Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 12, 2023
Maybe they should address the real life exploitation of women before they bother with people copy pasting womens faces on porn stars, which has been happening since photoshop was invented. SK still has a problem with hidden cameras. And the unregulated sex trade.

I'm always suspicious when people say "Think of the women and children" when the powers that be do nothing for the women and children in real life already. Apart from a few UN speeches.


Jun 2, 2021
Guys just posting this to lighten the mood because this is so funny. Presenting after the legendary miss Britney Spears "KAI SPEARS" I know he is trying to look sexy and seductive but his expressions, combined with the name of this song and his exaggerated expressions trying to make it look like he sang this live even though his ass did not sing ONE note live while holding a hand-mic here is making my stomach hurt from laughing :p:p:p


Jul 18, 2022
I too haven't been able to like him despite SHINee being my favorite group and now even more I will be wary of him bcz you can't trust SK men. Actually, I have more reasons to suspect him and I am still not sure if we should believe he really changed.
True. To be honest, I don't believe he has changed (even after all these years) and one of the reasons I don't believe it is because of his actions and behavior and the things I have noticed about him over the past six years. Which always stops me from trusting him and makes me believe that his sexual harassment scandal was true somewhere.

At first I believed Shawols and gave him benefit of the doubt but when he released D1CE it had a lot of symbolism in the video and when I saw the live promotions he did on music shows I was put off by the way he looked and touched his female dancers...I will share the video once I find it. I also find it weird that he somehow became more "innocent" and "maknae" like in recent years particularly after 2020 I think but recently its so bad you can see how fake he looks when he tries to act baby.
I haven't seen that live promotion video. But from your words I can sense its authenticity and seriousness. I too have noticed that he's somehow become more "innocent and maknae" type. Which I believe basically to cover up his past mistake/scandal, especially to whitewash his image. Because the celebrity who is wrong always proves himself/herself innocent and tries to look innocent and whose image the industry does its best to whitewash. But the celebrity who is shown wrong even if he/she is right or innocent never does this. Although what always makes me furious is that most of the shawols didn't pay attention to Onew's sexual scandal and the shawols who did pay attention and talked about it always scolded by them. I am not saying that it is wrong to defend or support your favorite celebrity, it is not wrong at all. But it is wrong when you defend or support your favorite celebrity even when he/she is wrong and completely turn a blind eye to the truth.

I always find him fake. Honestly, I always find it too odd and irritating whenever a Korean male celebrity behaves like a child, which is also done by the male common citizen in Korea that unfortunately is a part of their culture. Which I always consider unable to bear, unable to digest or wrong.

Also, since he moved agencies they have been styling him to look more handsome and sexually appealing which I find strange because this is a man who is in his 30s now. Like, why does he want to look more attractive now? I also read a letter he wrote in 2012 or something where he said he was so jealous of Jonghyun (something he has admitted in recent interview) because of his voice and because Jonghyun was more popular in girls which is suspicious. Also, I remember watching an interview where Jonghyun said he wasn't particularly close with Jonghyun while he was quite close with all the other members.
I have also noticed this and I have seen that at the age of 34, his face has started glowing more like a young one which I also find bit odd. But this is happening so that the fans, especially the female fans find him beautiful, young or appealing because the older ones do not look as beautiful or appealing and because of this people do not pay much attention to them which they want that Onew also wants. Plus, Koreans are damn obsessed about looking different, younger or appealing. Because whatever celebrities do, they mostly do it to get attention and sympathy and live for it only. I feel damn odd and bad saying this but unfortunately that's the truth. Therefore, what he is doing is not wrong. Basically it is - “If seen, will be sold”, “whatever is seen sells”, more publicity is more popularity", which is the most important and followed tagline in every entertainment industry.

I have read that letter but I haven't watch the interview in which he has admitted this. Although I believe that not only him but the other three members were/are jealous of Jonghyun which is often visible in their behavior and actions. Because Jonghyun was amazing and better in everything be it lookwise, talent, singing, success or popularity wise, Jonghyun wasn't fake, he was talented, hardworking, amazing vocalist, kind, amazing and genuine, he had a lovely nature and heart, he respected and loved his fans, he had a amazing aura, he was not only a amazing artist but also a amazing human being, that's why he was/is everyone's favourite. That's probably why the members were jealous of Jonghyun. Although there was no member who was close to Jonghyun, which has been quite obvious for the past six years. While the other four members were/are equally talented and amazing in terms of talent and singing.

Also, he doesn't seem to have many female friends does he?? Key has a lot of female idol friends, Minho has friends among female idols and actresses he works with in dramas and Taemin is close to his female dancers but Onew doesn't seem to be close to females. Regardless, I just remembered his scandal now because Taeil apparently had a similar personality as him and was considered the "fake maknae" of the group despite being the oldest and his members also showered praises on him for being so kind and caring much like SHINee members do.
Exactly. I haven't seen him with any of his female friends, I have seen him with his female colleagues mostly. I have often seen Minho, Key and Taemin with their female friends and colleagues and I have noticed that they always behave/treat them damn respectfully/nicely. They always does the same with their female fans too. I always notice that their female friends, colleagues and fans feel good and safe around the three of them which always feels great to me. Which I also appreciate. Even though I'm no longer a fan of them. Which I didn't notice with Onew and I always find it odd and suspicious.

I find Onew damn suspicious and I don't see him at all like his fans or members say about him. I could be wrong about this and he could be exactly what his fans and members say about him. But don't know why I always feel this way about him.


Jun 2, 2021
True. To be honest, I don't believe he has changed (even after all these years) and one of the reasons I don't believe it is because of his actions and behavior and the things I have noticed about him over the past six years. Which always stops me from trusting him and makes me believe that his sexual harassment scandal was true somewhere.

I haven't seen that live promotion video. But from your words I can sense its authenticity and seriousness. I too have noticed that he's somehow become more "innocent and maknae" type. Which I believe basically to cover up his past mistake/scandal, especially to whitewash his image. Because the celebrity who is wrong always proves himself/herself innocent and tries to look innocent and whose image the industry does its best to whitewash. But the celebrity who is shown wrong even if he/she is right or innocent never does this. Although what always makes me furious is that most of the shawols didn't pay attention to Onew's sexual scandal and the shawols who did pay attention and talked about it always scolded by them. I am not saying that it is wrong to defend or support your favorite celebrity, it is not wrong at all. But it is wrong when you defend or support your favorite celebrity even when he/she is wrong and completely turn a blind eye to the truth.

I always find him fake. Honestly, I always find it too odd and irritating whenever a Korean male celebrity behaves like a child, which is also done by the male common citizen in Korea that unfortunately is a part of their culture. Which I always consider unable to bear, unable to digest or wrong.

I have also noticed this and I have seen that at the age of 34, his face has started glowing more like a young one which I also find bit odd. But this is happening so that the fans, especially the female fans find him beautiful, young or appealing because the older ones do not look as beautiful or appealing and because of this people do not pay much attention to them which they want that Onew also wants. Plus, Koreans are damn obsessed about looking different, younger or appealing. Because whatever celebrities do, they mostly do it to get attention and sympathy and live for it only. I feel damn odd and bad saying this but unfortunately that's the truth. Therefore, what he is doing is not wrong. Basically it is - “If seen, will be sold”, “whatever is seen sells”, more publicity is more popularity", which is the most important and followed tagline in every entertainment industry.

I have read that letter but I haven't watch the interview in which he has admitted this. Although I believe that not only him but the other three members were/are jealous of Jonghyun which is often visible in their behavior and actions. Because Jonghyun was amazing and better in everything be it lookwise, talent, singing, success or popularity wise, Jonghyun wasn't fake, he was talented, hardworking, amazing vocalist, kind, amazing and genuine, he had a lovely nature and heart, he respected and loved his fans, he had a amazing aura, he was not only a amazing artist but also a amazing human being, that's why he was/is everyone's favourite. That's probably why the members were jealous of Jonghyun. Although there was no member who was close to Jonghyun, which has been quite obvious for the past six years. While the other four members were/are equally talented and amazing in terms of talent and singing.

Exactly. I haven't seen him with any of his female friends, I have seen him with his female colleagues mostly. I have often seen Minho, Key and Taemin with their female friends and colleagues and I have noticed that they always behave/treat them damn respectfully/nicely. They always does the same with their female fans too. I always notice that their female friends, colleagues and fans feel good and safe around the three of them which always feels great to me. Which I also appreciate. Even though I'm no longer a fan of them. Which I didn't notice with Onew and I always find it odd and suspicious.

I find Onew damn suspicious and I don't see him at all like his fans or members say about him. I could be wrong about this and he could be exactly what his fans and members say about him. But don't know why I always feel this way about him.
3:04 in this performance the way he touches the dancer I haven't seen SHINee members touch their female dancers like this also in this other performance I am sharing of Dice I found the female dancer's clothing very inappropriate. The skirt is so short imagine how hard it would be to dance in this and also protect yourself from perverts who could take weird photographs. SHINee member's dancers are so well dressed I was disgusted to see such mini skirt on the girl dancers.

Compare this to this performance. Since, Key doesn't do sexy songs I have to go with Taemin but you see his dancers are more appropriately dressed than Onew's. This is literally a song about performing sex but the dancers are more appropriately dressed and the way he touches which he barely does anyway but the touch is not creepy.

To be honest Onew was so bland I didn't even notice him but Shawols gaslighted me into liking him and when he went on health hiatus I was worried then he and Taemin changed companies and I hoped it meant they would become better but while I have noticed more authenticity and maturity coming from Taemin in recent months I feel Onew has regressed.

I felt Onew is trying to copy Taemin in recent photos by showing his arms more often and the way he is dressed. Maybe he wants to look sexy so he is copying Taemin who has the most sexy image. Another thing Onew participated in 3 water bombs this year and the tea is last year during water bomb in Japan I think which Taemin participated (and kinda went viral for) some perverts tried to harass women fans during after party which I heard can happen in such festivals because they are not very safe. This year Onew was the member who participated in most water bombs and Shawols were making jokes about it because he doesn't have a body to show or sexy songs to perform in such festivals but why did he go there then?? Performers like Kai, Taemin, Minho are called to such events because they fit the vibe but why Onew with such a modest and sweet image went to 3??

Jonghyun was the most talented member and they did feel jealous all of them I will agree because Jonghyun's talent was God gifted and very rare no doubt. 2nd most talented is Taemin but his talent is not natural talent like Jonghyun he is someone who PRACTICES a lot and shows improvement over time with hard work which is also what Jonghyun always praised him for bcz he "worked hard" not because he was naturally talented but I can respect that now because of too many talentless idols debuting in 4th and 5th gen who can't sing to save their lives which changed my perspective and I can respect him for his hard work now bcz he could've done the same by relying on grandpa soo man to do things for him but he improved his vocals and is now a solid vocalist not comparable to Jonghyun but a strong vocalist even if it was out of jealousy of Jonghyun it was better than staying stagnant like sakura, JM, KAI, Eunchae relying on looks and fanservice only. He has become a well-rounded artist now who is able to dance, sing, write lyrics, compose songs and semi-rap but he's not comparable to Jonghyun in terms of composing and songwriting bcz like he admitted he is starting rn and is a bit sloppy but he will probably get better over time not on Jonghyun's level but good with PRACTICE like he always does.

After these 2 there's a huge wall and then there are Onew and Key then Minho. Onew has a nice voice only and maybe some decent skill in songwriting. He can't dance, have no charisma, hasn't tried composing songs and is horrible in rap. Key is decent singer, songwriter, dancer, rapper and has his variety gigs to make money from if he stops making music but he is lazy and hasn't produced or composed anything yet and he doesn't improve which is why he fell behind Taemin in singing and dancing when at debut he was better than him but now Key has fallen behind Taemin in terms of skill. Minho is just the filler member who is Okay in everything added for visuals but he is decent songwriter that's it.

I attached some pictures of Onew I feel where they were trying to make him look sexy and young. I also posted a picture of Taemin recently. Onew's picture with bare arms if you look closely the style of clothing and pictures is very similar to Taemin's style so I thought maybe he wants to copy him.


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Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
Guys just posting this to lighten the mood because this is so funny. Presenting after the legendary miss Britney Spears "KAI SPEARS" I know he is trying to look sexy and seductive but his expressions, combined with the name of this song and his exaggerated expressions trying to make it look like he sang this live even though his ass did not sing ONE note live while holding a hand-mic here is making my stomach hurt from laughing :p:p:p
leave Britney--Kim alone pls, she's trying..
Feb 20, 2020
all problems stem from the fact that people have rejected YAH. they rejected The Sacrifice of The Lord Jesus Christ for the whole of humanity and accepted the other one thru different means like technology for example, going to fortune tellers tarot cards etc, going to shamans for everything even they mothers and grandmas go visit shamans when the daughter gets a bf or even before that…thats like going to satan and asking him for a favor for which you pay with your soul(you become trapped in his web wether you like it or not. this doesn’t mean that you will die immediately. oh no no. satan needs instruments/vessels he can work thru and corrupt more people thru them. the spirit in people influences others and can put thoughts into their heads. just think of vampires and what vampires can do. they can control a person by looking into their eyes hypnotize them and make them do something and the person will agree and go along with it. when a person is freed from those mandala spider webs they WONT remember most of the things they did.

on sk:

korea is a bad place…because of shamanism and their hate for God as well. shamanism. and don’t get me started on the genocide going there & people being controlled by psych weapons.

lilith/jezebel has taken over the ppl’s hearts there the spirit of perversion. YAH always shows me huge serpents on the streets of seoul but in sk in general they are all black and have this disgusting black slime all over them and people pass thru them but they cant see them since they are spirit beings and that slime gets spiritually stuck to the people who pass thru them.

the spirit of perversion is what controls the hearts of the majority so you can imagine what things those people are capable of doing when they are just shells/puppets on strings to satan. and yes those people can be your very own family members and friends like it or not. right now the demonic flood/spiritual influx of energy increases therefore people will go crazy and will behave like wild animals.

the way out is REPENTANCE and asking YAH for forgiveness. Accepting The Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and being cleansed by His Precious Blood which was shed for HUMANITY on The Cross. The Cross which has became The Sword our Father left for us to pick up and learn how to wield against the enemy. The Sword called Jesus Christ Himself YAHshua HamaschYAH but there must be INTERCESSORS for those locked souls to be freed and repent. intercessors are people who pray constantly and worship YAH in Spirit and Truth and have access to His Throne Room His Court room so we can bring in names of people up to Him and WAR for them on our knees in PRAYER. the intercessors can create a butterfly effect due to their PRAYERS and FASTING which do WONDERS AND MIRACLES. the intercessors are YAH’s glorious golden butterflies thru whose prayers and fasting He moves, His spirit moves and frees the captives.

do you see the little foxes? everything is out there and coming to fruition EVERYTHING. YAH been giving me foxes grapes true wine vs false for a while and when i saw it in a music video i was SHOCK
everything is out there. the FANGS. everything. what does it mean? signs and symbolism run the world. first they come in the spirit then they manifest in the material.

i’m sure you have seen people fighting with swords in the uk and other countries. that’s the manifestation of people throwing stones upon each other day after day (cursing each other)

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Sep 21, 2021


Sep 21, 2021


Jul 18, 2022
That's true,it's the year of revelations,many celebrities were exposed ..
Yes, absolutely and I am so glad that this year many revelations are being made one by one, hidden things are coming to light, celebrities are being exposed, masks of celebrities and people are coming off and their real faces are coming out. But at the same time I am so saddened that celebrities and people who have committed many heinous crimes and ruined many careers and lives are not getting exposed. Despite knowing that powerful people are sitting to protect them always and they will not be exposed. Still I am saddened and disappointed.
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Jun 2, 2021
Guys, I just learned SK women are not allowed to celebrate international women's day and I am seriously shocked. I am Pakistani and we celebrate women's day every year. From schools to corporations, brands and even on national level women's day is celebrated. Women receive flowers and gifts from their companies and brands will give special discounts to pamper women and it's the same in India. I feel so shocked to learn that my country actually treats women better than South Korea because we are always in the news for being a sexist country. South Korea really lied to us with their Kpop and K-Drama and the fact women were the biggest drivers of Korean wave really I am so shocked and disgusted. Just recently one of my friends got into K-dramas and she started to say bad things about our country. The usual stuff about SK men being respectful, more handsome, romantic etc. I tried to inform her about the sexism in SK but she would counter argue by saying sexism happens everywhere and at that time I took thought SK men are probably better than my country's men. However, the news coming out from Korea is really shocking and the fact SK men could be worse than third world country men is really shocking and shows you how manipulative media can be.

Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
Fact Check: Are 200+ Male K-Pop Idols About To Be Exposed For Participating In “Nth Room” Sex Crimes?...
There are even lists circulating.


not even gonna lie, Scooter prolly did this. It got him written all over it. I may of believed it was the companies, but they don't have the pull to make global news companies write articles in a new york minute, but he does. I was thinking it was the gov, but then I remembered a bunch of kpop fans were roasting him and went after his family and was being anti -srael right to his dm's; even going viral on twitter. And he said something super ominous to them like have a blessed day or something like that. The intelligence in his other home country is down-bad with the media and technology and hacking. Even Taylor swift was scared of him, implied something about the f#i. That is one person you do not screw over. Right when he stepped down at Hybe after all the hate and petitions weird rumors started hitting the news. That means somebody over these companies heads and the k-gov is paying the media to do this stuff. They messed with his money not knowing how he is. He'll ruin a career or careers in a heartbeat.

He only left Jb alone cause Hailey is a mass media monster. She knows how to flip a narrative. I can imagine how much dirt he has on these people. Nd they still trying to slowly edge him out. If Scoot is suddenly back as ceo of hybe and this list disappears I won't be surprised. That is just like him ruin the value of the industry, sell his shares and dip.

Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
Guys, I just learned SK women are not allowed to celebrate international women's day and I am seriously shocked. I am Pakistani and we celebrate women's day every year. From schools to corporations, brands and even on national level women's day is celebrated. Women receive flowers and gifts from their companies and brands will give special discounts to pamper women and it's the same in India. I feel so shocked to learn that my country actually treats women better than South Korea because we are always in the news for being a sexist country. South Korea really lied to us with their Kpop and K-Drama and the fact women were the biggest drivers of Korean wave really I am so shocked and disgusted. Just recently one of my friends got into K-dramas and she started to say bad things about our country. The usual stuff about SK men being respectful, more handsome, romantic etc. I tried to inform her about the sexism in SK but she would counter argue by saying sexism happens everywhere and at that time I took thought SK men are probably better than my country's men. However, the news coming out from Korea is really shocking and the fact SK men could be worse than third world country men is really shocking and shows you how manipulative media can be.
I used to love far east asia everything, until I realize how they treated women, disabled people, and really anybody not a ideal male. It's not a nice place despite the media portrayal. To this day I see it ingrained in everything from the music video, tv shows and movies. Feminism don't mean anything to them. I cringe when I see people saying this one and that one is a feminist cause it's just not likely. Some say they are simply to attract powerful women. Men have evolved they know women don't like misogynist. If most of their audience is women what would they say, "I hate women"?

The worst thing is the stockholm syndrome female kpop fans have. They defend obviously sexist comments and sweep them under the rug. They defend everything under the sun. This is why everything shocks them. Outside the industry, the sad thing is the actual decent humans in Korea are the ones nobody would look twice at because they aren't beautiful. I've met wonderful human beings who are Korean, because they were human first. They weren't trying to look like a kpop idol or anything, they were focused on being good people. Sadly that gets no attention now and days.

Even if there's some people in the industry I kind of like, I know that odds are they are a jerk. I would never delude myself into thinking they are pro- this or pro- that cause in reality if the money was pointing in another direction that's what they would support. Many of them don't have standards and hardly talk about causes or charities at all. Many only care about themselves.

Actions do speak loud, but for people on camera or in the media, act-ing is their job. I mostly just read energy and allow people to tell on themselves. People can't hide who they are forever. I'd say 99.9 percent of males in Korea are badly misogynistic. They believe it in their bones and can't help themselves. The movie Silenced showed me what Korea really was. The only people I feel for are the poor innocent babies who's parents have been brainwashed into the traditional korean way of thinking; the abuse, cultural stigmas, sexism, racism etc.

It's not all bad, but nothing is fully bad. I feel like they got a higher standard of living way too quick and now they are in limbo. They don't know who and what they are. The men are confused and angry and take it out on the women who in turn typically abuse their children. Most idols have stage moms-- not dads. Those women should of protected their kids, but I'm sure they believe that since nobody protected them it's alright.

K-dramas are the worst, they are literally propaganda. I'm sure the average Korean wished that was their life but sadly no. It's bad because there are almost no realistic Korean dramas or movies. Everything is very far removed from reality. I listened to the stories of actual Korean women and heard about how some will even solely date foreign men just to escape Korea. It's pretty bad.

They lowkey are worse than 3rd world country men because mentally that is still their mentality. The economy boosted very quickly and they all were raised with a poverty war mindset. That lasts for generations. They are confused and paranoid and treat women like objects. Sadly that might just be a man thing in general.


Jun 2, 2021
OMG!! If the news about IU is true I am worried for her. IU had some scandals in her early years like the IUxEunhyuk one. In her Album Chatshire she tried to talk about these issues but was shut down.
Hyuna did Babe trying to talk about SA too but she is dating an abuser and even defended him so no one cares about her anymore. The 2 colour group is Black Pink? And the idols who died are Goo Hara and Sulli probably and of course even boys are not safe.

What I find so ironic about this and the deep fake crisis is that last year the whole Kpop industry was dancing to Taemin's Guilty hailing it as a masterpiece but yet no one tried to understand what the story in the music video and album design was about?? The entire concept was about child exploitation in Kpop even including hints of Molka and sasaeng behaviours but they only cared about the Tik Tok challenge. Then this year the same South Korea sided with Min Hee Jin when HybexADOR happened. The same Min Hee Jin who has exploited many minors in the industry including Krystal, NJ, Yeri, Sulli and Taemin.

I will agree with the member who posted earlier that they need to change laws that allow hidden cameras to be installed in public places and treat their women better first before worrying about deepfake. That country is hell on earth but they manipulate people with their clever use of money and technology.


May 12, 2023
What I find so ironic about this and the deep fake crisis is that last year the whole Kpop industry was dancing to Taemin's Guilty hailing it as a masterpiece but yet no one tried to understand what the story in the music video and album design was about?? The entire concept was about child exploitation in Kpop even including hints of Molka and sasaeng behaviours but they only cared about the Tik Tok challenge. Then this year the same South Korea sided with Min Hee Jin when HybexADOR happened. The same Min Hee Jin who has exploited many minors in the industry including Krystal, NJ, Yeri, Sulli and Taemin.

I will agree with the member who posted earlier that they need to change laws that allow hidden cameras to be installed in public places and treat their women better first before worrying about deepfake. That country is hell on earth but they manipulate people with their clever use of money and technology.
Some people believe deepfake hysteria is being pushed so hard is because if anything leaks, they have a plausible excuse now. It's not real, it never happened. No one is in a blackmail contract. Major corporations would never use something to make sure their product doesn't leave the company. Washing machines and Microwaves just don't up and leave. So why should celebrities?