

Nov 8, 2022
Vote for Trump because Elon's brainchips are antitrans (and they might deport George back to the Roman Empire, and who wouldn't want that? Make America Clean Again)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Truth: Political leaders lie because it can be good for their careers

Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with Fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Isaiah 3:12 [As for] My people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and lead thee astray,

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
If you'd go back to Rome you'd participate in back-stabbing the emperor. You have weasel and traitor written all over you, Pakman-groupie.
You have to call people fags because your entire movement is made up of disgusting white dudes with no hygiene who are all virgins. Literally just a movement of incels lol.
Fuentes had to backpedal after admitting to a sexual encounter with a woman lol

You wouldn’t have lasted a day in a Rome lol you wouldn’t have lasted a day 150 years ago either

You wouldn’t last a round with me in the ring either lol

you’re a disgusting loser and you always will be and your side is gonna lose
Apr 13, 2017
You have to call people fags because your entire movement is made up of disgusting white dudes with no hygiene who are all virgins. Literally just a movement of incels lol.
Fuentes had to backpedal after admitting to a sexual encounter with a woman lol

You wouldn’t have lasted a day in a Rome lol you wouldn’t have lasted a day 150 years ago either

You wouldn’t last a round with me in the ring either lol

you’re a disgusting loser and you always will be and your side is gonna lose
Granted, I wouldn’t last 10 seconds in the same space with you. Self-proclaimed anti-fascists are a repulsive breed of hypocrites, insufferable not just ideologically and ethically, but usually physiognomically as well.

You seriously need yourself checked. Despite my not so positive attitude towards psychiatry, you’re the first on the list I’d recommend it to. (Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re already a regular though.)


Aug 11, 2024
Somebody up there has got Don's back..:)
Jesus said- "..the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matt 10:30)


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
When whichever Zionist stooge that's placed in the White House leads the U.S. to its defeat in WW3, will people then acknowledge that these glove puppets were never really "of the people, by the people, for the people" ?

Or will the few remaining survivors still be afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome?


Aug 11, 2024
Biden and Kamala want to keep pumping cash and weapons into Israel to keep the war going, but Trump sensibly says that's a no-no..:)


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from (May 2024):

President Joe Biden’s administration paused one shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel hoping to prevent a full-scale attack on Gaza — a move that former President Donald Trump condemned.

"Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel," Trump said May 10 on Truth Social. "Any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!"

Excerpt below from (June 2024):

Even so, Biden — like most past U.S. leaders — has sought to maintain some balance and support for Palestinians and to present the United States as a potential mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

By contrast, Trump was the first U.S. chief executive who gave near-absolute, unconditional support to Israel, handing the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu everything it asked for and then some.

Trump moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the disputed capital of Jerusalem, the first major country to do so. He also endorsed Israeli control of the Golan Heights, a contested fertile plateau that Israel seized from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war. He did so without concessions from Israel.

Trump was so popular among right-wing Israelis that Netanyahu used him as he campaigned for reelection, adorning cities across Israel with huge posters of the two men together. A Jewish settlement in the West Bank named itself after Trump.

Trump’s one-sided approach won him praise from some pro-Israel advocates, but critics say he also sacrificed valuable U.S. leverage in negotiating broader peace in the region.

Excerpt below from (July 2024):

American Jews vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. But Trump’s Jewish allies say he has “fought for Israel like no president ever before.” Since he left office in 2021 and following the Oct. 7 attack, however, Trump has offered less than full-throated support for Israel, the hostages taken by Hamas or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He has remarked that Hamas would never have attacked Israel had he been in the Oval Office and criticized Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza, which he said shifted U.S. public opinion against Israel.

Trump has also called for a swift end to the war and said Netanyahu should pay a price for the security failures leading up to the Hamas attacks.

At the same time, Trump has promised major donors to back Israel’s war on terror — and he’s called for retribution against pro-Palestinian campus protesters.

Excerpt below from (August 2024):

Trump says he told Netanyahu to end Gaza war but criticizes ceasefire call

WASHINGTON/ BEDMINSTER, New Jersey, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their last meeting in July to quickly end Israel's war in Gaza, but the former president also criticized ceasefire demands.

"He (Netanyahu) knows what he's doing, I did encourage him to get this over with," Trump told reporters at a press conference on Thursday. "It has to get over with fast. ... Get your victory and get it over with.
It has to stop, the killing has to stop."

Excerpt below from (September 2024):

Former President Donald Trump has largely remained silent on what he might do in a potential second term regarding issues of particular interest to Jewish Americans. However, if his close adviser’s perspective offers any insight, it could involve the U.S. actively funding a previously shelved Israeli plan to annex the occupied West Bank.

Israel will need financial assistance “to assert and maintain its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria,” former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman writes in a new book, One Jewish State: The Last, Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, scheduled for release on Tuesday. Friedman suggests that the next Republican administration and Congress could redirect $1 billion from existing aid to the Palestinians, including funds meant for the Palestinian security force, to finance the annexation plan, which he said will help improve the lives of Palestinians under Israeli control. “The easiest bucket to tap into and reposition is that of the United States.”

Excerpt below from (October 2024):

Israelis broadly favor Trump over Harris on security and in vote preference: Poll
Fifty-eight percent surveyed said Trump would be better for Israel's security.


Jan 22, 2018
David Pakman? What did I just say about soy boy faggots?
Funny how you go all ad hominem on the presenter whilst completely ignoring the content from your orange messiah. Very Trumpish of you.

Anyway, check out the lunatics latest video on his bollox social platform.....God sent him.....All's good o_O

Try ignoring the presenter eh? might learn something.



Mar 23, 2021
Funny how you go all ad hominem on the presenter whilst completely ignoring the content from your orange messiah. Very Trumpish of you.

Anyway, check out the lunatics latest video on his bollox social platform.....God sent him.....All's good o_O

Try ignoring the presenter eh? might learn something.

Shouldn't trust either of them to... Kamala & him are just the same shes the female trump and he's the male version of her.


Aug 11, 2024
Don in prophecy..:)-



Somebody up there has got Don's back..:)
Jesus said- "..the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matt 10:30)
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