KF, I'm white and the picture in the first thread in the original post can't have happened by chance. And no, I don't support it. Not all white people support clear cut racism such as this.
I appreciate this post and this type of thing. The problem is not Europeans and European-descended people.
To use Europe for example.... for me it was really heartbreaking when I learned how Europe can be capable of racism and imperialism. I mean for example it really was heartbreaking for me to learn about Britain First the UK hate group.
I grew up reading about the Greek philosophers and wishing I could be like Socrates.... watching James Bond movies..... listening to Pink Floyd and The Beatles.
The look at the Vietnamese.... in the Vietnamese War..... I read an account that depicted the Vietnamese not as hating "Americans" (I hate that usage of the term because America is a continent and not just one country)..... it showed Vietnamese not as having some sort of hatred.... but more a feeling of heartbreak..... that the Vietnamese soldiers in the account grew up watching US movies and grew up admiring the US.....
so the "anti-US" stuff and etc..... it is not really a thing about hate.... it's more a feeling of betrayal and shock and disappointment.
I mean for example, Chávez and Castro.
It is funny to me because they are very one-sidedly depicted in most English media.
They are made out as 2-D caricatures rather than 3-D, multidimensional people.
For example, Castro was made out to be some sort of cartoon villain. But I know one of his speeches where you can hear that sense of sadness and disappointment I've been talking about. He talked about how ironic it was that the US, once a champion of liberty, had turned against it what once represented.
Chávez too. When he did the Larry King interview, he didn't say "death to the US" or anything like that. He didn't wish harm or destruction to the US. He wasn't like that at all. He said in the interview- he wished to peacefully coexist with the US as brothers. The man was a revolutionary. He was leading a revolution that cost him his life...... and all that for what? Just to achieve a peaceful, brotherly coexistence?
Why should so many people have died just for that which should be so small? It is just basic decency. The Bible says for people to love their neighbors. It is not very Christian how imperialism and racism has treated people. And these things cause a backlash but..... that backlash doesn't just come from out of nowhere. It comes a result of what causes it. And is a logical response to oppression.
The problem is not white people or anything like that, though...... I am tired of the blatant racism that exists and especially of structural racism and imperialism....... but the problem is not white people, the problem is racism.
If Japan was threatening to try to dominate the world then I would be denouncing that. If Africa was out to take over the world I would be against that. But right now Africa and Japan do not seem to be threats and I am not worried about those countries bothering me.