Our focus creates our reality. I did this for years, and nothing ever changed except feeling angier in my life about things I cannot control. Until I realized Resistance is low vibration, which is what the shadow government wants. By focusing on all the things you hate and don’t want, you are essentially helping them keep that low vibration going. Instead, focus on how you want things to BE. Clear that bad energy!
The ascension is happening now, everyone should rejoice because we are headed into the light, I just wanted to come here and let people know this, my psychic abilities have grown strong, along with other abilities, and I wonder if others can feel it too.
I feel like I hear the phrase “trust your intuition “and I think I’m starting to believe that. But if those words are indeed solid, and we should indeed trust our intuition, what is the thing that makes us second-guess it, and is that our greatest enemy?
“the government works for big Pharma, big Pharma is regulated by the FDA, the FDA is funded by big Pharma, how long is it gonna be before we start to put these dots together to recognize that we’re being ushered into a new era where we have no control over our ordinary lives and the mainstream media are standing by and allowing it to happen…
VC should do an article on the Netflix show “Working Moms” it’s SO bad, but they paint it like it’s “clever”. privileged women who are basically being glamorized for being mentally ill and angry at their bumbling husbands, while living in the wealthiest part of Toronto and nannies raising the kid. It’s gross. Grab this one, VC.
It’s like we live on a prison planet that’s designed to grow new workers under the false impression that we are free and are in control of our own lives. This idea has been told in many ways through movies. I think it’s in a human‘s brain to consider this idea for a reason. It would be the biggest lie ever told. Are we even brave enough to TRULY consider this? And what does that mean for us as humans?