Is Alice Cooper a Christian?


Apr 26, 2024
What if people left darkness and turned to Jesus as a result of pondering on some of these lyrics? Surely a real Freemason would be more inclined to promote dualism, like many of the “artists” out there?
then why do they need to promote it?
why do they not walk away from their celebrity lives?
when you give in to the messiah, you don't need the status.

he is a dirty satanic freemason scumbag, lose your idols they HATE you!
they will take you with them to the burning sulfur.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
then why do they need to promote it?
why do they not walk away from their celebrity lives?
when you give in to the messiah, you don't need the status.
Interesting that Alice Cooper was ready to leave the industry but his pastor asked him if God made mistakes and pointed out that he had an audience and a platform, and that he may have been “placed at the heart of the Philistines camp for a reason”


Apr 26, 2024
Interesting that Alice Cooper was ready to leave the industry but his pastor asked him if God made mistakes and pointed out that he had an audience and a platform, and that he may have been “placed at the heart of the Philistines camp for a reason”
Yet he never did...........

Oct 20, 2021
Don't Blow Your Mind is a song Alice had before Alice Cooper Band. He was in a band called The Spiders. I don't listen to Alice Cooper because he is a Christian and am somewhat disappointed he has gone that route. Also he wrote a song called Disgraceland which was mocking Elvis Presley and the way he died. Elvis put out a couple of Gospel albums that were actually real Christian music. No real Christian would write a song this cruel about his death. Case Closed.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Don't Blow Your Mind is a song Alice had before Alice Cooper Band. He was in a band called The Spiders. I don't listen to Alice Cooper because he is a Christian and am somewhat disappointed he has gone that route. Also he wrote a song called Disgraceland which was mocking Elvis Presley and the way he died. Elvis put out a couple of Gospel albums that were actually real Christian music. No real Christian would write a song this cruel about his death. Case Closed.
You hit on a really interesting point here @Lizard King - I didn’t much care for Disgraceland either! Christians can certainly reflect the character of Jesus. Unfortunately they can also be superior and judgemental. If you don’t believe me, consider the fact that this forum has a certain history of Christians who don’t always manage to reflect that grace.

All Christians (me included) are a work in progress that we may only end up progressing towards when our time runs out here.

Btw - do you believe any particular religion?
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Oct 20, 2021
You hit on a really interesting point here @Lizard King - I didn’t much care for Disgraceland either! Christians can certainly reflect the character of Jesus. Unfortunately they can also be superior and judgemental. If you don’t believe me, consider the fact that this forum has a certain history of Christians who don’t always manage to reflect that grace.

All Christians (me included) are a work in progress that we may only end up progressing towards when our time runs out here.

Btw - do you believe any particular religion?
I believe in the Golden Rule and Jesus: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You.


Apr 26, 2024
I respectfully plead Romans 14 on the question with you @illegalbeagle

God bless.
This version differs, that's the one I take from.

Once a freemason, always a freemason never give them an inch, they HATE you because they hated HIM.

Have fun with how many commandments you must break just to join them.

God bless you too.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
This version differs, that's the one I take from.

Once a freemason, always a freemason never give them an inch, they HATE you because they hated HIM.

Have fun with how many commandments you must break just to join them.

God bless you too.
I would never give Freemasonry an inch. It’s the religion of Lucifer and he’s not coming where I’m going!

Insofar as Alice Cooper now promotes the ideas of Freemasonry, I reject them. (I will keep an open mind on his current output). I have recently enjoyed his music because I like what he has been saying (after 1994). If I find that I don’t anymore, and just returns to promoting his old playlist, I will drop his music as quickly as I deleted Kanye’s non-Christian Christian album, “Jesus is King”.

Btw - I like the KJV the best too…
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I believe in the Golden Rule and Jesus: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You.
I believe this is critical too - Paul expands on it in Romans 13:

8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
Oct 20, 2021
I would never give Freemasonry an inch. It’s the religion of Lucifer and he’s not coming where I’m going!

Insofar as Alice Cooper now promotes the ideas of Freemasonry, I reject them. (I will keep an open mind on his current output). I have recently enjoyed his music because I like what he has been saying (after 1994). If I find that I don’t anymore, and just returns to promoting his old playlist, I will drop his music as quickly as I deleted Kanye’s non-Christian Christian album, “Jesus is King”.

Btw - I like the KJV the best too…
I once had everything Jack Chick published. All the little tracts and all the full size comic books. They were good comics with good artwork and many were actually frightening to read. I got them all free too LOL.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I once had everything Jack Chick published. All the little tracts and all the full size comic books. They were good comics with good artwork and many were actually frightening to read. I got them all free too LOL.
I remember “This was your life” was especially hard hitting!



Apr 26, 2024
I would never give Freemasonry an inch. It’s the religion of Lucifer and he’s not coming where I’m going!

Jesus instructs you to know your enemy, I despise it. But still dedicated time and effort to understand who they REALLY are.
Most won't know about the bloodline curses from your family tree, because someone way back or even present will have shackled you in the world you cannot see.

Take that as you will, but I'd take it to Jesus and give it to him to salve.

Insofar as Alice Cooper now promotes the ideas of Freemasonry, I reject them. (I will keep an open mind on his current output). I have recently enjoyed his music because I like what he has been saying (after 1994). If I find that I don’t anymore, and just returns to promoting his old playlist, I will drop his music as quickly as I deleted Kanye’s non-Christian Christian album, “Jesus is King”.

You may reject them, but you do not reject him.
Use the discernment Jesus arms you with, he have you eyes and ears.
If ANYONE EVER promotes it, then they are showing you.

I have no idols, or the kind of celebrity, sports, etc.

I'm still a dirty mediocre sinner, I know in not worthy of Elohim, all I have is his Son.

Btw - I like the KJV the best too…

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
RedSky. It took a lot of input from lots of different posters to get you to see what they see.
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I can understand the various perspectives shared but I honestly haven’t changed my view. I don’t expect anyone else to enjoy Alice Coopers output and he certainly was once on the dark side.

Soneone close to me came out of Black Metal (Deicide, Venom etc) and became a Christian. He found the style of music tame and lame when he came with us to church so I went looking down the highways and byways to find Christian music with a good message and a hard rock sound. I appreciate that this wouldn’t be for everyone.