
George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
Laughing my fucking ass off

We all saw the Trump sundown rally lol after what happened this weekend it’s clear that Trump is demented beyond repair and is nothing but an empty vessel, either that or the anti Christ spirit is hollowing him out and slowly assuming control

you ass hats are gonna elect him too lol
Apr 13, 2017
Do you think politics has been devalued since the arrival of the orange clown?
"thesis, antithesis and synthesis?"

There's no synthesis between globalism and nationalism.

To your point: NO. Politics has not been devalued. It's been more alive than ever, unless with politics you mean politics of the 90s / 2000s where the uniparty pretended to give the voter a meaningful choice while they continued their progress to global governance.

And how else do you explain that all the topics that were restricted to the internet years ago are now dominating the public sphere?


May 10, 2022
All presidential elections in the United States are fake. The presidents are "selected" by the parasite ruling class, not "elected" by the citizens. Though there are plenty of folks who will vote for Trump, if he wins it is only because he was selected as a puppet mouthpiece for the higher ups. This was the case in 2016 when he won, as was the case in 2020 when Biden won. This is about divide and conquer. Now that America is less of a melting pot, and more of a seething cauldron of disfunction, it doesn't matter who they select in November. There will be civil unrest over the results. This is all by design. They would never give the common man a say over who governs them. It is the illusion of choice that keeps the masses from revolting.


May 10, 2022
Low-effort black-pill takes are getting old.
I can understand your sentiment with this statement. However, it hasn't been without effort to come to where I am today. This is the reality of the political theatre. I'd really like to believe that any one of these candidates intend to keep their promises. That they are not fakers, liars, or con artists. But then I would have to ignore all the evidence, the contradictions of character. All the unfulfilled, no, broken promises of the previous administrations. To come to terms with the fact that everything I've been taught since birth about my country and how it works is a lie, took effort indeed. But I won't play along anymore. I won't choose the "lesser of two evils" anymore. I respect your opinion and I'm am entitled to my own as well.


Nov 7, 2023
[QUOTE="George Clinton, post: 641077, member: 36902"

We all saw ....

... nothing but an empty vessel ....


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
~~~~Jobi Dan Lenodi

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
"thesis, antithesis and synthesis?"

There's no synthesis between globalism and nationalism.

To your point: NO. Politics has not been devalued. It's been more alive than ever, unless with politics you mean politics of the 90s / 2000s where the uniparty pretended to give the voter a meaningful choice while they continued their progress to global governance.

And how else do you explain that all the topics that were restricted to the internet years ago are now dominating the public sphere?
Nazi propaganda has taken over the Republican Party that’s how dumb ass


Jan 22, 2018
I know you reject religion, but what we see all around us is just more proof of a Designer.
I just don't understand this statement at all. If what we see around us is proof of a designer then why is the designer now intent on destroying his design?.... Did he get it wrong?

You probably find this all irrelevant, but God gives us the leaders we deserve. So our rulers being the worst of us today is just reflective as to how far we have fallen.
It's not that I find it irrelevant, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Why would a God punish his own creations by installing a senile criminal to rule over them before killing most people off anyway? Don't you think that's a bit sick? It's the same as a murderer torturing his victim for years before finally executing them.

It's no so much politics are being devalued. It's more that society is constantly degenerating.

Most of us here are old enough to remember what life was like 20 years ago. Idk what kind of example you'd like here as I can pull them from every facet. Violence in video games, soft porn on daytime tv. Foul-mouthed cartoon characters set in homosexual roles.

It's clear society is degrading, but if we could look into every generation we'd see It's always been this way. The 2020s are not like 1990s. The 1980s were not like the 1960s. On and on. When I was a child, hell was a bad word. "H E double hockey sticks" they'd say. In my mid 20s I heard a cartoon character from a kids show use the term "fugly". I'll let you look it up.
I agree with you here but there are a few reasons why society is degrading that you cannot discount. You have to factor in the cumulative effects of chem trails, toxins in our food and water, poisonous "medicines", constant mind bending propaganda and keeping people in a perpetual state of fear.

All of the above are the results of living breathing psychotic people who have a serious desire to control all the people they don't kill.

I think saying this is all God's plan just allows these psycopaths to continue unhindered. Do you get what I'm saying?


Jan 22, 2018
"thesis, antithesis and synthesis?"

There's no synthesis between globalism and nationalism.

To your point: NO. Politics has not been devalued. It's been more alive than ever, unless with politics you mean politics of the 90s / 2000s where the uniparty pretended to give the voter a meaningful choice while they continued their progress to global governance.

And how else do you explain that all the topics that were restricted to the internet years ago are now dominating the public sphere?
Sorry but I just can't take you seriously. You have this uncanny knack of typing serious type words that just sound funny.

Anybody who is still trying to justify Trump as being a viable candidate for leader of the free world is not a serious person.

The world is being told that this election is really close...could go either way. It's like we're being told that half of the American electorate believes pro wrestling is real.

Now I managed to sit through the full 75 minutes of this, which is some feat I can tell you, Do me a favour and sit through it yourself. Get back to me with what you thought about it.

According to Fox this was Trump taking Bloombergs John Micklethwaite "to school"...if that is what you are welcome to your alternative reality....Good luck eh?

For anybody who doesn't have the time here are a few of the best'll need a hankerchief and a bucket.



Jun 28, 2020
I just don't understand this statement at all. If what we see around us is proof of a designer then why is the designer now intent on destroying his design?.... Did he get it wrong?
The destroyers are mankind.


This is what free will is. Some chose evil, others don't.

Regardless of what choices are made, all will be brought to account in the end. No one is escaping justice. Not Netanyahu, not Jeffery Epstein. No one, as everything we do and say is being recorded and God has a perfect record.

What is this life but a test?

It's not that I find it irrelevant, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Why would a God punish his own creations by installing a senile criminal to rule over them before killing most people off anyway? Don't you think that's a bit sick? It's the same as a murderer torturing his victim for years before finally executing them.
We get what we deserve. Let's just take a look at the 10 commandments for a moment.


1st, how many are setting up partners with God? How many worship money, women and their own desires? 70% of the planet minimum.

2nd, Idols are everywhere, even amongst alleged monotheists.


3rd, blasphemy is like drinking water in the west. Extremely common. I often hear Christians say you can abuse Jesus because that's your right to free speech.

4th, Churches are empty, even on Sundays.

5th, kids these days are highly disrespectful and at all ages. Doesn't matter if they're a know-it-all 16-year-old or someone whose ready to put their parents into a home because he feels entitled.

6th, killing is at an all-time high and is only increasing.

7th, fornication is more common than sand these days.

8th, I know many thieves personally. Not to mention being ruled by them across the globe.

9th, we both know people lie a dozen times a day, every day.

10th, these are the days with keeping up with the Jones. If they get a BMW, I have to have a Tesla.

The 10 commandments are the basics of the basics, and even many Christians mostly ignore them these days.
When so many (and we're talking about 80% of the planet if not 90) are in defiance of God's commands, how good of a life do you expect to get?

God has control of every atom, but when's the last time you said thanks for your daily bread? People don't even bow their heads at dinner anymore. I know you're an atheist, but of all the Christians I know, none of them says the Lord's prayer before dinner. God is largely forgotten, especially in the west.

Our rulers are the worst of us because we have strayed far from what God has commanded.

I agree with you here but there are a few reasons why society is degrading that you cannot discount. You have to factor in the cumulative effects of chem trails, toxins in our food and water, poisonous "medicines", constant mind bending propaganda and keeping people in a perpetual state of fear.

All of the above are the results of living breathing psychotic people who have a serious desire to control all the people they don't kill.

I think saying this is all God's plan just allows these psycopaths to continue unhindered. Do you get what I'm saying?
It's all a sign of the times. The closer we get to the end, the worse it's going to get.

We are practically in free fall atm. You don't even have to go back 30 years to see massive changes. For example, there wasn't any naked 70-year-old men shaking their junk in front of kids during parades when I was a child.

As bad as the world is, for the most part we have brought it on ourselves.

Apr 13, 2017
Sorry but I just can't take you seriously. You have this uncanny knack of typing serious type words that just sound funny.

Anybody who is still trying to justify Trump as being a viable candidate for leader of the free world is not a serious person.

The world is being told that this election is really close...could go either way. It's like we're being told that half of the American electorate believes pro wrestling is real.

Now I managed to sit through the full 75 minutes of this, which is some feat I can tell you, Do me a favour and sit through it yourself. Get back to me with what you thought about it.

According to Fox this was Trump taking Bloombergs John Micklethwaite "to school"...if that is what you are welcome to your alternative reality....Good luck eh?

For anybody who doesn't have the time here are a few of the best'll need a hankerchief and a bucket.

I already sat through the whole thing yesterday. John’s an absolute globalist cunt stuck in 90s free trade dogmas and Trump did hand his ass back to him. Been waiting my whole adult life for the kind of pushback Trump represents.

I’m starting to think you just don’t understand the debate (cause every time you ask for explanation instead of explaining it yourself) or maybe you’re stuck in the 90s just like John; fucking complaining about not continuing the off-shoring of industry, giving jobs back to your own citizens. Who needs enemies when you have fellow citizens like that. It’s a disgrace.
Apr 13, 2017
I can understand your sentiment with this statement. However, it hasn't been without effort to come to where I am today. This is the reality of the political theatre. I'd really like to believe that any one of these candidates intend to keep their promises. That they are not fakers, liars, or con artists. But then I would have to ignore all the evidence, the contradictions of character. All the unfulfilled, no, broken promises of the previous administrations. To come to terms with the fact that everything I've been taught since birth about my country and how it works is a lie, took effort indeed. But I won't play along anymore. I won't choose the "lesser of two evils" anymore. I respect your opinion and I'm am entitled to my own as well.
I understand your sentiment too, cause I had it 10 years ago. But the times have changed and they’ve changed rapidly.

What have you learned about your country that black-pilled you?


Jan 22, 2018
Been waiting my whole adult life for the kind of pushback Trump represents.
....have you?.....honestly? think Trump represents something?

....Anyway, did you see the wrestling the other night?....was awesome.

I’m starting to think you just don’t understand the debate
What debate?.....for anybody without their They Live Alternate Reality Trump Sunglasses ($888 from Trump website) on, it was a quite shocking revelation of the orange puppets cognitive decline.