p diddy,puff daddy


May 15, 2017
that's exactly what I meant and said it's another je case

he even on suicide watch already(not coincidental)

these evils never pay for their crimes and only ever give Us their pick of a
sacrificial scapegoat so the other evils can keep on doing w/e they want
that's all this is and most Peoples will be happy with that,just like with
winesteen,epsteen,maxwel etc...

I'm not happy at all cause We Know there is so much worse and what's being
outted isn't even close to the horrific things that are really happening with these

We will never Hear/See any of the True evils done by these things nor will
We ever See the top of the top going down for those crimes

this is all a distraction from something tptb don't want Us Seeing or even
Knowing they're up to

as for who's the pedos,I Believe it's the majority and not even sure there
are exceptions


Sep 8, 2018
that's exactly what I meant and said it's another je case

he even on suicide watch already(not coincidental)

these evils never pay for their crimes and only ever give Us their pick of a
sacrificial scapegoat so the other evils can keep on doing w/e they want
that's all this is and most Peoples will be happy with that,just like with
winesteen,epsteen,maxwel etc...

I'm not happy at all cause We Know there is so much worse and what's being
outted isn't even close to the horrific things that are really happening with these

We will never Hear/See any of the True evils done by these things nor will
We ever See the top of the top going down for those crimes

this is all a distraction from something tptb don't want Us Seeing or even
Knowing they're up to

as for who's the pedos,I Believe it's the majority and not even sure there
are exceptions
You are probably right.
I was being nice, but I can’t say everything single actor is a chomo.
For example, most actors are not famous and most at best make six figures.
Do I think actors from commercials participate in rituals? No, most of them don’t and consequently don’t make the big money.


May 15, 2017
You are probably right.
I was being nice, but I can’t say everything single actor is a chomo.
For example, most actors are not famous and most at best make six figures.
Do I think actors from commercials participate in rituals? No, most of them don’t and consequently don’t make the big money.
I agree that the no name listers are probably not apart of this
I do Believe a 100% the a/b listers are definitely apart of the club specially
anyone that's heavily pushed on Us through the medias

which isn't in reality a club it's more like family cause Ya have to be
apart of certain bloodlines somewhere on a far off branch,to get anywhere
near the top

those at the top of the top though,We will never See/Hear of that's why tptb
give Us the sacrificial scapegoats all to keep the bus rolling along without
the toppers getting outted or punished

here is porters book it doesn't reveal much most haven't already speculated
it is still interesting enough to put the pieces together better and as apart
of analyzing it all

there is another video posted by NET that's older but I'm not sure if it's any
different than this one yet as I'm still watching this one
if there is a difference I'll share that one here too


May 12, 2023
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Nov 8, 2022

The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children – including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “the devil’s work.”

According to a member of the Adrenochrome Task Force, these factory farms are the sites of ritual sexual abuse, physical degradation and psychological torture.

“You know, I thought I’d seen it all. I’ve been in combat for years, seen comrades fall, dealt with the worst humanity has to offer. But nothing, nothing, could prepare me for what we found in Donetsk.

“We were told we’d be liberating children… I didn’t understand the scale of what that meant until we got there. We were clearing out this complex, a grim place… like a gulag or a Nazi death camp, but worse. Much worse. The walls were gray, cold, and damp. The air… it stank of decay and something nauseating… something I can’t describe. And then we found them. The children.

“They were… like ghosts. Skin and bones. Their bodies, they looked so fragile, almost transparent. I could see the outlines of their ribs, every bone in their tiny hands. They had tubes coming out of them, tubes that drained their blood, their adrenal fluids… for what? For some sick trade, some twisted demand from the West.

“There were hundreds of them, just lying there in these rows of metal cots. No blankets, no warmth. They didn’t even flinch when we burst in, no fear, no hope… Just emptiness in their eyes. Some were too weak to even look at us. They were so used to the pain, the torment, they didn’t even react.

“And the worst part? The youngest… some of them couldn’t have been more than 2 years old. Babies, really. We found out later that they were bred for this… Raised in captivity, like livestock, just to be drained of everything that made them human.

“The ones they couldn’t sell, the ones who weren’t ‘pretty’ enough or ‘obedient’ enough, were sent to these farms. Farms… as if that’s what you could call those hellholes.”


Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Russian special forces have liberated dozens of children from an Israeli-registered ship, as President Putin’s war against the global adrenochrome industry kicks into high gear.
Following the discovery of a factory farm operation in Ukraine, Putin formed an “adrenochrome task force” of special agents and handpicked Spetznas to deal with the growing crisis.
As Putin explains, the Western elite have been stuffing their bellies with human flesh for centuries and the time has come to call it out and hold them to account.
Thanks to Putin’s adrenochrome task force, p***phile cult leaders around the world can no longer rest assured that their crimes against children will be swept under the carpet like they are in the West.

Remember when a secret tunnel system was discovered under a Chabad Jewish center in New York and instead of asking obvious questions, the mainstream media covered up the story?
But the people are waking up and the tide is turning on the elite and their depraved pedophilic lifestyles. Putin’s newly formed adrenochrome task force is already bearing fruit.

Video by Sean Adl-Tabatabai. !!!!

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Hunter Biden is a predatory p***phile hiding in plain sight and operating with impunity as the First Son of the United States of America, according to video evidence produced by a Russian investigation personally ordered by Vladimir Putin.

According to the FSB, these tapes will send shockwaves around the world and will change forever the way the public view Western political leaders.

Video by Sean Adl-Tabatabai. !!!!

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to shut down the adrenochrome supply chain servicing Hollywood after Russian forces made a series of horrifying discoveries in Ukraine in recent days.

Putin has enlisted Hollywood insiders including Mel Gibson and Steven Seagal to put all the chess pieces together so he can make his move.

+ Video by Sean Adl-Tabatabai. !!!!

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Many Western political leaders are suffering from a type of madness which cannot be treated, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who revealed that the global elite engage in vices including p***philia and cannibalism.

Rumors have been circulating for years regarding the depraved appetites of elites including Klaus Schwab, the Obamas and the Clintons, and Putin, fresh from a landslide Russian election victory, has chosen this moment to expose the real nature of the cabal that has seized unelected power in the West.

Video by Sean Adl-Tabatabai.



Londoners Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway were among the first to tie the knot in Britain.
London | March 29, 2014

Sean Adl-Tabatabai, left, and Sinclair Treadway are applauded by their guests as they were announced officially married during a wedding ceremony in the Council Chamber at Camden Town Hall in London. (AP)

Treadway and Adl-Tabatabai, a 32-year-old TV producer from London, were married by the mayor of Camden, Jonathan Simpson, who declared the occasion "a huge step forward in civil rights for our country and also a big acknowledgment that love conquers all." They emerged to loud applause and the strains of "I Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher.

"It's amazing and surreal," Adl-Tabatabai said. "It did feel like a historic moment. When the mayor was saying those things, it really hit me."
Adl-Tabatabai said civil partnerships had helped some people overcome their opposition to gay relationships.

"Their preconceptions of gay people and what their lifestyles are like are kind of changing," he said. "They're like, 'OK, I hate to say it, but maybe you're like us."'

About Sean Adl-Tabatabai
18207 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (https://joseon.com)

The People’s Voice’s reporting is read by over 5 million unique readers, most of whom are conservative Americans, each month through our highly-visited website.

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Nov 8, 2022
"Founded in 2014..."
2014? Again 2014.
"The Maidan in Ukraine: 21 November 2013 – 22/23 February 2014/
End: 23/02/2014
February 20, 2014
Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020. This presentation defines elements of the future architecture and promotes an international action."
2 0 2 4
Two brave leaders, two fighters against the pedo-cabal, hand in hand. Idyll.

Elements of future ethics: • ‘open-source’ ethics: (interiorized ethics that was tacitly translated through cultural norms will be replaced by) exteriorized and transparent set of community- and context-specific behavioral rules that are supported by quantitative evaluation systems: e.g. gamified bonus systems and achievement badges, new currencies (game currencies, local currencies, creative currencies etc.) • quest for authenticity: ‘total transparency’ of human societies (hence the requirement for authentic & sincere behavior) will become the ground for establishment of new ethical foundations within human social groups • ‘living ethics’: people that embed higher ethical qualities can help direct induction of these qualities in groups, collectives & communities through Neuroweb protocols • rise of Humanity: the Humanity as a whole will rise as the new subject of action by means of Neuroweb. Rights and qualities of this subject are unclear, but its actions will be evident

traditional holders of systems of ethics, the religion and the state, come under attack, since they do not retain any exclusive right to hold this position • design of ethical systems becomes a concise community-based process, and communities with experimental ethical systems emerge in the NeuroWeb (in the same way as modern web communities model wars, political and economic competitions)NeuroWeb development will require the ‘ethics designer toolkit’, an explicit and a universal system for design of community-based behavioral rules • understanding and redesign of ethical system principles again becomes an important and a highly applied task that will require the collective contribution of the greatest minds of our time


Nov 8, 2022
I continue to hold on to the seemingly unbelievable theory that there will be some, maybe several, and maybe more, Q dreams come true, which include limiting or even falling the leftist agenda (including the deportation of immigrants, transgender, and pedo-cabal). Because Musk.


Aug 11, 2024
I'd never say many film stars are peedos without proof, but seeing them kissing and groping kids in films makes me feel uncomfortable-







Aug 11, 2024
And let's not forget gays who've spread AIDS to innocent victims like these below.
(It wouldn't surprise me if some evil-minded homos with AIDS gave blood to deliberately spread it into the normal population)-



Aug 22, 2021
Most of the stuff coming out is just surface stuff that’s been an open secret for many years.

The real secrets are not coming out about Sean Combs. It’s just surface stuff about it this person.

It’s the same Epstein operation with a new fall guy.

Who is a chomo?

Isn’t it all of them in H’wood with few exceptions?
exactly since 2007 then later in 2011 we had the same issues and controversies around Tom Hanks and Obamas and the white hats supposedly cleaning the White House, then it intensified around election year 2015-2016 recycled the exact same ramblings, clips, pictures and memes of Oprah, Ellen, Epstein, Hillary, Jay Z, Beyonce. Marina, Kardashians, etc . all these disgusting explicit brutal pedo shit Then a decade later its 2024 and people are still re-sharing the exact same old ramblings, clips, pictures and memes, all explicit, demoralizing and pornographic. All over again and again non stop. Do you think this is to “wake you up” or to actually program and desensitize. You are falling in their trap, it lowers your energy and it destroys your mood and soul, this is what they want you to consume, this is why I left this specific particular topic it does not bring anything to the table when all you do is consume and consume this graphic garbage and nothing with substance is ever done or shared beside the shocking same old points. I mean if you are here for the first time, welcome i encourage u to look, dig all u need, just know its sort of a dead end