Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Aug 11, 2024
Why would they fake a picture though?
It's not a freeze frame image from moving film footage. The apparent photographer is known. And Trump has been seen and photographed in public days later with no visible sign of any wound to the ear that allegedly was grazed by a bullet.
There are too many variables in this for it to be taken seriously. That's ignoring the fact that the emergency worker that was allegedly shot dead was commenting on his own obituary.
1- Fakers are everywhere, what do all the professional photographers out there say about the alleged bullet streak?
2- Why would Trump appear without a visible wound; wouldn't he apply makeup to pretend it's still there?
3- Did the shooter only target the 3 victims and not Trump?
4- Motives?
Oct 20, 2021
Just saw on Zero Hedge that Orange Man will be surrounded by bullet proof glass supplied by the secret service at outdoor events. He is returning to Butler.


Nov 29, 2023
1- Fakers are everywhere, what do all the professional photographers out there say about the alleged bullet streak?
2- Why would Trump appear without a visible wound; wouldn't he apply makeup to pretend it's still there?
3- Did the shooter only target the 3 victims and not Trump?
4- Motives?
The more probabilities that you apply, only further weaken the already pathetic narrative and at the same time raise questions as to why would you want to argue the toss about something that is so obviously staged?

None of the possible explanations you've presented above 'stand up', at least, not for me. When applying Occam's razor with the current evidence to hand, your theory about Mary Poppins being responsible would appear more credible than the frankly laughable narrative.

Ps there's no evidence that anyone died. You also haven't addressed the slight issue that the guy that was killed, commented on his own obituary. (You might want to factor this in to your debunking - once you get started with it).


Aug 11, 2024
Just saw on Zero Hedge that Orange Man will be surrounded by bullet proof glass supplied by the secret service at outdoor events. He is returning to Butler.
Yes I suggested BP glass in other forums a while ago, here's a pic i shopped and posted..:)



Nov 8, 2022
*Prediction: Don and Elon will talk a lot about anti-leftism and briefly mention how "AI should serve humanity", "We need to loosen regulations and make the United States a leader in AI", and things like that. (And what is the future of AI?) They will briefly mention brain implants, "It's incredible. Crazy. Liittle scary. But it's great that it helps seriously ill people get back into society," Don will exclaim...
... They didn't say anything about the main thing. Mainly about the border and immigrants and 100 times Donny repeated that "the largest deportation of immigrants in history is coming".

... Look you - the @irrationalNinja has put a Like on me. Because it's not the standard "everything is theater and it doesn't matter" and "Trump is a jewish shilling, period", I guess.

But still, Ninja, you took a look at the fact that I don't say many nice things about the right and consider Trump to be 100% "part of the game" (the question is what exactly is the game). I say the obvious: if someone is left-handed and you take all woke-shit, trans and gay for children, etc., then you have said that you are happy that this will be the future of humanity. (The same cabal that enforced this advocated "blackness" and immigrants.)

On the other side are the people who don't accept this: right-wingers (who see Trump and conservatives as a real alternative) and independent non-leftists. Obviously, I am not among the first. I don't even like jews. :oops: :D

In general, I always want to say what I think, and at the same time we all agree and there is no one offended, but I never succeed. What to do, not everyone can be happy.

So, so..
We make a brief reference, trying to find out if there is something more as a basis for Elon's crazy tales.
To you see the incredible coincidences.
I was a little delayed

We are talking about more concrete things than conclusions based on several actions and statements. But, since you've probably read my crazy theories and seen what a fucking "far-far-right conspiracy theorist I am," you probably don't care. So I'm just going to imagine a parallel reality where you say, "Interesting, there's logic behind your fucking comments. I wonder what else you mean by these 'incredible coincidences.'"

Or I'm not going to imagine anything and I'm just going to put something together. It won't be great, not as much as I would like, but, hey, what's great in the end?!

In the end, I will make my comments, because I am convinced that this is exactly the center and meaning of and behind the story with left/right dems/trump, and above all for my own pleasure. And to read whoever wants (I guess no one or from 1 to 1.5 people)

So let's see these few meaningless follow-up comments..

/We have a saying here: work for nothing, don't be lazy for nothing :D
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Nov 8, 2022
The Maidan in Ukraine: 21 November 2013 – 22/23 February 2014/


February 20, 2014

Pavel Luksha

Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020.This presentation defines elements of the future architecture and promotes an international action.

*At the bottom, you can find a transcript of the slides.
Due to the limited number of photos, in the following pointless comment I continue my attempt to substantiate my theory "why Trump and the conservative forces that hold the right and part of the non-left, that is, the dissidents against the left NWO, must necessarily "return to the throne", and why they should appear to be divinely patronized, of which the miraculous salvation of the Donald is a serious part.
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
In the continuation of this...

The Maidan in Ukraine: 21 November 2013 – 22/23 February 2014/

End: 23/02/2014

February 20, 2014

Pavel Luksha

Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020.This presentation defines elements of the future architecture and promotes an international action.


(*At least since 2020, there have been interesting things - such as the "covid pandemic", a special war in Ukraine, Izrael-Gaza - around which it is very interesting, as if there is a noticeable contradiction and the formation of camps between people, the results of which are printed on Internet forums and websites. It is possible I to exaggerate, I don't know. Do you think?)

... And it continues in the next comment. I realize it's more or less annoying and not as exciting as the Flarepath controversy, the critical dissection of the specific ear case, the news from ZeroHedge, etc., but I still have the right to comment.


Nov 8, 2022
In continuation of this (which is a continuation of this).

The Maidan in Ukraine: 21 November 2013 – 22/23 February 2014/

End: 23/02/2014

February 20, 2014

Pavel Luksha

Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020. This presentation defines elements of the future architecture and promotes an international action.



Elements of future ethics: • ‘open-source’ ethics: (interiorized ethics that was tacitly translated through cultural norms will be replaced by) exteriorized and transparent set of community- and context-specific behavioral rules that are supported by quantitative evaluation systems: e.g. gamified bonus systems and achievement badges, new currencies (game currencies, local currencies, creative currencies etc.) • quest for authenticity: ‘total transparency’ of human societies (hence the requirement for authentic & sincere behavior) will become the ground for establishment of new ethical foundations within human social groups • ‘living ethics’: people that embed higher ethical qualities can help direct induction of these qualities in groups, collectives & communities through Neuroweb protocols • rise of Humanity: the Humanity as a whole will rise as the new subject of action by means of Neuroweb. Rights and qualities of this subject are unclear, but its actions will be evident


traditional holders of systems of ethics, the religion and the state, come under attack, since they do not retain any exclusive right to hold this position • design of ethical systems becomes a concise community-based process, and communities with experimental ethical systems emerge in the NeuroWeb (in the same way as modern web communities model wars, political and economic competitions)NeuroWeb development will require the ‘ethics designer toolkit’, an explicit and a universal system for design of community-based behavioral rules • understanding and redesign of ethical system principles again becomes an important and a highly applied task that will require the collective contribution of the greatest minds of our time



Jan 22, 2018
Presumably to protect him from photoshopped bullets.
It's incredible isn't it? When a real conspiracy comes along, see what happens to the threads dedicated to it? You have to go though the tiresome exercise of highlighting the holes in the narrative, painting by numbers style, to people who just appear blind to the glaringly obvious.

It's a pretty odd set up for a conspiracy forum isn't it? The same thing happened with all the 9/11 threads, the Vegas thread and every other false flag event thread. The thread just gets visited by the Internet equivalent of Fraggle Rock, who's sole intention it is, is to apply the mainstream narrative over the actual conspiracy.

For somebody like yourself, who is just pointing out the obvious flaws in the official narrative, it all gets a bit frustrating in the end. You end up asking yourself why these people can't see what's staring them straight in the face.

I've observed this happening here since I joined over 6 years ago. Taking into account the article the VC team, because there is a team, put out about the event it would indicate that the conspiracy element of this forum is fighting a losing battle.

Just FYI, at one point last night there was 715 visitors to this site, about twice the stated average. Curiously I clicked on the whose online list to find that virtually every member was having their personal profile checked by a guest.

The workings of this forum, and the "types" of people who seem to frequent here is a very cyclical thing.

....but I get the feeling you are aware of this already, you don't come across as a newbie.


Nov 29, 2023
It's incredible isn't it? When a real conspiracy comes along, see what happens to the threads dedicated to it? You have to go though the tiresome exercise of highlighting the holes in the narrative, painting by numbers style, to people who just appear blind to the glaringly obvious.
Thanks for this Awoken2. Yes agreed. You can only ask the same questions so many times without getting a reply.
It's a pretty odd set up for a conspiracy forum isn't it? The same thing happened with all the 9/11 threads, the Vegas thread and every other false flag event thread. The thread just gets visited by the Internet equivalent of Fraggle Rock, who's sole intention it is, is to apply the mainstream narrative over the actual conspiracy.
:-D yes agreed. Almost like a non-conspiracy forum acting as a fact checking forum.
For somebody like yourself, who is just pointing out the obvious flaws in the official narrative, it all gets a bit frustrating in the end. You end up asking yourself why these people can't see what's staring them straight in the face.

I've observed this happening here since I joined over 6 years ago. Taking into account the article the VC team, because there is a team, put out about the event it would indicate that the conspiracy element of this forum is fighting a losing battle.
Yes, that article is a painful read.

Just FYI, at one point last night there was 715 visitors to this site, about twice the stated average. Curiously I clicked on the whose online list to find that virtually every member was having their personal profile checked by a guest.
That's interesting. There are some extremely controversial topics discussed. It wouldn't surprise me if a good deal of monitoring takes place.
The workings of this forum, and the "types" of people who seem to frequent here is a very cyclical thing.
Some of them dressed up as harmless trolls.
....but I get the feeling you are aware of this already, you don't come across as a newbie.
Absolutely. I started posting during the first lockdown under Just following orders, then JFO2, now this. Folded the previous usernames and then rejoined.


Nov 8, 2022
In continuation of this...

The Maidan in Ukraine: 21 November 2013 – 22/23 February 2014/


February 20, 2014

Pavel Luksha

Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020.This presentation defines elements of the future architecture and promotes an international action.


So, so, so...
A little fun break with a funny video by Timur Shchoukine to lighten up the situation, because we don't want to be boring and dumb like Sleepy Joe and Kamala, but cheerful, funny and positive like Donald and Elon.

The break is over.
Luksha has other presentations, such as this one (not as detailed, but it's more fun):

March 4, 2014

AI-enhanced description

Pavel Luksha

This document outlines a roadmap for developing "NeuroWeb" technologies that enable direct brain-to-brain and brain-to-computer interfaces. It discusses two visions of a transhumanist future where these technologies are realized: 1) augmented super-abled individuals, and 2) a transition to collective intelligence and a global brain. The roadmap proposes research in hardware, brain mapping, and protocols to develop these technologies and their applications over the next decade.

Just a few pictures (any resemblance to the germs of the described processes in our current reality is accidental):

(Did you recognize your neo-tribe?)

See more (about our common future) in the link! :)


The Maidan in Ukraine: 21 November 2013 – 22/23 February 2014/

End: February 23, 2014
February 20, 2014

Pavel Luksha

Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020. This presentation defines elements of the future architecture and promotes an international action.

RVC – Russian Venture Company

NeuroNet Roadmap


Expert seminar in the RVC office, 16.10.2014"

(They speak both in Russian and English, what can I tell you... A bit like the final scene of "Animal Farm": "He stared at the faces around the table and saw that it seemed that there was no longer a difference between the faces of pigs and people..." (I quote from memory).)

I know about the meeting, more about it:
*Don't worry at all that this is from the Russian wikipedia. It's exactly the same in the entire Russian Internet space, it's just that wikipedia gives it concisely with links to sources. The topic is so untouchably sacred that there is no "Putin bad" from wikipedia, but they also never mention even one of the millions of articles in the Russian alt-space that are outraged by this thing. Do you understand? If there is any violation of rights for anything (even mandatory vaccinations), they mention it and the entire Western MSM shouts "Putler", but when there are millions of sharply indignant articles and comments from huge parts of the still rather conservative Russian community, Wikipedia is completely silent and just uncritically, meticulously and correctly lays out the official info on the matter. I think you understand for the question of what magnitude we are talking about. If you understand, then you see that the issue of high-tech development is left as independent and untouchable, it is not evil. And so on.

So, little:

"On October 16, 2014 at the office of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), an expert seminar "The Neuronet Roadmap" was held with the participation of Stephen Dunn, director of Starlab Neuroscience Research; Karen Casey, creator of the Global Mind Project; Randal A. Kuhne, CEO of the Science Foundation and the founder of NeuraLink Co.; Mikhail Lebedev, Senior Researcher An employee at the Neuroengineering Center of the Department of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center (M. Nicolelis Laboratory); Evgeny Kuznetsov, Deputy General Director of RVC. The seminar was conducted by the co-founders of the Russian Neuronet Group Pavel Luksha and Timur Shchukin, as well as the head of the RVC Innovation Ecosystem Development Service Georgy Gogolev..
Expert seminar in the RVC office, 16.10.2014
Russian Venture Company (RVC)/ PRESS RELEASE/ 10/21/2014
Neurotechnologies affect the sphere of entertainment, the education system, approaches to the management of industry and trade. But the most important result of a scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of neuroscience is the achievement of a new quality in communications. The modern Internet transmits information and even semantics, but is powerless in transmitting emotions and the unconscious. The Neuronet is the next generation of the Internet, which will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between people and machines. By linking hundreds or, in the future, even billions of intelligences into a neurocomputer network, it will be possible to achieve a synergistic effect in their joint work, since the brain has the property of plasticity. Perhaps, in the era of the Neural Network [Neuronet], people will finally agree on solving the world's problems, because an environment will appear that will help overcome the usual human distortions of thinking and perception. New opportunities will open up in teamwork and improving the effectiveness of educational programs.

When Biometrinet becomes commonplace, the "Neuronet Offensive" will begin (2025-2035), during which communication protocols based on digital models of mental processes will be developed and approaches to organizing a “collective consciousness” capable of “brainstorming” and solving tasks that require the concerted efforts of many people will be found."

The global discussion platform—Open Innovations Forum—is dedicated to emerging technologies and furthering innovation prospects and collaboration worldwide.

In English:

Neuronet: a Forward Look at Bringing Humans and Computers Together


Neuronet, the next-generation of Artificial Intelligence, will utilize neurointerfaces to create types of communication between humans and machines that purport to change the landscape of human-computer interaction. This technology, further enabled by mobile devices, and major international projects on modeling the brain and artificial intelligence, could lead to technological possibilities for the development of products on a mass market scale.

Panelists in this discussion will share how to use neurointerfaces, and similar technologies in different applications, such as computer vision, and speech recognition.

Timur Shchukin, Co-founder, Russian Neuronet
Karen Casey, Artist / Director, Global Mind Project
Stephen Dunne, Director, Neuroscience Research Starlab
Dr. Randal A. Koene, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Science Foundation, Neural Interfaces Company NeuraLink Co.
Mikhail Lebedev, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Neuroengineering, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center
Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management; Member of Expert Council, Agency for Strategic Initiatives"

In the Russian version, the description is much more fun:

The emergence of brain-computer interfaces and neurochips, the active use of portable devices, as well as the start of the implementation of major international projects on brain modeling and artificial intelligence can become the basis for the formation of a new generation of communication environment — Neuronet.

NeuroNet is the next generation of the Internet that will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between humans and machines and change the system of interaction between humans and computers. The prototype of NeuroNet appeared in science fiction back in the 1980s, but only in recent years have we received the technological capabilities to develop mass market products in this area.

Participants of the panel discussion will discuss how neural interfaces and other similar technologies are used today and what are the prospects for their application in the near future, when the first NeuroNet communication formats may appear, and in what field of human activity they will be used, as well as how to stimulate a scientific and technological breakthrough in this area."

Just one of the comments from the bottom (the second from top to bottom):

@ alexandraselesnevs9501 (4 years ago)
"Hello world. The message is visible to the future! 27.04.2020. Today there is admiration for progress and a feeling on oneself. Definitely not very feelings, since there is some kind of virus outside the window, we are all sitting at home, there is no work, food is running out, and most importantly we are waiting for the QR code that knows where for how long we need to go out! I am delighted with the progress!!"

(You keep track of the dates, don't you.)

The National Technology Initiative
Created by the Decree of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev
The development of the NTI began in accordance with the instructions of the President of Russia V.V. Putin on the implementation of the address to the Federal Assembly of December 4, 2014.

The Presidential Address said the following:
"However, we must also think about how we will solve promising problems. In this regard, I propose implementing the National Technology Initiative. On the basis of long-term forecasting, it is necessary to understand what tasks Russia will face in 10-15 years, what advanced solutions will be required in order to ensure national security, a high quality of life for people, and the development of industries of a new technological order."
— Putin V. V. Message of the President to the Federal Assembly. (December 4, 2014)
Key NTI markets
NTI focuses on markets emerging on the basis of "a new technological order, the transition to which developed countries plan to carry out in the next 10-20 years." Today, these markets are either absent in the world or are not yet sufficiently developed.
List of markets

Market Name: 4. Neuronet
Tasks and technologies:

Development of human-machine communications based on advanced developments in neurotechnology and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, the productivity of mental and thought processes.
brain mapping, the creation of a new generation of the World Wide Web based on brain-computer interfaces"


About The Acceleration:
The good characters in the movie "The Great Reset for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" serve to accelerated up the reset, under the pretext of opposing the bad guys who put the good guys in a difficult situation.

You know: "the Democrats (along with the Chinese) did the plandemic to stop Trump's re-election" - this is a huge story in the right-wing media space and in much of the *independent alt-media*.

"The Chinese and the Democrats let covid out of the lab," the story continues, so Donald had to deal with this situation, and what did he do? He launched Warp Speed accelerated production of "covid" vaccines" (encouraging conservatives to take them) and signed all the necessary regulations that, after Sleepy Joe "took the helm", the Democrats used (for mandates, etc).

Under exactly the same pretext, the Russian authorities launched their participation in the plandemic (and Sputnik was "the first vaccine against covid in the world"... after super accelerated production after literally "two weeks of testing" on 50-100 people).

en. kremlin .ru; Session of Davos Agenda 2021 online forum
Vladimir Putin spoke at the session of the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
January 27, 2021
The main focus of the forum is the discussion of the new global situation arising from the novel coronavirus pandemic.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
Mr Schwab, dear Klaus,
Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, 5–8 JUNE 2024; Business programme, session: WILL GENERATION Y COPE WITH DISEASE X? 06 Jun

We also talked about the emergence of new types of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, which can spread rapidly, causing significant losses in people's lives and health. The coronavirus pandemic not only arose in the era of digitalization, but also stimulated its rapid development. Future pandemics may develop in the context of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology penetrating all spheres, which will affect their development."

Without state or corporate coercion, and with the laws respected, but there should be no too large state regulations that hinder the development and spread of technology. And this is exactly what is accepted in right-wing circles: the Democrats are hindering the development of high technology, while they, in the face of both the state and their cronies of the tech giants, use these technologies for control and will use them in the future to impose a totalitarian state of coercion and surveillance.

So, quite the opposite, the "solution to the problem" we find in Donald and the conservatives' agendas: promises to protect the population with laws prohibiting the misuse of technology through censorship and surveillance (which the Democrats are doing and plan to expand), with promises to loosen regulations on AI and other high technologies to accelerate their development and ensure the technological superiority of the US "in the interests of American citizens."

As for the current development of Neuronet in Russia (which, almost in all likelihood, outside the Russian Internet, can only be traced in my threads - something incredible): it is developing very well.

Just a little about the history of neuronet:

"The ideas on which the concept of the Neural Network is based date back more than a decade. First of all, we are talking about the possibility of enhancing human intelligence by analogy with the increase in physical strength, voiced by William Ashby in "Introduction to Cybernetics" (1956), and then developed by Joseph Licklider in the article "Human-computer symbiosis" (1960) and Douglas Engelbart in the report "The Addition of human Intelligence: a conceptual framework" (1962) to the concept of the exocortex — an information processing system external to humans. In 1973, in the article "Towards a direct connection between the brain and the computer", Jacques J. Vidal first used the term neurocomputer interface, and in 1998 Phillip Kennedy and Roy Bakay from Emory University in Atlanta implanted the first such an interface to a patient named Johnny Ray.

Secondly, we are talking about the prospect of the emergence of a global brain, the idea of which goes back to the collection of short stories by H. G. Wells "The World Brain" (1936-1938). A little later, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, developing the idea of Eduard Leroy about the noosphere, formulated in the "Phenomenon of Man" (1938-1940) the concept of the Omega point — the moment when the whole set of human consciousnesses will form into a higher consciousness. Valentin Turchin in the book "The Phenomenon of Science: A Cybernetic Approach to Evolution" (1973) introduced the concept of the quantum of evolution — a metasystem transition. As a result of one of these transitions, it will be possible to physically integrate individual nervous systems with the creation of potentially immortal human super-beings. The first scientific publication on the topic was an article by Gottfried Mayer-Kress and Kathleen Barczys "The global brain as a structure developing from a worldwide computer network, and the consequences of this conclusion for modeling" (1995). Since 2013, there have been experiments on the possibility of direct communication from brain to brain (Sam A. Deadwyler et al., Miguel Pais-Vieira et al., Carles Grau et al., Rajesh P. N. Rao et al.).

From here:
Infrastructure by country: USA
Back in 2001, the US National Science Foundation put forward the so-called NBIC initiative, one of the goals of which was stated to be human improvement. Subsequent projects were steps towards its implementation. In 2008, DARPA initiated the SyNAPSE (Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics) program worth $106 million for 5 years, aimed at scaling neuromorphic technologies to the level of living beings. The program was attended by such computer giants as IBM (a division of IBM Research) and Microsoft..
In 2014, a biotechnology department was formed as part of DARPA, and a government BRAIN Initiative project was announced for the period 2014-2024, the costs of which will amount to $300 million annually. The goal of the latest project is to understand the human brain, to find new ways to treat and prevent neurodegenerative diseases
European projects were a reaction to the American NBIC initiative..
In the East, the largest research projects are the 10-year Japanese Brain/MINDS Project and the 5-year Chinese Chinese Brain Project (implemented by Wuhan University, Hugo De Garis participated in it). Since 1999, more than 50 projects have been supported in China in the field of brain research
In March 2013, a joint Chinese-Australian project to create a new generation brain atlas "Brainnetome Atlas" was launched..."

For comparison.

"Musk has billed Neuralink as a technology that, in the future, could facilitate "symbiosis" between humans and artificial intelligence. In his conversation with Fridman, Musk said Neuralink chips could be the best way to prevent AI from surpassing humans and going off the rails all "Terminator" style.

"It's an idea that may help with AI safety," he said. "We could better align collective human will with AI if the output rate especially was dramatically increased..."

Recently it occurred to him....


Nov 8, 2022
So, Donald will return to the White House because of Elon, who is "the fourth industrial revolution with a cool and conservative, human face", for the rigtists. No ugly gaytrans left face, but beautyful Human.

As in our eastern "communist" world, before the previous great perestroika, the "revolutions for democracy in the 90s" (full false shit and laughter, entirely carried out in partnership with american and communist cops), there was a slogan about "socialism with a human face". ;) :D

In short: Donald and Elon must create more and more faith in conservative crowds, appear conservative and protected by God, in order to be a beautiful and racial, reliable and conservative right-wing Trojan horse. The horse should look as God-anointed as possible, because inside it carries the satanic future.

How do they look good? With Biden and the Democrats on the other side. With MSM and the incredibly insane-looking awakened crowds. Why do you think that, among all the others, each of whom would have been less insanely funny than Biden was Biden? Why do you think the madly awakened crowds are so madly awakened? And every time you look at the insanely crazy and ridiculous left crowds, Biden (and Kamala, etc.) in their authentic habitat in the MSM, and then look at the right reaction on right-wing websites and social networks, video platforms, and react as if it were true, the "deep intelligence networks" have lined up a square of the future in you.

The satanic chip can enter the rightist heads only with a very good divine humidifier, extra class.

(How they put "Putin vs. SataNato" in you - very light and soft, just by trusting the view of the nasty and "stupid" democrats and the "collective West", combined with the well-tested formula "what the Western government and the MSM claim - then it is the other way around", plus the super-satisfactory reaction and the regularly served "truths" by the deep operatives in the alt-media. Put-in (your head).

And he is the archetype of the hero "who stood up to the nasty but stupid cabal", who, however, is far away, but has created faith in your close Donny. He was the warm-up band for the sweet-voiced singer star of the evening.

On the other hand are our enlightened "anti fake jews", who, on the contrary, found out about Donald, but eat the whole hook on the distant hero who "is called to crush the ashkenazis". Haha, haha, ha)

The beast calls the dissidents to "enter through the wide gates." The delicious bite, the wheat. The chaff is easy, it is already inside.

Lefties and part of the crowds of color agree almost entirely (with whatever), they are ready for such a future. They are already training hard for him. And especially after the "pandemic", when a lot of people (somehow accidentally) were left without work or with severely reduced incomes... What do you think a serious part of them do for a living? With professional activism, of course.
But what would happen to them if Donald returned?*

Most are vaccinated, so it is possible that they get a very bad "long covid"? I don't see them dying en masse (but maybe I'm not familiar with the numbers). If this is not the case and, especially in the current circumstances, after the super-intensified activism and protests, then it is really possible to divide the states into conservatively chipped, with traditional and christian values and without gay-trans, and color-leftists trans-gay chipped. :eek:

There is no chance that Elon will be there just like that, as if he could be any other billionaire. He is there for something and this thing is very clear. Or do you think that it is by chance that the symbol of the brain chips is the top conservative support of Donald? You are blessed with "blessed are the believers" if you think so.

*Other things are also expected: the new plandemic, the financial supercrisis, fake third world wars, superclimate supercrises, and the aliens are not here yet. Maybe this is where the dog is hiding.

ELON MUSK: Yeah, well, you know, maybe like I think part of what, you know, people in America want to, you know, people in America want to feel excited and inspired about the future. We want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past. And that America is going to do things that are greater than we’ve done in the past, reach new heights that make you proud to be an American and excited about the future.

DONALD TRUMP: They want the American dream back. You know, they want the American dream back more important than anything else. It’s like, you don’t have that today because the people — they’ve been just sucked. They see incompetent people running our, you know, the Biden thing is very interesting. People just found them to be incompetent. And when I debated him, I was like, is this for real?

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Nov 8, 2022
Let's continue the more mundane investigations that are in my power. With a certain constriction, like an algae in the sea of deep-investigating sharks

Donald will stop the "war in Ukraine".

Shortly after the miraculous survival, he called Zelensky, who then began to talk about possible negotiations. Now there is another Kursk film. I read everything about "current developments" and "possible developments", from official sources, alternatives, controlled opposition and super-controlled special-operational opposition, and spooks channels, and understood everything. Now I will tell you the truth, clearly and precisely:

nothing is clear, and any of the possible options for the "development" of the "war" is possible.

My favorite option is really "Donny to stop the war" (as well as the "show for producing revolutionary movements in the West" in the Middle East), everyone to shake hands and calmly and openly, together to start implementing what they are planning. (Or to make a new plandemic and Donny, Vlad and Zelensky "to unite to cope together".) Just to see how the different audiences (unpaid and unzombified) carp will react.

One never knows, and we can only guess, but it seems to be too good to be true, and it does not seem to me that the implementation of the real plan will go better this way. There are better options.


Aug 11, 2024
Zelensky can't win because the Russian army is much bigger than his, so he'll run out of troops long before Russia does..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Zelensky can't win because the Russian army is much bigger than his, so he'll run out of troops long before Russia does..:)
Why not share that with the idiot politicians from the U.S. and U.K. that keep funding and arming Zelensky? There probably aren't too many here that don't already know that. :)


Aug 11, 2024

Ukraine_Feb 2024.jpg


Max Hastings, London Times-