Cia Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘we Blew Up Wtc7 On 9/11’


Nov 8, 2022
I encourage the most ferocious persecution, moral condemnation and full denunciation of the treacherous troll Clut, who wants to destroy our close-knit intelligence community to the roots. May the profound expose that has been made and the Inquisitor's oath of ultimate persecution that has been given not go to waste. Chase the subversive in all topics, to his end!

You have My favor


Aug 11, 2024
Anybody who's against me must be FOR one of the things I've spoken out against such as Israel, nonchristians, atheists, immigration, muslim terrorism, GLBT's etc..:)
I wish they'd stop hiding under the bed and tell us what they believe in..:)-



Nov 29, 2023
When the snowflakes, lefties, cultists and trolls etc are on the rampage-

View attachment 110432
Other than spouting your usual de-railing 'kick it on a few more pages' gibberish, I don't recall seeing your response to these points. Posted in full below for clarity:

War is a VERY lucrative business. And the quickest way to war is to conduct a false flag attack (e.g. the Reichstag fire, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, 7/7, etc.) to dupe the gullible public into believing it's a good idea to fight and die in another needless war.

Do you think it's just a coincidence that the $2.3 trillion reported missing from the Department of Defense coffers on September 10, 2001 was magically erased from everyone's memories the instant the MISSILE (not plane) hit the Pentagon the next day? Have you ever heard of the quintessential question "cui bono?" (Latin) which, in English, means: who benefits?

Do you believe all of the shorting of stocks on the airlines that were involved in the crashes (AA, UA) to the tune of billions of $$$ was just some amazing luck? Or that both the counterfeit-Jews and the military industrial complex in both the U.S. and U.K. have benefited immensely from their "never-ending war"?

Outside those who were in the media, or spouses of media personalities, most eye-witnesses reported seeing a "small plane" that interestingly didn't have any windows. Something like this:

View attachment 110146

AGM-158 JASSM: Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Anybody who's against me must be FOR one of the things I've spoken out against such as Israel, nonchristians, atheists, immigration, muslim terrorism, GLBT's etc..:)
I wish they'd stop hiding under the bed and tell us what they believe in..:)-

View attachment 110431
Do you keep The Law of God as Christ COMMANDS, and share with others that they MUST do the same (Matt. 5:17-20)?

Because anyone who isn't doing that is "lukewarm" according to Christ.

Revelation 3:15-16
3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Matthew 16:27 For the Son of Man SHALL come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his WORKS.

Learning to seek the truth of the matter in ALL things (Matt. 7:7-8), rather than judging a book by its cover (Matt. 7:1-4) requires us to delve deeper into what is going on around us, particularly for a watershed event like 9/11 that has permanently changed the geopolitical landscape by introducing the "never-ending" war (mass-murder) against a thing (terrorism). God has made it crystal clear that MURDER is a capital crime (Exod. 20:13), and has promised through His Christ to bless the peacemakers, NOT the warmongers (Matt. 5:9).
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Aug 11, 2024
Freeman quote- "War is a VERY lucrative business. And the quickest way to war is to conduct a false flag attack.".unquote

That consp-theory can easily be debunked by pointing out the US Govt DIDN'T NEED to stage 9/11 in order to get an excuse to invade the mideast,
for the simple reason they ALREADY HAD plenty of excuses because muslim terrorists had been slaughtering people all around the world for many years.. :p


Aug 11, 2024
Freeman quote- Outside those who were in the media, or spouses of media personalities, most eye-witnesses reported seeing a "small plane" that interestingly didn't have any windows. Something like this-

AGM-158B jASSM.jpg

Below: to give an idea of how small them things are, Here's one being launched from an F-16 fighter, and whoever thinks one of them little things was a huge airliner needs to get down Specsavers for an eye test.

AGM 158B__JAASM.jpg

You muslim sympathisers will say anything to try to whitewash muslim terrorists, shame on you, you'll be telling us next that they never done any atrocities at all over the past 50 years,,:p
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Mate, you often quote the Koran, but where does the Bible command you to do that?..:p
You didn't answer the question, which is what people usually do when they have something to hide.

The Koran specifically tells everyone that they MUST read The Law and the Gospel, and you've already asked and been answered about where the Bible invites the Gentiles to the wedding of the Lamb.


Aug 20, 2023
next that they never done any atrocities at all over the past 50 years,,
Who really knows what atrocities were committed other than God Alone?

In other words, God is the Only True Judge and any innocent deemed guilty during this life here shall have his/her innocence made apparent on the fastly-approaching Judgement Day and shall be aptly Rewarded for having suffered in silence while their accusers shall have to account for their misjudgments for sure!


Aug 11, 2024
Who really knows what atrocities were committed other than God Alone?

In other words, God is the Only True Judge and any innocent deemed guilty during this life here shall have his/her innocence made apparent on the fastly-approaching Judgement Day and shall be aptly Rewarded for having suffered in silence while their accusers shall have to account for their misjudgments for sure!
I could post a blood-soaked gallery of dead and wounded murdered by terrorists around the world if you like, for example here are a few pics from the Beslan school massacre showing parents collecting their kids after muslim terrorists went on a kid-killing spree-



Aug 20, 2023
I could post a blood-soaked gallery of dead and wounded murdered by terrorists around the world if you like, for example here are a few pics from the Beslan school massacre showing parents collecting their kids after muslim terrorists went on a kid-killing spree-

View attachment 110482
Where are the pictures showing that Muslims are the ones indeed responsible for that?


Aug 11, 2024
Clout quote- Mate, you often quote the Koran, but where does the Bible command you to do that?
The Koran specifically tells everyone that they MUST read The Law and the Gospel..
But I asked you where exactly does the BIBLE tell us to read the Koran?
In fact it's an impossibility because the Koran was written 600 years AFTER the Bible, so how on earth can the Bible tell us to read the Koran?.. :p


Aug 20, 2023
Clout quote- Mate, you often quote the Koran, but where does the Bible command you to do that?

But I asked you where exactly does the BIBLE tell us to read the Koran?
In fact it's an impossibility because the Koran was written 600 years AFTER the Bible, so how on earth can the Bible tell us to read the Koran?.. :p
The word is from God is what he is basically telling you.

Every divine book is from Him although some may have been alterred to suit the desires of some unscrupulous individuals.


Aug 20, 2023
If Allah is also the Christian God, I'm the Queen of Sheba.. :p
There is but One God for all human beings and every other body that exist in this universe, to say the least.


For your information, the Gospel is referred to as Injīl in Arabic.​