols in every kpop video. its extremely blatant and I dont see how this is different than what we see in the US

Not to mention the training system and the slave contracts, alll these idols forced to do plastic surgery, the scripted personalities and actions, the fact they have no right to date and the fans believe they own them, etc
I actually believe in some ways kpop is even worse than the entertainment industry in america because these idols have no freedom and are the definition of products

But its OK lets just agree to disagree and move on
To most of what you said, I can agree with. This is why this emotion some of you are displaying is so baffling to me. I have not once totally disagreed with anything. It seems the moment I made it known that I don't condemn it as you guys, i'm looked at as some "antagonizer."

I agree a lot of things should change. I agree their lack of freedom is a problem. I agree with more than you give me credit for. But I don't agree there is symbolism in EVERY video. That's stretching the truth a bit. But see, that's what I did before, that's what put a target on me in this topic, it would seem. I disagree with some of the things here that I have just not seen.

YES, symbolism is in the Kpop industry, as shown in this topic since it started. NO, it is not in every video.

But everything else you said in this post I do agree with. Some of you are being way too over emotional.


Jul 13, 2017
I’m pretty sure I know who she is but on a sock puppet account, she treats everyone like shit, except the people who disagree with her lol. I’m sure eventually she’ll come waltzing in on her real account and go bezerk. Once she does, stick her on ignore too lol. This forum needs members like you guys plus you are Christians! This forum could use a ton of those lol. You guys are doing nothing wrong and its sad there are people here so evil wanting to destroy that and cause unnecessary feelings of having to be defensive all the time. I feel sorry for this person that they don’t know how to have a civil and friendly discussion. Either way, they are not worth the time of day.

Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Don’t let Satan blow out your lights!
Actually, i'm a guy, and i've been part of this forum for years. This is no sock puppet account. I'm also a Christian myself. But whatever, you keep on talking about me and not the topic at hand.


Jul 13, 2017
everyone who doesn't share their worldview is either satanic or a sock puppet account. they are more likely to be shills or something, since they quickly attack anyone who doesn't agree with them
Thanks, atleast someone here knows i'm not some bad guy looking to start a fight. Anyone with sense knows I remained fairly calm throughout most of this topic.

And God forbid, disagreements! You'd think they never used a forum before. But whatever, I think i'm done here.

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
What baffles me the most is how these k-pop fans think the American music industry is more satanic then the Korean music industry. That statement is a contradiction in itself. If something is satanic it's satanic. You can't make something that's bad look good by saying the other thing that's bad is worse.


Dec 22, 2017
What baffles me the most is how these k-pop fans think the American music industry is more satanic then the Korean music industry. That statement is a contradiction in itself. If something is satanic it's satanic. You can't make something that's bad look good by saying the other thing that's bad is worse.
like I said before i believe the korean industry is even worse considering these idols have no freedom at all

I always wonder why they are not even allowed to date or have a love life? what kind of slave contract they have

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
like I said before i believe the korean industry is even worse considering these idols have no freedom at all

I always wonder why they are not even allowed to date or have a love life? what kind of slave contract they have
I just realized that! You have a point many k-pop idols don't have a love life at all. At least American artists have freedom.
Hmm? I really can't explain why though. I'm stuck on this one.

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
I always wonder why they are not even allowed to date or have a love life? what kind of slave contract they have

I think it is because it is considered a distraction for their success. Being a kpop idol takes a lot of time and effort. Fans also act like their idol is their "boyfriend", cheering for them, sending them snacks & food trucks, buying their albums, sending them gifts/cards, having posters or phone wallpapers, so if they found out their idol was dating, they would feel betrayed.[/QUOTE]

They idolize these people like gods and goddesses. The fans think they have to have a perfectly clean house no dirt...heh.. not even a dust bunny.


Dec 30, 2017
Considering that this thread was viewed more thatn 20 thousand time already... I think there is really some discussion ahahha B
How amazing could it be that some fans would actually get their eyes open after this thread? :D
U areso right like i was curious about brs and all i find was some armys making videis but for fun u know and then i saw this page with full theories with and it was amazing like yall helped open my eyes so grateful