Cia Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘we Blew Up Wtc7 On 9/11’


Aug 11, 2024
I always wondered why on earth, Satan has SO MUCH power here...
Satan draws his power from feeding off all the unholy negative bad vibes being churned out by millions of nonchristians and atheists.
Hence the Bible's instruction that people should churn out only GOOD thoughts that he can't feed off-
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Phil 4:8)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Freeman, I have been re-reading the 100 page 'way home or face the fire'
and I do agree with you, it makes sense (except I gloss over the spaceship parts, and I've never seen Starwars I don't like SciFi). I always wondered why on earth, Satan has SO MUCH power here, a unilateral contract against us, b/c we didn't get to mess with him when he was the favorite musical director in paradise of Heaven. THIS booklet is the only thing I've ever read that explains WHY. My church buddies dismissed it totally, thats how people think and react to different news.
Christ called Lucifer/Satan "the prince of this world" three times in the Gospel recorded by John (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) because he (Satan) is running every single worldly institution and is inside the heads of everyone here on Earth, IF they allow it. And most do, because they're blind to the difference between the spirit (the spiritual-Being, with which God communicates) and the flesh (the human and its ego, which Satan influences).

That's how it's possible for Satan to pull off a watershed event like 9/11. He first gets his synagogue to make lots of movies with great special effects depicting things which are physically impossible, so that those who are mesmerized by such things are no longer capable of differentiating these fictions from reality. Predictive programming.

He then gets his governments to plan and execute the operation, so they can start an "endless war" to make lots and lots of money, and provide a ready-made excuse to go in and do whatever evil they wish in any country in the world (including the U.S. itself) in the name of "fighting terrorism". Of course most are so dumbed down that they seem to have missed the point that there's no way to win a war against a thing (terrorism), because a thing can never sit down across from you at the negotiating table. Hence the "never-ending" war. Of course he (Satan) can get all of his organized religions to help spread his lies to their parishioners/paying-customers/victims, just as he can do with the mainstream media, which is nothing more than a propaganda organ for the state. That's what it means to have total control over church and state at the global level.

And when a few finally catch on, then he rolls out his greatest lie, conning people into believing he doesn't exist, and thus cannot be responsible for all of the centralized evil on this planet. That way everyone can continue arguing over all of these things until they run out of time, and find themselves joining Lucifer/Satan/Iblis in The Fire on Judgment Day (SOON).

The overwhelming majority of people have historically and invariably had a hatred for the truth (Exod. 23:2; Isa. 30:8-15), which should explain why anyone sharing it comes under almost immediate attack. And, as you know, only the truth can set us free, so those who reject it will remain in slavery, until they too are executed on The Last Day.
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Jan 22, 2018
Yeah, i've been thinking I don't belong here, so i'll say goodbye, mainly because I don't want to be a spoilsport.
Enjoy your consp-theories, bye..:)
Despite yet another name change, you really still do not belong here. The three amigos you've created to defecate all over this forum have all used the same old crappy memes over and over again with the same old pig ignorant arguments.

All that you demonstrate here is that you're a man child with learning difficulties.

Now take your own advice from back in June and stop being a spoilsport and say goodbye.....but this time, don't come back in a few weeks with a new name and the same old tired act.
Mar 30, 2017
Despite yet another name change, you really still do not belong here. The three amigos you've created to defecate all over this forum have all used the same old crappy memes over and over again with the same old pig ignorant arguments.

All that you demonstrate here is that you're a man child with learning difficulties.

Now take your own advice from back in June and stop being a spoilsport and say goodbye.....but this time, don't come back in a few weeks with a new name and the same old tired act.
"Man child" - nailed it. That's EXACTLY what he his.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
But if muslims didn't do 9/11, who did, and WHY?
War is a VERY lucrative business. And the quickest way to war is to conduct a false flag attack (e.g. the Reichstag fire, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, 7/7, etc.) to dupe the gullible public into believing it's a good idea to fight and die in another needless war.

Do you think it's just a coincidence that the $2.3 trillion reported missing from the Department of Defense coffers on September 10, 2001 was magically erased from everyone's memories the instant the MISSILE (not plane) hit the Pentagon the next day? Have you ever heard of the quintessential question "cui bono?" (Latin) which, in English, means: who benefits?

Do you believe all of the shorting of stocks on the airlines that were involved in the crashes (AA, UA) to the tune of billions of $$$ was just some amazing luck? Or that both the counterfeit-Jews and the military industrial complex in both the U.S. and U.K. have benefited immensely from their "never-ending war"?

And were the New Yorkers who witnessed the planes hitting the buildings all hallucinating or what?.. :p
Outside those who were in the media, or spouses of media personalities, most eye-witnesses reported seeing a "small plane" that interestingly didn't have any windows. Something like this:


AGM-158 JASSM: Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile


Mar 23, 2021
War is a VERY lucrative business. And the quickest way to war is to conduct a false flag attack (e.g. the Reichstag fire, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, 7/7, etc.) to dupe the gullible public into believing it's a good idea to fight and die in another needless war.

Do you think it's just a coincidence that the $2.3 trillion reported missing from the Department of Defense coffers on September 10, 2001 was magically erased from everyone's memories the instant the MISSILE (not plane) hit the Pentagon the next day? Have you ever heard of the quintessential question "cui bono?" (Latin) which, in English, means: who benefits?

Do you believe all of the shorting of stocks on the airlines that were involved in the crashes (AA, UA) to the tune of billions of $$$ was just some amazing luck? Or that both the counterfeit-Jews and the military industrial complex in both the U.S. and U.K. have benefited immensely from their "never-ending war"?

Outside those who were in the media, or spouses of media personalities, most eye-witnesses reported seeing a "small plane" that interestingly didn't have any windows. Something like this:

View attachment 110146

AGM-158 JASSM: Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
It was a tomahawk cruise missile probably shot from an attack sub...(heard this was the source of the one that hit pentagon but lots of stuff scrub such as the cctv footage of the missile streaking by it waaaayyyy faster then a jet would have plus the altitude it was low very low) BTW it hits exactly in the place where a paper trail investigation would have proceeded to see where the 2 plus trillion dollars disappeared to. Thats alot of money for black ops projects... again follow the money its not hard to figure it out. BTW anyone forget the patriot act and the new agencies that spawned from this. How many freedoms where taken? How much are you monitored now compared to the day before 9/11 remember it required foreign governments to spy on USA citizens aka project lucid in brussels... but after you didn't need your allies to spy on your own populous anymore now its all done in house. Not hard to figure out.


Jan 29, 2018
Like I've said before, the "muslims never done 9/11" consp-theory might hold water if any terror group said "We never done it", but the truth is they ADMITTED doing.. :p

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Why are you making this hard on yourself.... some fake Christian, fake patriots from the USA/UK/etc. got together, under the direction of some fake-Jews and conspired to set it off via a bunch of dimwitted fake Muslim crash test dummies. The world has been paying the GWOT price every since. Comprende?


Aug 11, 2024
But WHY would anybody want to murder the 3000 people in the WTC? For what purpose?


Aug 11, 2024
"Man child" - nailed it. That's EXACTLY what he his.
Yay, as a christian I LAUGH at the crazy world and can't take it seriously..:)-
Jesus said:- "I thank you Father for hiding these things from the wise and learned, and for revealing them to little children"( Matt 11:25-27)

Mar 30, 2017
Yay, as a christian I LAUGH at the crazy world and can't take it seriously..:)-
Jesus said:- "I thank you Father for hiding these things from the wise and learned, and for revealing them to little children"( Matt 11:25-27)

View attachment 110158
That works out well then because no one on here takes you seriously, even the idea of you touting being a Christian.


Aug 20, 2023
Like I've said before, the "muslims never done 9/11" consp-theory might hold water if any terror group said "We never done it", but the truth is they ADMITTED doing.. :p

View attachment 110115

View attachment 110116
Do you believe anything you read?

That's what conspiracy's all about, the evil plotting against the good to deceive the naive...


Aug 20, 2023
2 Esdras 5:8-10
5:8 There shall be a confusion also in many places, and the fire shall often be sent out again, and the wild beasts shall change their places, and child-bearing women shall bring forth monsters (metaphorically):
5:9 And salt waters shall be found in the sweet, and all friends shall destroy one another; then shall common-sense hide itself, and understanding withdraw itself into his secret chamber,
5:10 And shall be sought of many, and yet not be found: then shall unrighteousness and incontinency be multiplied upon Earth.
The name "Esdras" is found in the title of four texts

(entitled Ezra [from the Hebrew Bible], Nehemiah, 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras in most English versions)

attributed to, or associated with, the prophet Ezra.

The naming convention of the four books of Esdras differs between church traditions, and has changed over time.

Esdras (Greek: Ἔσδρας) is a Greco-Latin variation of the Hebrew name "Ezra" (Hebrew: עזרא).

(Copy pasted from Wikipedia) ^
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Aug 20, 2023

In Islam. In Islam, he is known as Uzair (Arabic: عزير, romanized: ʿUzayr). He was mentioned in the Qur'an. Although he was not mentioned as one of the Prophets of Islam, he is considered one of them by some Muslim scholars, based on Islamic traditions.

Ezra - Wikipedia

Uzair (Arabic: عزير, ʿUzayr) is a figure who is mentioned in the Quran, Surah at-Tawbah, verse 9:30, which states that he was "revered by the Jews as the son of God". Uzair is most often identified with the biblical Ezra.

Uzair - Wikipedia


Chapter 9, At Taubah, The Repentance, Verse 30

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The reason it was so easy for the counterfeit-Jewish owned and controlled mainstream media to pin 9/11 on the "Muslims" is because historically, the Arabs (most of which belong to one of the various SECTS of "Islam"), have always been at war with the rest of the world, and the rest of the world at war with them, exactly as prophesied of the sons of Ishmael.

Genesis 16:11-12
16:11 And the angel of the "I AM" said unto her, Behold, thou [art] with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the "I AM" hath heard thy affliction.
16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell to the East of all his brethren.

Apparently, no "Muslim" has ever understood Sura 9:30, choosing instead to believe their spiritually blind imams, who satanically teach that the Bible has been corrupted.

All one needs to do is look at the very next verse (Sura 9:31), and those which follow, to understand what is actually being talked about in Sura 9:30, which is simply pointing out the difference between the spirit (the Jinn/spiritual-Being/Soul) and the flesh (the human); something unbelievers know nothing about.

Sura 9:30-33
9:30. The Jews call Ezra a son of "I AM", and the Christians call Jesus the Son of "I AM". That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they only imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say. "I AM"'s Curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!
9:31. They take their priests and their monks to be their lords in derogation of "I AM", and (they take as their Lord) Jesus the son of Mary; yet they were commanded (by him) to worship only One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him).
9:32. Gladly would they extinguish "I AM"'s Light with their mouths (John 14:6; Sura 3:55), but "I AM" will only allow that His Light should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).
9:33. It is He Who hath sent His Messenger (Exod. 23:20-23; John 17:3; Sura 4:157) with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over ALL religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it).

Ezra/Esdras was the human son of Seraiah, whose human lineage could be traced back to Aaron, the high-priest and son of Amram (see: Ezra 7:1-6). Similarly, Jesus, the human son of Mary, whose human lineage could be traced back to king David (Matt. 1:1-17).

God, Who is a SPIRITUAL-BEING (John 4:24), and can NEVER be a human (Num. 23:19), very obviously does NOT have, nor does He procreate human sons.

God did however create the Spiritual-Being known in heaven as Prince Michael (Dan. 10:21; Dan. 12:1), whom we refer to here on Earth as The Messiah/Christ (The Angel/Messenger of God). And together, through His Christ, God created all of the rest of the Angels (spiritual-Beings), including Gabriel (Sura 2:98).

The Angels, of course, ARE truthfully and correctly referred to throughout the Scripture of Truth as "the sons of God" (Gen. 6:2; Job 1:6; Job 2:1; Job 38:7; Matt. 5:9; Luke 6:35) , or simply as "gods" (Ps. 82:6). That is the very simple truth, even though the pagans and their sects may detest it.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they SHALL be called the children of God.

The religion of Truth IS Truth, and all truth emanates from a single source: God. ALL worldly religions, including "Islam", incorporate LIES, proving their satanic, pagan origins.

Until the Truth about the differences between the spirit and the flesh is fully understood, there will NEVER be peace on Earth. If anything is to be learned from the 9/11 false flag, it should be forever remembered that LIES are what lead humans to war with one another, and ultimately lead to death. Only the Truth can set and keep us free.
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Nov 29, 2023
It's just the nursery school logic he uses. He is in NO WAY representative of the average British pensioner.
What he does here is the internet equivalent of graffiti.
I don't think he's a harmless troll myself. He's gone out of his way, in the past, to demonstrate; who he is, what his nickname is, etc all of it coming across as incredibly trie-hard and totally unnecessary / pointless.
He zeroes in on specific subjects, like a wasp to a jar of jam, as if to try to safeguard them. Always follows the same formula: posts a Daily Mail article, makes out that he's having a wide open debate when all he does is ignore the evidence / say that it's too long to read or watch, then re-asks the same question as if he's being arms wide open 'let's have a cards on the table debate about this!'
He's not genuine and very processed with the way he posts. My guess is very very low grade 77th brigade or Cointelpro.


Aug 11, 2024
..He is in NO WAY representative of the average British pensioner.
Thanks for the compliment mate, I've never run with the herd and never will..:)-
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" (Provs 13:20)
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Peter 1:18 )
"Don't conform to the pattern of this world" (Romans 12:2)
"You were dead when you followed the ways of the world" (Ephesian 2:1/2)
"..don't keep submitting to the world's rules" (Col 2:20)

Jesus said:- "The world wants you to dance to its tune" (Matt 11:16/17,Luke 4:18 )
I don't dance..:)

PS- here's a vid of me, play it fullscreen for maximum dramatic effect and check out my superbly confident self-assured body language-
