Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 25, 2017
I remember being paranoid as heck after finding out my great grandpa was a freemason after learning about all of those secret societies like. *shudder* anyways there were a bunch of idols wearing the satanic colour trio red, white and white at a recent music show.
BTS's War of Hormone is filled with the one eye symbols and hand signs that I can't believe I hadn't noticed and/or closechose to ignore. .. It was one of the first videos I saw from them, too. The entire color scheme for this video was red black and whiteo_O
And the lyrics! So completely inappropriate for their target audience:oops:
In many interviews most of the members mention that their favorite color(s) are some combination of red black and white. Might just be mere coincidence though. I don't know how nefarious favorite colors can be :rolleyes:o_O lol


Dec 29, 2017

BTS's War of Hormone is filled with the one eye symbols and hand signs that I can't believe I hadn't noticed and/or closechose to ignore. .. It was one of the first videos I saw from them, too. The entire color scheme for this video was red black and whiteo_O
And the lyrics! So completely inappropriate for their target audience:oops:
In many interviews most of the members mention that their favorite color(s) are some combination of red black and white. Might just be mere coincidence though. I don't know how nefarious favorite colors can be :rolleyes:o_O lol

Not being cruel or anything but do you guys have a life beside over analysing things. Yeh kpop may or may not be apart of the illuminati but what can we mere beings on the internet achieve by analysing every move done by bts and other groups. And to think Jong-hyun died because of bts is pretty delusional. We should start taking mental illness more seriously and most of you link your religious beliefs to kpop which doesn’t make any sense.

Not being mean just generally interested with how you guys jump to conclusions
Dec 26, 2017
Hi Guys, nice to meet you all. I wish I had found this topic earlier, now there is too many messages to read in one go hahahaha

As the topic is about Kpop, I have just started a channel about kpop:

What if I tell you that a Kpop group success was predicted.....and this in 2012 ?!?!

When I migrated from Western pop to Kpop, I thought I had found a great alternative without any devilish things….I was so wrong……It was even worse….Once they have a grip on you, they are not going to let you go. I thank God that He opened my eyes step by step.
wow this is incredible video, its clearly shows that Siwon basically does know about the illuminati and their plans!!! I asked my self if the kpop singers have idea about it, but I think they do


Dec 27, 2017
He could have been pushed to suicide and just didn’t know it.

i think it’ll be Jin. I think that perhaps V made the sacrifices for the group’s success, as he had two people close to him die. I don’t think they’ll sacfrice Jimin, instead I believe he may have a very successful solo career. Think Rain, G- Dragon. I believe Jin May be the group’s sacrifice for BTS to achieve the highest level of worldwide success. A Grammy, stadium tours in America, etc. Not sure when it’ll happen, but I predict a Grammy nomination for 2019 so I feel it’ll happen before then.

Edit: I wanted to discuss further why I think it’ll be Jimin. He is loved in both Asia and internationally, as he has been since the very beiginning. Despite not being the main dancer, he always receives credits for being so. He is adored by KPOP idols, of all ages and especially rookies. He’s like the golden idol (I don’t mean to use golden but couldn’t think of a better word to use.)

Jonghyun also has these characteristics, but I don’t think they’ll sacrifice Jimin. I think they’ll instead choose to use him until they can’t use him any more, especially since it appears he’s already on track with pushing the agenda. His solo songs are very strong, in my opinion much different than the rest. He seems like he’s going to be BIGHIT’s token.
But how did SM and BIGHIT know about the time and cause of his death even if he was pushed to commit suicide?

It is kind really shocking how everything can be planned by the Entertainments. It shows me howpredictable the masses are and how easily they can be influenced by the industry. It makes me not only worry about Jin, but also about our future.


Dec 29, 2017
But how did SM and BIGHIT know about the time and cause of his death even if he was pushed to commit suicide?

It is kind really shocking how everything can be planned by the Entertainments. It shows me howpredictable the masses are and how easily they can be influenced by the industry. It makes me not only worry about Jin, but also about our future.

Lmao all you guys worrying for Jin when he’s fine lmao I don’t think anything will happen and it’s just a theory


Dec 24, 2017
Not being cruel or anything but do you guys have a life beside over analysing things. Yeh kpop may or may not be apart of the illuminati but what can we mere beings on the internet achieve by analysing every move done by bts and other groups. And to think Jong-hyun died because of bts is pretty delusional. We should start taking mental illness more seriously and most of you link your religious beliefs to kpop which doesn’t make any sense.

Not being mean just generally interested with how you guys jump to conclusions
I'm more curious as to why you came here in the first place? We analyze things here and not just eat up whatever the media says. I don't like or more like I'm not suitable for most regular Kpop forums that are full of overly obsessed Kpop fans, that's why I'm here. I never bashed them for having fun there though, I mean it's their right and their place to do so. We won't stop analyzing things just because some random person tells us to do so, especially when they have no strong reasons or proofs.


Dec 29, 2017
I'm more curious as to why you came here in the first place? We analyze things here and not just eat up whatever the media says. I don't like or more like I'm not suitable for most regular Kpop forums that are full of overly obsessed Kpop fans, that's why I'm here. I never bashed them for having fun there though, I mean it's their right and their place to do so. We won't stop analyzing things just because some random person tells us to do so, especially when they have no strong reasons or proofs.
I came here to see if illuminati was prevalent in kpop but you guys are bashing these idols and it’s unnecessary hate towards them. With kpop fan forums they’re not creating hateful feelings toward others and I only came here cos I was curious but I have been scarred for life with some of these comments I don’t mean to offend anyone I’m just curious are you guys FBI agents cos you guys notice everything and it’s kinda obsessive.


Dec 24, 2017
I came here to see if illuminati was prevalent in kpop but you guys are bashing these idols and it’s unnecessary hate towards them. With kpop fan forums they’re not creating hateful feelings toward others and I only came here cos I was curious but I have been scarred for life with some of these comments I don’t mean to offend anyone I’m just curious are you guys FBI agents cos you guys notice everything and it’s kinda obsessive.
Can you quote some of those "hateful comments that create unnecessary hate towards the idols"? Just 2 or 3 is okay.
Well, it's kinda weird that you even left a comment. When I'm bothered by what I see on the net (like your level of bothered aka scarred for life), I close the page. That simple.
Also, I think the wars between fandoms are even worse than anything else. At least here, we're neutral. Nobody says who we like or who we don't. We don't say "this group don't deserve to get this award" or anything like that.
As for your last question, I'll just take it literally. FBI are supposed to have their own private forum, aren't they? Why would they be talking in a public forum where they can get interruption from an outsider?


Dec 29, 2017
I came here to see if illuminati was prevalent in kpop but you guys are bashing these idols and it’s unnecessary hate towards them. With kpop fan forums they’re not creating hateful feelings toward others and I only came here cos I was curious but I have been scarred for life with some of these comments I don’t mean to offend anyone I’m just curious are you guys FBI agents cos you guys notice everything and it’s kinda scary I didn’t mean to offend anyone sorry I’m just curious btw the Jin photo in the beginning scared the living crap out of me. Highly disturbing I believe that he is being made to do ‘things’ to gain a higher place in the band since he has less to none lines in his songs.


Dec 26, 2017
We don’t bash on idols here, we mainly provide pity for the situation they are in. We discuss what we see in the music, the wardrobe and the signs, but no one has bashed the individuals. While I believe Jonghyun willingly committed suicide, I am still here because there are weird coincidences that took place. Just like there is with Jin. I’m not saying, just like everyone else, that Jin is in danger but we’re jist simply discussing the signs. The signs are the same signs BTS fans have found, they just relate it to the concept and not to real life.

I came here to see if illuminati was prevalent in kpop but you guys are bashing these idols and it’s unnecessary hate towards them. With kpop fan forums they’re not creating hateful feelings toward others and I only came here cos I was curious but I have been scarred for life with some of these comments I don’t mean to offend anyone I’m just curious are you guys FBI agents cos you guys notice everything and it’s kinda obsessive.


Dec 29, 2017
Can you quote some of those "hateful comments that create unnecessary hate towards the idols"? Just 2 or 3 is okay.
Well, it's kinda weird that you even left a comment. When I'm bothered by what I see on the net (like your level of bothered aka scarred for life), I close the page. That simple.
Also, I think the wars between fandoms are even worse than anything else. At least here, we're neutral. Nobody says who we like or who we don't. We don't say "this group don't deserve to get this award" or anything like that.
As for your last question, I'll just take it literally. FBI are supposed to have their own private forum, aren't they? Why would they be talking in a public forum where they can get interruption from an outsider?
It was a joke. I come in peace for the hateful comments I mean talking about jins eyes before. Like seriously loads of people have a eye twitch it’s not that deep but like seriously I just wanted to get involved with the convo but sorry for offending anyone


Dec 29, 2017
It was a joke. I come in peace for the hateful comments I mean talking about jins eyes before. Like seriously loads of people have a eye twitch it’s not that deep but like seriously I just wanted to get involved with the convo but sorry for offending anyone
I have a theory about Jin and the inappropriate picture. Maybe he is being made to do ‘things’ to get a higher place in BTS since has less to no lines
Dec 26, 2017
Do you guys think that some kpop mvs and etc. predict possible war or so to say political unrest between North and South Korea?
I mean, a few months after the Monster video by Exo where social unrest is clearly portrayed there was a lot of agitation on the streets of Korea and EXO had a perfomance where all of them acted as if they were getting killed. Then relations between NK and others started getting hotter..... and EXO dropped an album called... The War.. Coincidence? Probably

Also why they had the word THE SACRIFICE under their perfomance [2016 MAMA] EXO - TRANSFORMER + MONSTER. In the end Baekhyun is lighted with red and dancing to creepy music...
there is a movei(not sure may be american), that predicted that South Korea and Japan is going to be invaded by North Korea, and the president of the North was Kim Jong Un, so Yeah I think ww3 is in the way and sadly South Korea and Japan will be totally destroyed


Dec 24, 2017
It was a joke. I come in peace for the hateful comments I mean talking about jins eyes before. Like seriously loads of people have a eye twitch it’s not that deep but like seriously I just wanted to get involved with the convo but sorry for offending anyone
Like jewels said above, that eye twitching is a sign and we care about it. If you put it that way, we probably care about those people more than regular Kpop fans do. Not saying we're obsessed or anything, but at some point Kpop has affected our lives (in both good and bad ways) and we want to see beyond what they allow us to see. Well I'm glad if it was a mere joke.


Dec 29, 2017
Like jewels said above, that eye twitching is a eye sign and we care about it. If you put it that way, we probably care about those people more than regular Kpop fans do. Not saying we're obsessed or anything, but at some point Kpop has affected our lives (in both good and bad ways) and we want to see beyond what they allow us to see. Well I'm glad if it was a mere joke.
I understand but going back to Jin do you think bts has been forced to do unfortunate ‘things’ (I say ‘things’ with the innuendo being innapropriate and forceful things) since I have heard a lot about trafficking and slavery rings in the Korean entertainment industry


Dec 25, 2017
I came here to see if illuminati was prevalent in kpop but you guys are bashing these idols and it’s unnecessary hate towards them. With kpop fan forums they’re not creating hateful feelings toward others and I only came here cos I was curious but I have been scarred for life with some of these comments I don’t mean to offend anyone I’m just curious are you guys FBI agents cos you guys notice everything and it’s kinda obsessive.
If we have truly been 'bashing' these artists as you say then I apologize. Of course none of this is meant to defame, just like the hundreds of kpop memes in circulation are not meant to defame their targets, even if half of them are full of incorrect assumptions and conclusions. As lee_ mentioned above, we too were curious as to how the illuminati and it's symbols play a large role in the kpop genre as we see it today. As such, we can make connections to outside genres and areas of life that exhibit similar characteristics in order to try and piece together the overwhelming evidence that points more and more to the involveent of such an evil group in the entertainment industry.
I believe that the 'bashing' you argue is more about the predictions we are piecing together about certain tragedies that we think could at some point happen. We are only doing this because, if you read the VC article here and here, we see similar things happening in recent music videos of other groups. That is all. We are not, and try not to pull out random information without fully researching and providing sources.


Dec 29, 2017
If we have truly been 'bashing' these artists as you say then I apologize. Of course none of this is meant to defame, just like the hundreds of kpop memes in circulation are not meant to defame their targets, even if half of them are full of incorrect assumptions and conclusions. As lee_ mentioned above, we too were curious as to how the illuminati and it's symbols play a large role in the kpop genre as we see it today. As such, we can make connections to outside genres and areas of life that exhibit similar characteristics in order to try and piece together the overwhelming evidence that points more and more to the involveent of such an evil group in the entertainment industry.
I believe that the 'bashing' you argue is more about the predictions we are piecing together about certain tragedies that we think could at some point happen. We are only doing this because, if you read the VC article here and here, we see similar things happening in recent music videos of other groups. That is all. We are not, and try not to pull out random information without fully researching and providing sources.
I understand and I’m sure none of what you guys have been saying is said maliciously or hatefully towards the artists named
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Dec 29, 2017
I understand and I’m sure none of what you guys have been saying is said maliciously or hatefully towards the artists named
I read a theory on all kpop about Tzuyu and how jyp(the company) tried to sell her for 15 billion won but no one bought her and when jyp(the person) found out he put the price up to 20 billion and this has been proved but i don’t really believe it since it is from all kpop. Just thought I’d like to drop it in to get a convo going.


Dec 25, 2017
I understand but going back to Jin do you think bts has been forced to do unfortunate ‘things’ (I say ‘things’ with the innuendo being innapropriate and forceful things) since I have heard a lot about trafficking and slavery rings in the Korean entertainment industry
I do certainly think they would have to be forced. I am not sure at what age they began their training, as the younger they are the more impressionable, but I also think a greater part in this is the desperate desire and greed for fame. I too know how strong that pull is, so I am not judging harshly nor bashing these children (for that's what they were when they entered this game). As was mentioned earlier on in the post, both RM and Suga penned lyrics expressing their great desire for fame, and how it was "too sweet to let go of" even while they saw how dim their future might be as they go down this path "the future seems dimmer" - lyrics taken and paraphrased from BOY MEETS EVIL. Only, it becomes too late to back out, much like any serious gang or cult. It is a very sad and unfortunate situation, again because they are so young when they start out, and have no clue about the evil in this world. I could never have imagines the pain I would go through in my life, and I am just an ordinary person:oops: