Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 27, 2017
Here's the cover album for f(x)'s Electric Shock which possibly talks about mind control program using electrical injury

Electric shock is also a way of mind control. I had once seen on tv how doctors control people deemed as "mad" when went out of hand would tie them to a chair and would put a crown-like band with electric wires connected to a system which would give them a heavy shock and make them quiet.
Btw isnt electric shock the song which made f(x) popular?
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Dec 22, 2017
Interesting name for a group.. Cross gene? With who?
Even the explanation talks about perfect genes(aka changing our DNA): Cross Gene literally stands for "perfect gene" because back when they debut they had three Korean members, two Chinese, and one Japanese. So the meaning is perfect gene, because they all have the superior gene that makes the perfect group.
Dec 26, 2017
Type akb48, kyary pamyu pamyu or babymetal im sure it will change ur view of jpop
i'v seen pamyu pamyu though not the others, I know there is symbolism but compared to Kpop its nothing, if you watch many others videos you might get what I mean, Kpop is heavily dark, Jpop isn't into dark thing like kpop, even Cpop is worse for what I have seen before
I am sure there is illuminati in jpop but not much, as they seems they are careless about japan


Dec 27, 2017
i'v seen pamyu pamyu though not the others, I know there is symbolism but compared to Kpop its nothing, if you watch many others videos you might get what I mean, Kpop is heavily dark, Jpop isn't into dark thing like kpop, even Cpop is worse for what I have seen before
I am sure there is illuminati in jpop but not much, as they seems they are careless about japan
They are not careless about japan AT ALL. If you think the symbolisms are less than you actually havent seen how nerve wracking irritating are some of the music videos. Its not only case of jpop, its same with jrock and jmetal too. And also they have alot of control with Manga and Anime too. So there is no way japan is not controlled.
Dec 26, 2017
They are not careless about japan AT ALL. If you think the symbolisms are less than you actually havent seen how nerve wracking irritating are some of the music videos. Its not only case of jpop, its same with jrock and jmetal too. And also they have alot of control with Manga and Anime too. So there is no way japan is not controlled.
I didn't watch anime and have heard a lot about it being satanic, so I guess since jpop aren't that popular, they focus more on popular thing like anime, but I wonder if there is sacrifice thing like Jonghyun


Dec 27, 2017
I didn't watch anime and have heard a lot about it being satanic, so I guess since jpop aren't that popular, they focus more on popular thing like anime, but I wonder if there is sacrifice thing like Jonghyun
There are humiliation rituals in jpop like someone here once mentioned how a member of akb48 was made to shave her head bald because she dated secretly.


Dec 22, 2017
I've been recalling some of the Japanese/Korean releases by TVXQ. Their PV Vertigo starts with a wall decorated with a tree and a serpent and part of the lyrics are "a shadow is chasing me. Mixed up order, an unknown power, a silent chaser. It’s very secretive"
They have two songs named Android and Humanoids. Some of the lyrics are:
"Continued surveillance, run down for some reason
The spread of clones to swiftly destroy non-conformers
And 10 years after, in a dominated world where things like passion don’t exist anymore.
Abusive royalty, lonely even with victory. Is that alright? It’s not too late" (Android).

"Break apart this twisted space
It’s the future, we’re humanoids on top of a fragment
It’s overflowing with the utopia that you and I have created
It’s the future, we are humanoids to change the future
They have already perfected it,
The scenario that hides everything
In this mixed-up chaos,

We have found an answer

You choose your own future –
Now fly up high" (Humanoids)

Once again telling us straightforward what the future holds for us.

"Confuse, Jealously, Lucifer, or Bufferfly
Anticipation upside down, derailing, spinning" (Spinning)
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Dec 27, 2017
I've been recalling some of the Japanese/Korean releases by TVXQ. Their PV Vertigo starts with a wall decorated with a tree and a serpent and part of the lyrics are "a shadow is chasing me. Mixed up order, an unknown power, a silent chaser. It’s very secretive"
They have two songs named Android and Humanoids. Some of the lyrics are:
"Continued surveillance, run down for some reason
The spread of clones to swiftly destroy non-conformers
And 10 years after, in a dominated world where things like passion don’t exist anymore.
Abusive royalty, lonely even with victory. Is that alright? It’s not too late" (Android).

"Break apart this twisted space
It’s the future, we’re humanoids on top of a fragment
It’s overflowing with the utopia that you and I have created
It’s the future, we are humanoids to change the future
They have already perfected it,
The scenario that hides everything
In this mixed-up chaos,

We have found an answer

You choose your own future –
Now fly up high" (Humanoids)

Once again telling us straightforward what the future holds for us.

"Confuse, Jealously, Lucifer, or Bufferfly
Anticipation upside down, derailing, spinning" (Spinning)
I used to think that JYJ's choice to leave SM and their group had to do with the satanic influences that was going on in SM and they didn't want to be part of it especially Junsu who seemed to come from a very Christian background. I thought they chose to fight it but Yunho and Changmin didn't. Then I saw two solo videos of theirs. One was Junsu's ( tarantallegra) and the other Jaejoong's (mine) and they had all the symbolism like most of kpop. Jaejoong's video was worse imo. If they really had left because of satanic influence, they would have turned their backs on Kpop completely and never returned. I believe they left because of money. JYJ maybe free of SM but they are not free as many of their fans believe. They are slaves like the rest of them in SM and other agencies including their own. What do you think?


Dec 24, 2017
I used to think that JYJ's choice to leave SM and their group had to do with the satanic influences that was going on in SM and they didn't want to be part of it especially Junsu who seemed to come from a very Christian background. I thought they chose to fight it but Yunho and Changmin didn't. Then I saw two solo videos of theirs. One was Junsu's ( tarantallegra) and the other Jaejoong's (mine) and they had all the symbolism like most of kpop. Jaejoong's video was worse imo. If they really had left because of satanic influence, they would have turned their backs on Kpop completely and never returned. I believe they left because of money. JYJ maybe free of SM but they are not free as many of their fans believe. They are slaves like the rest of them in SM and other agencies including their own. What do you think?
As long as they are still in the system, they are never free. Especially now that they work in a small company (C-JeS is so small compared to SM), they have to try even harder to stand out. They can't even appear on music shows so maybe all those symbolism and dark lyrics are meant as an effort/a tribute to whatever behind the entertainment industry to keep their reputation intact and so that people will never forget them.


Dec 27, 2017
Anyone remember SM's "I AM" OST?
That is blasphemous because only God is and can call Himself I AM.

Exodus 3:13-15

13 Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” 15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.

John 8:48-59
48 The Jews answered him, “Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?” 49 Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me. 50 Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it, and he is the judge. 51 Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” 52 The Jews said to him, “Now we know that you have a demon! Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say, ‘If anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death.’ 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? And the prophets died! Who do you make yourself out to be?” 54 Jesus answered, “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say, ‘He is our God.’ 55 But you have not known him. I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and I keep his word. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.” 57 So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” 58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” 59 So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.

Obviously Jesus could claim to be the I AM because He is God although the people He said it to thought He was crazy to make such a claim. In satanism, occultism, illuminati, voodoo etc, whatever people call it, they teach that you're your own god which is blasphemous because you did not create yourself or this world. Being one's own god is about them and what they want. Its about using people through betrayal and lies to reach one's own end. Its about self.
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Dec 24, 2017
Electric shock is also a way of mind control. I had once seen on tv how doctors control people deemed as "mad" when went out of hand would tie them to a chair and would put a crown-like band with electric wires connected to a system which would give them a heavy shock and make them quiet.
Btw isnt electric shock the song which made f(x) popular?
I think it started with Pinocchio (Danger) which also depicts mind control in the MV. Something I got from a Facebook page:

The all seeing "EYE" plus mind controlling patterns

Mickey Mouse head

Weird background and the one eye sign

Weird background as if they are in "The Wonderland"

Peace Sign
The signal "actually began as a symbol of Satanic benediction during the rituals.'' This sign has been used by Yasser Arafat, Richard Nixon, Winston Churchill, and Stewart Meacham, Co-Chairman of Reds' New Mobilisation Committee. The "v sign" has a colourful history. "V" is the Roman sign for the number five and Adam Weishaupt used it in the Illuminati to symbolise the "Law of Fives,'' but there's more. In the Cabala: "the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is 'Nail.' Now, 'The Nail' is one of the secret titles of Satan within the Brotherhood of Satanism. Satan is letting us know that this is one of his favourite signs. Why else does he like the PENTA-gram (Penta = five!) and the FIVE-fold salute used in Masonry and Witchcraft?''

These are their alters after being dissociated:

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Mar 18, 2017
bc korean idols are basically being sold by their parents in a young age. I think that they definitely push a cloning agenda in Korea but not by producing clones(at least not yet ) rather than by debuting people who have specific facial characteristics or providing them the same plastic surgeries,same makeup,hairstyles etc.Many idols look alike nowadays bc of their makeup and their style in general and sometimes I find it hard to tell them apart especially the new groups that i'm not familiar with.As a result many people in Korea want to look like their favorite idols,undergo plastic surgeries and end up losing every part of their unique features. Hence I think they are not clones,they are just being used for a greater purpose: to have the mass get accustomed to a similar way of thinking,styling etc.It happens all the time with fashion and makeup trends as well.Being original is something hard to find these days.
I bolded what you said that made this whole subject start making a lot more sense to me because I was just having trouble identifying a motive for using South Korea for a while. Then, I realized the motivation a parent would have to sell their child into something like this because of poverty and it all started to click for whatever reason.

I read a little bit on the current economy of South Korea and it looks like it has started to improve to the point that some people are questioning whether there should be international adoption from SK anymore. That would make it seem that South Koreans have a reason to support the role Kpop plays in improving their economy.

There was an article from BBC about the socially acceptable perspective towards the injustice that is present even without a discussion of symbolism.

It basically says that these kids are enslaved to their contracts. They are like sweatshop superstars, which the general world is starting to see as an injustice because their popularity has increased.

It also says that these stars make basically nothing admitting that everything they do is manufactured. Everything has a cost from the clothes they wear to the person paid to pick out their clothes. It is interesting to me that people can realize that something is so manufactured, but reject the idea that it is designed towards an ideological viewpoint.

I have also found it interesting that so many of the boys are very feminized in light of the admission that this a manufactured industry. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them doubled as prostitutes. I read that many actors and models do this because they can actually make more money in prostitution than they can acting or modeling. It is almost like they are making commercial advertisements for this purpose.

There is definite, pervasive injustice present in this industry. Hopefully, social pressure due to popularity will help change this to some degree.


Dec 27, 2017
I bolded what you said that made this whole subject start making a lot more sense to me because I was just having trouble identifying a motive for using South Korea for a while. Then, I realized the motivation a parent would have to sell their child into something like this because of poverty and it all started to click for whatever reason.

I read a little bit on the current economy of South Korea and it looks like it has started to improve to the point that some people are questioning whether there should be international adoption from SK anymore. That would make it seem that South Koreans have a reason to support the role Kpop plays in improving their economy.

There was an article from BBC about the socially acceptable perspective towards the injustice that is present even without a discussion of symbolism.

It basically says that these kids are enslaved to their contracts. They are like sweatshop superstars, which the general world is starting to see as an injustice because their popularity has increased.

It also says that these stars make basically nothing admitting that everything they do is manufactured. Everything has a cost from the clothes they wear to the person paid to pick out their clothes. It is interesting to me that people can realize that something is so manufactured, but reject the idea that it is designed towards an ideological viewpoint.

I have also found it interesting that so many of the boys are very feminized in light of the admission that this a manufactured industry. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them doubled as prostitutes. I read that many actors and models do this because they can actually make more money in prostitution than they can acting or modeling. It is almost like they are making commercial advertisements for this purpose.

There is definite, pervasive injustice present in this industry. Hopefully, social pressure due to popularity will help change this to some degree.
I agree on this ur rite. Idols can make more money by prostitution. I saw a japanese movie called Peach Girl yesterday. In that movie an actress/model who was a high school student, agreed to eat lunch with old hags because she just wanted money and her parents didnt stop her cause they wanted it too.