The CCM thread - unexpected Christian artists


Jun 17, 2023
View attachment 108759
Is this alice c or dennis dunaway in his band? it was labled as him on pintrest. Interesting about groucho Marx do you have a link or source?View attachment 108760
About Groucho Marx,you can find the reference in the book Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon,by the late Dave Mc Gowan. I also remember a famous blog, under the name of "What's Wrong With The Country Scene ?", which, for some reason, doesn't exist anymore - same with another one, "There's Something Terribly Off With The Beatles",which included some really eye opening info about the "Fab Four". I wonder if there's any way in finding them again online.
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Jun 17, 2023
Are you of the view that if a person has been sufficiently against God in their past, there can be no hope of salvation for them?
Of course there's the chance for anyone to get rid off his sinful past, but their actions should go along with their new beliefs. Alice Cooper still plays golf with some of the most important elite members of the upper class society. He still puts this awful makeup on his face for the needs of various photoshoots. Aside from the fact that this makes him look totally ridiculous at his age, what exactly makes you believe that this person is a born-again Christian ? Is it because he says so ? And,if he says so, what makes you NOT think that he's just controlled opposition ? You know,good cop/bad cop. I'm interested to know your opinion on this.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Some of my favourite Johnny Cash Christian songs come to mind….

There are plenty more but I’m wondering how people get the idea that he wasn’t a Christian musician?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Of course there's the chance for anyone to get rid off his sinful past, but their actions should go along with their new beliefs. Alice Cooper still plays golf with some of the most important elite members of the upper class society. He still puts this awful makeup on his face for the needs of various photoshoots. Aside from the fact that this makes him look totally ridiculous at his age, what exactly makes you believe that this person is a born-again Christian ? Is it because he says so ? And,if he says so, what makes you NOT think that he's just controlled opposition ? You know,good cop/bad cop. I'm interested to know your opinion on this.
I think from what he says, he made a conscious decision to reinvent himself to present the gospel to his existing audience. If you have watched Harry Potter (and I know this rules some people out!) I think Alice C plays the role of Severus Snape. He is externally a rocker but the message he actually gives in his music it diametrically opposed to the spiritual tone of Marilyn Mansons “Fight Song” or Johnny Depp’s film “The Professor”.

Consider the song “Nothings Free” where an individual is sold a deal with the devil. It would take quite a stretch to say he was promoting such a deal…

Nothing’s Free
Alice Cooper

You, me
Shake my hand
Last chance, little man
Ain't it grand
It's a bargain, it's a steal
30 pieces of silver
And a deal's a deal

Sign upon the dotted line
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
Nothing's free
Nothing's free

From the rules and laws of morality
Free to take your fill
Free from your own free will
Nothing's free

My boy, it's getting late
I'll raise the stakes
So close
Control your fate, why hesitate
Seal the deal, close the sale
Take my hammer, drive the nail

Sign upon the bloody line
A drop of yours, a drop of mine
Nothing's free
Nothing's free

From your conscience or
Free from the consequence
Free to sin and death
Free til your final breath
Nothing's free
Free from the claws and flaws of your family
Free from obedient life
You're cut like a double-edged knife
Nothing's free, nothing's free
Oh, you pay me

Free to ignore the bore of authority
Free to spit in the face
Be the winningest rat in the race til Judgement Day
Then nothing's free
Bow to me if you wanna be free
Free from life, come die with me

And when we're dead it's for eternity
Come on little one and dance in the fire
The heat's getting close and the flame's
getting higher
When the music's over there's a hush
in the choir Nothing's free
When the trumpets sound and his light
is all around
And the saints all raise from the graves
in the ground
We'll be going way downtown
Way downtown


Jun 17, 2023
I think from what he says, he made a conscious decision to reinvent himself to present the gospel to his existing audience. If you have watched Harry Potter (and I know this rules some people out!) I think Alice C plays the role of Severus Snape. He is externally a rocker but the message he actually gives in his music it diametrically opposed to the spiritual tone of Marilyn Mansons “Fight Song” or Johnny Depp’s film “The Professor”.

Consider the song “Nothings Free” where an individual is sold a deal with the devil. It would take quite a stretch to say he was promoting such a deal…

Nothing’s Free
Alice Cooper

You, me
Shake my hand
Last chance, little man
Ain't it grand
It's a bargain, it's a steal
30 pieces of silver
And a deal's a deal

Sign upon the dotted line
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
Nothing's free
Nothing's free

From the rules and laws of morality
Free to take your fill
Free from your own free will
Nothing's free

My boy, it's getting late
I'll raise the stakes
So close
Control your fate, why hesitate
Seal the deal, close the sale
Take my hammer, drive the nail

Sign upon the bloody line
A drop of yours, a drop of mine
Nothing's free
Nothing's free

From your conscience or
Free from the consequence
Free to sin and death
Free til your final breath
Nothing's free
Free from the claws and flaws of your family
Free from obedient life
You're cut like a double-edged knife
Nothing's free, nothing's free
Oh, you pay me

Free to ignore the bore of authority
Free to spit in the face
Be the winningest rat in the race til Judgement Day
Then nothing's free
Bow to me if you wanna be free
Free from life, come die with me

And when we're dead it's for eternity
Come on little one and dance in the fire
The heat's getting close and the flame's
getting higher
When the music's over there's a hush
in the choir Nothing's free
When the trumpets sound and his light
is all around
And the saints all raise from the graves
in the ground
We'll be going way downtown
Way downtown
Thank you for the answer, I appreciate it. No, I have never watched Harry Potter, never watched Lord of the Rings etc. I stopped watching anything related to modern movies since 2007. Thus, I have no idea what they're dealing with. I see actions and that's enough for me to not trust any celebrity. The most fake and double faced people in the world. That's just my opinion though.
Oct 20, 2021
Are you of the view that if a person has been sufficiently against God in their past, there can be no hope of salvation for them?
I just thought that you would like to see that lyric. His father was a pastor and obviously had an effect on him. There is always hope. Also I never said that he was against God.


Aug 11, 2024
..No, I have never watched Harry Potter, never watched Lord of the Rings etc. I stopped watching anything related to modern movies since 2007. Thus, I have no idea what they're dealing with. I see actions and that's enough for me to not trust any celebrity. The most fake and double faced people in the world. That's just my opinion though.
Harry Potter is just for kids, so is Doctor Who and not to be taken seriously anyway..:)
LOTR is better or are there hidden satanic messages in it that i'm missing?
As for "celebrities", yeah they're mostly godless atheists and pol-correct clowns..:)


Feb 8, 2021
Aside from Alice Cooper (but along the same lines) Brian Welch from Korn reached a rock-bottom point in his journey where he claims to have found faith.

On of his better songs….

Hebrews 10 26If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries. 28Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?


Sep 21, 2021
Romans 3:23
King James Version

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God...

God Almighty calls on sinners...even rockers like Steven Tyler...He knows his heart...his faith is between him and God...

Ephesians 2:8-9
New International Version

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.